Using the LibreOffice Spell Checker - libreoffice-writer

Just installed the latest version of LibreOffice but when I perform spell checking [via ToolS|Spelling] nothing happens.
I then followed the instructions at:
and download the dictionary file, although I already I saw it locked in the Extensions Manager. However, I added it, which appeared to remove the padlock icon.
After restarting LibreOffice I went back and tried to perform a BASIC spell check operation, and guess what ... still nothing.
I used to use OpenOffice and had the same problems with that. There is clearly something I don't get about performing spell checking in LibreOffice.
If I perform a spell check then it pops up a dialog stating that the check is complete immediately, when on a 300 page document I know it isn't! I can select a text language and user-defined dictionaries from options, but still nothing.
The whole thing is bonkers.

Your user profile may be in some way corrupt, and resetting your user profile may resolve the problem. See, for example,, where spellcheck problems were noted as being resolved in this manner.
Additionally, information specifically concerning the LibreOffice user profile and discussing corruption resolution is available at


How can I permenatly disable breakpoints in VS Code so they don't appear at all?

I have been using VSCode for a long time and I don't know how to resolve this problem.
Please don't confuse what I am asking with removing a break-point after I have added it. I simply want to disable them all together.
Here is an image of the break-points that I am referencing:
Break-points are contributed by debugging extensions. If you want to rid your self of them you need to disable the debuggers for the markdown/programming language that your coding in.
First you need to check the extensions you installed for any debuggers. I included an image below that shows how to search for them.
Right click on the debugger extensions and disable them.
Now you need to look for debuggers built-in to VS Code
To do this, refer to the next image below.
and again, right click them, then disable them.
Additional Info:
Not every debugger is going to contribute breakpoints to the language your coding in. Its likely going to be a single debugging extension that contributes the breakpoints. Disabling all debuggers will get rid of them, but I suggest that after you get rid of the break points that you go back and enable the debuggers one by one, and check and see if the break-points come back after each one is disabled. This way you can find the debugger that is contributing them. Then disable only the debugger that is adding them, and leaving all other extensions enabled, as some features rely on them.
It looks like your writing a markup language, specifically either standard HTML, or XML (probably SVG). Those are not debuggable languages, so some extension is probably needlessly contributing breakpoints. Which means it might be a debugger you installed.
As an FYI, you should also make sure the setting "debug.allowBreakpointsEverywhere" is set to false.
go click on the run part on tab and select remove all breakpoints

Prevent VS Code from overwriting my clipboard when clicking a link in the terminal

VS Code has a neat feature where if you search for something in the terminal grep/ack or similar tools, the resultant file links are clickable (with ctrl+click). I love that feature! Recently however I reinstalled VS Code with fresh settings, and a strange new default behavior has started that was definitely not present in my old install. Whenever I click links like that, in addition to opening the link, the name of the file is also copied into my clipboard, overwriting what I searched for.
My old work flow was copy search term, go to console, grep <paste>, click link, ctrl+f, . That doesn't work anymore, and I would prefer to restore the old mechanism, but due to the somewhat peculiar circumstances I'm not sure what I would search for to configure this behavior.
Any ideas ?

Installation of TYPO3 v9.5 fails in last step because of missing PHP library "argon2i"

I am trying to install TYPO3 v9.5.3 for the first time and fail in the last step of the installation routine (after submitting the form with the login details for the admin user).
As far as I could track this issue down, I think the problem is that I don't have the required library for argon2i compiled into PHP.
Now I found a very similar problem description here, but I am not able to change the algorithm in the process of the installation.
Is there a way to use "bcrypt" or "phpass" right from the beginning (during installation)?
According to, PHP 7.2 brings Argon2i support out of the box.
Also, this documentation page also says it falls back to other hashing algorithms if argon2i is not available.
So I guess that your guess about the missing lib is not the real reason.
Your question also does not explain what your actual error/problem is, so there is nothing more we can do here.
Untested but you can try to create typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php before starting the installation process and put this into the file:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['passwordHashing']['className'] = 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Crypto\\PasswordHashing\\BcryptPasswordHash';

LibreOffice macro user instruction

I have a LibreOffice Calc document which needs to be downloaded by remote users. It uses macros - so they need to have macros enabled for it to work at all and there is no control over user machines.
To help with this I have a text message on the first tab telling them they need to enable macros and some instructions how. On document open I run a macro to remove this message - as long as they have macros enabled they never see it and all is well.
This solution works but is not perfect because:
It will trigger the save changes dialogue even if they did no changes.
It leaves the message removed if they save and pass the document directly to another user.
Just doesn't feel like a well-engineered solution
Is there a better way to accomplish showing this message only when macros are not enabled?

Test for compatibility in Matlab

I'm working with an open source Matlab toolbox which, according to its creators, is compatible for versions of Matlab over 7.6, i.e., R2008a. I tried to run it in R2011b and it threw the exception: Undefined variable "Simulink" or class "Simulink.Mask.create"
1- Simulink is installed and functional in this R2011b;
2- I have already run the same code in a R2014b successfully;
I conclude that this is a problem of compatibility -In contrast to their claim, their code is compatible for some version later than R2011b-.
I wish I could contribute with them by directly telling them, not only that their code is not compatible with Matlab 7.6, but also the earliest version in which the statement associated with Simulink.Mask.create would run.
So, in precise terms, MY QUESTION IS: Given a command, built-in function, namespace resolution sequence, or whatever feature that I can find in some version of Matlab, what is the way of knowing what is the earliest version in which that feature is active?
I have tried which is not searchable or navigable the way I wish it was.
This is a common problem. This page talks of the same problem - claiming that there is no good solution... It does however come with a smart way of searching through the release notes:
Click on the bottommost unexpanded release, to expand the it.
Click on "expand all" all link to expand all link just below.
If any unexpanded releases remain goto 1.
Now use the browser search functionality (often ctrl+f) to search the fully expanded page.
Good luck!
To see older releases too you need to start with the following step:
0: Click the link in the bottom saying "View release notes for older releases".
And then continue like above.
I don't think there is a straightforward way to find what you want.
In my opinion you have to do it manually for each version of MATLAB
in order to find is certain feature supported or not.
Some feature may be obsolete or may exist a bug.
So the best way to do is :
A) Look at particular version of relase notes, for example ,let say R2011a
New Features, Bug Fixes, Compatibility Considerations
click on "expand all", then use find "your keyword" in your browser
( be careful about case sensitivity)
You also have "Compatibility Summary", search it, too.
B) If something is very important and you are sure there is an issue
just email to customer service and ask for further steps
and who may contact further.