I have a test function, that should perform the following task
insert data to db
query db and verify data is as expected
The problem is that in my test, the data has not been committed to the db, like it's stuck in some transactional step, how can I surely commit the data before the second query is executed.
This is a part of my test function, #Rollback(false) is just for development phase.
reportJobManager.saveOutput(savedDef, pipeline, results, null)
reportJobManager.retryRetention(savedDef, listOf(csvDeliverbale))
saveOutput func. sample code
fun saveOutput() {
if (deliverable.type.name == "DATA_RETENTION_RESULT") {
finishedPipeline.postProcessors.forEach {
//it(definition, dbDeliverable)
val dbRetention = ReportRetention(
deliverable = dbDeliverable,
definition = definition,
retryCount = 1L
val retentionUploadSaved = retentionRepository.save(dbRetention)
if (retentionUploadSaved.id == null) {
throw IllegalStateException("Retention upload was not saved!")
retryRetention func code
fun retryRetention(definition: ReportDefinition, listOfDeliverables: List<Deliverable>) {
retentionRepository.findAll().forEach {
if (it.state.name == "NOT_UPLOADED" && it.retryCount!!.toInt() < 5) {
if (it.deliverable?.success == true) {
it.state = RetentionUploadStatus.UPLOADED
} else {
val schemaService = SchemaServiceImpl()
val schemas = schemaService.initializeSchemas(definition, emptyMap())
val parameters = definition.parameterPolicy.policy(schemas.parametersSchema)
val delivery = deliveryPolicyService.policy<Deliverable>(ValidDeliveryPolicy.RETENTION_ONLY, schemas.deliverySchema)
val deliveryFunction = delivery.createDeliveryStep()
deliveryFunction(parameters, listOfDeliverables)
it.retryCount = it.retryCount!!.plus(1L)
If you have a method saveOutput() with #Transactional annotation, you need to add #Transactional above every other method that is calling saveOutput() for the transaction to actually commit.
I want to update the data I'm getting from api to display it in my lazy column, I'm trying to add swipe down to refresh functionality.
I'm getting the data from my viewmodel
class MatchesViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val matchRepository: MatchRepository
): ViewModel() {
val response: MutableState<ApiState> = mutableStateOf(ApiState.Empty)
init {
private fun getAllMatches() = viewModelScope.launch {
cricketRepository.getAllMatches().onStart {
response.value = ApiState.Loading
} .catch {
response.value = ApiState.Failure(it)
}.collect {
response.value = ApiState.Success(it) }
then i made new kotlin file where I'm checking if I'm getting the data and passing it in my lazy column
fun MainScreen(viewModel: MatchesViewModel = hiltViewModel()){
when (val result = viewModel.response.value){
is ApiState.Success -> {
HomeScreen(matches = result.data.data)
is ApiState.Loading -> {
is ApiState.Empty -> {
is ApiState.Failure -> {
i want to know how can i make the request again to get the updated data
after some googling i found out you can retry api calls with okhttp interceptors but could'nt find any documentation or tutorial to retry calls with interceptor
You can try Swipe to Refresh with the accompanist dependencie
implementation "com.google.accompanist:accompanist-swiperefresh:0.26.5-rc"
Implementation would be like this
val swipeRefreshState = rememberSwipeRefreshState(false)
state = swipeRefreshState,
onRefresh = {
swipeRefreshState.isRefreshing = false
indicator = { swipeRefreshState, trigger ->
// Pass the SwipeRefreshState + trigger through
state = swipeRefreshState,
refreshTriggerDistance = trigger,
// Enable the scale animation
scale = true,
// Change the color and shape
backgroundColor = <UPDATE CIRLE COLOR>,
contentColor = <RELOADING ICON COLOR>,
shape = RoundedCornerShape(50),
) {
I follow MVVM Login API, with Retrofit ,My problem is livedata is observed more than twice and always emitting previous response when observed from activity, But inside Repository its giving correct response
I tried a lot of solutions from stackoverflow and other websites but still no luck, Tried removing observers also but still getting previous data ,so plz suggest a working solution, I will post my code below,
private lateinit var loginViewModel: LoginViewModel
loginViewModel = ViewModelProvider(this, ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory()).get(
loginViewModel.login(userEmail, pwd)
loginViewModel.getLoginRepository().observe(this, Observer {
val loginResult = it ?: return#Observer
val accessToken = loginResult.user?.jwtToken.toString()
val statusMsgObserver = Observer<String> { statusMsg ->
val errorMsgObserver = Observer<String> { errorMsg ->
// Update the UI
loginViewModel.getStatusMessage()?.observe(this, statusMsgObserver)
loginViewModel.getErrorStatusMessage()?.observe(this, errorMsgObserver)
class LoginViewModel: ViewModel() {
private var loginRepository: LoginRepository? = null
private var _mutableLiveData = MutableLiveData<LoginAPIResponse?>()
val liveData: LiveData<LoginAPIResponse?> get() = _mutableLiveData
private var responseMsgLiveData:MutableLiveData<String>?= null
private var errorResponseMsgLiveData:MutableLiveData<String>?= null
fun login(username: String, password: String) {
loginRepository = LoginRepository.getInstance()!!
