DOM querySelectorAll - element ID not starting with - dom

In an HTML document I have a large inline SVG object with groups bearing a variety of IDs (or none at all). I want to find all groups other than those whose IDs start with the letter sequences l0pzlo, l1pzloand l2pzlo. The task of finding just those IDs is easy
does the trick. However, I cannot work out how to get only those elements whose IDs DO NOT start with any of the three prefixes given above. I have attempted to use :notin a variety of different ways, e.g.
but nothing seems to be to the liking of the browser. How can I do this?

I think it would be more useful to leave my own answer here rather than just delete the question
works. Think of it as going about the task of filtering in a non-greedy way. First you get absolutely everything and then progressively filter out what you don't need with a sequence of one or more :nots


Using found set of records as basis for value list

Beginner question. I would like to have a value list display only the records in a found set.
For example, in a law firm database that has two tables, Clients and Cases, I can easily create value list that displays all cases for clients.
But that is a lot of cases to pick from, and invites user mistakes. I would like the selection from the value list to be restricted to cases matched to a particular client.
I have tried this method and it works up to a point, but it requires too much entry of data and too many tables.
It seem like there ought to be a simpler method using the find function. Any help or ideas greatly appreciated.

When using Virtual Documents how can a template be used with different report parameters?

I'm using a virtual document structure generated by a script to create a document from EA, and I'm trying to use the same template fragment several times with different elements and different headings.
For example, I have an element which describes the input data to one program, and the output data to another program, so I can't really store the information in the element I'm documenting.
Where it is the input, I want one heading (and similar references within the template), and where it is output I want different values for the headings.
I've tried using the ReportTitle tagged value in the individual <model document> element, but this appears to be ignored and only the <report package> value is used throughout (which makes me wonder why they are there in the first place).
While I could create multiple templates all referring to the same fragment and hard-code the different headings, but that is messy, and as I already have fragments within fragments so it could result in a lot of almost identical templates and fragments. Variables that I can set for each <model document> would be much preferable.
Has anyone got a better approach than this? Thanks!
I don't think there's an easy solution.
If there is a way to determine based on the element, package, or diagram ID whether you should use one title or the other then you could use a script or SQL fragment to return the correct title.
If that is not the case I guess the only possibility is to hardcode the different titles in your templates.
In order to avoid too much duplication you could create a template with only the title and use that on a model document. Since you are generating the modeldocuments by a script anyway that doesn't cost any user time.

Fancytree - Multiple Trees ID Generation

I am trying to use multiple trees on a single page/view.
I need the node ID's generated and numbered individually per tree.
When generating, the other trees continue generating ID # by incrementing the last number used in the previous tree. What I want is to have them all re-number starting from 1 again.
I saw that initID was commented out in a demo.
I tried to use initID but could not figure it out. I cannot find any documentation on it either.
Is initID still available? If so, how do I use it? How else would I achieve this?
You could generate those keys on the server and add them to the data, or implement the defaultKey callback option client-side in Javascript.
Note that if you enable generateIds: true, this will lead to duplicate HTML IDs, which is not allowed. So in this case you have to choose different values for the idPrefix option.

How to search for multiple tags around one location?

I'm trying to figure out what's the best solution to find all nodes of certain types around a given GPS-Location.
Let's say I want to get all cafes, pubs, restaurant and parks around a given point X.xx,Y.yy.
This returns nothing because I think it searches for nodes that are both, amenity and leisure which is not possible.
[out:json];(node[amenity or leisure](around:500,52.2740711,10.5222147););out;
These solutions result in an error (400: Bad Request)
The only working solution I found is the following one which results in really long queries
Isn't there an easier solution without multiple "around" statements?
Found This on which is a little bit shorter. But still multiple "around" statements.
What you're probably looking for is regular expression support for keys (not only values).
Here's an example based on your query above:
NB: Since version 0.7.54 (released in Q1/2017) Overpass API also supports filter criteria with 'or' conditions. See this example on how to use this new (if: ) filter.

Complex URL handling conception

I'm currently struggling at a complex URL handling concept question. The application have a product property database table/collection with all the different product types (i.e. categories, colors, manufacturers, materials, etc.).
Now the mission is to handle URL requests in the style below in every(!) possible order to retrieve the included product properties. The only allowed character is the dash (settled SEO requirement, some properties also can include dashes by themselve - i think also an important point - i.e. the category "suv-cars" or the manufacturer "mercedes-benz"):
... every order of the properties should be allowed! The result have to be the information about the used properties per URL-Request (BTW yes, the duplicate content will be fixed by redirects and a predefined schema). The "nonexistingproperties"/"crap" are possible and just should be ignored.
Idea 1: One way i'm thinking about the question is to split the query string by dashes and analyze them value by value, the problem: At the two or three or more word combinations at some properties there are too many different combinations and variations so a loooot of queries which kills this idea i think..
Idea 2: The other way is to build a (in my opinion) too large Alias/URL-Table with all of the different combinations, but i think that's just an ugly workaround. There are about 15.000 of different properties so the count of the aliases in the different sort orders is killing this idea.
Idea 3: It's your turn! Thanks for your mind and your time.
While your question is a bit broad, below are some ideas. There isn't a single awesome answer unless you find a free or commercial engine for this that works exactly the way you want.
The way I thought about your problem was to consider the URL as a list of keywords.
use Lucene as a keyword/tag system. It's good at the types of searches you suggest you want, including phrases, stems, etc.
store and index the data in DB of choice, but pull the keywords into memory and build a bit index of all keywords vs items. Iterate through the keyword table producing weighted results. If order of keywords matters, you'll also need make a pass through the result set to weight based on word order. These types of searches always need to cap their result set quickly in order to return results quickly.
cache the results like crazy from working matches, and give precedence to results that users seem to click on the most for a given URL.
attack the database by using tag indexes in MongoDB. You'd still need to merge and weight results. Very intensive and not likely a good use of DB resources.
read some of the academic papers on keyword searches. It's a popular topic.
build a table of words that have dashes in them, and normalize/convert those before running your queries
always check for full exact matches first
The only way this may work, if you restrict all property values to be unique. So, you make a set of categories+colors+manufacturers, etc. All values have to be unique. This will allow you to find to what property the value belongs.
The data structure for this should be fairly simple:
{_id:ValueOfTheProperty, Property:TypeOfProperty}
Here are some possible samples:
{ _id: Red, Property: Color }
{ _id: Green, Property: Color }
{ _id: Boots, Property: Category }
{ _id: Shoes, Property: Category }
This way, the order does not matter, and you are able to convert them in a single pass to a map:
{ Color: Red, Category: Boots }
Though, I predict some problems with ambigous names here.