Using RxJava 2.2.8:
Observable.fromCallable(() -> "Some data")
s -> System.out.println(s),
e -> System.err.println(e),
() -> System.out.println("Completed")
Some data
My question is why onComplete never gets called for the following?
Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.switchMap(t -> Observable.fromCallable(() -> "Some data"))
s -> System.out.println(s),
e -> System.err.println(e),
() -> System.out.println("Completed")
Some data
Some data
Some data
I understand Observable.interval will create a never ending stream, so no onComplete. My understanding of switchMap is that it returns an observable which fires events produced by the inner observable (cancelling any pending and flattening), in this case Observable.fromCallable.
Now, this 'inner' observable does have a definite end (unlike the outer observable), so why doesn't onComplete gets called on this inner Observable?
Why isn't the output like this?
Some data
Some data
Some data
From documentation:
The resulting ObservableSource completes if both the upstream
ObservableSource and the last inner ObservableSource
Since upstream ObservableSource is an infinite stream, the resulting Observable will not complete.
Also note that according to the observable contract, onComplete indicates the observable has terminated and it will not emit any further items in the future, so you will never see "Completed" followed by some other items regardless of your implementation.
I have a Single flow organized like this:
getSomething() // returns Single<>
.flatMap(something -> {
// various things
return Single.defer( () -> {
// various other things
return Single.<SomeType>create(emitter -> {
// some more stuff
someCallbackApi(result -> {
if (result.isError()) {
emitter.onError( result.getCause() );
} else {
// guaranteed non-null data
emitter.onSuccess( result.getData() ); // this generates NoSuchElement
.retryWhen( ... )
.flatMap( data -> handle(data) )
.retryWhen( ... );
.retryWhen( ... )
.onErrorResumeNext(error -> process(error))
.subscribe(data -> handleSuccess(data), error -> handleError(error));
In test cases, the callback api Single successfully retries a number of times (determined by the test case), and every time on the last retry, the call to emitter.onSuccess() generates the exception below. What is going on? I haven't been able to restructure or change the downstream operators or subscribers to avoid the problem.
java.util.NoSuchElementException: null
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableSingleSingle$SingleElementSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.subscribers.SerializedSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRepeatWhen$WhenReceiver.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.drainLoop(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.drain(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableZip$ZipCoordinator.drain(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableZip$ZipSubscriber.onNext(
at io.reactivex.processors.UnicastProcessor.drainFused(
at io.reactivex.processors.UnicastProcessor.drain(
at io.reactivex.processors.UnicastProcessor.onNext(
at io.reactivex.processors.SerializedProcessor.onNext(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRepeatWhen$WhenSourceSubscriber.again(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRetryWhen$RetryWhenSubscriber.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleToFlowable$SingleToFlowableObserver.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleFlatMap$SingleFlatMapCallback$FlatMapSingleObserver.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableSingleSingle$SingleElementSubscriber.onError(
at io.reactivex.subscribers.SerializedSubscriber.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRepeatWhen$WhenReceiver.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.checkTerminate(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.drainLoop(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.drain(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.innerError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$InnerSubscriber.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.subscriptions.EmptySubscription.error(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableError.subscribeActual(
at io.reactivex.Flowable.subscribe(
at io.reactivex.Flowable.subscribe(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.onNext(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableZip$ZipCoordinator.drain(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableZip$ZipSubscriber.onNext(
at io.reactivex.processors.UnicastProcessor.drainFused(
at io.reactivex.processors.UnicastProcessor.drain(
at io.reactivex.processors.UnicastProcessor.onNext(
at io.reactivex.processors.SerializedProcessor.onNext(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRepeatWhen$WhenSourceSubscriber.again(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRetryWhen$RetryWhenSubscriber.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleToFlowable$SingleToFlowableObserver.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleFlatMap$SingleFlatMapCallback$FlatMapSingleObserver.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.disposables.EmptyDisposable.error(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleError.subscribeActual(
at io.reactivex.Single.subscribe(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleFlatMap$SingleFlatMapCallback.onSuccess(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableSingleSingle$SingleElementSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.subscribers.SerializedSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRetryWhen$RetryWhenSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.internal.subscriptions.DeferredScalarSubscription.complete(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleToFlowable$SingleToFlowableObserver.onSuccess(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleCreate$Emitter.onSuccess(
Many thanks to #dano for pointing out the retryWhen behavior when used with Single. In this case, the outermost retryWhen operator had a bad terminating condition, roughly like:
.retryWhen(errors -> errors.zipWith( Flowable.range(1, maxRetries), ...)
.flatMap( zipped -> {
if (zipped.retryCount() <= maxRetries) {
return Flowable.just(0L);
return Flowable.error( new Exception() );
...Flowable.range() will complete when it has generated the last number, which will cause the Single to emit NoSuchElement. Just bumping the count argument to Flowable.range() by one is enough to fix the problem:
.retryWhen(errors -> errors.zipWith( Flowable.range(1, maxRetries + 1), ...)
.flatMap( zipped -> {
if (zipped.retryCount() <= maxRetries) {
return Flowable.just(0L);
return Flowable.error( new Exception() );
This is happening because of the way you implemented the callback you passed to retryWhen. The retryWhen docuementation states (emphasis mine):
Re-subscribes to the current Single if and when the Publisher returned
by the handler function signals a value.
If the Publisher signals an onComplete, the resulting Single will
signal a NoSuchElementException.
One of the Flowable instances you're returning inside of the calls to retryWhen is emitting onComplete, which leads to the NoSuchElementException.
Here's a very simple example that produces the same error:
Single.error(new Exception("hey"))
.retryWhen(e -> Flowable.just(1))
.subscribe(System.out::println, e -> e.printStackTrace());
The stacktrace this produces starts with this, same as yours:
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableSingleSingle$SingleElementSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.subscribers.SerializedSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRepeatWhen$WhenReceiver.onComplete(
You don't include any of your code from inside the retryWhen calls, so I can't say exactly what you did wrong, but generally you want to chain whatever you do to the Flowable that is passed in. So my example above would look like this, if we really wanted to retry forever:
Single.error(new Exception("hey"))
.retryWhen(e -> e.flatMap(ign -> Flowable.just(1)))
.subscribe(System.out::println, e -> e.printStackTrace());
I'm already querying some external resource with Flux.using(). Now I want to implement a kind of optimistic locking: read some state before query starts to execute and check if it was updated after query is finished. If so - throw some exception to break http request handling.
I've achieved this by using doOnComplete:
final AtomicReference<String> initialState = new AtomicReference<>();
return Flux.just("some", "constant", "data")
.doOnComplete(() -> initialState.set(getState()))
.concatWith(Flux.using(...)) //actual data query
.doOnComplete(() -> {if (!initialState.get().equals(getState())) throw new RuntimeException();})
.concatWithValues("another", "constant", "data")
My questions:
Is it correct? Is it guaranteed that 1st doOnComplete lambda would be finished before Flux.using() and is it guaranteed that 2nd doOnComplete lambda would be executed strictly after?
Does more elegant solution exists?
The first doOnComplete would be executed after Flux.just("some", "constant", "data") emits all elements and the second one after emitted Publisher defined in concatWith completes successfully. This is working because both publishers have a finite number of elements.
With the proposed approach, however the pre-/postconditions from a particular operation are handled outside of the operations at a higher level. In other words, the condition check belonging to the operation is leaking to the flux definition.
Suggestion, pushing the condition check down to the operation:
var otherElements = Flux.using( // actual data query
() -> "other",
x -> {
var initialState = getState();
return Flux.just(x).doOnComplete(() ->
{ if (!initialState.equals(getState())) throw new IllegalStateException(); }
x -> { }
Flux.just("some", "constant", "data")
.concatWith(Mono.just("another")) // "constant", "data" ...
The following code works as expected but I am puzzled by the way it behaves when I uncomment the line 'o.OnCompleted();'
The code joins all subscribers to the result of a single long operation and caches the result for further subscribers for 2 seconds. Any subscription after this time starts the process again.
Subscriptions will come from other threads (simulated with the thread pool).
var obs = Observable.Create((IObserver<Guid> o) =>
Thread.Sleep(1000); // process
//o.OnCompleted(); // <-- uncomment this
return Disposable.Empty;
// simulate request from threadpool
obs.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"1: {x}"), () => Console.WriteLine($"1: complete"));
obs.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"2: {x}"), () => Console.WriteLine($"2: complete"));
obs.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"3: {x}"), () => Console.WriteLine($"3: complete"));
Here is the result:
1: 255BEFDC-2F14-40AD-AE77-2B005C5A3AA9
2: 255BEFDC-2F14-40AD-AE77-2B005C5A3AA9
1: complete
2: complete
3: 1214DC63-F688-475A-9CB7-C3784054A4AC
3: complete
The odd behaviour is if I uncomment the line 'o.OnCompleted()' the result changes to this:
1: 255BEFDC-2F14-40AD-AE77-2B005C5A3AA9
2: 255BEFDC-2F14-40AD-AE77-2B005C5A3AA9
1: complete
2: complete
3: complete
The 3rd subscriber causes another subscription to the root observable but the result is missing. It appears the ReplaySubject caches the result of the previous observable having completed but still causes a new subscription. This seems unintuitive. I would like to understand why it doesn't work.
Note: I originially tried this using Defer instead of Create which had the same result as the second run above (for obvious reasons).
When you use the Replay/RefCount pair you create an observable that shares a common subscription to the source observable.
From the source:
Returns a connectable observable sequence that shares a single subscription to the underlying sequence replaying all notifications.
Now, it's important to remember that an observable produces a series of zero or more values, followed by either a complete or error signal. It cannot produce values after a complete or error is produced.
Since you are sharing a common subscription to the source and if your source producing a complete then it cannot produce more values. So when you call o.OnCompleted() then you're doing exactly that.
Also, as a side-note, you should avoid ever writing return Disposable.Empty; inside a Create. It means you're creating an observable than can complete before the subscription has returned and that can lead to race conditions.
The way to write your code without it is:
var obs =
.Defer(() => Observable.Return(Guid.NewGuid()).Concat(Observable.Never<Guid>()))
But this is the same as not calling o.OnCompleted().
I was just writing some sample code with takeUntil -
final Observable<Integer> stopper = Observable.just(1)
.doOnComplete(() -> view.append("second stream complete"))
.delay(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
return Observable
.range(0, 10)
.zipWith(Observable.interval(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), (item, interval) -> item)
So ideally, the stopper emits after 500ms and terminates the second observable, which it does. BUT the doOnComplete prints immediately.
As I understand from the documentation - delay shifts the events forward in time - including the complete event. So why would this happen?
If you look in the source code of the just (namely ScalarDisposable in operator you will see that all it does is emits one onNext event with the provided value and immediately after that it emits onComplete event. In your example you've put doOnComplete before delay operator - that's why doOnComplete gets called immediately and after that the event is delayed for 500ms.
According to documentation, Observable.just() completes immediately - so message will be printed out right now.
If you want the message be printed after delay you should modify it like that
.delay(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.doOnComplete(() -> view.append("second stream complete"))
I'm trying to figure out how to use Observable.groupBy to limit the number of elements pushed by key over a time frame. I end up with the following construct:
create(emitter -> {
while (true) {
emitter.onNext(new Object());
.window(1000L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.flatMap(window -> window.groupBy(o -> o.hashCode() % 10_000).flatMapMaybe(Observable::lastElement))
.subscribe(e -> receivedMeter.mark());
While subscribe's onNext callback is called a few thousand times, which I think should mean that flatMapMaybe does properly subscribe to all GroupedObservableSource. After a short while one of the thread inside RxComputationThreadPool but I don't understand what I'm missing