Delete a pod but mark the job as successful - kubernetes

I have a system that brings up Jobs, each with a Pod that has multiple containers.
Two of those containers are not under my control and run "background"/sidecar daemons. The container I do control is able to run to completion, but once it's done, the Pod is still considered active since two of the containers are still up.
I've tried killing the other containers from mine, but that works ~99% of the time and we run a lot of Jobs. When it fails, deleting the Pod (or letting the Job timeout) works, but it marks the Job as a failure rather than as a success, and I use that status to indicate to users the result of their work.
Edit: I'm aware of the "sidecar containers" KEP, but no PR has been accepted for it yet, so it's not going to be available in a stable cluster for a very long time.

Don't know to what extent this answers your question, but it seems that there is an ongoing discussion about sidecar containers, and an enhancement proposal about this also.
An interesting solution proposed in the thread above is this k8s-controller-sidecars proposed by a user, and which seems easy to configure.
Try it out, and let us know if it works.


Liquibase with Kubernetes, how to prevent DB being left in a locked state

Firstly, yes I have read this
and I also read many SO threads where people are answering "I solved the issue by using init-container"
I understand that for most people this might have fixed the issue because the reason their pods were going down was because the migration was taking too long and k8s probes killed the pods.
But what about when a new deployment is applied and the previous deployment was stuck a failed state (k8s trying again and again to launches the pods without success) ?
When this new deployment is applied it will simply whip / replace all the failing pods and if this happens while Liquibase aquired the lock the pods (and its init containers) are killed and the DB will be left in a locked state requiring manual intervention.
Unless I missed something with k8s's init-container, using them doesn't really solve the issue described above right?
Is that the only solution currently available? What other solution could be used to avoid manual intervention ?
My first thought was to add some kind of custom code (either directly in the app before the Liquibase migration happens) or in init-container that would run before liquibase init-container runs to automatically unlock the DB if for example the lock is, let's say, 5 minutes old.
Would that be acceptable or will it cause other issues i'm not thinking about ?

Will mongock work correctly with kubernetes replicas?

Mongock looks very promising. We want to use it inside a kubernetes service that has multiple replicas that run in parallel.
We are hoping that when our service is deployed, the first replica will acquire the mongockLock and all of its ChangeLogs/ChangeSets will be completed before the other replicas attempt to run them.
We have a single instance of mongodb running in our kubernetes environment, and we want the mongock ChangeLogs/ChangeSets to execute only once.
Will the mongockLock guarantee that only one replica will run the ChangeLogs/ChangeSets to completion?
Or do I need to enable transactions (or some other configuration)?
I am going to provide the short answer first and then the long one. I suggest you to read the long one too in order to understand it properly.
Short answer
By default, Mongock guarantees that the ChangeLogs/changeSets will be run only by one pod at a time. The one owning the lock.
Long answer
What really happens behind the scenes(if it's not configured otherwise) is that when a pod takes the lock, the others will try to acquire it too, but they can't, so they are forced to wait for a while(configurable, but 4 mins by default)as many times as the lock is configured(3 times by default). After this, if i's not able to acquire it and there is still pending changes to apply, Mongock will throw an MongockException, which should mean the JVM startup fail(what happens by default in Spring).
This is fine in Kubernetes, because it ensures it will restart the pods.
So now, assuming the pods start again and changeLogs/changeSets are already applied, the pods start successfully because they don't even need to acquire the lock as there aren't pending changes to apply.
Potential problem with MongoDB without transaction support and Frameworks like Spring
Now, assuming the lock and the mutual exclusion is clear, I'd like to point out a potential issue that needs to be mitigated by the the changeLog/changeSet design.
This issue applies if you are in an environment such as Kubernetes, which has a pod initialisation time, your migration take longer than that initialisation time an the Mongock process is executed before the pod becomes ready/health(and it's a condition for it). This last condition is highly desired as it ensures the application runs with the right version of the data.
In this situation imagine the Pod starts the Mongock process. After the Kubernetes initialisation time, the process is still not finished, but Kubernetes stops the JVM abruptly. This means that some changeSets were successfully executed, some other not even started(no problem, they will be processed in the next attempt), but one changeSet was partially executed and marked as not done. This is the potential issue. The next time Mongock runs, it will see the changeSet as pending and it will execute it from the beginning. If you haven't designed your changeLogs/changeSets accordingly, you may experience some unexpected results because some part of the data process covered by that changeSet has already taken place and it will happen again.
This, somehow needs to be mitigated. Either with the help of mechanisms like transactions, with a changeLog/changeSet design that takes this into account or both.
Mongock currently provides transactions with “all or nothing”, but it doesn’t really help much as it will retry every time from scratch and will probably end up in an infinite loop. The next version 5 will provide transactions per ChangeLogs and changeSets, which together with good organisation, is the right solution for this.
Meanwhile this issue can be addressed by following this design suggestions.
Just to follow up... Mongock's locking mechanism works fine with replicas. To solve the "long-running script" problem, we will run our Mongock scripts from Kubernetes initContainer. K8s will wait for the initContainers to finish before it starts the pod's main service containers.
For transactions, we will follow the advice above of making our scripts idempotent.

Updating a kubernetes job: what happens?

I'm looking for a definitive answer for k8s' response to a job being updated - specifically, if I update the container spec (image / args).
If the containers are starting up, will it stop & restart them?
If the job's pod is all running, will it stop & restart?
If it's Completed, will it run it again with the new setup?
If it failed, will it run it again with the new setup?
I've not been able to find documentation on this point, but if there is some I'd be very happy to get some signposting.
The .spec.template field can not be updated in a Job, the field is immutable. The Job would need to be deleted and recreated which covers all of your questions.
The reasoning behind the changes aren't available in the github commit or pr, but these changes were soon after Jobs were originally added. Your stated questions are likely part of that reasoning as making it immutable removes ambiguity.

Is it possible to stop a job in Kubernetes without deleting it

Because Kubernetes handles situations where there's a typo in the job spec, and therefore a container image can't be found, by leaving the job in a running state forever, I've got a process that monitors job events to detect cases like this and deletes the job when one occurs.
I'd prefer to just stop the job so there's a record of it. Is there a way to stop a job?
1) According to the K8S documentation here.
Finished Jobs are usually no longer needed in the system. Keeping them around in the system will put pressure on the API server. If the Jobs are managed directly by a higher level controller, such as CronJobs, the Jobs can be cleaned up by CronJobs based on the specified capacity-based cleanup policy.
Here are the details for the failedJobsHistoryLimit property in the CronJobSpec.
This is another way of retaining the details of the failed job for a specific duration. The failedJobsHistoryLimit property can be set based on the approximate number of jobs run per day and the number of days the logs have to be retained. Agree that the Jobs will be still there and put pressure on the API server.
This is interesting. Once the job completes with failure as in the case of a wrong typo for image, the pod is getting deleted and the resources are not blocked or consumed anymore. Not sure exactly what kubectl job stop will achieve in this case. But, when the Job with a proper image is run with success, I can still see the pod in kubectl get pods.
2) Another approach without using the CronJob is to specify the ttlSecondsAfterFinished as mentioned here.
Another way to clean up finished Jobs (either Complete or Failed) automatically is to use a TTL mechanism provided by a TTL controller for finished resources, by specifying the .spec.ttlSecondsAfterFinished field of the Job.
Not really, no such mechanism exists in Kubernetes yet afaik.
You can workaround is to ssh into the machine and run a: (if you're are using Docker)
# Save the logs
$ docker log <container-id-that-is-running-your-job> 2>&1 > save.log
$ docker stop <main-container-id-for-your-job>
It's better to stream log with something like Fluentd, or logspout, or Filebeat and forward the logs to an ELK or EFK stack.
In any case, I've opened this
You can suspend cronjobs by using the suspend attribute. From the Kubernetes documentation:
Documentation says:
The .spec.suspend field is also optional. If it is set to true, all
subsequent executions are suspended. This setting does not apply to
already started executions. Defaults to false.
So, to pause a cron you could:
run and edit "suspend" from False to True.
kubectl edit cronjob CRON_NAME (if not in default namespace, then add "-n NAMESPACE_NAME" at the end)
you could potentially create a loop using "for" or whatever you like, and have them all changed at once.
you could just save the yaml file locally and then just run:
kubectl create -f cron_YAML
and this would recreate the cron.
The other answers hint around the .spec.suspend solution for the CronJob API, which works, but since the OP asked specifically about Jobs it is worth noting the solution that does not require a CronJob.
As of Kubernetes 1.21, there alpha support for the .spec.suspend field in the Job API as well, (see docs here). The feature is behind the SuspendJob feature gate.

Kubernetes pods stuck on terminating - how to determine reason behind 'need to kill pod'?

Similar question on SO has 10 answers as 'force delete the pod' -_-
Of course this is unacceptable as it causes problems on the cluster - too many pods are stuck on 'terminating', and many times if you try to delete a random pod it also gets stuck. It happens fairly randomly.
So how to determine, first why are 'termination' commands issued and second how to find the culprit behind the freezes.
Is it the CNI? Core components like kubelet, controllermanager?
Logs don't show anything useful, nor does 'describe pod'.
If your pods got terminated with apparently no cause, it could be:
the node is under stress (memory, cpu)
liveness condition is not respected
For these reasons, the scheduler kills some pods.
How to determine the precise cause?
If you found 'logs' and 'describe' command useless, it could be useful a monitoring system (ex. influxdb+grafana: