Unexpected character when running one-liner on Windows - perl

I want to generate an output file that shows the frequency of each word inside an input file. After some search, I found that Perl is the ideal language for this problem, but I don't know this language.
After some more search, I found the following code here at stackoverflow, supposedly it provides the solution I want at great efficiency:
perl -lane '$h{$_}++ for #F; END{for $w (sort {$h{$b}<=>$h{$a} || $a cmp $b} keys %h) {print "$h{$w}\t$w"}}' file > freq
I tried running this command line using the form below:
perl -lane 'code' input.txt > output.txt
The execution halts due to an unexpected '>' (the one at '<=>'). I did some research but can't understand what is wrong.
Could some one enlight me? Thanks!
Here is the topic from where I got the code:
Elegant ways to count the frequency of words in a file
If it's relevant, my words use letters and numbers and are separated by a single white space.

You are probably using Windows. You therefore need to use doubles quotes " instead of singles quotes ' around your code:
perl -lane "$h{$_}++ for #F; END{for $w (sort {$h{$b}<=>$h{$a} || $a cmp $b} keys %h) {print qq($h{$w}\t$w)}}" file > freq
Also, note how I used qq() instead of "..." within the code, as suggested by #mob. Another option is to escape the quotes with \".


Awk's output in Perl doesn't seem to be working properly

I'm writing a simple Perl script which is meant to output the second column of an external text file (columns one and two are separated by a comma).
I'm using AWK because I'm familiar with it.
This is my script:
use v5.10;
use File::Copy;
use POSIX;
$s = `awk -F ',' '\$1==500 {print \$2}' STD`;
say $s;
The contents of the local file "STD" is:
My output is very strange and it prints out the desired "850" but it also prints a trailer of the line and a new line too!
ka#man01:$ ./test.pl
The problem isn't just printing. I need to use the variable generated by awk "i.e. the $s variable) but the variable is also being reserved with a long string and a new line!
Could you guys help?
Thank you.
I'd suggest that you're going down a dirty road by trying to inline awk into perl in the first place. Why not instead:
open ( my $input, '<', 'STD' ) or die $!;
while ( <$input> ) {
my #fields = split /,/;
print $fields[1], "\n" if $fields[0] == 500;
But the likely problem is that you're not handling linefeeds, and say is adding an extra one. Try using print instead, or chomp on the resultant string.
perl can do many of the things that awk can do. Here's something similar that replaces your entire Perl program:
$ perl -naF, -le 'chomp; print $F[1] if $F[0]==500' STD
The -n creates a while loop around your argument to -e.
The -a splits up each line into #F and -F lets you specify the separator. Since you want to separate the fields on a comma you use -F,.
The -l adds a newline each time you call print.
The -e argument is the program to run (with the added while from -n). The chomp removes the newline from the output. You get a newline in your output because you happen to use the last field in the line. The -l adds a newline when you print; that's important when you want to extract a field in the middle of the line.
The reason you get 2 newlines:
the backtick operator does not remove the trailing newline from the awk output. $s contains "850\n"
the say function appends a newline to the string. You have say "850\n" which is the same as print "850\n\n"

Seeking explanation of Magic Perl Shared Lines Oneliner

I found this (here if you must know), and it caught my attention.
$ perl -ne 'print if ($seen{$_} .= #ARGV) =~ /10$/' file1 file2
I do know perl. But I do not know how this does what it does.
$ perl -ne 'print if ($seen{$_} .= #ARGV) =~ /10$/' <(echo 'zz\nabc\n3535\ndef') <(echo 'abc\ndef\nff')
Seems like it just spits out the lines of the input files that are shared. Now putting every line into a hash as key, or something, I can see how it can help achieve that task, but... What the hell is going on with that regex?
Thinking about it some more, nothing about the use of .= is obvious either.
The expression $seen{$_} .= #ARGV appends the number of elements in #ARGV to $seen{$_}
While the first file is being read, #ARGV contains only one element -- the second file name
While the second file is being read, #ARGV is empty
The value of $_, which is used as the key for the %seen hash, is the latest line read from either file
If any given line appears only in the first file, only a 1 will be appended to the hash element
If any given line appears only in the second file, only a 0 will be appended to the hash element
If any given line appears in both files, a 1 and then a 0 will be appended to the hash element, leaving it set to 10
When reading through the second file, if the appended 0 character results in a value of 10 then the line is printed
This results in all lines that appear in both files being printed to the output

