How Can I set statistics-Enabled to True for EJB and undertow In JBOSS EAP 7.1? - deployment

How can I set Statistics-Enabled=True for /subsystem=undertow/servlet-container= default/server=default-server/http-listener=default ?

Apparently, there is no function to enable statistics for a particular listener. But you can enable statistics for subsystem undertow.
To read attribute :
To change the attribute :
You may need to prefix the command with particular profile.
Reference for other commands to enable statistics :


how to implement EJBTimer (persistant) in Open Liberty

Product name: Open Liberty
Product version:
Product edition: Open
is it possible to implement persistent ejbtimers on filesystem based default derby DB, using embedded.derby.DB
I installed derby in /tmp/derby, configured server.xml with the following, i don't see any file being created under /tmp when I start the OpenLiberty JVM, what am I missing in this approach?
<library id="DerbyLib">
<fileset dir="/tmp/derby/lib" includes="derby.jar"/>
<dataSource id="DefaultDerbyDatasource" jndiName="jdbc/defaultDatasource" statementCacheSize="10" transactional="false">
<jdbcDriver libraryRef="DerbyLib"/>
<properties.derby.embedded createDatabase="create" databaseName="/tmp/sample.ejbtimer.db" shutdownDatabase="false"/>
<containerAuthData user="user1" password="derbyuser" />
Check this book -
In chapter "5.2.4 Developing applications using timers" you should find all stuff needed.
UPDATE based on comment:
If you look to the book and to the log it shows:
[INFO ] CNTR4000I: The ITSOTimerApp.war EJB module in the ITSOTimerApp
application is starting.
[INFO ] CNTR0167I: The server is binding the
interface of the TimerBean enterprise bean in the ITSOTimerApp.war module of
the ITSOTimerApp application. The binding location is:
[INFO ] DSRA8203I: Database product name : Apache Derby
[INFO ] DSRA8204I: Database product version : - (1212722)
[INFO ] DSRA8205I: JDBC driver name : Apache Derby Embedded JDBC Driver
[INFO ] DSRA8206I: JDBC driver version : - (1212722)
[INFO ] CNTR0219I: The server created 1 persistent automatic timer or timers
and 0 non-persistent automatic timer or timers for the ITSOTimerApp.war module.
TimerBean initialized
It creates db 'as needed' so if you dont have any persistent timers beans, the service will not be started nor db created.
Liberty in general follows lazy model and doesn't start unneeded services.
So create sample application and then your DB will be created. There is no need to create database nor connection to database when no one is requesting for it.
In general, it is not advisable to use Derby Embedded database for persistent EJB timers due to limitations of Derby Embedded that all connections use the same class loader (implying the same JVM as well). This means you cannot leverage the failover capability (missedTaskThreshold setting) or even have multiple servers connected to the database at all. If you decide to use a Derby Embedded database, it means that you are limiting yourself to a single server. You can decide for yourself if that is acceptable based on what your needs are.
In the case of the example configuration you gave, it doesn't work because the EJB persistent timers feature in Liberty has no way of knowing that you dataSource, "DefaultDerbyDatasource" with jndiName "jdbc/defaultDatasource" is the data source that it ought to use. Also, it is incorrect to specify transactional="false" on the data source that you want EJB persistent timers to use because EJB persistent timers are transactional in nature.
I assume that what you are intending to do is configure the Java EE default data source and expecting EJB persistent timers to use it. That approach will work, except that you'll need to configure the Java EE default data source, you need to specify the id as "DefaultDataSource".
Here is an example that switches your configured data source to the Java EE default data source and removes the transactional="false" config,
<library id="DerbyLib">
<fileset dir="/tmp/derby/lib" includes="derby.jar"/>
<dataSource id="DefaultDataSource" jndiName="jdbc/defaultDatasource" statementCacheSize="10">
<jdbcDriver libraryRef="DerbyLib"/>
<properties.derby.embedded createDatabase="create" databaseName="/tmp/sample.ejbtimer.db" shutdownDatabase="false"/>
<containerAuthData user="user1" password="derbyuser" />
By default, the EJB persistent timers feature should create database tables once the application runs and the EJB module is used.
However, you may be able to verify the configuration prior to that point by running the ddlgen utility (after correcting the configuration as above)
which gives you the opportunity to see the DDL that it will use and optionally to run it manually (which is useful if you turned off automatic table creation via
<databaseStore id="defaultDatabaseStore" createTables="false"/> )

