Longest increasing subsequence with K exceptions allowed - subsequence

Hello I am stuck with my homework which is: given sequence of integers, find the longest subsequence whose elements are ordered in an increasing order. Up to k exceptions that means at most k times, the next number in the sequence is smaller than previous one. Output should be the length of the longest such subsequence.
I found many examples of finding LIS, even one with one change allowed, but I don't know how to check with k changes. Here is the link to post with one change: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/longest-increasing-subarray-with-one-change-allowed/amp/

You can set up k counters and traverse the sequence. Once you reach an exception you go to the next counter. If you reached the k+1-th counter you drop the first one and shift all your counters by one so that the n+1th counter becomes the nth. With each step you store the current index together with the sum of your k counters as the total sequence length. Take the maximum of that in the end
The question is only where the longest subsequence begins. If you know that you know how long it is (until the k+1) exception or the end of the sequence). Let this point be s.
The longest subsequence can only begin at an exception or at the start of the sequence. If not you could add the s-1 item to the sequence without adding an exception and form a longer subsequence.
The method above computes all possible longest subsequences and chooses the longest candidate in the end.


Using the bijection rule to count binary strings with even parity

Let B = {0, 1}. Bn is the set of binary strings with n bits. Define the set En to be the set of binary strings with n bits that have an even number of 1's. Note that zero is an even number, so a string with zero 1's (i.e., a string that is all 0's) has an even number of 1's.
Show a bijection between B^9 and E^10. Explain why your function is a bijection.
What is |E^10|?
I having trouble finding a solution that satisfies the set and is a bijection. How do I approach solving this problem.
Is it something to do with cases? For exampple, if B^9 has an even number of one's add a zero, and if there is an odd number of one's add a one to obtain E^10?
(a) Every string in E^10 begins with a prefix of length nine which is also a member of B^9. Given the prefix of length nine, the last bit is uniquely determined since it either must be 0 (if the prefix is also in E^9) or it must be 1 (if the prefix is not also in E^9). Therefore, for each element of E^10, there is exactly one element of B^9 to which it is uniquely mapped. Similarly, for any element in B^9, an element of E^10 can be uniquely formed by adding either a 0 or a 1 to the end of the element in B^9 (choosing the one that results in parity). This operation - appending either 0 or 1 to create parity - maps each element of B^9 to a unique element of E^10. Because there is a unique mapping from all E^10 to B^9, and from all B^9 to E^10, we have our bijection.
(b) Because there is a bijection between B^9 and E^10, we know |E^10| = |B^9|. But |B^9| = 2^9, since for each of the nine positions in any string in B^9 we can independently choose one of two values for the bit. Therefore, |E^10| = 2^9 also.

shuffling the string code in any language

I am trying to code a program to shuffle the dna sequence as much as
possible to destroy the order in the sequence. i have written matlab
code but its too slow. Also i was looking into hamming distance
measure or levenstein measure, also how can i incorporate those measure to
ensure proper shuffling. the rules I followed in shuffling
rule 1: the ith residue should not be near i-1,i-2,i-3,i+1,i+2,i+3
rule 2: in next arrangement i's new position and old position must be at 20 place difference. i.e. if A had 1st position in the string in
shuffled string it must be more than equal to 21st position.
function seq=shuffling(str)
while 1
temp1=diff([seqlen;shufseq]);%differences between order indices of original and shuffled arrangement
if(isempty(find(temp1==0)) && isempty(find(diff(shufseq)==1|diff(shufseq)==2 |diff(shufseq)==3 |diff(shufseq)==4 |diff(shufseq)==-1|diff(shufseq)==-2 |diff(shufseq)==-3 |diff(shufseq)==-4)))% rule 1
if((length(find(temp1>20|temp1<-20))/len)>t1)%rule 2 if ratio of (counts of arrangements/length of the string) should be more than one after certain length threshhold(=t1)
i came up with one alternative. i.e. knowing the composition or counts of unique alphabets in the string. then choosing randomly among these alphabets and reducing their count by 1 in each iteration. this iteration is over the length of the sequence.
function seq=newshuffle(str)
ndict= ['A';'C';'G';'T'];
for l=1:len
while 1
if ncomp(x)~=0

