error: class has no constructor caused by using abstractController symfony4.2? - symfony-4.2

please can u tell me what how to use AbstractController in symfony4.2 and how to inject services in contruct Controller?
nameSpace App\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class homeController extends AbstractController
* #return Response
* #Route("/home", name="home")
public function index():Response
return $this->render('pages/home.html.twig');
how to inject services in controller's constructor ?

You should specify required service as Controller constructor argument. And then assign service to your controller parameter.
For example:
public function construct(StringValidator $stringValidator)
$this->stringValidator = $stringValidator;
Dont forget to declare $stringValidator in your parameters and also specify required Service namespace! In case of enabled autowiring in your services.yaml you dont even need to pass Service argument manually.
That's all. You can use your service now.


Symfony4 MongoDB inject repository

I try to injcect doctrine mongo repository to controller.
In services.yaml file I added entry:
factory: ["#doctrine_mongodb", getRepository]
- App\Account\Domain\Entity\Account
In my code I want to use repositories hidden behind the interface AccountRepository
class MongoAccountRepository extends DocumentRepository implements AccountRepository {}
When I try to inject repository to controller constructor
class DefaultController extends Controller
private $accountRepository;
public function __construct(AccountRepository $accountRepository) {
$this->accountRepository = $accountRepository;
I get following error:
Argument 1 passed to App\Account\UserInterface\DefaultController::__construct() must implement interface App\Account\Domain\Repository\AccountRepository, instance of Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\DocumentRepository given
Has someone similar problem?
For all my cases, the following solution works:
class: Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Repository\DocumentRepository
factory: ['#doctrine_mongodb.odm.default_document_manager', getRepository]
- App\Infrastructure\Repository\MongoDB\Document\Keyword

Symfony 4 setter injection in parent class

Just a quick question. I'm building some API. I was thinking about creating simple parent class that would deal with form requests.
So for example if you would like to easily handle form request you just extend this class and you get access to request object, request data extracted from that object and bunch of methods that do some things for you out of the box. It doesn't matter what and why exactly.
The problem is:
I send request through postman.
I try to use request object in class that extends parent class but instead of request I get null.
How do I set up the whole thing?:
Now in Symfony every controller is by default registered as a service so I override this definition like this:
#generic api form controller
- [setDependencies, ['#request_stack', '#App\Service\Serialization\Serializer']]
So as you can see I am using setter injection.
I extend above class in my other class. Let's call it PostController. So:
namespace App\Controller\Api;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
class ApiFormController
* #var Request
public $request;
* #param RequestStack $requestStack
public function setDependencies(
RequestStack $requestStack
) {
$this->request = $requestStack;
And now PostController:
public function get(int $post = null)
dump($this->request); exit;
I was expecting to get access like this and I think I understand why I don't have access to this object. I'm looking for some ideas how I could achieve this goal in cleanest possible way. I'm not expecting ready answers but hints.
I was thinking about using events to set it up in the background?
I also think it has something to do with the way I'm hooking up my controller as a service.
The core of it all: Symfony does not pick up service definition for subclasses. So if you define dependencies for a class and extend it in another class, you have to define the dependencies for this second class too.
The easiest way is to use the parent keyword for this, so your example would work in the following way:
- [setDependencies, ['#request_stack', '#App\Service\Serialization\Serializer']]
parent: App\Controller\Api\ApiFormController
If you are using autowiring, you can use #required to make Symfony call the setter automatically.
* #param RequestStack $requestStack
* #required
public function setDependencies(
RequestStack $requestStack
) {
$this->request = $requestStack;
This should do the trick.
I see several problems here.
If you want to inject dependencies in such a way you should define controller as service. You can read more here.
Routing should be something like this:
# config/routes.yaml
path: /
defaults: { _controller: App\Controller\Api\PostController:get }
Also, you should define PostController as service, not ApiFormController.
You injected RequestStack but type hint for the attribute is Request.
Instead of:
$this->request = $requestStack;
You need to use:
$this->request = $requestStack->getMasterRequest();

