install4j5 to install4j7 upgrade issue on Bamboo - install4j

I have upgraded from install4j5 to install4j7 on my Bamboo server and now I am getting a Java version error.
15-May-2019 20:52:19 [install4j] install4j version 7.0.10 (build 7329), built on 2019-03-14
15-May-2019 20:52:19 [install4j] Using Java 1.8.0_101 from /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_101/jre
15-May-2019 20:52:21 [install4j] install4j: compilation failed. Reason: The Java minimum version for the project must be 1.7 or higher.
I'm using 1.8 as seen in the log. I have not been able to find any settings that are pointing install4j7 to another version.

When you open the project in the install4j IDE, go to the "General Settings->Java Version" step. There is a text field labeled "Minimum version" that has to be 1.7 or higher when using install4j 7.x.


Flutter application not working due to Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8

I am trying to make a flutter application but I constantly get this error :
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.
> Failed to apply plugin ''.
> Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8.
You can try some of the following options:
- changing the IDE settings.
- changing the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
- changing `` in ``
I followed this question : Android Studio Error "Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8"
and this was the output :
Gradle 7.4
Build time: 2022-02-08 09:58:38 UTC
Revision: f0d9291c04b90b59445041eaa75b2ee744162586
Kotlin: 1.5.31
Groovy: 3.0.9
Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.11 compiled on July 10 2021
JVM: 13.0.7 (Private Build 13.0.7+5-Ubuntu-0ubuntu120.04)
OS: Linux 5.4.0-125-generic amd64
JVM points to 13.0.7. What can be issue and how can it be resolved? Thankyou
In your Android Studio IDE, go to ~
Preferences → Build, Execution, Deployment → Build Tools → Gradle → *Gradle JDK
and choose the appropriate JDK version and apply. Try to take the embedded JDK as that would be IDE version appropriate. After this sync project and run.
Check your version of Android Studio and update to Dolphin (2021.3.x).
There are plenty of answers to this question out there that simply ask you to point to the right SDK. None of them appreciate that in some 4.x versions of Android Studio, you can be pointing to the right SDK, but Android Studio keeps pointing to the v1.8, even if you have a version >11 installed and selected in:
Project Structure, or
It's possible that: C:*\java -version --> Results in jre/jvm >11, your 'flutter doctor -v' still says: jre/jvm-1.8.
If you don't see the above screen posted by GeekyChick in settings (i.e., "it's a location that only opens up a checkbox where its written generate *.iml files"), than you probably have Android Studio v4.x, rather than a 2021.x or greater.
Upgrade your Android Studio to Dolphin, and re-follow the instructions to choose the right SDK in Project Structure (not Settings).

NetBeans 10 External Execution Base API issue

I have Apache NetBeans IDE 10. When I try to install the nbscala plugins for Scala, I get an issue:
Some plugins require plugin External Execution Base API to be installed
How do I fix the issue?
The solutions for NetBeans 8.2 don't work.
Product Version: Apache NetBeans IDE 10.0 (Build incubator-netbeans-release-380-on-20181217)
nbscala plugin version: 20190313-b8a704f058cc

Error when open eclipse - MAC

I have installed eclipse on my iMac and when I try to open it, it gives me this error:
Failed to find a Main Class in
"/Applications/ plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.0.v20180512-1130.jar".
On my MacBook Pro, everything works fine, but I have done nothing different.
I have checked other posts, but most of them refer to a windows OS. There was an answer which said that it can just open when everything is in an English folder and this is true for me!
Thanking you in advance!
I came across this error after installing Eclipse PDT.
Open your terminal and run the version command: java -version.
If your java version is below 1.8, you will have to update your Java
Runtime Environment to at least 1.8.0 by installing an updated JDK
Then re-run the java version command and your version
should be updated.
You should now be able to install and run
I have the same issue, but on my MacBookPro. I first installed eclipse Photon, which when starting up prompted me to install Java 6, which I did from
Then I also installed the latest JRE (jre-8u171-macosx-x64 as of yesterday). When running eclipse again I started getting this error. Then I tried to run from the command line, and got this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/eclipse/equinox/launcher/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
When googling that, the answers said that the reason for that is that the Oracle installer does not update the symlink in /usr/bin, which seemed to be confirmed by the fact that running java -version returned this:
java -version
java version "1.6.0_65"
The solutions I found for that were not feasible in MacOS starting in version El Capitan, and I am on High Sierra, so I followed the instructions in this post to fix that, and it worked, now I get:
java -version
java version "1.8.0_171"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_171-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.171-b11, mixed mode)
After all of this, however, I get the same "Failed to find a Main Class" error on the dialog as reported initially here, and the same "UnsupportedClassVersionError" on the CLI that I had when the system was still on java 6, so now I am still stuck and out of ideas.
I kept thinking that the problem was the java version, it was somehow still using java 6 (which I had installed due to the initial prompt).
So I followed the instructions here to remove what I had installed for the alleged java 6 issue. Then I found this post in the eclipse forums, which stated at the end (comment added by Eric Rizzo on Tue, 14 February 2017 21:56) that this is not an Eclipse message, but rather an OS message, and that one should NOT do that as apple messed things up with that patch. And then it goes to explain that one should install java 8 JDK (NOT just the JRE as I had done). Once I removed Java 6 and installed the full java 8 JDK, it ran fine :)
You can edit the eclipse.ini with your vm configuration in the beginning of the file
cat /Applications/
PD. It works with ApacheDirectoryStudio for MAC
This one works for me with MAC OS Mojave.
You can download the Java SE Development Kit 8u221 for mac from the below link.

