How can we add new fields in a new tab in user setting in TYPO3 - typo3

How can we add new fields in a new tab in user setting in TYPO3 version 8.7?
Our problem is the creation of a new tab.
I can add new fields to personal data tab in user setting, but I need to create new fields into a new tab.
For backend admin user setting I added a new tab, but for user setting I want to try this. I have an extension and since the installation of the extension it will add-on.
I tried to create new tab in fe_user.php.
Previously I tried to change ext_tables.php, but that is not working at all.
// Add some fields to FE Users table to show TCA fields definitions
// USAGE: TCA Reference > $GLOBALS['TCA'] array reference >
// ['columns'][fieldname]['config'] / TYPE: "select"
$temporaryColumns = array (
'tx_examples_options' => array (
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'tx_examples_options',
'config' => array (
'type' => 'select',
'showitem' => array (
array('LLL:EXT:core/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_general.xlf:fe_users.tx_examples_options.I.0', '1'),
array('LLL:EXT:core/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_general.xlf:fe_users.tx_examples_options.I.1', '2'),
array('LLL:EXT:core/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_general.xlf:fe_users.tx_examples_options.I.2', '--div--'),
array('LLL:EXT:core/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_general.xlf:fe_users.tx_examples_options.I.3', '3'),
'size' => 1,
'maxitems' => 1,
'tx_examples_special' => array (
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'tx_examples_special',
'config' => array (
'type' => 'user',
'size' => '30',
'userFunc' => 'Documentation\\Examples\\Userfuncs\\Tca->specialField',
'parameters' => array(
'color' => 'blue'
'--div--;newtab,tx_examples_options, tx_examples_special'
When I changed into file ext_tables.php
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_USER_SETTINGS']['columns']['copy_directory'] = array(
'label' => 'Alternative directory for saving copies',
'type' => 'text',
'table' => 'be_users',
then it's showing in "personal data" tab but I want new tab in user setting for non-admin user.

In general your code looks fine.
But you are in the wrong file!
Avoid ext_tables.php if possible.
If you change anything to the TCA you should do it in Configuration/TCA/ for new tables and Configuration/TCA/Overrides for enhancing existing tables.
Use filenames according to the table you are modifying.
In your case all the code should be located in Configuration/TCA/Overrides/fe_users.php.
And be sure you clear all caches if you develop anything with TCA!


How can I create custom file upload field in opportunities

I'm working with sugar 8.3. I'm trying to create custom field for upload documents.
I have create vardef file, but when I click on save record, file uploaded properly but not display in record.
$GLOBALS['dictionary']['Opportunity']['fields']['filename'] = array (
'name' => 'filename',
'vname' => 'LBL_FILENAME',
'type' => 'file',
'dbType' => 'varchar',
'len' => '255',
'reportable' => true,
'comment' => 'File name associated with the note (attachment)',
'importable' => false,
'source' => 'non-db',
'docUrl' => 'doc_url',
$GLOBALS['dictionary']['Opportunity']['fields']['file_mime_type'] = array(
'name' => 'file_mime_type',
'vname' => 'LBL_FILE_MIME_TYPE',
'type' => 'varchar',
'len' => '100',
'comment' => 'Attachment MIME type',
'importable' => false,
'source' => 'non-db',
$GLOBALS['dictionary']['Opportunity']['fields']['file_url'] = array (
'vname' => 'LBL_FILE_URL',
'comment' => 'Path to file (can be URL)',
'importable' => false,
Before save attachment screenshot
After save attachment screenshot
The whole scenario is not very clear from the code you have provided, i think that you should remove 'source'=>'non-db', attribute from these fields so that they get saved in database.
Don't forget to perform Repair and execute queries that gets generated in result of repair so that Sugar create appropriate fields in opportunities table for saving you uploaded file data.

