Invoke arithmetic operator dynamically - powershell

Powershell has arithmetic operators like addition (+), substraction (-) and bitwise and (-band). I'm making a simple calculator program, and I want to dynamically perform arithmetic calculations based on the user input, without needing to write a lot of if-else statements. Is there a way to dynamically invoke powershell operators? E.g. if $method=="plus" do "6+6".
I know there is Invoke-Expression, but that doesn't really operate on the operator alone (you also need to supply the operands in the expression string). Is there some way to define the operator as a variable? E.g. $method="-band", $result=6 $method 6;

you can use like this way
$no1 = 10 ; $no2 = 5 ; # your inputs
function plus($one , $two) # plus operation method
$ans = $no1 + $no2 ;
Write-Output $ans
function minus($one , $two) # minus operation method
$ans = $no1 - $no2 ;
Write-Output $ans
$method = "plus" # dyn. method name
& "$method" 10 5 # Call method with param
$method = "minus" ; # dyn. method name
& "$method" 10 5 # Call method with param


Explain Bizarre Function Call Processing/Results

Can someone please explain how/why this code:
function DoIt($one, $two)
"`$one is $one"
"`$two is $two"
return $one * $two
$sum = DoIt 5 4
works exactly as expected/intended - i.e., it produces the following output:
$one is 5
$two is 4
However, this (seemingly almost identical) code:
function DoIt($one, $two)
"`$one is $one"
"`$two is $two"
return $one * $two
$sum = DoIt 5 4
"`$sum is $sum"
bends my brain and breaks my understanding of reality by producing the following output:
$sum is $one is 5 $two is 4 20
The reason for the odd behavior is that you are polluting the output stream. PowerShell doesn't explicitly have a pure "return" value like a compiled program, and relies on streams to pass data between functions. See about_Return for more information, as well as an example that illustrates this very behavior.
Basically the $sum variable gets all the output of the function, and as #TheMadTechnician says, it outputs differently depending on how it is being used.
The "correct" way in PowerShell to return values is in general not to use return but to use Write-Output to explicitly define which stream you want to output to. The second thing is that you have to use Write-Host when writing messages to the Host console, otherwise it gets returned on the Output stream as well.
function DoIt($one, $two)
Write-Host "`$one is $one"
Write-Host "`$two is $two"
Write-Output ($one * $two)
$sum = DoIt 5 4
"`$sum is $sum"
$one is 5
$two is 4
$sum is 20
There's good information in the existing answers, but let me try to bring it all together:
function DoIt($one, $two)
"`$one is $one"
"`$two is $two"
return $one * $two
produces three outputs ("return values") to PowerShell's success [output] stream (see about_Redirection), which are the evaluation results of:
expandable string "`$one is $one"
expandable string "`$two is $two"
expression $one * $two
The expandable strings are implicitly output - due to producing a result that is neither captured, sent to another command, nor redirected .
Similarly, the return in return $one * $two is just syntactic sugar for:
$one * $two # implicit output
return # control flow: exit the scope
return is unnecessary here and never required.
While Write-Output could be used in lieu of implicit output:
it is only ever helpful if you want output a collection as a single object, via its -NoEnumerate switch.
it is otherwise not only needlessly verbose, it slows things down.
If you want to print status information from a function without polluting the output stream, you have several choices:
Write-Host prints to the host's display (the console, if you're running in a console window); in PSv4-, such output could neither be captured nor suppressed; in PSv5+, Write-Host now writes to the information stream (number 6), which means that 6> can be used to redirect/suppress the output.
Write-Verbose is for opt-in verbose output, which you can activate by setting preference variable $VerbosePreference to 'Continue' or by using the -Verbose switch.
Write-Debug is for opt-in debugging output via $DebugPreference or -Debug, though note that in the latter case a prompt is displayed whenever a Write-Debug statement is encountered.
Because these outputs are captured in a variable - $sum = DoIt 5 4 - and there is more than 1 output, they are implicitly collected in an array (of type [object[]]).
Using implicit output to print this variable's value to the display - $sum - enumerates the array elements, which prints them each on their own line:
$one is 5
$two is 4
By contrast, using implicit output with expandable string "`$sum is $sum" results in a single output string in which the reference to variable $sum, which contains an array, is expanded as follows:
each element of the array is stringified
loosely speaking, this is like calling .ToString() on each element, but it's important to note that PowerShell opts for a culture-invariant string representation, if available - see this answer.
the results are joined with the value of (the rarely used automatic variable) $OFS as the separator to form a single string; $OFS defaults to a single space.
Thus, if you join array elements $one is 5, $two is 4, and 20 with a single space between them, you get:
$one is 5 $two is 4 20
To put it differently: the above is the equivalent of executing '$one is 5', '$two is 4', '20' -join ' '
This is due to how you are outputting an array, and has nothing to do with the function. You can replicate the same behavior with the following:
$sum='$one is 5','$two is 4',20
"`$sum is $sum"
Putting the variable in double quotes performs string expansion, which performs the .ToString() method on each item in the array, and then joins them with a space to convert the array into a string.
After playing around more (using the info I learned from #HAL9256), I discovered the problem isn't actually with using return vs Write-Output but rather with just how command-less strings are handled in functions. For example, this too works perfectly:
function DoIt($one, $two)
Write-Host "`$one is $one"
Write-Host "`$two is $two"
return ($one * $two)
$sum = DoIt 5 4
Write-Host "`$sum is $sum"
that is, it produces the following expected output:
$one is 5
$two is 4
$sum is 20
(And, apparently, the mathematical computation without explicit parentheses works just fine within a return command - unlike within a Write-Output command.)
In other words, I guess a static string in a function is treated as if you're building an array to be returned (as #TheMadTechnician was referring) as opposed to shorthand for a Write-Host command. Live and learn - "explicit is better than implicit". :-)
Granted, I still don't understand why the final output wasn't exactly the same (right or wrong) between the two code blocks in my original question ... but, hey, my brain is tired enough for one day. :-P
thanks again guys!!!

