In AF Table: I need to stretch the Columns manually in my Application, may i know which property we need to use for that
i am using JDeveloper
i tried Property called columnStretching="column:c6" it is not working
Try binding the column to your backing bean and using the provided set methods to set the width: e.g. setWidth()
I need to change the binding of my table when i click on a button and it is working when the table is not empty but if the table is empty it is not working
i tried this solution(because the table is already defined in xml) and it is partially working
oTable.bindItems("/CarsSet", oTable.getItems()[0].clone(), null);
the problem is when the table is empty it is not working since oTable.getItems()[0] is undefined
one cheap solution is to clone the first element template and save the reference when the Table has been rendered the first time. After that you can use it when you change the binding otherwise (if the table is empty) you will get that error.
The template item should be defined in the dependents aggregation. This way you can always clone it regardless of the state of the binding.
You can refer to this sample to check how dependents works.
I'm working on interactive grid in Oracle Apex 5.1. My problem is: How can I target a specific cell of their grid (not the column), using JQuery, in order to change some properties like readonly or other?
I found some (maybe weired) kind of workaround:
In PageDesigner add every Column a unique class.
Use javascript to get the record(the row) you want to change. form the record get the unique RecordID.
Then combine both in a jquery selector to get the cell
$("[data-id='AAE6TDAAFAAPTP1AAd'] .GRUND_INFRA").addClass("is-readonly")
with "AAE6TDAAFAAPTP1AAd" as the RecordID and "GRUND_INFRA" as the ClassId of the Column
I have two models file and filecontainer.
Let's assume I have a checkbox in file called Allow to add.
And I should only be able to add the file to the container of filecontainer, if the property Allow to add is set in that file and if possible show an alert if someone tries to add it even though Allow to add is not set.
Is this possible?
PS: I just ask this question for learning purposes to see what is possible and what not.
I assume you use the TCA type select. You can specify a foreign_table_where clause there to filter the records shown from the file table.
I am looking for a way to change the names of the items in a custom field I created in studio, without changing their display labels.
I used the field editor (still in studio) to change the associations between names and labels, but despite my modifications, I am still getting the former names (those that were defined before my modifications) when I'm using the API.
How can I make the new names be effective?
Thank you for your help.
When you change the keys in a dropdown list (you called them 'names'), it will change the language file in SugarCRM, but will not change the existing values in your database. So a query to existing records that used the old keys will still return those old key values.
You will need to perform UPDATE queries in your database similar to:
UPDATE contacts_cstm SET mydropdownvalue_c='NewValue' where mydropdownvalue_c = 'OldValue';
In DB2 9.7, when you CREATE a table and specify a column with identity. You can specify the method in which it will handle the generation. You have two choices GENERATED ALWAYS or GENERATED BY DEFAULT.
Once the table has been created how can you tell which method it's using (without performing an insert)?
From the Control Center, I tried to generate the DDL to see how it would generate it, but I'm not certain this is accurate.
You can find all schema-related information in the DB2 system catalog. The view SYSCAT.COLUMNS holds the core data about columns and their properties. To determine whether a column is GENERATED ALWAYS or GENERATED BY DEFAULT look at the column GENERATED in that column.