No module named 'psycopg2' Error in Scrapy - postgresql

When I use
import psycopg2
in Scrapy or I get the following error
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'psycopg2'
I know that the error is not valid, because I am running Django server with postgresql, using same venv which contains psycopg2. And also I can connect to db in a test file and enquiry as well. In addition I can run import psycopg2 in Scrapy shell with no issue. So it has puzzled me that I might be missing something,
I appreciate if someone can help me,

Since it took me hours, here is what I have found.
I tested both in windows and Linux Ubuntu, both had same error.
Apparently this is what is happening:
In windows I had Scrapy installed on Core, and in Ubuntu apparently Scrapy is already wrapped in.
I ran my crawler within venv, and it appeared that actually my Scrapy is not installed correctly in the venve. However, Since Scrapy was already in the PATH it was running from Core, where it was no psycopg2. So the above mentioned errors was actually come from come not venv.
Installing Scrapy looked like was very simple in venv at first. I checked that by trying Scrapy shell and it was running, but it was actually were running from the core again. Make sure that you have Scrapy in your pip freeze list in your venv. This is a link that has explained how to address some issues in installation.

You need to install psycopg2 in your virtualenv, issue the next command
pip install psycopg2


Does coc.nvim require Python?

The installation instructions don't mention the need for Python or specific Python plugins. Although when I add coc.nvim to my vim plugs (Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}), install and restart Neovim, I get the following error:
[coc.nvim] Error on execute python script: request error nvim_command - Vim(pyxfile):E319: No "python3" provider found. Run ":checkhealth provider"
I'm a long time VIM/Neovim user and have my fair share of plugins installed, none of them has any dependency on 3rd party Python scripts, and I would like to keep it that way.
So my question is, does coc.nvim require Python or is there something misconfigured on my end?
You're using , which will load and parse Ultisnips snippets, some snippets need Python to run.
You can disable Python by setting "snippets.ultisnips.usePythonx": false in your coc-settings.json.
I solved it using "snippets.ultisnips.usePythonx": false and running pip install neovim in my virtual environment.
I solved it by pip3 install --user pynvim

ImportError: No module named sympy

I am getting the following error while trying to run a sympy file in order to contribute to sympy. It is :
ImportError: No module named sympy
I installed the sympy module through pip for both python2.7 and python 3.
Also, isympy is working.
Strangly, when I try to import sympy in python's interactive console in the main sympy directory, no import errors are shown but in some other directory, it shows import errors.
Please help me to download the sympy module in a way that I will be able to run the code.
Importing module in python console of main directory.
Importing module in some other directory.
A likely cause here is that you are using two different Pythons. If you have Python installed multiple times (like Python 2 and Python 3), each has its own separate packages. You can check what Python you are using by printing sys.executable.
I should point out that for the purposes of contributing to SymPy, you generally want to run against the development version. That is, running Python from the SymPy directory and importing the development version from there, without actually installing it.
Thanks for the reply.
But I solved the problem. I realised that I didn't install sympy in the current conda environment. When I tried it using the command:
conda install sympy
It worked and no error is being shown.


This one may be for the experts!
So here is the problem:
I have a flask app that gets its data from Postgresql and it runs fine in my normal environment. I tried to deploy it locally using virtualenv and after pip installing all the requirements the only one that gave me trouble is psycopg2 which appears to be dependency of Postgresql.
I then used this amazing article to help me install it, by putting export PATH=/Library/PostgreSQL/9.3/bin:$PATH to the .bash_profile file.
But now I get this error:
Library not loaded: libssl.1.0.0.dylib ...Image not found
What is going on?

virtualenv can't execute on my system?

I'm trying to create a virtual environment to deploy a Flask app. However, when I try to create a virtual environment using virtualenv, I get this error:
Using base prefix '//anaconda'
New python executable in /Users/sydney/Desktop/ptproject/venv/bin/python
ERROR: The executable /Users/sydney/Desktop/ptproject/venv/bin/python is not functioning
ERROR: It thinks sys.prefix is '/Users/sydney/Desktop/ptproject' (should be '/Users/sydney/Desktop/ptproject/venv')
ERROR: virtualenv is not compatible with this system or executable
I think that I installed virtualenv using conda. When I use which virtualenv, I get this
Is this an incorrect location for virtualenv? I can't figure out what else the problem would be. I don't understand the error log at all.
It turns out that virtualenv just doesn't work correctly with conda. For example:
(A workaround is proposed at the end of that thread, but it looks like you may be seeing a slightly different error, so maybe it won't work for you.)
Instead of deploying your app with virtualenv, why not just use a proper conda environment? Conda environments are more general (and powerful) than those provided by virtualenv.
For example, to create a new environment with python-2.7 and flask in it:
conda create -n my-new-env flask python=2.7

Symbol not found: _PQbackendPID with Django project

Running on MAC os 10.6.8
with postgresSQL installed, as well django - using python2.7
Also installed psycopg2 and dj-database-url using pip in my virtual env
And added these two lines to my
import dj_database_url
DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.config(default='postgres://localhost')}
Based on instructions for Heroku in:
When running:
python runserver
I am getting this error:
ImportError: dlopen(/Users.... venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/, 2): Symbol not found: _PQbackendPID
Referenced from: /Users.... venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/
Expected in: dynamic lookup
I kept searching for hours and tried all kind of thing including the advice on:
Mac OS X Lion Psycopg2: Symbol not found: _PQbackendPID
to no avail.
Wonder if anyone had such an issue and had any luck.
I had the same problem. Instead of installing the dependencies as Heroku suggests using
pip install Django psycopg2 dj-database-url
clone whatever repo you're hoping to run in venv, keeping its original Then:
source venv/bin/activate
to activate the new environment, cd into your new repo, and python runserver. Should be set.
Alternatively, you could remake PostGreSQL, and run again, but that's a bit more of a task - it would work for psycopg2, though. As far as I can tell that issue comes from using an 64 or i386 build when you should be using a 32 build - but I'm not sure about this, and the above solution works well to solve the problem and use venv for what you're actually going to be using it for, most likely.
I had the same problem as you guys and I had read many pages and I couldn't find the answer in any of them. Many solution was about installing from source file and don't relate to the virtual environment.
I've found and tested following solution and it solve my problem.
1- Make sure your Postgres is NOT higher than 9.4 version according to psycopg2. Check python version as well. I use Postgres 3.9.9.
2- The problem is behind different version of Python(32/64 bit). It should comply with your operation system's bit architecture which is 64bit. Uninstall all versions of Python and pip from your system. Instruction you can find here but do NOT remove Python2.7 which is Apple-supplied system Python.
3- Install "Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit" installer from python official website and install it.
After that install pip. Note that you should use the command "python3.5" for using Python version 3.5. You might install virtualenv from the new pip as well.
4- After all that you can go on your virtualenv and type "pip3 install -r requirement.txt" for installing all dependencies on your local machine.
Hope this can help you.