Is it possible to match a string $x = "foo" with a variable named $foo and assign a value only if it matches?

What I am trying to ask is easily shown.
Imagine 2 variables named as
my ($foo, $bar) = (0,0);
my #a = ("foo","bar","beyond","recognition");
is it possible to string match $a[0] with the variable named $foo, and assign a value to it (say "hi") only if it matches identically?
I am trying to debug this some code (not mine), and I ran into a tough spot. Basically, I have a part of the script where I have a bunch of variables.
my ($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4)= (0,0,0,0); # *Edited*
my #ids = ("p1","p2","p3","p4")
I have a case where I need to pass each of those variables as a hash key to call a certain operation inside a loop.
for (0..3){
my $handle = get_my_stuff(#ids);
my $ret = $p1->do_something(); # <- $p1 is used for the first instance of loop.
FOr the first iteration of the loop, I need to use $p1, but for the second iteration of the loop I need to pass (or call)
my $ret = $p2->do_something(); # not $p1
So what I did was ;
my $p;
for (1..4){
my $handle = get_my_stuff(#ids);
no strict 'refs';
my $ret = $p{$_}->do_something();
use strict 'refs';
But the above operation is not allowed, and I am unable to call my key in such a manner :(. As it turns out, $p1 became a blessed hash as soon after get_my_stuff() was called. And to my biggest surprise, somehow the script in the function (too much and too long to paste here) assign or pass a hash reference to my variables only if they match.
You don't need to try to invent something to deal with variable names. Your idea to use a hash is correct, but your approach is flawed.
It seems your function get_my_stuff takes a list of arguments and transforms them somehow. It then returns a list of objects that correspond to the arguments. Instead of doing that in the loop, do it before you loop through the numbers and build up your hash by assigning each id to an object.
Perl allows you to assign to a hash slice. In that case, the sigil changes to an #. My below implementation uses DateTime with years to show that the objects are different.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use DateTime;
# for illustration purposes
sub get_my_stuff {
return map { DateTime->new( year => (substr $_, 1) + 2000 ) } #_;
my #ids = qw(p1 p2 p3 p4);
my %p;
# create this outside of the loop
#p{#ids} = get_my_stuff(#ids);
foreach my $i ( 1.. 4 ) {
say $p{'p' . $i}->ymd; # "do_something"
This will output

Global variable changed in function not effective

I just tried this code:
$number = 2
Function Convert-Foo {
$number = 3
I expected that function Convert-Foo would change $number to 3, but it is still 2.
Why isn't the global variable $number changed to 3 by the function?
No, I'm afraid PowerShell isn't designed that way. You have to think in scopes, for more information on this topic please read the PowerShell help about scopes or type Get-Help about_scopes in your PowerShell ISE/Console.
The short answer is that if you want to change a variable that is in the global scope, you should address the global scope:
$number = 2
Function Convert-Foo {
$global:number = 3
All variables created inside a Function are not visible outside of the function, unless you explicitly defined them as Script or Global. It's best practice to save the result of a function in another variable, so you can use it in the script scope:
$number = 5
Function Convert-Foo {
# do manipulations in the function
# and return the new value
$number * 10
$result = Convert-Foo
# Now you can use the value outside the function:
"The result of the function is '$result'"

Where does a Perl subroutine get values missing from the actual parameters?

I came across the following Perl subroutine get_billable_pages while chasing a bug. It takes 12 arguments.
sub get_billable_pages {
my ($dbc,
$bill_pages, $page_count, $cover_page_count,
$domain_det_page, $bill_cover_page, $virtual_page_billing,
$job, $bsj, $xqn,
$direction, $attempt,
) = #_;
my $billable_pages = 0;
if ($virtual_page_billing) {
my #row;
### Below is testing on the existence of the 11th and 12th parameters ###
if ( length($direction) && length($attempt) ) {
SELECT convert(int, value)
FROM job_attribute_detail_atmp_tbl
WHERE job = $job
AND billing_sub_job = $bsj
AND xqn = $xqn
AND direction = '$direction'
AND attempt = $attempt
AND attribute = 1
else {
SELECT convert(int, value)
FROM job_attribute_detail_tbl
WHERE job = $job
AND billing_sub_job = $bsj
AND xqn = $xqn
AND attribute = 1
$cnt = 0;
But is sometimes called with only 10 arguments
$tmp_det = get_billable_pages(
$row[6], $row[8], $row[7],
$domain_det_page, $bill_cover_page, $virtual_page_billing,
$job1, $bsj1, $row[3],
The function does a check on the 11th and 12th arguments.
What are the 11th and 12th arguments when the function is passed only 10 arguments?
Is it a bug to call the function with only 10 arguments because the 11th and 12th arguments end up being random values?
I am thinking this may be the source of the bug because the 12th argument had a funky value when the program failed.
I did not see another definition of the function which takes only 10 arguments.
The values are copied out of the parameter array #_ to the list of scalar variables.
If the array is shorter than the list, then the excess variables are set to undef. If the array is longer than the list, then excess array elements are ignored.
Note that the original array #_ is unmodified by the assignment. No values are created or lost, so it remains the definitive source of the actual parameters passed when the subroutine is called.
ikegami suggested that I should provide some Perl code to demonstrate the assignment of arrays to lists of scalars. Here is that Perl code, based mostly on his edit
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $x = 44; # Make sure that we
my $y = 55; # know if they change
my #params = (8); # Make a dummy parameter array with only one value
($x, $y) = #params; # Copy as if this is were a subroutine
print Dumper $x, $y; # Let's see our parameters
print Dumper \#params; # And how the parameter array looks
$VAR1 = 8;
$VAR2 = undef;
$VAR1 = [ 8 ];
So both $x and $y are modified, but if there are insufficient values in the array then undef is used instead. It is as if the source array was extended indefinitely with undef elements.
Now let's look at the logic of the Perl code. undef evaluates as false for the purposes of conditional tests, but you apply the length operator like this
if ( length($direction) && length($attempt) ) { ... }
If you have use warnings in place as you should, Perl would normally produce a Use of uninitialized value warning. However length is unusual in that, if you ask for the length of an undef value (and you are running version 12 or later of Perl 5) it will just return undef instead of warning you.
Regarding "I did not see another definition of the function which takes only 10 arguments", Perl doesn't have function templates like C++ and Java - it is up to the code in the subroutine to look at what it has been passed and behave accordingly.
No, it's not a bug. The remaining arguments are "undef" and you can check for this situation
sub foo {
my ($x, $y) = #_;
print " x is undef\n" unless defined $x;
print " y is undef\n" unless defined $y;
y is undef

