I am using enterprise instance of CDF. I cannot figure out how to call CDF APIs to run a pipeline from Airflow.
The REST APIs are not exposed as of now. But will be available in Q2 2019.
With Hyperledger composer deprecated and fabric-rest-api (https://github.com/hyperledger-archives/fabric-sdk-rest) archived, what is the future roadmap of REST API for Hyperledger fabric? What is recommended way to expose rest APIs with Hyperledger Fabric 1.4.x? The documentation (https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.4/fabric-sdks.html) mentions that REST SDK will be provided in subsequent releases - but cannot find a roadmap.
When you say REST api, I assume you mean a REST api to access your hyperledger fabric application ? If so then you would need to implement that yourself. As far as I know there is no plan to provide any sort of generic rest server that can access smart contracts hosted in fabric.
There were plans to build a Hyperledger Fabric REST SDK on top of the Node.js SDK, and work was started on this. The FABR key tracks all related stories to it on the Hyperledger Jira tracker (see https://jira.hyperledger.org/projects/FABR).
The related repository is https://github.com/hyperledger-archives/fabric-sdk-rest
However as you can see the project has been archived. Many people have made their own REST APIs which exposes the internal Fabric functionality through REST, including myself. Another example might be one made by Altoros (see https://github.com/Altoros/fabric-rest). The problem is that these are not always kept up to date and have questionable authentication (if any).
It's sad to say but the first thing you would have to develop to work with Hyperledger Fabric is your own set of tools.
For a very basic example of a REST API implementation for Hyperledger Fabric with the Node.js SDK, I would like to refer to https://medium.com/#kctheservant/an-implementation-of-api-server-for-hyperledger-fabric-network-8764c79f1a87.
I have my code in Git repository. I am using UDeploy to deploy my code into MarkLogic environment. I can able to move all my modules successfully but facing two problems
1. Creating New indexes
2. REST endpoint creation
Please let me know if there is anyway to implement these two
For creating indexes, I have tried to do it using API functions(admin:database-range-element-index()) and I have successful in that part. But is there any way to do it from UDeploy or DevOps.
For register REST endpoint I couldn't able to find anyway to try.
Have you looked at MarkLogic's REST Management APIs - https://docs.marklogic.com/REST/management. In particular, see if https://docs.marklogic.com/REST/POST/manage/v2/databases will help you create indexes via REST management APIs.
The most common way to deploy MarkLogic code & configuration is ml-gradle, a plugin to the widely used gradle tool. ml-gradle uses MarkLogic's Management API, mentioned by Ganesh, and is scriptable.
I have a test Hyperledger Fabric running in the IBM Cloud, with the IBM Blockchain Application Service. I also have a kubernetes cluster running the Hyperledger Composer REST Server. Everything works great, but how do I extend the REST api with some custom api's?
The documentation mentions being able to use the swagger definition (yaml file) with the IBM API Connect or Strongloop product...but how do I do that, as I don't see any way to export the swagger definition?
I don't have a tutorial, but as I see it you would have to do three tasks minimally:
write your REST APIs (to do what you want to do) - perhaps these
resources on REST APIs will help ? -> Loopback ->
and in architectural in general
->https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-restful/ and
build the routes for your custom APIs
customise your swagger
definitions to document your REST APIs - this may help you ->
and Swagger itself -> http://swagger.io/
If you write custom api and call it as 3rd party api which is mentioned in IBM already it will help you to response but it has very limted scope. I belive you should use swagger to understand its end point are properly configured
I have created a ML WebService on portal.azure.com. I wish to create multiple endpoints programmitically for this webservice using Powershell.
However all the cmdlets available (Add-AmlWebServiceEndpoint) involve using the Old or Classic WebServices.
Is there anyway to achieve this for New Azure ML WebServices
What version of PowerShell are you using, and have you imported the Azure-RM module? See here.
You can see updated documentation for all the cmdlets that can be used with ARM-based Azure Machine Learning web services here.
I want to build REST-based web services on Microsoft Azure. I want to define my web service APIs using some kind of IDL from which client SDKs for various programming languages can be generated. Ideally, even client documentation, test code, and client sample code could be generated.
Outside the Azure world, there are tools like Swagger and RAML that attempt to do this. Does anyone know of an equivalent, existing or planned, in the Azure space?
Yes, this is coming very soon - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsazure/archive/2013/10/23/microsoft-acquires-apiphany.aspx.