Create a file as one user and edit it as another user - postgresql

Im writing a shell to automate a process this shell will be run as root or as another user but not as the postgres user (meaning the user will just run the script)
What i did as a postgres user while testing was
touch /var/lib/postgresql/10/main/recovery.conf
sudo nano recovery.conf (wrote some content )
ctrl +O
However whenever I try to do this by using the following lines in my shell as as another user (including root)
sudo -H -u postgres bash -c "touch /var/lib/postgresql/10/main/recovery.conf"
The file is created as postgres user which is what i intended, and then i run
sudo -H -u postgres bash -c echo "content" > /var/lib/postgresql/10/main/recovery.conf
and get a
-bash: /var/lib/postgresql/10/main/recovery.conf: Permission denied
How come I can create the file but not put content on it?
I already tried giving 775 and 777 permisions using chmod
chmod 775 recovery.conf
as the psotgres user and i get
-rwxrwxr-x 1 postgres postgres 133 May 11 22:11 recovery.conf
to this file as a postgres user and still the error persists so im confused about whats going on

At the second line where you try to put the "echo" command, please use:
With a / at the beginning


Installing odoo in ubuntu raises error when creating db user

I am following this tutorial to install Odoo on Ubuntu, but I get this error with command sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USER:
could not change directory to "/home/hugolvc/Documents/Code/odoo/odoo": Permission denied
How can I solve it?
The 'postgres' user doesn't have access to your current work directory, try sudo -iu postgres createuser -s $USER to run the command in a login shell as the user 'postgres' and the message should not appear, since the working directory will then be postgres's home directory.
Afterwards check with sudo -iu postgres psql -c 'SELECT * FROM pg_user' whether the creation of the user was successful.

Error in run sql file in postgres | No such file or directory

when in tried run sql file in psql shell...
give "No such file or directory" error!
$ ls
config.sql config.yaml
$ sudo -i -u postgres psql
postgres=# \i config.sql
config.sql: No such file or directory
thanks for your reply!
Quick solution:
-i => goes to user's home directory!
as result ./config.sql address is incorrect!
just use
$ psql -U <user_name>
postgres=# \i config.sql
man sudo tells you:
-i, --login
Run the shell specified by the target user's password database entry as a login shell. This means that login-specific
resource files such as .profile, .bash_profile or .login will be read by the shell. If a command is specified, it is passed
to the shell for execution via the shell's -c option.
In particular, that will set your current working directory to the home directory of user postgres.
If you want to avoid that, don't use '-i'.

How to run a postgres command: could not identify current directory

I am able to run psql by doing the following:
Davids-d david$ psql --u postgres
Password for user postgres:
psql (9.4.18)
Type "help" for help.
However, when I run the following command, I get an error:
Davids-iMac:datadocs david$ sudo -u postgres psql -f resources/postgresql/initdb.sql
could not identify current directory: Permission denied
What does this mean, and how would I resolve this? Note that I do have the following var set:
david$ echo $PGDATA
The issue is the sudo -u postgres.
Your shell is running as you, but you're running the command as the postgres user. It does not have permission to see the file or even be in the current directory.
We can eliminate psql from the equation by just trying to read the file as the postgres user with sudo -u postgres cat resources/postgresql/initdb.sql. You should get the same error.
There's two things you have to do...
cd to a directory that the postgres user can be in.
Put the file in a place the postgres user can access.
/tmp, for example.
Your command seems wrong, try this:
sudo psql -U postgres -f resources/postgresql/initdb.sql

Mongodump not stored in the specific location

I am doing a mongodump, and want to store it in a specific location. So, from reading online, I can do this using the following command:
sudo mongodump -d mydbs -u user -p password -o /myfolder/mongoBackups
I am using an EC2 instance, and when I run this command from my centos home folder, this is the output I get from mongodump:
2017-01-07T16:01:42.053+0000 writing mydbs.users to
2017-01-07T16:01:42.055+0000 done dumping mydbs.users (2 documents)
However, when I cannot find the folder myfolder/mongoBackups anywhere in the specific home/centos location where I run it. Any idea why?
It's not within home/centos
It's in /myfolder/mongoBackups
Specifying an output directory of /myfolder/mongoBackups is basically putting it in a folder called myfolder on the root of the hard drive.
If you truly want the folder to be within home/centos try
sudo mongodump -d mydbs -u user -p password -o /home/centos/myfolder/mongoBackups

pgrouting error when trying to dump data into database

I was just following this tutorial HERE, its about, pgrouting, When I run the following command:
psql -U user -d postgres -f ~/Desktop/pgrouting-workshop/data/sampledata_routing.sql
I get an error saying the following:
/var/lib/postgresql/Desktop/pgrouting-workshop/data/sampledata_routing.sql: No such file or directory
On my desktop I do have a folder pgrouting-workshop, which does contain the folder data and the sql dump file.
So why am I getting this error?
Because your Desktop isn't in the postgres user's home directory, located at /var/lib/postgresql, but is instead located at /home/myusername/Desktop?
Presumably the psql command you're running is under a sudo -u postgres -i shell, so ~/ means the postgres user's home directory.
Use ~myusername/Desktop/blahblah. Note that the postgres user may not have permission to access it; you can chmod go+x ~ ~/Desktop (run as your user, not postgres) to change that.