How isolated are different execution contexts from each other? Say we have two execution contexts ec1 and ec2 both used on the same code path implementing some user journey. If, say, starvation and crashing starts happening in ec2, would ec1 remain unaffected?
For example, consider the following scenario where we want to make sure user was charged only once by running an assertion inside a Future
chargeUserF andThen { case _ =>
getNumberOfChargesF map { num => assert(num == 0) }
.andThen { case Failure(e) => logger.error("User charged more than once! Fix ASAP!", e) }
Here getNumberOfChargesF is not necessary to fulfil user's request, it is just a side-concern where we assert on the expected state of the database after it was mutated by chargeUserF. Because it is not necessary I feel uneasy adding it to the main business logic out of fear it could break the main logic in some way. If I run getNumberOfChargesF on a different execution context from the one chargeUserF uses, can I assume issues such as starvation, blocking etc. caused by getNumberOfChargesF will not affect the main business logic?
Each execution context has its own thread pool, so, yeah ... kinda.
They are "independent" in the sense that if one runs out of threads, the other one might still keep going, however, they do use the same resource (cpu), so if that gets maxed out by one, the other will obviously be affected.
They are also affected by each other's side effects. For example, the way your code is written, chargeUser and getNumberOfCharges are happening in parallel, and there is no saying which one will finish first, so, if I am guessing the semantics right, the number of charges may end up being either 0 or 1 fairly randomly, depending on whether the previous future has completed or not.
I'm having hard time understanding what value effect systems, like ZIO or Cats Effect.
It does not make code readable, e.g.:
val wrappedB = for {
a <- getA() // : ZIO[R, E, A]
b <- getB(a) // : ZIO[R, E, B]
} yield b
is no more readable to me than:
val a = getA() // : A
val b = getB(a) // : B
I could even argue, that the latter is more straight forward, because calling a function executes it, instead of just creating an effect or execution pipeline.
Delayed execution does not sound convincing, because all examples I've encountered so far are just executing the pipeline right away anyways. Being able to execute effects in parallel or multiple time can be achieved in simpler ways IMHO, e.g. C# has Parallel.ForEach
Composability. Functions can be composed without using effects, e.g. by plain composition.
Pure functional methods. In the end the pure instructions will be executed, so it seems like it's just pretending DB access is pure. It does not help to reason, because while construction of the instructions is pure, executing them is not.
I may be missing something or just downplaying the benefits above or maybe benefits are bigger in certain situations (e.g. complex domain).
What are the biggest selling points to use effect systems?
Because it makes it easy to deal with side effects. From your example:
a <- getA() // ZIO[R, E, A] (doesn't have to be ZIO btw)
val a = getA(): A
The first getA accounts in the effect and the possibility of returning an error, a side effect. This would be like getting an A from some db where the said A may not exist or that you lack permission to access it. The second getA would be like a simple def getA = "A".
How do we put these methods together ? What if one throws an error ? Should we still proceed to the next method or just quit it ? What if one blocks your thread ?
Hopefully that addresses your second point about composability. To quickly address the rest:
Delayed execution. There are probably two reasons for this. The first is you actually don't want to accidentally start an execution. Or just because you write it it starts right away. This breaks what the cool guys refer to as referential transparency. The second is concurrent execution requires a thread pool or execution context. Normally we want to have a centralized place where we can fine tune it for the whole app. And when building a library we can't provide it ourselves. It's the users who provide it. In fact we can also defer the effect. All you do is define how the effect should behave and the users can use ZIO, Monix, etc, it's totally up to them.
Purity. Technically speaking wrapping a process in a pure effect doesn't necessarily mean the underlying process actually uses it. Only the implementation knows if it's really used or not. What we can do is lift it to make it compatible with the composition.
what makes programming with ZIO or Cats great is when it comes to concurrent programming. They are also other reasons but this one is IMHO where I got the "Ah Ah! Now I got it".
Try to write a program that monitor the content of several folders and for each files added to the folders parse their content but not more than 4 files at the same time. (Like the example in the video "What Java developpers could learn from ZIO" By Adam Fraser on youtube .
I mean this in ZIO is really easy to write :)
The all idea behind the fact that you combine data structure (A ZIO is a data structure) in order to make bigger data structure is so easy to understand that I would not want to code without it for complex problems :)
The two examples are not comparable since an error in the first statement will mark as faulty the value equal to the objectified sequence in the first form while it will halt the whole program in the second. The second form shall then be a function definition to properly encapsulate the two statements, followed by an affectation of the result of its call.
But more than that, in order to completely mimic the first form, some additional code has to be written, to catch exceptions and build a true faulty result, while all these things are made for free by ZIO...
I think that the ability to cleanly propagate the error state between successive statements is the real value of the ZIO approach. Any composite ZIO program fragment is then fully composable itself.
That's the main benefit of any workflow based approach, anyway.
It is this modularity which gives to effect handling its real value.
Since an effect is an action which structurally may produce errors, handling effects like this is an excellent way to handle errors in a composable way. In fact, handling effects consists in handling errors !
I have a reactive pipeline to process incoming requests. For each request I need to call a business-relevant function (doSomeRelevantProcessing).
After that is done, I need to notify some external service about what happened. That part of the pipeline should not increase the overall response time.
Also, notifying this external system is not business critical: giving a quick response after the main part of the pipeline is finished is more important than making sure the notification is successful.
As far as I learned, the only way to run something in the background without slowing down the overall process is to subscribe to in directly in the pipeline, thus achieving a fire-and-forget mentality.
Is there a good alternative to subscribing inside the flatmap?
I am a little worried about what might happen if notifying the external service takes longer than the original processing and a lot of requests are coming in at once. Could this lead to a memory exhaustion or the overall process to block?
fun runPipeline(incoming: Mono<Request>) = incoming
.flatMap { doSomeRelevantProcessing(it) } // this should not be delayed
.flatMap { doBackgroundJob(it) } // this can take a moment, but is not super critical
fun doSomeRelevantProcessing(request: Request) = Mono.just(request) // do some processing
fun doBackgroundJob(request: Request) = Mono.deferContextual { ctx: ContextView ->
val notification = "notification" // build an object from context
// this uses non-blocking HTTP (i.e. webclient), so it can take a second or so
fun notifyExternalService(notification: String) = Mono.just(Unit) // might take a while
I'm answering this assuming that you notify the external service using purely reactive mechanisms - i.e. you're not wrapping a blocking service. If you are then the answer would be different as you're bound by the size of your bounded elastic thread pool, which could quickly become overwhelmed if you have hundreds of requests a second incoming.
(Assuming you're using reactive mechanisms, then there's no need for .subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()) as you give in your example, as that's not buying you anything - it's designed for wrapping legacy blocking services.)
Could this lead to a memory exhaustion
It's only a possibility in really extreme cases, the memory used by each individual request will be tiny. It's almost certainly not worth worrying about, if you start seeing memory issues here then you'll almost certainly be hit by other issues elsewhere.
That being said, I'd probably recommend adding .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(5)) or similar before your inner subscribe method to make sure the requests are killed off after a while if they haven't worked for any reason - this will prevent them building up.
...or [can this cause] the overall process to block?
This one is easier - a short no, it can't.
I'm playing with Mutex in freeRTOS using esp32. in some documents i have read that mutex guarantee ownership, which mean if a thread (let's name it task_A) locks up a critical resource (take token) other threads (task_B and task_C) will stay in hold mode waiting for that resource to be unlocked by the same thread that locked it up(which is task_A). i tried to prove that by setting up the other tasks (task_B and task_C) to give a token before start doing anything and just after that it will try to take a token from the mutex holder, which is surprisingly worked without showing any kid of error.
Well, the method i used to verify or display how things works i created a display function that read events published (set and cleared) by each task (when it's in waiting mode it set the waiting bit up if it's working it will set the working bit up etc..., you get the idea). and a simple printf() in case of error in take or give function ( xSemaphoreTake != true and xSemaphoreGive != true).
I can't use the debug mode because i don't have any kind of micro controller debugger.
This is an example of what i'm trying to do:
i created many tasks and each one will call this function but in different time with different setup.
void vVirtualResource(int taskId, int runTime_ms){
int delay_tick = 10;
int currentTime_tick = 0;
int stopTime_tick = runTime_ms/portTICK_PERIOD_MS;
printf("Something wrong in giving first mutex's token in task id: %d\n", taskId);
while(xSemaphoreTake(xMutex, 10000/portTICK_PERIOD_MS) != true){
// notify that the task with <<task id>> is currently running and using this resource
switch (taskId)
case 1:
xEventGroupClearBits(xMutexEvent, EVENTMASK_MUTEXTSK1);
xEventGroupSetBits(xMutexEvent, EVENTRUN_MUTEXTSK1);
case 2:
xEventGroupClearBits(xMutexEvent, EVENTMASK_MUTEXTSK2);
xEventGroupSetBits(xMutexEvent, EVENTRUN_MUTEXTSK2);
case 3:
xEventGroupClearBits(xMutexEvent, EVENTMASK_MUTEXTSK3);
xEventGroupSetBits(xMutexEvent, EVENTRUN_MUTEXTSK3);
// start running the resource
currentTime_tick += delay_tick;
// gives back the token
printf("Something wrong in giving mutex's token in task id: %d\n", taskId);
You will notice that for the very first time, the first task that will start running in the processor will print out the first error message because it can't give a token while there still a token in the mutex holder, it's normal, so i just ignore it.
Hope someone can explain to me how mutex guarantee ownership using code in freeRTOS. In the first place i didn't use the first xSemaphoreGive function and it worked fine. but that doesn't mean it guarantee anything. or i'm not coding right.
Thank you.
Your example is quite convoluted, I also don't see clear code of task_A, task_B or task_C so I'll try to explain on a simplier example which hopefully explains how mutex guarantees resource ownership.
The general approach to working with mutexes is the following:
void doWork()
// attempt to take mutex
if(xSemaphoreTake(mutex, WAIT_TIME) == pdTRUE)
// mutex taken - do work
// release mutex
// failed to take mutex for 'WAIT_TIME' amount of time
The doWork function above is the function that may be called by multiple threads at the same time and needs to be protected. This pattern repeats for every function on given resource that needs protection. If resource is more complex, a good approach is to guard the top-most functions that are callable by threads, then if mutex is successfully taken call internal functions that do the actual work.
The ownership guarantee you speak about is the fact that there may not be more than one context (threads, but also interrupts) that are under the if(xSemaphoreTake(mutex, WAIT_TIME) == pdTRUE) statement. In other words, if one context successfully takes the mutex, it is guaranteed that no other context will be able to also take it, unless the original context releases it with xSemaphoreGive first.
Now as for your scenario - while it is not entirely clear to me how it's supposed to work, I can see two issues with your code:
xSemaphoreGive at the beginning of the function - don't do that. Mutexes are by default "given" and you're not supposed to be "giving" it if you aren't the one "taking" it first. Always put a xSemaphoreGive under a successful xSemaphoreTake and nowhere else.
This code block:
while(xSemaphoreTake(xMutex, 10000/portTICK_PERIOD_MS) != true){
If you need to wait for mutex for longer - specify a longer time. If you want infinite wait, simply specify longest possible time (0xFFFFFFFF). In your scenario, you're polling for mutex every 10s, then delay for 1s during which mutex isn't actually checked, meaning there will be cases where you'll have to wait almost a full second after mutex is released by other thread to start doing work in the current thread that requested it. Waiting for mutex is already done by RTOS in an optimal way - it'll wake the highest priority task currently waiting for the mutex as soon as it's released, there's no need to do more than necessary.
If I was to give an advice of how to fix your example - simplify it and don't do more than needed such as additional calls to xSemaphoreGive or implementing your own waiting for mutex. Isolate the portion of code that performs some work to a separate function that does a single call to xSemaphoreTake at the very top and a single call to xSemaphoreGive only if xSemaphoreTake succeeds. Then call this function from different threads to test whether it works.
I'm simulating a security control process, and i can't do that each passenger pickup their baggage. I have tried with Match, Combine, Pickup, but I still can't execute the commands correctly.
I've created the follow flowchart, and the problem is in the wReclaimPax, pickup and wReclaimBags blocks (you can see them in the picture).
I saw this link Anylogic - Combined multiple items back to original owner to understand something, but I still need help.
I've created 3 functions:
return true;
return false;
for(int i=0;i<wait.size();i++){
Pasajero p=(Pasajero)wait.get(i);
return p;
return null;
for(int i=0;i<wait.size();i++){
Equipaje e=(Equipaje)wait.get(i);
return e;
return null;
Assumed context
You haven't really explained how your code is related to your process but I'm assuming the following:
Because this is luggage-retrieval, you want to ensure that a passenger
agent (Pasajero) only enters the Pickup block (representing taking bag from
carousel) when his bag (Equipaje agent by the look of it) has
arrived into the wReclaimBag Wait, and been released from it to
queue4 Queue.
For this you need triggers (to remove agents from Wait blocks) when
either a passenger (Pasajero) arrives in wReclaimPax Wait, or a bag (Equipaje) arrives
in the wReclaimBag Wait (because you don't know whether the passenger or their bag will get to their respective Wait blocks first).
