Scala pattern match not working on Stream? - scala

I do a group-by and I get key -> Stream(of values)
I then need to do a pattern match on the stream collection to access the last item
but the pattern match doesn't work.
When I manually build the list of values using Seq the same pattern match code works
So my question is there a way to convert the Stream to Seq or List?
The IDE says toSeq is redundant

When I manually build the list of values using Seq the same pattern match code works
In scala 2.12, Seq (or sequence) are defaulted to List, see this question:
scala> Seq(1,2,3)
res3: Seq[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
This is probably why the pattern matching works on your sequence (which happens to be a List) but not an a Stream, see this question.
The IDE says toSeq is redundant
Stream are indeed Seq:
res4: collection.immutable.Seq[Int] = Stream(1, 2, 3)
So my question is there a way to convert the Stream to Seq or List?
To transform a Stream into a List, you can call the .toList method:
res5: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

Or with this Answer you don't have to transform to List:
val n: Seq[Any] = Stream(..)
n match {
case Nil => "Empty"
case h :: t => "Non-empty"
case h #:: t => "Non-empty stream"
For Stream, the concat symbol should be #::, the pattern match should like:
Make sure you reverse the Stream - so you get the last element, here an example:
n.reverse match {
case Nil => "Empty"
case h #:: _ => s"last element is $h"
Check it here ScalaFiddle


Using pattern matching to swap two elements in scala

I would like to use the pattern matching to swap the first two elements of an array, my code as shown below:
>scala val arr = Array(1,2,3,4,5)
>arr match { case Array(a,b,rest # _*) => Array(b,a,rest)
// Array(2,1,Vector(3,4,5))
However, the result should be Array(2,1,3,4,5). How to revise it?
Your problem is not passing in rest as a varargs, which is done using rest: _* syntax. This tells the compiler to pass in the collection methods as varargs, it works with Seq.
val arr = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
arr match { case Array(a, b, rest # _*) => Array(b, a +: rest: _*) }
There's an Array.apply method than takes a first element followed by a varargs, but there's none to pass in two elements and then varargs. Because of that, we need to prepend the second element to the Seq before passing the whole thing as varargs.
That's why we end up with a +: rest: _*. +: are invoked on the right hand side of the expression, so the method +: is defined on Seq, by convention Scala methods that end with : are right associative.

How can I functionally iterate over a collection combining elements?

I have a sequence of values of type A that I want to transform to a sequence of type B.
Some of the elements with type A can be converted to a B, however some other elements need to be combined with the immediately previous element to produce a B.
I see it as a small state machine with two states, the first one handling the transformation from A to B when just the current A is needed, or saving A if the next row is needed and going to the second state; the second state combining the saved A with the new A to produce a B and then go back to state 1.
I'm trying to use scalaz's Iteratees but I fear I'm overcomplicating it, and I'm forced to return a dummy B when the input has reached EOF.
What's the most elegant solution to do it?
What about invoking the sliding() method on your sequence?
You might have to put a dummy element at the head of the sequence so that the first element (the real head) is evaluated/converted correctly.
If you map() over the result from sliding(2) then map will "see" every element with its predecessor.
val input: Seq[A] = ??? // real data here (no dummy values)
val output: Seq[B] = (dummy +: input).sliding(2).flatMap(a2b).toSeq
def a2b( arg: Seq[A] ): Seq[B] = {
// arg holds 2 elements
// return a Seq() of zero or more elements
Taking a stab at it:
Partition your list into two lists. The first is the one you can directly convert and the second is the one that you need to merge.
scala> val l = List("String", 1, 4, "Hello")
l: List[Any] = List(String, 1, 4, Hello)
scala> val (string, int) = l partition { case s:String => true case _ => false}
string: List[Any] = List(String, Hello)
int: List[Any] = List(1, 4)
Replace the logic in the partition block with whatever you need.
After you have the two lists, you can do whatever you need to with your second using something like this
scala> string ::: int.collect{case i:Integer => i}.sliding(2).collect{
| case List(a, b) => a+b.toString}.toList
res4: List[Any] = List(String, Hello, 14)
You would replace the addition with whatever your aggregate function is.
Hopefully this is helpful.

Functional style in Scala to collect results from a method

I have two lists that I zip and go through the zipped result and call a function. This function returns a List of Strings as response. I now want to collect all the responses that I get and I do not want to have some sort of buffer that would collect the responses for each iteration. (Obj1, Obj1)) => {
callMethod(x._1, x._2) // This method returns a Seq of String when called
What I want to avoid is to create a ListBuffer and keep collecting it. Any clues to do it functionally?
Why not use map() to transform each input into a corresponding output ? Here's map() operating in a simple scenario:
scala> val l = List(1,2,3,4,5)
scala> x => x*2 )
res60: List[Int] = List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
so in your case it would look something like: (Obj1, Obj1)) => callMethod(x._1, x._2))
Given that your function returns a Seq of Strings, you could use flatMap() to flatten the results into one sequence.

Scala - finding a specific tuple in a list

Let's say we have this list of tuples:
val data = List(('a', List(1, 0)), ('b', List(1, 1)), ('c', List(0)))
The list has this signature:
List[(Char, List[Int])]
My task is to get the "List[Int]" element from a tuple inside "data" whose key is, for instance, letter "b". If I implement a method like "findIntList(data, 'b')", then I expect List(1, 1) as a result. I have tried the following approaches:
data.foreach { elem => if (elem._1 == char) return elem._2 }
data.find(x=> x._1 == ch)
for (elem <- data) yield elem match {case (x, y: List[Bit]) => if (x == char) y}
for (x <- data) yield if (x._1 == char) x._2
With all the approaches (except Approach 1, where I employ an explicit "return"), I get either a List[Option] or List[Any] and I don't know how to extract the "List[Int]" out of it.
One of many ways:
toMap converts a list of 2-tuples into a Map from the first element of the tuples to the second. get gives you the value for the given key and returns an Option, thus you need another get to actually get the list.
Or you can use:
data.find(_._1 == 'b').get._2
Note: Only use get on Option when you can guarantee that you'll have a Some and not a None. See for how to use Option idiomatic.
Update: Explanation of the result types you see with your different approaches
Approach 2: find returns an Option[List[Int]] because it can not guarantee that a matching element gets found.
Approach 3: here you basically do a map, i.e. you apply a function to each element of your collection. For the element you are looking for the function returns your List[Int] for all other elements it contains the value () which is the Unit value, roughly equivalent to void in Java, but an actual type. Since the only common super type of ´List[Int]´ and ´Unit´ is ´Any´ you get a ´List[Any]´ as the result.
Approach 4 is basically the same as #3
Another way is
Or with one intermediate step this is even nicer:
val m = data.toMap
where apply is used implicitly, i.e., the last line is equivalent to
There are multiple ways of doing it. One more way:
scala> def listInt(ls:List[(Char, List[Int])],ch:Char) = ls filter (a => a._1 == ch) match {
| case Nil => List[Int]()
| case x ::xs => x._2
| }
listInt: (ls: List[(Char, List[Int])], ch: Char)List[Int]
scala> listInt(data, 'b')
res66: List[Int] = List(1, 1)
You can try something like(when you are sure it exists) simply by adding type information.
val char = 'b'
data.collect{case (x,y:List[Int]) if x == char => y}.head
or use headOption if your not sure the character exists
data.collect{case (x,y:List[Int]) if x == char => y}.headOption
You can also solve this using pattern matching. Keep in mind you need to make it recursive though. The solution should look something like this;
def findTupleValue(tupleList: List[(Char, List[Int])], char: Char): List[Int] = tupleList match {
case (k, list) :: _ if char == k => list
case _ :: theRest => findTupleValue(theRest, char)
What this will do is walk your tuple list recursively. Check whether the head element matches your condition (the key you are looking for) and then returns it. Or continues with the remainder of the list.

Scala: How do I use fold* with Map?

I have a Map[String, String] and want to concatenate the values to a single string.
I can see how to do this using a List...
scala> val l = List("te", "st", "ing", "123")
l: List[java.lang.String] = List(te, st, ing, 123)
scala> l.reduceLeft[String](_+_)
res8: String = testing123
fold* or reduce* seem to be the right approach I just can't get the syntax right for a Map.
Folds on a map work the same way they would on a list of pairs. You can't use reduce because then the result type would have to be the same as the element type (i.e. a pair), but you want a string. So you use foldLeft with the empty string as the neutral element. You also can't just use _+_ because then you'd try to add a pair to a string. You have to instead use a function that adds the accumulated string, the first value of the pair and the second value of the pair. So you get this:
scala> val m = Map("la" -> "la", "foo" -> "bar")
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String,java.lang.String] = Map(la -> la, foo -> bar)
scala> m.foldLeft("")( (acc, kv) => acc + kv._1 + kv._2)
res14: java.lang.String = lalafoobar
Explanation of the first argument to fold:
As you know the function (acc, kv) => acc + kv._1 + kv._2 gets two arguments: the second is the key-value pair currently being processed. The first is the result accumulated so far. However what is the value of acc when the first pair is processed (and no result has been accumulated yet)? When you use reduce the first value of acc will be the first pair in the list (and the first value of kv will be the second pair in the list). However this does not work if you want the type of the result to be different than the element types. So instead of reduce we use fold where we pass the first value of acc as the first argument to foldLeft.
In short: the first argument to foldLeft says what the starting value of acc should be.
As Tom pointed out, you should keep in mind that maps don't necessarily maintain insertion order (Map2 and co. do, but hashmaps do not), so the string may list the elements in a different order than the one in which you inserted them.
The question has been answered already, but I'd like to point out that there are easier ways to produce those strings, if that's all you want. Like this:
scala> val l = List("te", "st", "ing", "123")
l: List[java.lang.String] = List(te, st, ing, 123)
scala> l.mkString
res0: String = testing123
scala> val m = Map(1 -> "abc", 2 -> "def", 3 -> "ghi")
m: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,java.lang.String] = Map((1,abc), (2,def), (3,ghi))
scala> m.values.mkString
res1: String = abcdefghi