TYPO3 list module: custom records not showing

I am using TYPO3 7.6.11.
I wrote an provider extension to add some ts-code, templates, and viewhelpers.
After that, I wanted to add a custom data record (to use in the Backend).
I added the table in the ext_tables.sql.
I have a TCA-config under /[extension]/Configuration/TCA/tablename.php
I added
to my ext_tables.php
Did I miss something?
I get a new record type under "System Records" in the List Module. I can add such an record, and the TCA-config seems to work fine for the record form.
But after saving, I have no record in the list view. The DB is looking fine. The record is saved correctly in my new table. What am I doing wrong?
'ctrl' => array (
'title' => 'LLL:EXT:svkcore/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:records.title',
'label' => 'title',
'label_alt' => '',
'label_alt_force' => TRUE,
'default_sortby' => 'ORDER BY datetime DESC',
'prependAtCopy' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.prependAtCopy',
'versioningWS' => TRUE,
'versioning_followPages' => TRUE,
'origUid' => 't3_origuid',
'shadowColumnsForNewPlaceholders' => 'sys_language_uid,l18n_parent,starttime,endtime,fe_group',
'dividers2tabs' => TRUE,
'useColumnsForDefaultValues' => 'type',
'transOrigPointerField' => 'l18n_parent',
'transOrigDiffSourceField' => 'l18n_diffsource',
'languageField' => 'sys_language_uid',
'crdate' => 'crdate',
'tstamp' => 'tstamp',
'delete' => 'deleted',
'type' => 'type',
'cruser_id' => 'cruser_id',
'editlock' => 'editlock',
'enablecolumns' => array (
'disabled' => 'hidden',
'starttime' => 'starttime',
'endtime' => 'endtime',
'fe_group' => 'fe_group',
'typeicon_column' => 'type',
'typeicons' => array (
'1' => 'EXT:svkcore/res/gfx/svkcore_inturl.gif',
'2' => 'EXT:svkcore/res/gfx/svkcore_exturl.gif',
'thumbnail' => 'image',
'iconfile' => 'EXT:svkcore/res/gfx/ext_icon.gif',
'searchFields' => 'uid,title,short,bodytext'),
'interface' => Array (
'showRecordFieldList' => 'title,hidden,datetime_start,starttime,archivedate,category,short,image,record_files'
Since Typo3 7 it is possible to mask the list-view. This is configured via PageTSConfig, have a look at your info-Module (select the correct page in the page tree) and check the TSConfig there.
The configuration can be found in the following path:
Check in ext_tables.php if you have everything needed for your new table : Typoscript inclusion, language file, exemple :
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addStaticFile($_EXTKEY, 'Configuration/TypoScript', 'My TS configuration');
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addLLrefForTCAdescr('tx_myext_domain_model_mytable', 'EXT:my_ext/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_csh_tx_myext_domain_model_mytable.xlf');
Are you sure the new records are stored in the current page : have a look at the TS "persistence.storagePid".
You can check in the database wich pid is used for your new records.

TYPO3 extbase & IRRE: add existing records with 'foreign_selector'

I "kickstarted" an extension with the extbase extension builder that contains some 1:1 and 1:n relations. It automatically set the field types to 'inline' and displayed a nice IRRE UI in the backend.
But by default, there is no way to select an existing record, just create new ones.
I found various explanations on how to achieve this with 'foreign_selector', but all of them very sketchy. The feature itself should be working, see
Can someone walk me through this or point to a working example in the TER? I could create a step-by-step tutorial from the example, once I get it to work.
PS The field's TCA config as generated by extension_builder:
'myfield' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:myextension/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_myextension_domain_model_myitem.myfield',
'config' => array(
'type' => 'inline',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_myextension_domain_model_myfield',
'foreign_field' => 'myitem',
'maxitems' => 9999,
'appearance' => array(
'collapseAll' => 0,
'levelLinksPosition' => 'top',
'showSynchronizationLink' => 1,
'showPossibleLocalizationRecords' => 1,
'showAllLocalizationLink' => 1
The main problem is that IRRE relations of type 1:n work like this: A child record holds the uid of its parent. So your table tx_myext_domain_model_city holds the UID of your (imaginary) tx_myext_domain_model_address.
Therefore with the default configuration you will not be able to select a city multiple times as it can only have exactly one parent.
So you will need to use a relation table for this field. This table needs to contain a uid field for both the address (uid_address) and the city (uid_city):
CREATE TABLE tx_irreforeignselectordemo_address_city_mm (
uid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
pid int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
uid_address int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
uid_city int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
sorting int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
KEY parent (pid)
And it needs to have a TCA configuration for these fields (while the table itself can be hidden):
return array(
'ctrl' => array(
'title' => 'Relation table',
'hideTable' => TRUE,
'sortby' => 'sorting',
'columns' => array(
'uid_address' => Array(
'label' => 'Address',
'config' => Array(
'type' => 'select',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_irreforeignselectordemo_domain_model_address',
'size' => 1,
'minitems' => 0,
'maxitems' => 1,
'uid_city' => Array(
'label' => 'City',
'config' => Array(
'type' => 'select',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_irreforeignselectordemo_domain_model_city',
'foreign_table_where' => ' AND sys_language_uid IN (0,-1)',
'size' => 1,
'minitems' => 0,
'maxitems' => 1,
'types' => array(
'0' => array('showitem' => 'uid_address,uid_city')
'palettes' => array()
You can then configure the TCA of your address to make it an IRRE field:
'type' => 'inline',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_yourext_address_city_mm',
'foreign_field' => 'uid_address',
'foreign_label' => 'uid_city',
'foreign_selector' => 'uid_city',
'foreign_unique' => 'uid_city',
'foreign_sortby' => 'sorting',
Note that foreign_unique tells TYPO3 that a city can only selected once.
And you need to define the relation from the other side (from your city TCA):
'addresses' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'Addresses',
'config' => array(
'type' => 'inline',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_irreforeignselectordemo_address_city_mm',
'foreign_field' => 'uid_city',
'foreign_label' => 'uid_address',
Once your configuration is complete, you will be able to use this in the Backend.
Since this is a non-standard MM relation, Extbase will not be able to deal with it by default. But we can compare this to the sys_file_reference table that was introduced in TYPO3 6. So we build an Extbase model for the CityRelation with the properties "address" and "city" and map this model to our mm table:
config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes {
Visol\Irreforeignselectordemo\Domain\Model\CityRelation {
mapping {
tableName = tx_irreforeignselectordemo_address_city_mm
columns {
uid_address.mapOnProperty = address
uid_city.mapOnProperty = city
Now in our address model, we define the city (or cities - of you allow more than one choice) as ObjectStorage of type CityRelation:
* Cities
* #var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage<\Visol\Irreforeignselectordemo\Domain\Model\CityRelation>
protected $cities = NULL;
We now have a property "cities" that contains the references to all selected cities. You can iterate through them and use them:
<f:for each="{address.cities}" as="cityRelation">
Since I couldn't find an all-in-one demo for this and was interested in the topic, I created a demo extension that does what I just described - based on the Core and two extensions that deal with the topic:
The solution is an m:n approach anyway (because 1:n wouldn't work for the reasons stated above) so I decided to use "cities" instead of "city". While this might not make sense for selecting a city (as suggested by your post), it might make sense for other opportunities. Feel free to replace "cities" by "city" and set maxItems in the inline configuration to one - then you have kind of an 1:n.

TYPO3 TCA select, NULL value in items array

I have made an extension in Typo3 4.5 with extbase and fluid. Now to insert some data i use the backend module 'list' that makes some forms with the TCA of the tables.
To make a select box optional, I insert an item before the foreign table like this:
'feuser' => array(
'exclude' => 0,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:yes/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xml:tx_yes_domain_model_schools.feuser',
'config' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'items' => array(
array('', NULL),
'foreign_table' => 'fe_users',
'maxitems' => 1,
Now, since i have a relation (with NULL alowed) in my DB, i have to insert a NULL value. But like this it doesn't work. I have also tried '', "" and 0. But those don't work either.
I would appreciate any help.
Try this:
'items' => array(
array('', -1))
The second parameter in the array is not the value for the db!

Permanently show block in Moodle?

Is there a way to permanently show a block within Moodle? I am working on configuring a theme, and I wanted to know if there's a way to ensure that a block is visible no matter which page you're on.
One solution should be to add a new block region.
In your theme directory, in config.php file, modify the layout option and add your new region to all your used layouts:
$THEME->layouts = array(
'base' => array(
'file' => 'admin.php',
'regions' => array('your-region'),
'defaultregion' => 'your-region',
'standard' => array(
'file' => 'admin.php',
'regions' => array('your-region', 'side-post'),
'defaultregion' => 'your-region',
// The site home page.
'frontpage' => array(
'file' => 'general.php',
'regions' => array('tools-menu', 'side-post'),
'defaultregion' => 'tools-menu',
'defaultregion' => 'tools-menu',
'course' => array(
'file' => 'general.php',
'regions' => array('your-region'),
'defaultregion' => 'your-region',
'options' => array('nofooter'=>true, 'nonavbar'=>true, 'nocustommenu'=>true),
Then you edit all your layout files theme/your_theme/layout/*.php and add this line where you want your block to appear:
echo $OUTPUT->blocks_for_region('your-region');
Now, you will have to add your block to this region for all page type, simply execute this sql in you database:
INSERT INTO `mdl_block_instances` (
`id` ,
`blockname` ,
`parentcontextid` ,
`showinsubcontexts` ,
`pagetypepattern` ,
`subpagepattern` ,
`defaultregion` ,
`defaultweight` ,
VALUES ( NULL , 'your_block_name', '1', '1', '*', NULL, 'your-region', '0', NULL );