Change meaning of the operator "+" in perl

Currently "+" in perl means addition, in my project, we do string concatenation a lot. I know we can concatention with "." operator, like:
$x = $a . $b; #will concatenate string $a, and string $b
But "+" feels better. Wonder if there is a magic to make the following do concatenation.
$x = $a + $b;
Even better, make the it check the operator type, if both variables ($a, $b) are numbers, then do "addition" in the usual sense, otherwise, do concatenation.
I know in C++, one can overload the operator. Hope there is something similar in perl.
Yes, Perl too offers operator overloading.
package UnintuitiveString;
use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/;
use overload '+' => \&concat,
'.' => \&concat,
'""' => \&as_string;
# Additionally, the following operators *have* to be overridden
# I suggest you raise an exception if an implementation does not make sense
# - * / % ** << >> x
# <=> cmp
# & | ^ ~
# atan2 cos sin exp log sqrt int
# 0+ bool
# ~~
sub new {
my ($class, $val) = #_;
return bless \$val => $class;
sub concat {
my ($self, $other, $swap) = #_;
# check for append mode
if (not defined $swap) {
$$self .= "$other";
return $self;
($self, $other) = ($other, $self) if $swap;
return UnintuitiveString->new("$self" . "$other");
sub as_string {
my ($self) = #_;
return $$self;
sub as_number {
my ($self) = #_;
return 0+$$self if looks_like_number $$self;
return undef;
Now we can do weird stuff like:
my $foo = UnintuitiveString->new(4);
my $bar = UnintuitiveString->new(2);
print $foo + $bar, "\n"; # "42"
my ($num_x, $num_y) = map { $_->as_number } $foo, $bar;
print $num_x + $num_y, "\n"; # "6"
$foo += 6;
print $foo + "\n"; # "46"
But just because we can do such things does not at all mean that we should:
Perl already has a concatenation operator: .. It's perfectly fine to use that.
Operator overloading comes at a massive performance cost. What previously was a single opcode in perl's VM is now a series of method calls and intermediate copies.
Changing the meaning of your operators is extremely confusing for people who actually know Perl. I stumbled a few times with the test cases above, when I was surprised that $foo + 6 wouldn't produce 10.
Perl's scalars are not a number or a string, they are both at the same time and are interpreted as one or the other depending on their usage context. This is actually half-true, and the scalars have different representations. They could be a string (PV), an integer (IV), a float (NV). However, once a PV is used in a numerical context like addition, a numerical value is determined and saved alongside the string, and we get an PVIV or PVNV. The reverse is also true: when a number is used in a stringy context, the formatted string is saved alongside the number. The looks_like_number function mentioned above determines whether a given string could represent a valid number like "42" or "NaN". Because just using a scalar in some context can change the representation, checking that a given scalar is a PV does not guarantee that it was intended to be a string, and an IV does not guarantee that it was intended to be an integer.
Perl has two sets of operators for a very good reason: If the “type” of a scalar is fluid, we need another way to explicitly request certain behavior. E.g. Perl has numeric comparison operators < <= == != >= > <=> and stringy comparison operators lt le eq ne ge gt cmp which can behave very differently: 4 XXX 12 will be -1 for <=> (because 4 is numerically smaller than 12), but 1 for cmp (because 4 comes later than 1 in most collation orders).
Other languages suffer a lot from having operators coerce their operands to required types but not offering two sets of operators. E.g. in Java, + is overloaded to concat strings. However, this leads to a loss of commutativity and associativity. Given three values x, y, z which can be either strings or numbers, we get different results for:
x + y and y + x – string concatenation is not commutative, whereas numeric addition is.
(x + y) + z and x + (y + z) – the + is not associative as soon as one string enters the playing field. Consider x = 1, y = 2, z = "4". Then the first evaluation order leads to "34", whereas the second leads to "124".
In Java, this is not a problem, because the language is statically typed, and because there are very few coercions (autoboxing, autounboxing, widening conversions, and stringification in concatenation). However, JavaScript (which is dynamically typed and will perform conversions from strings to numbers for other operators) shows the exact same behavior. Oops.
Stop this madness. Now. Perl's set of operators (barring smartmatch) is one of the best designed parts of the language (and its type system one of the worst parts from a modern viewpoint). If you dislike Perl because its operators make sense, you are free to use PHP instead (which, by the way, also uses . for concatenation to avoid such issues) :P