Min reqs for full access to Facebook graph api? - facebook

So Twitter was a stroll in the park, Facebook requires jumping through a few more hoops. I'm not building an "app" per se; all we really need is live access to a small subset of graph api functionality. If that requires publishing a do-nothing "app" on FB for the sole purpose of collecting access tokens, so be it.
A few questions arise:
1. Are all apps to be created via personal Facebook accounts, even for businesses?
2. Can/does an app in any way expose the underlying personal account which created it?
3. Is the review process currently a super long, highly invasive rectal exam, or surprisingly smooth?
Thanks and apologies for the non-codey nature of this post.

Yes, you have to use a Facebook account and you have to apply as developer.
Depends on the amount of permissions, but in general it is smooth. That is highly opinionated though.


Instagram API Usage

I'm currently working on a project where I'm "tracking" down public instagram users' statics.
But I'm encountering an issue, I'm able to get my own profile but not other's profile, even if their profile is public.
On my Facebook developer's app I don't have the authorizations to use their API (basic / graph profile), but to fill the form I need to show to Facebook how I'm using it on my website, but everything is currently backend, and I can't work on a frontend page if I can't test my api on other profile.
What am I supposed to do ?
PS: I don't mind the language, if it's functional I will adapt it to my system's language.
Best regards :)
I don't think you will get API approval for such purpose (but who knows..) so your best bet might be unofficial API wrappers from github.

Is it possible to build a client app that makes use of Facebook's private API?

I am not talking about the public graph api, i am asking is it technically possible to consume facebook's private api that facebook official apps use, and benifit from login/sign up and such features?
Like if i reverse engineered messenger or facebook app and mimic their communication with their API, whould i be able to build a working client?
Thank you.
There are existing projects that have already done the same.
Take a look at the works of dequis e.g. purple-facebook. He has also written tutorials on reverse-engineering the APIs of Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.
Take a look at the source code of the Facebook protocol plugin of Miranda NG. They reverse-engineered the API used by the desktop web frontend of Facebook.
They exist for years. None of them have been sued so far. However, hiding your identity is recommended if you plan to do such things. Also you may want to open-source your project and host it on multiple sites. Corporate arrogance of tech companies is at very high levels nowadays.
Yes, it is theoretically possible.
However, remember that you will be easily sued if Facebook do not agree with what you're trying to do. For example, if you're trying to use their own private Intellectual Property without their permission, or if you violate their Terms of Service agreements (reverse-engineering is going to be in there without a doubt), then they can legally sue.
Facebook have public APIs with documentation which is what is intended to be used by developers. If you decide to ignore it and go digging into things which you do not own, nor have consent to access, you're going to land yourself into trouble.
I don't mean to be a kill-joy, I'm just saying how it is from a realistic point-of-view.

How to get access to twitter ads api?

after a lot of back and forth with the Twitter documentation I am now able to authenticate with OAuth 1.0 and make request behalf on the user who sign-ined and accepted my app to preform changes / retrieve data.
Now, I'm trying to make requests to the Twitter Ads API.
This is the error I get:
{"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT_APPLICATION","message":"The client application making this request does not have access to this API"}],"request":{"params":{}}}
As it seems, there is a need of another app registration. I registered it with my app id, assuming the 'developer' stage is the fit for me. I'm trying to retrieve analytics, e.g., retrieve campaigns for the user who accepted it.
After registration the Ads App Form, the error stays the same. The docs don't specify if there is a need for a special implementation for the ads-api. Also, the Ads App I opened isn't mentioned anywhere, nor in my twitter apps.
Am I missing something?
Thanks before.
Looking at Twitter ads API documentation, getting access is a pretty involved process. From their site, you'll need:
One positive referral from a client, advertiser or Twitter team
(outside of Ads API)
Clear value proposition on how how your solution
will supplement the Twitter ads offering and improve advertiser
History of compliance with Twitter developer policies
Experience running Twitter Ads
Twitter App ID associated with a corporate #username, with no more than 5 active tokens
It seems a little overkill, but I haven't seen any other way around it. If you find a better way to get ads API access, please post another answer here because I have a potential project that would use these APIs, but the application process has been too daunting to really justify starting the effort.
As of Sept 2016, the application process appears to be much easier.
It appears you no longer need positive referrals, value props, history, or experience running Twitter ads.

Confirmation, Developer and Personal Separate FB accounts allowed

I need to know if it's possible to use a separate Facebook account to my personal one for building apps (i'd rather not fill my personal account with development spam). Facebook's terms of agreement do state that I'm allowed only one account, but people on various forums are speaking about using two separate accounts without issue.
I'd rather not get red flagged, does anyone know officially if I'm allowed to open a separate account in a professional capacity?
The only way to do it within FB's TOS is to have a single account.

Facebook E-Com& Subscription Model

I've Google. I've Binged. I've posted on both the Facebook dev boards, as well as Payvment's discussion forum, and no one seems to be able to answer what I thought was a very simple, straight-forward question. So I figured it couldn't hurt to take my chances in here.
I am writing a Facebook app which will be performing a real-world service for the user. I would like it to implement a subscription-based model, where the user pays $x/month to use the service (the app).
So I hear about this thing called the Facebook Credits API, and it seems like it's exactly what I'm looking for. Facebook handles all the nasty ecom/PCI compliance stuff, users buy tokens for your app, you get the money, and then your biz logic hits the API to see if the user has sufficient credits to use your app. Sadly, I was mistaken.
According to their Credit Integration Guide, it seems like Facebook credits are only good for game tokens and virtual goods. Not for real-world products. But then I heard about Payvment...
Payvment is this new ecom platform for managing real-world storefronts on Facebook. Free public beta even, into perpetuity.
But, for the life of me, I can't seem to get an answer to this question: can one use Payvment to charge users for services, not physical products? If not, what Facebook integration (if any) exists to provide for such a thing?
Payvment uses PayPal for checkouts inside Facebook.
As you are writing a Facebook App, you are able to use any 3rd party payment solution within your canvas, even PayPal.