How to add a an attribute to existing datasource using Jboss CLI

I need to add the below values to my existing data source through CLI commands in jboss EAP server
<connection-property name="auto Commit">false</connection-property>
I have tried to use below command but its says duplicate resource
TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED is the attribute value for transaction isolation.
transaction-isolation : This element specifies the java.sql.Connection transaction isolation level to use. The constants defined in the Connection interface are the possible element content values and include:
You can use the following command to add any of the above strategies:

Setting Hystrix timeout with environment variable

In order to change Hystrix's default request timeout (1000ms), one must set the following property :
What is the corresponding environment variable ?
I would like to "tune" the timeout on my favorite cloud platform without touching the source code first.
EDIT : Problem was found with Spring Cloud Camden / Spring Boot 1.4.
VM options and environment variables can be referenced from application configuration, which is often a more convenient way to set properties with longer names.
For example, one can define the following reference in application.yml:
hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds: ${service.timeout}
which will be resolved from the VM option -Dservice.timeout=10000, setting the default Hystrix command timeout to 10 seconds. It is even simpler with environment variables - thanks to relaxed binding, any of these will work (export examples are for Linux):
export service.timeout=10000
export service_timeout=10000
export SERVICE.TIMEOUT=10000
export SERVICE_TIMEOUT=10000
The common approach is to use for VM arguments and ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES for environment variables.
You could try expression with a default value:
hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutIn‌Milliseconds: ${SERVICE_TIMEOUT:2000}
In case you have SERVICE_TIMEOUTsystem variable - it will be used by an application, otherwise, a default value will be picked up.
Found more of a workaround than a solution, using SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON environment variable :
SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON='{ "hystrix" : { "command" : { "default" : { "execution" : { "isolation" : { "thread" : { "timeoutInMilliseconds" : 3000 } } } } } } }'
You can use Spring config yaml file , Please read further on following link
VM option -Dhystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds=2000 works for me. However it has a side effect, then you can not change the config value in java code since system properties are prioritized.
"hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds", 3000);// it doesn't work

How can I add to the mongodb connection string in Mule

I want to add --sslAllowInvalidHostnames criteria to the mongo connection in Mule but cannot see how I can add this and only see a tick box for SSL.
How can I add this?
Mongo configuration:
<mongo:config name="Mongo_DB__Configuration" username="${mongodb.username}" password="${mongodb.password}" database="${mongodb.database}" host="${}" doc:name="Mongo DB: Configuration"/>
The class org.mule.modules.mongo.Config (in version 4.1.0, can't confirm for others) simply checks for a system property called sslInvalidHostNameAllowed and sets the criteria accordingly.
Try adding -DsslInvalidHostNameAllowed=true to your java command used to launch Mule, or alternatively by adding<n>=-DsslInvalidHostNameAllowed=true to your wrapper.conf file (in MULE_HOME/conf) for standalone Mule instances.

How can I enable and collect trace for DB2 through WebSphere?

I would like to enable trace for DB2 which I'm accessing via datasource in WebSphere Application Server version 8.
In the server's file after the variable add the following code:
for version 6 or later:
for version 5:
More info can be found on IBM website:
In you datasource you need to specify the traceLevel property as well.
<dataSource id="db2" jndiName="jdbc/db2" jdbcDriverRef="DB2Driver" >
<properties.db2.jcc databaseName="myDB" traceLevel="-1"/>
Actually it depends on the WebSphere version and the way DB2 is used. I'll try to summarize your options, for more details look at the links at the bottom.
WebSphere Application Server (Full Profile)
You have the following options:
You can enable general database related tracing via WebSphere tracing infrastructure.
In the WebSphere web admin console go to Troubleshooting > Logging and tracing > serverName > Change log detail levels and either on the Runtime tab (effective immediately) or on Configuration tab (effective after restart) set the trace to *=info:WAS.database=all or more detailed *=info:WAS.j2c=all:RRA=all:WAS.database=all:Transaction=all. This trace string is general, for JDBC connection, not only for DB2.
You can enable DB2 datasource trace related options.
In the WebSphere web admin console go to Resources > JDBC > Data sources > datasourceName > Custom properties. Im the custom properties set trace related properties, the most important ones are:
traceLevel - specifies the level of trace, determined by a bitwise combination of constants:
traceFile - specifies file to store the trace output
WebSphere Liberty Profile
In the folder LIBERTY_HOME/usr/servers/server_name create with the following variable for DB2 (for other databases check link at the bottom):*
Specifying trace via system property
When you use unmanaged connections got from DriverManager, you cannot set driver trace properties via data source. In that case you can create property file with the following contents:
and specify path to it as JVM system property:
Useful links:
Tracing with the IBM Data Server driver for JDBC
JDBC trace configuration (Full profile
Enabling JDBC Tracing for the Liberty profile
for version 6 or later:
And for version 5: