dotnet new --install shows usage information - powershell

When I try to install a new template using the following:
dotnet new --install . --name MyTemplate
dotnet new --install "Path" --name MyTemplate
I get the usage information:
Usage: new [options]
-h, --help Displays help for this command.
-l, --list Lists templates containing the specified name. If no name is specified, lists all templates.
-n, --name The name for the output being created. If no name is specified, the name of the current directory is used.
-o, --output Location to place the generated output.
-i, --install Installs a source or a template pack.
-u, --uninstall Uninstalls a source or a template pack.
--nuget-source Specifies a NuGet source to use during install.
--type Filters templates based on available types. Predefined values are "project", "item" or "other".
--dry-run Displays a summary of what would happen if the given command line were run if it would result in a template creation.
--force Forces content to be generated even if it would change existing files.
-lang, --language Filters templates based on language and specifies the language of the template to create.
I have a .template.config directory with a template.json file within.
The contents of the template.json file are something like this:
"author": "My Department",
"classifications": [
"Solution Template"
"name": "My Template Name",
"identity": "My Template Identity",
"shortName": "mytemplate",
"tags": {
"language": "C#"
"sourceName": "Company.Product",
"preferNameDirectory": "true"
I certainly wish it would tell me what I'm doing wrong. This has worked for me in the past.

The way the dotnet new --install command works is a bit confusing unfortunately. The installation can be successful but the output does not make it obvious. You will get the usage information and a list of installed templates that should include your new one.
As mentioned in the comments, there is a bug filed that aims to tidy this up.

I was seeing similar results running dotnet new -i IdentityServer4.Templates, but the package wasn't being installed and no error or other info was being displayed.
Turns out wasn't configured as a package source (new machine I guess? - thought that was configured by default when installing visual studio though).
Here's the feed at the time of this writing:
And here's info for configuring them in case it helps someone who hasn't done that:


AWS CDK asset path is incorrect

On September 6, I ran a build using CodePipeline. It generates a CloudFormation template for a project's stack using CDK. The stack has assets (a Lambda Layer), and the assets are correctly placed in the cdk.out folder. This can be seen in the CloudFormation template:
"Metadata": {
"aws:cdk:path": "MyStack/MyLayer/Resource",
"aws:asset:path": "asset.ccb8fd8b4259a8f517879d7aaa083679461d02b9d60bfd12725857d23567b70f",
"aws:asset:property": "Content"
Starting yesterday, builds were failing with "Uploaded file must be a non-empty zip". When I investigated further, I noticed that the template was no longer correct. It has the asset path set to the source code of the Lambda instead:
"Metadata": {
"aws:cdk:path": "MyStack/MyLayer/Resource",
"aws:asset:path": "/codebuild/output/src216693626/src/src/lambdas/layers",
"aws:asset:property": "Content"
When I build, I've added additional commands to the buildspec file which shows that the assets.abcdef folder has the layer and its dependencies, while the src folder does not. Yet the template is now different.
No code was changed in this time period, and I've tried both CDK version 1.105.0 and 1.119.0.
This code declares the Layer:
new lambdapython.PythonLayerVersion(this.stack, 'MyLayer', {
entry: path.join(__dirname, '../../src/lambdas/layers'),
description: 'Common utilities for the Lambdas',
compatibleRuntimes: [lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_8],
layerVersionName: `${Aws.STACK_NAME}Utils`,
Is there a known way for me to force the stack to use the assets in the cdk.out folder? Has something changed in the last couple of days with respect to how CDK generates the template's asset path?
It turns out that I had added a cdk ls to print out additional debugging information while troubleshooting another problem. That command re-synthesized the stack, but with the incorrect asset path.
build: {
commands: [
'cd ' + config.cdkDir,
'cdk synth',
'cdk ls --long'
The solution was to delete the cdk ls --long from the buildspec definition.

How to send notes.txt output to a file instead of dumping it to the console?

I want Helm to write the output of notes.txt to a local file instead of just dumping it to the console. I want to write a JSON file that is going to be read by another system (that is going to send a Slack message).
If that is not possible is there a separate Helm command that just outputs notes.txt without having to do a full deploy?
I don't want to have to try to capture and parse it out of the entire deployment output.
helm status <release> will show you the state of a release. This also contains the notes.txt output.
Helm offers the ability to specify the output format of the helm status <release-name> command (doc). So by running:
$> helm status <release> -o json
you will get detailed information about the deployed release in json format:
"name": "release",
"info": {
"first_deployed": "..",
"last_deployed": "..",
"deleted": "",
"description": "Install complete",
"status": "deployed",
"manifest": "...",
"version": 1,
"namespace": "..."
Depending on the shell you're using, you can then directly save the output in a file ( below for bash ):
$> helm status <release> -o json > out.json
Or use other mechanism to further process the json file before saving ( like jq):
$> helm status <release> -o json | jq -r '.info.notes'
[ only the notes part of the release ]