Symfony2 get public services in controller

Much ink has flowed about Sf2 controller/container. I face with follow situation:
app/console container:debug security
> 4
[container] Information for service security.token_storage
Service Id security.token_interface
Class Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token ...
Public yes
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
works OK, obviously.
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class UserUtilsController extends Controller
public function getRoleById()
throw: Error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object
In Sf2 Book - Service container I found:
In this example, the controller extends Symfony's base Controller, which gives you access to the service container itself. You can then use the get method to locate and retrieve the my_mailer service from the service container.
The misunderstanding is:
- Both controllers extends basic controller which itself extends ContainerAware which implements ContainerAwareInterface which set container.
- Both controllers access same public service container.
So, why the second controller it doesn't work?
I know that the question is old but I don't want to inject a controller as service and I think it is redundant and wrong to redeclare a public service in services.yml
Thank you in advance.
I found the answer myself and I want to share for every one is in same situation...
The UserUtilsController doesn't work because it's not working in this manner. The Symfony architecture is interesting if you get to know it.
// For this job we don't need to extends any class..
class UserUtilsController
// but we need a property for injecting the service in it
private $token;
// Now let's inject service into our property $token
public function __construct($token)
$this->token = $token;
// It's not done but let pretend it is and let's use it
public function getRoleById()
return $this->token->getToken()->getRoles();
#here it's the magic
# this is a new services container
# this is my class (second class)
class: LoginBundle\Controller\UserUtilsController
# this is how I feed my _construct argument
arguments: ["#security.token_storage"]
So I just inject an existing service in my new class.
Now, to use this we must to call in first class:
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
// because my class is now a service container we call in this way
$userRoleId = $this->get('user.loggeduser_utils');
This solution above is almost trivial simple AFTER understanding the Sf2 DI model.

Symfony 2.4.2 - Pass the entity manager between controllers in different bundles

I'm having a problem with passing the entity manager between two layers of controllers.
The system I'm building has the following structure:
2 Bundles:
Core Bundle (let's call it Backend Controller)
This is the bundle that contains all the Models (entities) and business rules/logic.
API Bundle (call it Frontend controller)
Is responsible for checking the permissions of passed in api keys and communicating with the Core bundle to get the info.
Here's an example with the User controllers and entities:
UserController.php in APIBundle:
namespace Acme\Bundle\APIBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Acme\Bundle\CoreBundle\Controller\UserController as User;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;
class UserController extends BaseController implements AuthenticatedController
public function readAction(Request $request) {
$user = new User($this->getDoctrine()->getManager());
return $this->response($user);
UserController.php in CoreBundle:
namespace Acme\Bundle\CoreBundle\Controller;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Acme\Bundle\CoreBundle\Entity\User;
class UserController extends BaseController
function __construct($em) {
$this->entity = new User();
* Get userId
* #return integer
public function getUserId()
return $this->entity->userId;
* Set firstName
* #param string $firstName
* #return User
public function setFirstName($firstName)
$this->entity->firstName = $firstName;
return $this;
// ...
public function load($id) {
if (!$this->entity instanceof \Acme\Bundle\CoreBundle\Entity\BaseEntity) {
throw new \Exception('invalid entity argument');
$this->entity = $this->em->getRepository('AcmeCoreBundle:User')->find($id);
Please, tell me if I'm doing this right. It seems strange to pass the entity manager between the controllers every time.
Maybe there's a better way of doing that?
Does the idea between the separation of the bundles make sense?
Thank you, every idea is greatly appreciated.
If CoreBundle UserController is never accessed through HTTP nor do its methods return instances of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response then it's not really a controller.
You should better define it as a service, as in CoreBundle\Service\User, and inject the EntityManager through the DI container.
class: Acme\CoreBundle\Service\User
arguments: [#doctrine.orm.entity_manager]
It will then be available from Acme\Bundle\APIBundle\Controller\UserController with the following:
$user = $this->get('corebundle.userservice');
Of course, you can also define Acme\Bundle\APIBundle\Controller\UserController as a service on its own, then inject 'corebundle.userservice', for convenience.
I suggest you read the Symfony docs on Dependency Injection.
Search to get entity manager in Entity class is a wrong way !
In CoreBundle, you use the UserController.php same as an Entity class.
Read docs to understand how to properly use repository in symfony.
In UserController of APIBundle you must call a custom repository function. This repository is declare in your entity.

Variables available in all controllers?

Where and how to set variable value that is available in all controllers. I don't wont to use zend registry and don't want to extend Zend_Controller_Action. Is there is another way? I just want for example to set:
$a = "test";
and in Index controller to dump it:
class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
public function indexAction(){
Global vars ruin the purpose of object oriented programming... use namespace or custom configs.
Solution 1
Use session Zend_Session_Namespace, here is documentation on how to Zend_Session_Namespace.
Set set the value in namespace in bootstrap or something (wherever you see fit)
Retrieve the value from namespace in you controller/model/other
Solution 2
Alternatively, you can create some new class with static properties and use it's setters/getters to set and retrieve values.
class SomeClass
static $hello = 'world';
class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
You can add variables to the request object:
$this->getRequest()->setParam('a', 'hello');
Then retrieve it using:
But that is not the best way of doing it as you might accidentally overwrite a parameter a needed parameter.