/* Query data from Repository */
//val _mutableLiveData: MutableLiveData<Response<LoginAPIResponse?>?>? = loginRepository?.doLogin(username, password)
_mutableLiveData = loginRepository?.doLogin(username, password)!!
responseMsgLiveData = loginRepository?.respMessage!!
errorResponseMsgLiveData = loginRepository?.loginResponseErrorData!!
fun getLoginRepository(): LiveData<LoginAPIResponse?> {
return liveData
fun getStatusMessage(): LiveData<String>? {
return responseMsgLiveData
fun getErrorStatusMessage(): LiveData<String>? {
return errorResponseMsgLiveData
class LoginRepository {
private val loginApi: ApiEndpoints = RetrofitService.createService(ApiEndpoints::class.java)
val responseData = MutableLiveData<LoginAPIResponse?>()
var respMessage = MutableLiveData<String>()
var loginResponseErrorData = MutableLiveData<String>()
fun doLogin(username: String, password: String)
: MutableLiveData<LoginAPIResponse?> {
respMessage.value = null
loginResponseErrorData.value = null
val params = JsonObject()
params.addProperty("email", username)
val jsonParams = JsonObject()
loginApi.loginToServer(jsonParams).enqueue(object : Callback<LoginAPIResponse?> {
override fun onResponse( call: Call<LoginAPIResponse?>, response: Response<LoginAPIResponse?> ) {
responseData.value = response.body()
respMessage.value = RetrofitService.handleError(response.code())
val error = response.errorBody()
if (!response.isSuccessful) {
val errorMsg = error?.charStream()?.readText()
println("Error Message: $errorMsg")
loginResponseErrorData.value = errorMsg
} else {
println("API Success -> Login, $username, ${response.body()?.user?.email.toString()}")
override fun onFailure(call: Call<LoginAPIResponse?>, t: Throwable) {
println("onFailure:(message) "+t.message)
loginResponseErrorData.value = t.message
responseData.value = null
return responseData
companion object {
private var loginRepository: LoginRepository? = null
internal fun getInstance(): LoginRepository? {
if (loginRepository == null) {
loginRepository = LoginRepository()
return loginRepository
In onDestroy(),I have removed the observers,
override fun onDestroy() {
In LoginActivity, when I observe loginResult it gives previous emitted accessToken first and then again called and giving current accessToken, Similarly observer is called more than twice everytime.
But inside repository,its giving recent data, plz check my code and suggest where I have to correct to get correct recent livedata
Finally i found the solution, In LoginRepository, I declared responseData outside doLogin(), It should be declared inside doLogin()
Since it was outside the method, it always gave previous data first and then current data,
Once I declare inside method problem was solved and now it is working Perfect!!!
How do I reset the database inside the FakeApplication using inMemoryDatabase after or before each test? I want the state of the database returned to its initial state after each single test. Either rollback or clearing the database and running SetupData() again is fine.
I have tried many various things. The database is never reset between each test. How do I do this?
When running the following test suite the state of the database continues from test to test. So if I modify some data in Test2 then it is affecting Test3.
trait TestUtil {
* Executes a block of code in a running application.
def running[T](fakeApp: FakeApplication)(block: => T): T = {
synchronized {
try {
} finally {
def setup_data() = {
//add data to the database
I tried using the above trait to have the Play App stop after each test but it does not help.
class ConditionTests2 extends Specification with TestUtil {
sequential // Make the tests run sequentially instead of in parallel
// test1
"element with id 1" should {
"should have name PETER" in {
running(new FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = inMemoryDatabase("test"))) {
// name should be "PETER"
// test2
"renaming element with id 1" should {
"successfully modify element 1" in {
running(new FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = inMemoryDatabase("test"))) {
// Set Name = "John"
// test3
"element with id 1" should {
"should have name PETER" in {
running(new FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = inMemoryDatabase("test"))) {
// name should be "PETER"
// fails because name is now JOHN
In my REST API service layer, I have a class ProductService.