Insertion Sort Algorithm In place and loop variant

Part 1
I know that QuickSort can be used 'in place' but could someone explain to me how Insertion sort Algorithm does this using 'in place'.
From my understanding:
Insertion Sort starts at the first value and compares it to the next value, if that value is less than our value they switch positions. We continue this recursively. (Short explanation)
So would you say that this is 'in place' because we don't create a new array to do this, but just compare two elements in an array?
If my understanding was wrong could someone please explain the
algorithm for insertion sort in place.
Part 2
Also how would I use insertion sort to illustrate the idea of a loop invariant?
I know that a loop invariant is a condition that is immediately true before and after each iteration of a loop but I'm not sure how this would relate to an insertion sort.
Like Thorsten mentioned in the comments section, you have described bubble sort. Modified from Wikipedia, pseudocode for bubble sort is as follows:
procedure bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items )
n = length(A)
for i = 1 to n inclusive do // Outer Loop
for j = 1 to n-1-i inclusive do
/* if this pair is out of order */
if A[j] > A[j+1] then
swap(A[j], A[j+1])
end if
end for
end for
end procedure
The loop invariant in bubble sort (for the outer loop) would be that, after each iteration of the loop, the entire array until the current value of i would be sorted. This is because, each time one reaches the outer loop, it will be after going through all iterations of the inner loop (from i to n-1), finding the minimum element there and swapping that element with the ith one.
Bubble sort is, indeed, in place, since all the sorting happens within the original array itself, and does not require a separate external array.
Edit- now onto insertion sort:
Pseudo code is as follows (all hail Wikipedia):
for i = 1 to length(A) - 1
x = A[i]
j = i
while j > 0 and A[j-1] > x
A[j] = A[j-1]
j = j - 1
end while
A[j] = x[3]
end for
Here, at each step, what happens is that for each element, you select the appropriate location at which to insert it into the array, i.e., you insert it just after the first element that is smaller than it in the array. In a little more detail, what the inner loop does is that, it keeps shifting elements to the right till it encounter an element smaller than the element in consideration, at which point you insert the element just after the smaller element. What this will mean is that every element until the aforementioned element is sorted. the outer loop ensures that this is done for all elements within the array, which means that by the time the outer loop completes, the array is sorted.
The loop invariant for the outer loop is, like before, that after the ith iteration, all elements till the current i will be sorted. Just before the ith interation, however, all elements till i-1 will be sorted.
The insertion sort algorithm does not require an external array for sorting. More specifically, all operations are done on the array itself (except for the one variable we need to store the element that we are currently trying to insert into its appropriate location), and no external arrays are used- there is no copying from this array to another one, for example. So, the space complexity required by the algorithm (excluding, of course, the space the array itself occupies) will be O(1), as opposed to dependent on the size of the array, and the sort is in-place, much like bubble sort.

find discretization steps

I have data files F_j, each containing a list of numbers with an unknown number of decimal places. Each file contains discretized measurements of some continuous variable and
I want to find the discretization step d_j for file F_j
A solution I could come up with: for each F_j,
find the number (n_j) of decimal places;
multiply each number in F_j with 10^{n_j} to obtain integers;
find the greatest common divisor of the entire list.
I'm looking for an elegant way to find n_j with Matlab.
Also, finding the gcd of a long list of integers seems hard — do you have any better idea?
Finding the gcd of a long list of numbers isn't too hard. You can do it in time linear in the size of the list. If you get lucky, you can do it in time a lot less than linear. Essentially this is because:
gcd(a,b,c) = gcd(gcd(a,b),c)
and if either a=1 or b=1 then gcd(a,b)=1 regardless of the size of the other number.
So if you have a list of numbers xs you can do
g = xs(1);
for i = 2:length(xs)
g = gcd(x(i),g);
if g == 1
The variable g will now store the gcd of the list.
Here is some sample code that I believe will help you get the GCD once you have the numbers you want to look at.
A = [15 30 20];
A_min = min(A);
GCD = 1;
for n = A_min:-1:1
temp = A / n;
if (max(mod(temp,1))==0)
% yay GCD found
GCD = n;
The basic concept here is that the default GCD will always be 1 since every number is divisible by itself and 1 of course =). The GCD also can't be greater than the smallest number in the list, thus I start with the smallest number and then decriment by 1. This is assuming that you have already converted the numbers to a whole number form at this point. Decimals will throw this off!
By using the modulus of 1 you are testing to see if the number is a whole number, if it isn't you will have a decmial remainder left which is greater than 0. If you anticipate having to deal with negative you will have to tweak this test!
Other than that, the first time you find a number where the modulus of the list (mod 1) is all zeros you've found the GCD.

Can someone please clarify the Birthday Effect for me?

Please help interpret the Birthday effect as described in Wikipedia:
A birthday attack works as follows:
Pick any message m and compute h(m).
Update list L. Check if h(m) is in the list L.
if (h(m),m) is already in L, a colliding message pair has been found.
else save the pair (h(m),m) in the
list L and go back to step 1.
From the birthday paradox we know that we can expect to find a
matching entry, after performing about
2^(n/2) hash evaluations.
Does the above mean 2^(n/2) iterations through the above entire loop (i.e. 2^(n/2) returns to step 1), OR does it mean 2^(n/2) comparisons to individual items already in L?
It means 2^(n/2) iterations through the loop. But note that L would not be a normal list here, but a hash table mapping h(m) to m. So each iteration would only need a constant number (O(1)) of comparisons in average, and there would be O(2^(n/2)) comparisons in total.
If L had been a normal array or a linked list, then the number of comparisons would be much larger since you would need to search through the whole list each iteration. This would be a bad way to implement this algorithm though.