Gradle Integration for Eclipse daemon startup failure

I am new to Eclipse Juno using the Gradle Integration for Eclipse plugin. I am at a loss why gradle works perfectly from the command line and as an external tool; but in Eclipse Juno Package Explorer menu: gradle task it fails constantly with the following stack trace:
Error while initializing classpath container
Unable to start the daemon process.
This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon.
For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used.
Please refer to the user guide chapter on the daemon at
Please read below process output to find out more:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI has an authority component
at org.gradle.api.internal.classpath.EffectiveClassPath.findAvailableClasspathFiles(
at org.gradle.api.internal.classpath.EffectiveClassPath.(
at org.gradle.api.internal.classpath.DefaultModuleRegistry.(
at org.gradle.api.internal.classpath.DefaultModuleRegistry.(
at org.gradle.launcher.bootstrap.ProcessBootstrap.runNoExit(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.bootstrap.GradleDaemon.main(
Could not fetch model of type 'EclipseProject' using Gradle distribution ''.
The env variables for GRADLE_HOME, GRADLE_USER_HOME, PATH are all setup correctly. From the command line gradle -v returns:
Gradle 1.6
Gradle build time: Tuesday, May 7, 2013 9:12:14 AM UTC
Groovy: 1.8.6
Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.4 compiled on May 22 2012
Ivy: 2.2.0
JVM: 1.7.0_45 (Oracle Corporation 24.45-b08)
OS: Windows 7 6.1 amd64
Eclipse version:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Juno Service Release 2
Build id: 20130225-0426
OS is Win7 64 on amd64 platform with 4GB of system memory so it show not be a memory issue and there are no gradle daemons running when I get the above stack trace in Eclipse Juno.
I have exhausted all means on the web, this site, and my team to resolve the issue. I need some help please.
Windows 7 sets the user.home as a UNC path.
Add -Duser.home=x:\ to your Eclipse INI file where "x" is a local drive name.
That should solve your problem
If you are using the Gradle plugin, ensure it is pointing to the correct Gradle installation. I get the error you show when I use the embedded Gradle that comes with Spring Tools Suite.

MTurk Command Line Tools Error: Bad version number in .class file

I am using the Mechanical Turk command line tools on Windows. When I try to run a command (e.g., getBalance, createQualificationType), I always get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file
Any clues as to what I could look at to fix this would be greatly appreciated!!
I have tried updating my key and secret key to no avail.
Note: I can get help for the commands by using -help, but I cannot run the commands themselves.
This error occurs whether I am running either JRE 1.5.0_06-b05, 1.5.0_22-b03, or 1.7.0_17-b02. The command line tools documentation states, "You must have the Java JRE 1.5.X (JRE 5). The Command Line Tools are not 100% compatible with JRE 6."
Since I am using the version of the command line tools packaged with JRE, I have also uninstalled my JRE. I get the same error.
UnsupportedClassVersionError means that you are trying to use a Java class that was compiled with a newer JDK on an older Java runtime environment. For example, you have a class that was compiled with JDK 7, and you are trying to use it on a Java 6 or older runtime environment.
Java is downwards compatible; newer Java runtime environments can run Java classes compiled with older versions without modifications, but not the other way around.
Check with what version the class you are trying to use was compiled, and use a Java runtime environment with the same version or newer to run the class.
You can check your Java runtime environment and JDK versions with:
java -version
javac -version
Apparently, the CLT installer installs a JRE that is too old to run the tools included in the installer. Seems like a serious bug (certainly annoying).
You can fix by installing and using a more recent JDK.
This post contains instructions on how to do so: