Is there a better way to write this top down car mdoel - unity3d

I Am writing a top down car drift game, where i want to make the car move in a circle and user controls the radius of the circle with the steering, basically straight steering is a straight line and turned left is a small circle to the left of the car which it will follow. as the car turns more (either side) i try to make the cars front turn more and more towards the centre, as if its drifting.
Am using unity and this is how i though i should design the model.
This is for a mobile game. so i have written a steering controller for the car, to control its left and right, the speed is constant.
There are two rigid bodies.
The front white coloured box and the big grey coloured box both are rigid bodies. connected with a hinge joint.
The front box on every frame rotate a certain amount of degrees on it own z axis and moves a little forward. Thus follows a circle shape. how much is rotates is determined my the steering.
I Can make both the bodies kinematic and make sure they follow a circle shape and move that way, but i also want appropriate behaviour during collisions, In the final plan there can be all kinds of collisions. So i made them kinematic and added velocities using add force methods. On it's own the front box is perfect, It rotates in circle as i change the steering the circle gets bigger everything is fine, But when i add the Other chassis box, the forces are all messed up. centrifugal forces, and the inertia messes everything.
Basically i need the car to drift is perfect circles and user should be able to control the radius of the circle. What is the best way to model this.
Here is the code for both the rigid bodies.
the front box code. This is just the fixed update method. Please ignore the controls related code. It'e unnecessary so i left it out.
// I N I T.
current_steering_angle = controls_i.ToSignedRotation(controls_i.getSteeringAngle());
current_steering_angle = (current_steering_angle < 0) ? (current_steering_angle + 90): current_steering_angle;
current_steering_angle -= 45;
// S P E E D.
current_speed = Utils.curve_map_linear(0, 45, min_speed, max_speed, Mathf.Abs(current_steering_angle), -1);
_rigid_body.AddRelativeForce(acceleration * Vector3.up);
velocity = transform.InverseTransformVector(_rigid_body.velocity);
if(velocity.y > current_speed){
velocity.y = current_speed;
// to prevent reverse movement due to centrifugal force.
velocity.x = 0;
// R O T A T I O N.
current_radius = Mathf.Sign(current_steering_angle) * Utils.exp_range_3(0, 45, min_radius, max_radius, Mathf.Abs(current_steering_angle), steering_tension, -1);
current_rot_rate = (velocity.y / (2 * Mathf.PI * current_radius)) * 360;
Vector3 angle = transform.localEulerAngles;
angle.z += (current_rot_rate * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
transform.localEulerAngles = angle;
// A P P L Y.
_rigid_body.velocity = transform.TransformVector(velocity);
The Utils.exp_linear and exp_range functions are just range to range mappers with some tension, to control the sensitivity of the steering on the controls.
Code for the chassis.
// I N I T.
current_steering_angle = controls_i.ToSignedRotation(controls_i.getSteeringAngle());
current_steering_angle = (current_steering_angle < 0) ? (current_steering_angle + 90): current_steering_angle;
current_steering_angle = current_steering_angle - 45;
current_steering_angle = ((float)((int)(current_steering_angle * Mathf.Pow(10, 5))))/Mathf.Pow(10,5);
// R O T A T I O N.
current_angle = front_transform.eulerAngles.z - _rigid_body.transform.eulerAngles.z;
current_angle = (Mathf.Abs(current_angle) > 180) ? ((Mathf.Abs(current_angle) - 360) * Mathf.Sign(current_angle)) : current_angle;
current_angle += Mathf.Sign(current_steering_angle) * Utils.curve_map_linear(0, 45, min_angle, max_angle, Mathf.Abs(current_steering_angle), 1);
_rigid_body.transform.RotateAround(front_transform.position, Vector3.forward, current_angle);
// S P E E D.
Vector3 velocity = _rigid_body.transform.InverseTransformVector(_rigid_body.velocity);
if (velocity.y < 0){
velocity.y = 0;
_rigid_body.velocity = _rigid_body.transform.TransformVector(velocity);
I would like to know how to actually implement something like this in unity. I am new to this unity stuff. I looked all over and there was a lot of stuff for 3d cars but not much on top down ones. Appreciate any kind of feedback.

Make it non kinematic, remove the rigidbody of the front tires and make the front tires a child of the chassis.
Handling position:
Make a method that looks at the car's current position, how much the player is turning, and returns the tangential velocity the car needs to go to drive in the appropriate circle:
Vector2 GetTangentialVelocity(...) { }
Then, find the difference between that velocity and the current velocity of the chassis:
Vector2 velDiff = GetTangentialVelocity(...) - chassis_rigidbody.velocity;
Then, apply that difference using AddForce with ForceType.VelocityChange:
chassis_rigidbody.AddForce(velDiff, ForceType.VelocityChange);
Handling rotation:
Move the center of mass forward. You can do this by making the rigidbody long and put the collider at the rear of the object, or by setting RigidBody.centerOfMass:
chassis_rigidbody.centerOfMass = Vector2.up * 0.5;
Make a function similar to GetTangentialVelocity that returns the desired angular velocity, find the difference from chassis_rigidbody.angularVelocity, then use AddTorque with ForceType.VelocityChange:
Vector2 angVelDiff = GetAngularVelocity(...) - chassis_rigidbody.angularVelocity;
chassis_rigidbody.AddTorque(angVelDiff , ForceType.VelocityChange);


How to reposition a circle to be outside of circumference of two other circles?

This is a question for Unity people or Math geniuses.
I'm making a game where I have a circle object that I can move, but I don't want it to intersect or go into other (static) circles in the world (Physics system isn't good enough in Unity to simply use that, btw).
It's in 3D world, but the circles only ever move on 2 axis.
I was able to get this working perfectly if circle hits only 1 other circle, but not 2 or more.
FYI: All circles are the same size.
Here's my working formula for 1 circle to move it to the edge of the colliding circle if intersecting:
newPosition = PositionOfStaticCircleThatWasJustIntersected + ((positionCircleWasMovedTo - PositionOfStaticCircleThatWasJustIntersected).normalized * circleSize);
But I can't figure out a formula if the moving circle hits 2 (or more) static circles at the same time.
One of the things that confuse me the most is the direction issue depending on how all the circles are positioned and what direction the moving circle is coming from.
Here's an example image of what I'm trying to do.
Since we're operating in a 2D space, let's approach this with some geometry. Taking a close look at your desired outcome, a particular shape become apparent:
There's a triangle here! And since all circles are the same radius, we know even more: this is an isosceles triangle, where two sides are the same length. With that information in hand, the problem basically boils down to:
We know what d is, since it's the distance between the two circles being collided with. And we know what a is, since it's the radius of all the circles. With that information, we can figure out where to place the moved circle. We need to move it d/2 between the two circles (since the point will be equidistant between them), and h away from them.
Calculating the height h is straightforward, since this is a right-angle triangle. According to the Pythagorean theorem:
// a^2 + b^2 = c^2, or rewritten as:
// a = root(c^2 - b^2)
float h = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(2 * a, 2) - Mathf.Pow(d / 2, 2))
Now need to turn these scalar quantities into vectors within our game space. For the vector between the two circles, that's easy:
Vector3 betweenVector = circle2Position - circle1Position
But what about the height vector along the h direction? Well, since all movement is on 2D space, find a direction that your circles don't move along and use it to get the cross product (the perpendicular vector) with the betweenVector using Vector3.Cross(). For
example, if the circles only move laterally:
Vector3 heightVector = Vector3.Cross(betweenVector, Vector3.up)
Bringing this all together, you might have a method like:
Vector3 GetNewPosition(Vector3 movingCirclePosition, Vector3 circle1Position,
Vector3 circle2Position, float radius)
float halfDistance = Vector3.Distance(circle1Position, circle2Position) / 2;
float height = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(2 * radius, 2) - Mathf.Pow(halfDistance, 2));
Vector3 betweenVector = circle2Position - circle1Position;
Vector3 heightVector = Vector3.Cross(betweenVector, Vector3.up);
// Two possible positions, on either side of betweenVector
Vector3 candidatePosition1 = circle1Position
+ betweenVector.normalized * halfDistance
+ heightVector.normalized * height;
Vector3 candidatePosition2 = circle1Position
+ betweenVector.normalized * halfDistance
- heightVector.normalized * height;
// Absent any other information, the closer position will be assumed as correct
float distToCandidate1 = Vector3.Distance(movingCirclePosition, candidatePosition1);
float distToCandidate2 = Vector3.Distance(movingCirclePosition, candidatePosition2);
if (distToCandidate1 < distToCandidate2){
return candidatePosition1;
return candidatePosition2;