How to deploy a documentation page

I created a library with a demo page that I deployed it using Netlify (the url is something like and it is associated with "build": "parcel build demo/index.html --out-dir demo-build",.
Then I add to my library a documentation page using documentationjs that using the command yarn docs:
"docs:html": "documentation build --config documentation.yml src/lib/**/*.ts --parse-extension ts --format html --output docs --favicon ../public/peacock-64.png",
"docs:md": "documentation build --config documentation.yml src/lib/**/*.ts --parse-extension ts --format md --output docs/",
"docs": "yarn docs:html && yarn docs:md"
creates this docs folder:
So what I want to deploy is the index.html page for example using an url like this or whatever, it's not important.
How can I do that? Which command I have to use, how have to configure Netlify and/or documentationjs?
Thanks a lot!
You can set up a new site on Netlify, pointing at the same git repo, and give it the build and output directory setting you list in your question, and point the output at your subdomain.

jhipster kubectl - unable to decode " ": Object 'Kind' is missing

When running this command:
kubectl apply -f tenten
I get this error:
unable to decode "tenten\.angular-cli.json": Object 'Kind' is missing in '{
"project": {
"$schema": "./node_modules/#angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",
"name": "tenten"
"apps": [{
"root": "src/main/webapp/",
"outDir": "target/www/app",
"assets": [
"index": "index.html",
"main": "app/app.main.ts",
"polyfills": "app/polyfills.ts",
"test": "",
"tsconfig": "../../../tsconfig.json",
"prefix": "jhi",
"mobile": false,
"styles": [
"scripts": []
It looks like you're running this from the parent directory of your applications. You should 1) create a directory that's parallel to your applications and 2) run yo jhipster:kubernetes in it. Then run kubectl apply -f tenten in that directory after you've built and pushed your docker images. For example, here's the output when I run it from the kubernetes directory in my jhipster-microservices-example project.
± yo jhipster:kubernetes
| | ╭──────────────────────────────────────────╮
|--(o)--| │ Update available: 2.0.0 (current: 1.8.5) │
`---------´ │ Run npm install -g yo to update. │
( _´U`_ ) ╰──────────────────────────────────────────╯
/___A___\ /
| ~ |
´ ` |° ´ Y `
⎈ [BETA] Welcome to the JHipster Kubernetes Generator ⎈
Files will be generated in folder: /Users/mraible/dev/jhipster-microservices-example/kubernetes
WARNING! kubectl 1.2 or later is not installed on your computer.
Make sure you have Kubernetes installed. Read
Found .yo-rc.json config file...
? Which *type* of application would you like to deploy? Microservice application
? Enter the root directory where your gateway(s) and microservices are located ../
2 applications found at /Users/mraible/dev/jhipster-microservices-example/
? Which applications do you want to include in your configuration? (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to i
nverse selection)blog, store
JHipster registry detected as the service discovery and configuration provider used by your apps
? Enter the admin password used to secure the JHipster Registry admin
? What should we use for the Kubernetes namespace? default
? What should we use for the base Docker repository name? mraible
? What command should we use for push Docker image to repository? docker push
Checking Docker images in applications' directories...
ls: no such file or directory: /Users/mraible/dev/jhipster-microservices-example/blog/target/docker/blog-*.war
identical blog/blog-deployment.yml
identical blog/blog-service.yml
identical blog/blog-postgresql.yml
identical blog/blog-elasticsearch.yml
identical store/store-deployment.yml
identical store/store-service.yml
identical store/store-mongodb.yml
conflict registry/jhipster-registry.yml
? Overwrite registry/jhipster-registry.yml? overwrite this and all others
force registry/jhipster-registry.yml
force registry/application-configmap.yml
WARNING! Kubernetes configuration generated with missing images!
To generate Docker image, please run:
./mvnw package -Pprod docker:build in /Users/mraible/dev/jhipster-microservices-example/blog
WARNING! You will need to push your image to a registry. If you have not done so, use the following commands to tag and push the images:
docker image tag blog mraible/blog
docker push mraible/blog
docker image tag store mraible/store
docker push mraible/store
You can deploy all your apps by running:
kubectl apply -f registry
kubectl apply -f blog
kubectl apply -f store
Use these commands to find your application's IP addresses:
kubectl get svc blog
See the end of my blog post Develop and Deploy Microservices with JHipster for more information.