The following logic exists in all my functions: Do Validate, if validation fails i throw invalid exception, if passes, i continue to the next try-catch and throw general-error in case of failure:
def addProduct(request:AddProductRequest): BaseResponse[String] =
case ex: Exception => {
Logger.error("Failed to add product, Validation failed", ex);
val errorResponse:ErrorResponse[String] = new ErrorResponseList().InvalidParameters
return errorResponse
val addedProductId = productRepository.addProduct(request.language, request.tenantId, request.product)
case ex: Exception => {
Logger.error("Failed to add product to tenant Id="+request.tenantId+" language="+request.language, ex);
val errorResponse:ErrorResponse[String] = new ErrorResponseList().GeneralError
return errorResponse
Now, instead of repeating the request.validate with the same try and catch for all functions, i created a base class with the following function:
abstract class ServiceBase {
def validate[T](request:BaseRequest)
case ex: Exception => {
Logger.error("Validation failed", ex);
val errorResponse:ErrorResponse[String] = new ErrorResponseList().InvalidParameters
return errorResponse
So now, my addProduct(..) will look like:
..the rest of the code - the 2nd try-catch
This saves alot of lines.
The problem is that if validation fails, it will never return. I get the following errors in ServiceBase:
Multiple markers at this line
- enclosing method validate has result type Unit: return value discarded
- enclosing method validate has result type Unit: return value discarded
- a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary
validate has no return type (and thus defaults to returning Unit), in ServiceBase your signature for validate should look like this:
def validate[T](request:BaseRequest): BaseResponse[String] =
(assuming you want to return a BaseResponse[String])
this may be useful to someone, someday, functional programming.. Did we say ^_^
Changed the ServiceBase validate to:
def validate[T](request:BaseRequest):Option[BaseResponse[T]] =
case ex: Exception => {
Logger.error("Validation failed", ex);
val errorResponse:ErrorResponse[T] = new ErrorResponseList().InvalidParameters
return Some(errorResponse)
And now i do:
def getProducts(request:GetProductsRequest) :BaseResponse[ProductSearchResults] =
val products = productRepository.getProducts(request.language,request.tenantId,request.productIds)
val foundProducts = for (product <- products) yield (product.id)
val notFoundProducts = request.productIds filterNot (foundProducts.toSet)
val responseWrapper = new ProductSearchResults(products, notFoundProducts)
case ex: Exception => {
Logger.error("Failed to get products from tenant Id="+request.tenantId+" language="+request.language, ex);
val errorResponse:ErrorResponse[ProductSearchResults] = new ErrorResponseList().GeneralError
return errorResponse
while actively learning Play2.0 I am stuck with creating a tag. In the sample application, called computer-database, the following helper is created in the list template:
* Helper generating navigation links *
#link(newPage:Int, newSortBy:String) = #{
var sortBy = currentSortBy
var order = currentOrder
if(newSortBy != null) {
sortBy = newSortBy
if(currentSortBy == newSortBy) {
if(currentOrder == "asc") {
order = "desc"
} else {
order = "asc"
} else {
order = "asc"
// Generate the link
controllers.orders.routes.Work.list(newPage, sortBy, order, currentFilter)
Since I want to use this helper in a view templates I thought that the best solution would be to create a tag for it. So I did the following (in my tags package):
#(newPage : Int, newSortBy:String) {
var sortBy = currentSortBy
var order = currentOrder
if(newSortBy != null) {
sortBy = newSortBy
if(currentSortBy == newSortBy) {
if(currentOrder == "asc") {
order = "desc"
} else {
order = "asc"
} else {
order = "asc"
// Generate the link
controllers.orders.routes.Computer.list(newPage, sortBy, order, currentFilter)
But, obviously this is not working and I do not know where or why it is not working.
Thanks for the input.
So in Scala template we have to define, just as in Java, the arguments that are passed to this view (Note: that the variables that you will use in the javascript must be passed too!). The template will be compiled as a method as stated in the documentation.
The working tag looks like:
#(newPage : Int, newSortBy : String, currentSortBy: String, currentOrder: String, currentFilter : String ) #{
var sortBy = currentSortBy
var order = currentOrder
if(newSortBy != null) {
sortBy = newSortBy
if(currentSortBy == newSortBy) {
if(currentOrder == "asc") {
order = "desc"
} else {
order = "asc"
} else {
order = "asc"
// Generate the link
controllers.orders.routes.Work.list(newPage, sortBy, order, currentFilter)
The trick is that the first version uses a template syntax allowing to write Scala code instead of HTML: #{ val scalaVal = 42}.
In your tag, the template engine interpretes your code as HTML.
If you want to copy-paste this code, don’t forget the leading # before the opening brace.