Math: How to spin a wheel by drag&drop (Canvas, 2D)?

I'm struggling with probably simple math to spin/rotate a wheel using drag&drop.
There is a Radial Layout in a Canvas (Unity UI) and it can already be rotated by setting a property called StartAngle that is in a range from 0-360. In this Radial there are items, so the StartAngle is for the first item and places all the child elements around the layout radius.
I want to implement drag & drop for the items so that you can drag a child around and the Radial will spin accordingly (infinitely).
Right now, I have this as a starting point:
public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
var delta = * Time.deltaTime;
var newAngle = radialLayout.StartAngle + delta;
if (newAngle >= 360)
newAngle = newAngle - 360;
else if (newAngle < 0)
newAngle = Mathf.Abs(360 - newAngle);
radialLayout.StartAngle = newAngle;
It kind of works but doesn't feel very smooth. This is for mobile/touch, so I want both the X and Y delta of the drag operation to be taken into account. Apparently, the y delta is not considered in my example and I have no idea how to incorporate this correctly. The user might do a linear drag & drop on either axis or he/she might also do like a circular drag movement.
So how can I map mouse movement to a rotation angle from 0-360 so that it feels good?
Edit: Thanks for the help, I did it like this now:
public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
// Note the "Head-Minus-Tale rule for Vector subtraction, see
// vSourceToDestination = vDestination - vSource;
// First, we draw a vector from the center point of the radial to the point where we started dragging
var from = dragStartPoint - (Vector2)radialLayout.transform.position;
// Next, we draw a vector from the center point of the radial to the point we are currently dragging on
var to = eventData.position - (Vector2)radialLayout.transform.position;
// Now, we calculate the angle between these two:
var dragAngle = Vector2.SignedAngle(from, to);
// Lerping makes movement fast at the beginning slow at the end
var lerpedAngle = Mathf.Round(Mathf.LerpAngle(radialLayout.StartAngle, dragAngle, 0.5f));
radialLayout.StartAngle = lerpedAngle;
I don't know all of your code and types but I would have an idea. I can't test this right now and can not garant that it even works like this but I hope the idea gets clear.
I would probably rather use something like
// This is the vector from the center of the object to the mouse/touch position
// (in screen pixel space)
var touchDirection = eventData.position - Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);
// angle between the Up (Y) axis and this touchDirection
// for the angle the length of the up vector doesn't matter so there is
// no need to convert it to pixel space
var targetAngle = Vector2.SignedAngle(Vector2.up, touchDirection);
// since the returned angle might be negative wrap it to get values 0-360
if(targetAngle < 0) targetAngle += 360;
// Now either simply use Lerp
// this would simply interpolate each frame to the middle of both values
// the result is a fast movement at the beginning and a very slow at the end
radialLayout.StartAngle = Mathf.Lerp(radialLayout.StartAngle, targetAngle, 0.5f);
// or maybe use a fixed speed like 30°/second
var difference = targetAngle - radialLayout.StartAngle;
radialLayout.StartAngle += Mathf.Sign(difference) * Mathf.Min(30f * Time.deltaTime, Mathf.Abs(difference));
Typed on smartphone but I hope the idea gets clear

Unity3d: how to apply a vortex like force to objects?