Download latest GitHub release

I'd like to have "Download Latest Version" button on my website which would represent the link to the latest release (stored at GitHub Releases). I tried to create release tag named "latest", but it became complicated when I tried to load new release (confusion with tag creation date, tag interchanging, etc.). Updating download links on my website manually is also a time-consuming and scrupulous task. I see the only way - redirect all download buttons to some html, which in turn will redirect to the actual latest release.
Note that my website is hosted at GitHub Pages (static hosting), so I simply can't use server-side scripting to generate links. Any ideas?
You don't need any scripting to generate a download link for the latest release. Simply use this format:
If for some reason you want to obtain a link to the latest release download, including its version number, you can obtain that from the get latest release API:
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/latest
$.get('', function (data) {
$('#result').attr('href', data.zipball_url);
<script src=""></script>
<a id="result">Download latest release (.ZIP)</a>
Github now provides a "Latest release" button on the release page of a project, after you have created your first release.
In the example you gave, this button links to
You can use the following where:
${Organization} as the GitHub user or organization
${Repository} is the repository name
curl -L${Organization}/${Repository}/tarball > ${Repository}.tar.gz
The top level directory in the .tar.gz file has the sha hash of the commit in the directory name which can be a problem if you need an automated way to change into the resulting directory and do something.
The method below will strip this out, and leave the files in a folder with a predictable name.
mkdir ${Repository}
curl -L${Organization}/${Repository}/tarball | tar -zxv -C ${Repository} --strip-components=1
Since February 18th, 2015, the GitHUb V3 release API has a get latest release API.
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/latest
See also "Linking to releases".
Still, the name of the asset can be tricky.
Git-for-Windows, for instance, requires a command like:
curl -IkLs -o NUL -w %{url_effective} \|\
grep -o "[^/]*$"| sed "s/v//g"|\
xargs -I T echo \ \
-o PortableGit-T-64-bit.7z.exe| \
sed "s/.windows.1-64/-64/g"|sed "s/.windows.\(.\)-64/.\1-64/g"|\
xargs curl -kL
The first 3 lines extract the latest version
The rest will build the right URL
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
Maybe could you use some client-side scripting and dynamically generate the target of the link by invoking the GitHub api, through some JQuery magic?
The Releases API exposes a way to retrieve the list of all the releases from a repository. For instance, this link return a Json formatted list of all the releases of the ReactiveUI project.
Extracting the first one would return the latest release.
Within this payload:
The html_url attribute will hold the first part of the url to build (ie.{owner}/{repository}/releases/{version}).
The assets array will list of the downloadable archives. Each asset will bear a name attribute
Building the target download url is only a few string operations away.
Insert the download/ keyword between the releases/ segment from the html_url and the version number
Append the name of the asset to download
Resulting url will be of the following format:{owner}/{repository}/releases/download/{version}/name_of_asset
For instance, regarding the Json payload from the link ReactiveUI link above, we've got html_url: "" and one asset with name: "".
As such, the download url is
If you using PHP try follow code:
function getLatestTagUrl($repository, $default = 'master') {
$file = #json_decode(#file_get_contents("$repository/tags", false,
stream_context_create(['http' => ['header' => "User-Agent: Vestibulum\r\n"]])
return sprintf("$repository/archive/", $file ? reset($file)->name : $default);
Function usage example
echo 'Download';
As I didn't see the answer here, but it was quite helpful for me while running continuous integration tests, this one-liner that only requires you to have curl will allow to search the Github repo's releases to download the latest version
I use it to run PHPSTan on our repository using the following script
If you are trying to download form any linux — even old or tiny versions — or are trying to download from a bash script then the failproof way is using this command:
wget$OWNER/$REPO/releases/latest -O - | awk -F \" -v RS="," '/browser_download_url/ {print $(NF-1)}' | xargs wget
do not forget to replace $OWNER and $REPO with the right owner and repository names. The command downloads a json page with the data of the latest release. then awk gets the value from the browser_download_url key.
If you are in a really old linux or a tiny embedded system with a small wget, the download name can be a problem. In such case you can always use the ultra-reliable:
URL=$(wget$OWNER/$REPO/releases/latest -O - | awk -F \" -v RS="," '/browser_download_url/ {print $(NF-1)}'); wget $URL -O $(basename "$URL")
As noted by #Dan Dascalescu in a comment to accepted answer, there are some projects (roughly 30%) which do not bother to file formal releases, so neither "Latest release" button nor /releases/latest API call would return useful data.
To reliably fetch the latest release for a GitHub project, you can use lastversion.