Not able to add TestNG library in Eclipse java build path - eclipse

Not able to add TestNG library in Eclipse java build path. I have installed/uninstalled multiple times but still not able to get TestNG under "Run As". When I look under installed software, it shows TestNG there but no where else it's listed like Add Library and other places. Please help.
I am using Eclipse Neon. TestNG 6.13.0.


Regarding TestNG in eclipse

I am trying to add TestNG in Eclipse. I installed/uninstalled multiple times but still not able to get TestNG under "Run As". When I look under installed software, it shows TestNG there but no where else not listed in library. I have latest version for java and testNG .Not even seen in preferences Please help.

Unable to add a Junit file in eclispe

I have an eclipse java project (screen shots attached). I added Junit libraries to my project and when I say New file, I don't see Junit option.
Once Junit libraries are added, eclipse should be able to show the Junit files. Not sure why it wouldn't
You can install it by the following:
Help -> Install New Software
within Eclipse. In the Work with: field, your Eclipse version should have a Site entry in the dropdown, such as:
Once you choose this, you can then navigate to:
Programming Languages -> Eclipse Java Development Tools
It should then appear afterwards

Where maven is installed (eclipse plugin)

I have M2Eclipse plugin installed on my eclipse, and now I am reading a book that says to use the mvn command, I think that I could use eclipse IDE to follow the book, but I want to know a little more about maven. Of course, the command "mvn" is not recognized, I need to edit my PATH variable.
I googled where is maven installed, and the answer is that it is an apache tool and the path is where you want to unzip the package.
BUT, what if I don´t want to install the apache project?? Is there any other option, because how I say at the beginning, I have M2Eclipse plugin installed, so I image that the executable file must to be in some folder into the plugin eclipse path... or does it use only java jar libraries without a binary??
Thank you very much.
M2E is a plugin in Eclipse and not Maven. You are using an embedded Maven version which is part of Ecilpse. You should always install Maven to be useable via command line cause there are difference between M2E/Eclipse and command line.
You can run any mvn goal by clicking on a maven project, than right click and select Run As -> Maven Build... and type any goal you want.

How to install TestNG in eclipse Kepler

I am trying to install TestNG (which I have never used before) in eclipse Kepler (4.3). I've tried to follow the directions provided on the TestNG site (, but they do not work. The link ( just takes me to a page with a jar file. My experience is that when you use the installer within eclipse, it expects to be provided with a "p2" repository site. If I try to set up a site with the address provided, it fails.
On a related note, do I need to install TestNG as something additional (outside eclipse), or is the eclipse plug-in sufficient?
It is working fine on my machine. I just installed TestNG on my eclipse by following the steps below:
Click on Help > Install New software
Add the link in Work with text box as shown below.
TestNG feature will be shown, expand the tree node then verify the version.
Tick the check box of TestNG
Click on Next button then Finish button.
I guess you enter wrong software update site. Remove the / and extra spaces around the link "" then try.
Nothing to install outside eclipse.
TestNG can also be installed in Eclipse by using "Eclipse Marketplace..." Below are the steps:
Open eclipse
Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace...
Do search for TestNG (Type the text TestNG in Find text box > Click Go button)
After searching: Click Install button at TestNG for Eclipse area
Follow the further instructions by eclipse
After successful installation: Go to Window -> Preferences. TestNG is enlisted at the left panel in pop-up.
Download Testng.jar and add testng jar as external-lib in eclipse. Eclipse will identify the testng.
Currently, TestNG is not available at
To install TestNG in Eclipse version – 2019-03 or above, You can follow these steps:
Go to Window > Install New Software.
Enter<TestNG Version> Refer to this site for TestNG Version:
Select TestNG Options and Accept the agreement. Once you complete the process, TestNG will get installed.

Eclipse doesn't use JUnit 4.10 Docs

Can anybody give me advice on why my eclipse doesn't use the junit-docs? I'm using Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers Juno Service Release 1 and the recent Oracle Java7 Version in ArchLinux.
I'm using the same version of Eclipse and I found that the JUnit javadocs link was pointing to a broken URL: To change this, do the following
In Package Explorer, right-click your project and select Build Path --> Configure Build Path.
Under the libraries tab, expand JUnit 4 and junit.jar.
Select the Javadoc location and click "Edit".
In the Javadoc URL section, change the Javadoc location path to or another version specific link.