I would like to simulate a vortex like force to a "bunch" of objects in my scene.
How can I do in Unity ?
If you are using the physics system, there's two parts to this. Applying the vortex force, and getting the nice swirling effect. To apply the vortex force you can just loop over the rigidbodies and apply the force. To make the swirl look like a proper vortex swirl, you need to start the objects off with a tangential velocity that you can figure out using the vector cross product.
public float VortexStrength = 1000f;
public float SwirlStrength = 5f;
void Start () {
foreach(GameObject g in RigidBodies){
//to get them nice and swirly, use the perpendicular to the direction to the vortex
Vector3 direction = Vortex.transform.position - g.transform.position;
var tangent = Vector3.Cross(direction, Vector3.up).normalized * SwirlStrength;
g.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = tangent;
void Update(){
//apply the vortex force
foreach(GameObject g in RigidBodies){
//force them toward the center
Vector3 direction = Vortex.transform.position - g.transform.position;
g.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(direction.normalized * Time.deltaTime * VortexStrength);
Circular motion:
float angle =0;
float speed=(2*Mathf.PI)/5 //2*PI in degress is 360, so you get 5 seconds to complete a circle
float radius=5;
void Update()
angle += speed*Time.deltaTime; //if you want to switch direction, use -= instead of +=
x = Mathf.Cos(angle)*radius;
y = Mathf.Sin(angle)*radius;
where the center of your circle is the center of your vortex.
Of course:
If you want multiple objects with diferent distance from vortex's
center you have to play with your radius variable (i would add a
Random.Range(minDistance, maxDistance))
If you want diferent speeds you can randomize/change the speed.
Randomize/change your x/y if you don't want a perfect circle
Hope i was clear enought.

