Unable to start Orientdb as service in windows - orientdb

I installed OrientDB for the first time on windows following the instructions given here - https://orientdb.com/docs/2.0/orientdb.wiki/Windows-Service.html
My JAVA_HOME variable points to this location: C:\Program Files\Java
This is the batch file command to install the service:
installService.bat "%JAVA_HOME%\jre1.8.0_211\bin\server\jvm.dll" C:\dbfiles\orientdb-3.0.18
The service gets created successfully, but cannot be started.
If I directly run the server.bat file, the database starts successfully.
In the system event logs, I see this error:-
The OrientDB Graph Service service terminated with the following service-specific error:
Incorrect function.


Installing PostgreSQL is creating empty data folder

I'm trying to install PostgreSQL form ToolShed on my windows machine.
Everytime I run the intaller as admin it fails with errors.
Failed to load SQL modules into the database cluster.
Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly
Error reading file C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/11/data/postgresql.conf
I see the C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/11/data folder is empty.
So I execute initdb, which is loading data folder with some files
and try to start server using
pg_ctl -D C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/11/data -l logfile start
I get below error.
waiting for server to start....Access is denied.
stopped waiting
pg_ctl: could not start server
Tried v11/13/15 same issue with all of them.

neo4j local cluster start failed

I am trying to set up a local cluster in neo4j and following this tutorial (https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/tutorial/local-causal-cluster/#tutorial-local-cluster-configure-cores). I have downloaded the latest enterprise version 4.1.1 and have followed all the steps mentioned in the tutorial. However I am confused at one step where it is mentioned that we should move to bin directory and run command "neo4j start" . When I run this command it says neo4j service not found so I searched about it and found that I should install neo4j as a service first then the start command will start the service. When I install it the service will run for the core-01 instance, following the tutorial for core-02 and core-03 I am supposed to start neo4j also but again the start command will not work unless I install it.
Following this am I supposed to install 3 different services or it is supposed to be a single service for the whole cluster of 3 instances? If single then the neo4j service will always points to the core-01 instance.
Skipping start command If I run the command neo4j console in the bin directory of 3 instances then I get this error in all three consoles
How I am supposed to handle this?? Am I not setting neo4j service properly or there is some issue in configuration ?

Error encountered in starting Kafka zookeeper application start script

I am seeing an error when I am starting Zookeeper service on windows using command prompt in admin mode. Can somebody assist with this error.
Running the following command in the bin folder:
zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
Results in the below error:
"this file does not have an app associated with it for performing this
action . Please install an app or, if one is already installed ,
create an association in the default apps settings page"
You must use zookeeper-server-start.bat on Windows.

Spring XD - Unable to undeploy & destroy stream through --cmdfile option

Today i have started automating certain Spring-XD tasks like, stream creation, deployment, and undeploying the same.
For this, all my undeploy and destroy commands sit in one file, but when i run the following
$xd-shell --cmdfile auto_cleanup_14032016_235706.txt
I'm getting the following output:
WARNING: Command 'stream destroy --name ingestion_14032016_235706_<>' was found but is not currently available (type 'help' then ENTER to learn about this command)
But When i run the same command inside the interactive shell xd-shell -- It seems to work fine. :(
You will notice this Warning when xd-shell fails to connect to Spring XD admin. Unless specified xd-shell assumes the admin server to be on localhost.
Add below statement to the top of your cmdfile.
admin config server http://spring-xd-admin-server:9393
Also provide the credentials to spring xd admin if required.

JasperReports Server Installation fails while executing initdb.exe of postgresql

JasperReports Server 5.6.0
I am able to successfully install JasperReports Server in unattended mode, when login to a specific machine as local Administrator. But I want to do the installation from a remote machine and am passing the same parameters as earlier(invoking the setup using CPAU for run as admin), but it fails while executing initdb.exe with the data folder creation.
I am getting the following error message as stated below.
"Executing initdb.exe -U postgres -E UTF8 -D C:/JASPER~1/JASPER~1.6/POSTGR~1/data
Script exit code: unknown signal
Script output:
Script stderr: child killed: unknown signal"
After googling and looking for a possible solution, I tried the following.
1) Created the data folder via cmd and provided full control permissions using cacls
2) Created the parent folder 'JasperServer' and provided inheritance permissions of OI, CI, Full Control.
But the issue appears to be the same. Though I am able to install JR Server with the same account by rdp in to the specific machine.
Can anyone help me out?
pls try this:
Reason: You are using domain admin account.
change to local admin user and restart install procedure,then it works:-)
By, Kosta