So your paxBags function is called in on-entry action of the wReclaimBag Wait, and your bagsPax function in the on-entry action of the wReclaimPax Wait.
Possible problems with current approach
Without knowing more of your model it's hard to say but problems I can think of based on what you've supplied are:
Your functions return the Pasajero or Equipaje if there is one that matches. Your match check relies seemingly on bidirectional connections (links) between Pasajero and Equipaje. Obviously if they're not setup properly the model won't work and, if you're using bidirectional connections you shouldn't need to check both ends.
Your functions need calling so that, if they return non null, they then free the matching agent from the other Wait block, and free themselves. Are you doing that? Without checking, there may be issues with calling free for yourself as you enter a Wait block (since this kind of depends on AnyLogic internals as to whether you count as being 'in' the block at this stage and can be freed). If this seems to be the problem you could create a timeout 0 dynamic event instance to do the free so that you're not doing it within the scope of the on-enter action.
Your pickup block (since it's been setup so that the entering agent will always want to pickup the first agent (Equipaje) in queue4) just needs to be set as waiting for quantity 1 (though see below).
If you've done all this the most likely problem is that the underlying events ordering of AnyLogic is affecting things. When you free agents I'm fairly sure the freeing actually happens in a timeout 0 event scheduled under-the-covers. So it may be that the passenger arrives at the Pickup before their Equipment arrives in queue4 though, if you set the Pickup to be "Exact quantity (wait for)", with quantity of 1, it should handle that.
The animation of the process (numbers in/out/within each block and details when clicking on blocks) should also help you debug what is going wrong; e.g., are bags being left in the Wait when they should have been released, etc.
P.S. With this kind of thing you should always create a minimal example model to make testing the issue/solution easier (and for sharing in help forums such as this where the rest of the complexity of your model is irrelevant). Often you find the problem 'naturally' in the process of trying to construct such a model that reproduces your problem in a minimal way.
I am trying to understand the difference between the 2 methods, in terms of functionality.
class MyService (blockService: BlockService){
def doSomething1(): Future[Boolean] = {
//some non blocking
val result = blockService.block()
def doSomething2(): Future[Boolean] = {
//some non blocking
To my understanding the difference between the 2 is which thread is the actual thread that will be blocked.
So if there is a thread: thread_1 that execute something1, thread_1 will be the one that is blocked, while if a thread_1 executed something2a new thread will run it - thread_2, and thread_2 is the one to be blocked.
Is this true?
If so, than there is no really a preferred way to write this code? if I don't care which thread will eventually be blocked, then the end result will be the same.
dosomething1 seems like a weird way to write this code, I would choose dosomething2.
Make sense?
Yes, doSomething1 and doSomething2 blocks different threads, but depending on your scenario, this is an important decision.
As #AndreasNeumann said, you can have different execution contexts in doSomething2. Imagine that the main execution context is the one receiving HTTP requests from your users. Block threads in this context is bad because you can easily exhaust the execution context and impact requests that have nothing to do with doSomething.
Play docs have a better explanation about the possible problems with having blocking code:
If you plan to write blocking IO code, or code that could potentially do a lot of CPU intensive work, you need to know exactly which thread pool is bearing that workload, and you need to tune it accordingly. Doing blocking IO without taking this into account is likely to result in very poor performance from Play framework, for example, you may see only a few requests per second being handled, while CPU usage sits at 5%. In comparison, benchmarks on typical development hardware (eg, a MacBook Pro) have shown Play to be able to handle workloads in the hundreds or even thousands of requests per second without a sweat when tuned correctly.
In your case, both methods are being executed using Play default thread pool. I suggest you to take a look at the recommended best practices and see if you need a different execution context or not. I also suggest you to read Akka docs about Dispatchers and Futures to gain a better understanding about what executing Futures and have blocking/non-blocking code.
This approach makes sense if you make use of different execution contexts in the second method.
So having for example one for answering requests and another for blocking requests.
So you would use the normal playExecutionContext to keep you application running and answering and separate blocking operation in a different one.
def doSomething2(): Future[Boolean] = Future{
blocking { blockService.block() }
}( mySpecialExecutionContextForBlockingOperations )
For a little more information:
You are correct. I don't see a point in doSomething1. It simply complicates the interface for the caller while not providing the benefits of an asynchronous API.
Does BlockService handle blocking operation?
Normally, use blocking ,as #Andreas remind,to make blocking operation into another thread is meanful.