Translated grapple physics from Processing to Unity to get different results

tl;dr Moving my game from Processing to Unity. Code responsible for grappling by manually changing the player's velocity doesn't work even though it's basically copy/pasted.
Hi, I've been working on a project of mine over the summer on Processing, and last week I decided to translate it over to Unity.
What I'm having a problem with is the grapple/rope physics. It's supposed to essentially keep the player inside a circle (made by the endpoint of the rope and the length of the rope). When the player falls outside of this circle, the player's position is moved back to the edge of the circle and the player's velocity is set to tangent of the circle.
Decreasing the length of the rope while swinging is supposed to speed you up. (See Floating Point)
On Processing, it works perfectly just as described above, but when I basically copy/pasted the code into unity it loses momentum too quickly (always ends up stopping at the same angle on the other side the player started on). Here is the code for both (run on each physics frame):
(I've also made some images to describe the motion that both versions produce)
(warning: bad and redundant)
physics update:
exists = (endPoint != null);
if(lgth<=0) lgth = 1;
if(exists) {
currentLength = phs.position.dist(endPoint);
if(currentLength > lgth) {
float angle = getAngle(endPoint, phs.position);
phs.addPosition(abs(currentLength - lgth), angle);
float angleBetween = getAngle(phs.position, endPoint);
PVector relativeVelocity = new PVector(phs.velocity.x + phs.position.x, phs.velocity.y + phs.position.y);
float displacement = angleBetween - 90;
Line l1 = lineFromTwoPoints(relativeVelocity, endPoint);
Line l2 = lineFromAngle(phs.position, displacement);
PVector pointToLerpTo = intersection(l1, l2);
if(pointToLerpTo!=null) {
phs.velocity.x = pointToLerpTo.x-phs.position.x;
phs.velocity.y = pointToLerpTo.y-phs.position.y;
else phs.velocity.mult(0);
when the player shortens the rope, speed increases:
if(exists) {
float newLgth = lgth-d;
float distance = getDistance(phs.position, endPoint);
if(distance > newLgth) {
float ratio = (distance-newLgth)/lgth;
lgth = newLgth;
Motion from Processing (good)
Player starts by moving downwards at left edge of rope circle. Doesn't lose speed and continues going around multiple times until gravity slows it down.
both code blocks from above are handled in the same place here, under FixedUpdate() (problematic part seems to be the velocity section)
distance = Vector2.Distance(transform.position, endpoint);
if(connected && distance > length) {
//lerp position -> endpoint// keep gameObject within length of the rope
float posLerpAmount = (distance - length) / distance;
transform.position = Vector2.Lerp(transform.position, endpoint, posLerpAmount);
//'lerp' velocity -> endpoint// keep the velocity locked to the tangent of the circle around the endpoint
Vector2 relativeVelocity = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity + (Vector2)transform.position;
Line l1 = Geometry.LineFromTwoPoints(relativeVelocity, endpoint);
Line l2 = Geometry.LineFromAngle(transform.position, Geometry.GetAngle(endpoint, transform.position) - 90);
if(!Geometry.AreParallel(l1, l2)) {
Vector2 pointToLerpTo = Geometry.Intersection(l1, l2) - (Vector2)transform.position;
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = pointToLerpTo;
else GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);
//increases the magnitude of the velocity based on how far the rope moved the object's position
float ratio = (distance - length) / length;
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity *= 1 + ratio;
distance = length;
Motion from Unity (bad)
Player starts by moving downward at left edge of rope circle. Gains a little bit of speed from gravity, then will always stop 45 degrees on the other side where it started (regardless of starting speed), then slowly fall back down to the bottom of the circle.
If anyone needs me to explain the Geometry class (lines, intersections) then I can, but I think it's mostly self-explanatory. Otherwise, I think I explained this the best I could. Thanks in advance for any help.
(also, StackOverflow isn't letting me add the Unity2d tag so I guess I gotta settle for Unity3d)
I found out that Rigidbody2D.velocity.magnitude is not how far the object moves every physics update. This is what was causing the issue, because the Processing code was based off the velocity being added directly to the position every update.
To fix this, what I did was do the same geometry, but scale the velocity to the % of how much of the velocity was actually 'used' (it usually travels 2% of the actual velocity vector).
Here is the final code in Unity: (this time I'm showing the fill FixedUpdate(), with the irrelevant parts removed)
float lastMagnitude;
Vector2 lastPosition;
void FixedUpdate() {
float velocityMoved = Vector2.Distance(lastPosition, transform.position) / lastMagnitude;
Debug.Log(velocityMoved * 100 + "%"); //this is usually 2%
bool shortenedRope = false;
if(Input.GetButton("Shorten Rope")) {
shortenedRope = true;
length -= ropeShortenLength;
distance = Vector2.Distance(transform.position, endpoint);
if(connected && distance > length) {
//lerp position -> endpoint// keep gameObject within length of the rope
float posLerpAmount = (distance - length) / distance;
transform.position = Vector2.Lerp(transform.position, endpoint, posLerpAmount);
//'lerp' velocity -> endpoint// keep the velocity locked to the tangent of the circle around the endpoint
Vector2 adjustedVelocity = rigidbody.velocity * velocityMoved;
Vector2 relativeVelocity = adjustedVelocity + (Vector2)transform.position;
Line l1 = Geometry.LineFromTwoPoints(relativeVelocity, endpoint);
Line l2 = Geometry.LineFromAngle(transform.position, Geometry.GetAngle(endpoint, transform.position) - 90);
if(!Geometry.AreParallel(l1, l2)) {
Vector2 pointToLerpTo = Geometry.Intersection(l1, l2) - (Vector2)transform.position;
rigidbody.velocity = pointToLerpTo;
rigidbody.velocity /= velocityMoved;
else rigidbody.velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);
//'give back' the energy it lost from moving it's position
if(shortenedRope) {
float ratio = (distance - length) / length;
rigidbody.velocity *= 1 + ratio;
distance = length;
lastPosition = transform.position;
lastMagnitude = rigidbody.velocity.magnitude;
EDIT: Recently learned that it is better to use Time.deltaFixedTime instead of the variable I made velocityMoved, since Time.deltaFixedTime is already calculated.

Car turning circle and moving the sprite

I would like to use Cocos2d on the iPhone to draw a 2D car and make it steer from left to right in a natural way.
Here is what I tried:
Calculate the angle of the wheels and just move it to the destination point where the wheels point to. But this creates a very unnatural feel. The car drifts half the time
After that I started some research on how to get a turning circle from a car, which meant that I needed a couple of constants like wheelbase and the width of the car.
After a lot of research, I created the following code:
float steerAngle = 30; // in degrees
float speed = 20;
float carWidth = 1.8f; // as in 1.8 meters
float wheelBase = 3.5f; // as in 3.5 meters
float x = (wheelBase / abs(tan(steerAngle)) + carWidth/ 2);
float wheelBaseHalf = wheelBase / 2;
float r = (float) sqrt(x * x + wheelBaseHalf * wheelBaseHalf);
float theta = speed * 1 / r;
if (steerAngle < 0.0f)
theta = theta * -1;
drawCircle(CGPointMake(carPosition.x - r, carPosition.y),
The first couple of lines are my constants. carPosition is of the type CGPoint. After that I try to draw a circle which shows the turning circle of my car, but the circle it draws is far too small. I can just make my constants bigger, to make the circle bigger, but then I would still need to know how to move my sprite on this circle.
I tried following a .NET tutorial I found on the subject, but I can't really completely convert it because it uses Matrixes, which aren't supported by Cocoa.
Can someone give me a couple of pointers on how to start this? I have been looking for example code, but I can't find any.
EDIT After the comments given below
I corrected my constants, my wheelBase is now 50 (the sprite is 50px high), my carWidth is 30 (the sprite is 30px in width).
But now I have the problem, that when my car does it's first 'tick', the rotation is correct (and also the placement), but after that the calculations seem wrong.
The middle of the turning circle is moved instead of kept at it's original position. What I need (I think) is that at each angle of the car I need to recalculate the original centre of the turning circle. I would think this is easy, because I have the radius and the turning angle, but I can't seem to figure out how to keep the car moving in a nice circle.
Any more pointers?
You have the right idea. The constants are the problem in this case. You need to specify wheelBase and carWidth in units that match your view size. For example, if the image of your car on the screen has a wheel base of 30 pixels, you would use 30 for the WheelBase variable.
This explains why your on-screen circles are too small. Cocoa is trying to draw circles for a tiny little car which is only 1.8 pixels wide!
Now, for the matter of moving your car along the circle:
The theta variable you calculate in the code above is a rotational speed, which is what you would use to move the car around the center point of that circle:
Let's assume that your speed variable is in pixels per second, to make the calculations easier. With that assumption in place, you would simply execute the following code once every second:
// calculate the new position of the car
newCarPosition.x = (carPosition.x - r) + r*cos(theta);
newCarPosition.y = carPosition.y + r*sin(theta);
// rotate the car appropriately (pseudo-code)
[car rotateByAngle:theta];
Note: I'm not sure what the correct method is to rotate your car's image, so I just used rotateByAngle: to get the point across. I hope it helps!
update (after comments):
I hadn't thought about the center of the turning circle moving with the car. The original code doesn't take into account the angle that the car is already rotated to. I would change it as follows:
if (steerAngle < 0.0f)
theta = theta * -1;
// calculate the center of the turning circle,
// taking int account the rotation of the car
circleCenter.x = carPosition.x - r*cos(carAngle);
circleCenter.y = carPosition.y + r*sin(carAngle);
// draw the turning circle
drawCircle(circleCenter, r, CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(180), 50, NO);
// calculate the new position of the car
newCarPosition.x = circleCenter.x + r*cos(theta);
newCarPosition.y = circleCenter.y + r*sin(theta);
// rotate the car appropriately (pseudo-code)
[car rotateByAngle:theta];
carAngle = carAngle + theta;
This should keep the center of the turning circle at the appropriate point, even if the car has been rotated.