sed / perl regex extremly slow

So, I've got a file called
cracked.txt, which contains thousands(80million+) lines of this:
and in my output.txt 80 million lines like this:
(45a36afe044ff58c09dc3cd2ee287164 and f+P change every line)
What I've done is created a simple bash script to match the cracked.txt to output.txt and join them.
cat './cracked.txt' | while read LINE; do
pwd=$(echo "${LINE}" | awk -F ":" '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/\x27/\\\\\\\x27/g' -e 's/\//\\\x2f/g' -e 's/\x22/\\\\\\\x22/g' )
hash=$(echo "${LINE}" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}')
echo "${lines} ${pwd}"
perl -p -i -e "s/${hash}/${hash} ( ${pwd} ) /g" output.txt
#sed -u -i "s/${hash}/${hash} ( ${pwd} ) /g" output.txt
As you can see by the comment, I've tried sed, and perl.
perl seems to be a tad faster than sed
I'm getting something like one line per second.
I've never used perl, so I've got no idea how to use that to my advantage (multi threading, etc)
What would the best way to speed up this process?
I got a suggestion that it would be better to use something like this:
while IFS=: read pwd seed hash; do
done < cracked.txt
But because inbetween the first and last occurance of : (awk '{print $1}' awk '{print $NF}', : could appear inbetween there, it would make it bad(corrupt it)
I could use it just for the "hash", but not for the "pwd".
edit again;
The above wouldn't work, because I would have to name all the other data, which ofc will be a problem.
The problem with bash scripting is that, while very flexible and powerful, it creates new processes for nearly anything, and forking is expensive. In each iteration of the loop, you spawn 3×echo, 2×awk, 1×sed and 1×perl. Restricting yourself to one process (and thus, one programming language) will boost performance.
Then, you are re-reading output.txt each time in the call to perl. IO is always slow, so buffering the file would be more efficient, if you have the memory.
Multithreading would work if there were no hash collisions, but is difficult to program. Simply translating to Perl will get you a greater performance increase than transforming Perl to multithreaded Perl.[citation needed]
You would probably write something like
use strict; use warnings;
open my $cracked, "<", "cracked.txt" or die "Can't open cracked";
my #data = do {
open my $output, "<", "output.txt" or die "Can't open output";
while(<$cracked>) {
my ($hash, $seed, $pwd) = split /:/, $_, 3;
# transform $hash here like "$hash =~ s/foo/bar/g" if really neccessary
# say which line we are at
print "at line $. with pwd=$pwd\n";
# do substitutions in #data
s/\Q$hash\E/$hash ( $pwd )/ for #data;
# the \Q...\E makes any characters in between non-special,
# so they are matched literally.
# (`C++` would match many `C`s, but `\QC++\E` matches the character sequence)
# write #data to the output file
(not tested or anything, no guarantees)
While this would still be an O(n²) solution, it would perform better than the bash script. Do note that it can be reduced to O(n), when organizing #data into a hash tree, indexed by hash codes:
my %data = map {do magic here to parse the lines, and return a key-value pair} #data;
$data{$hash} =~ s/\Q$hash\E/$hash ( $pwd )/; # instead of evil for-loop
In reality, you would store a reference to an array containing all lines that contain the hash code in the hash tree, so the previous lines would rather be
my %data;
for my $line (#data) {
my $key = parse_line($line);
push #$data{$key}, $line;
s/\Q$hash\E/$hash ( $pwd )/ for #{$data{$hash}}; # is still faster!
On the other hand, a hash with 8E7 elems might not exactly perform well. The answer lies in benchmarking.
When parsing logs on my work i do this thing: split file for N parts (N=num_processors); align split points to \n. Start N threads to work each part. Works really fast but harddrive is bottleneck.

How to combine two lines together using Perl?

How to combine two lines together using Perl? I'm trying to combine these two lines using a Perl regular expression:
test1 - results
I would like the output to be like this:
test1 - results dkdkdkdkdkd
I thought this would accomplish this but not working:
$_ =~ s/__Data__\n(test1.*)\n(.*)\n/__Data__\n$1 $2/smg;
If you have a multiline string:
The /s modifier only makes the wildcard . match \n, so it will cause .* to slurp your newline and cause the match of \n to be displaced to the last place it occurs. Which, depending on your data, might be far off.
The /m modifier makes ^ and $ match inside the string at newlines, so not so useful. The \K escape preserves whatever comes before it, so you do not need to put it back afterwards.
If you have a single line string, for instance in a while loop:
while (<>) {
if (/^__Data__/) {
$_ .= <>; # add next line
chomp; # remove newline
$_ .= <>; # add third line
There seems to be a problem with the setup of $_. When I run this script, I get the output I expect (and the output I think you'd expect). The main difference is that I've added a newline at the end of the replacement pattern in the substitute. The rest is cosmetic or test infrastructure.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $text = "__Data__\ntest1 - results\ndkdkdkdkdkd\n";
my $copy = $text;
$text =~ s/__Data__\n(test1.*)\n(.*)\n/__Data__\n$1 $2\n/smg;
print "<<$copy>>\n";
print "<<$text>>\n";
test1 - results
test1 - results dkdkdkdkdkd
Note the use of << and >> to mark the ends of strings; it often helps when debugging. Use any symbols you like; just enclose your displayed text in such markers to help yourself debug what's going on.
(Tested with Perl 5.12.1 on RHEL 5 for x86/64, but I don't think the code is version or platform dependent.)

How do I best pass arguments to a Perl one-liner?

I have a file, someFile, like this:
$cat someFile
hdisk1 active
hdisk2 active
I use this shell script to check:
$cat a.sh
for d in 1 2
grep -q "hdisk$d" someFile && echo "$d : ok"
I am trying to convert it to Perl:
$cat b.sh
export d
for d in 1 2
cat someFile | perl -lane 'BEGIN{$d=$ENV{'d'};} print "$d: OK" if /hdisk$d\s+/'
I export the variable d in the shell script and get the value using %ENV in Perl. Is there a better way of passing this value to the Perl one-liner?
You can enable rudimentary command line argument with the "s" switch. A variable gets defined for each argument starting with a dash. The -- tells where your command line arguments start.
for d in 1 2 ; do
cat someFile | perl -slane ' print "$someParameter: OK" if /hdisk$someParameter\s+/' -- -someParameter=$d;
See: perlrun
Sometimes breaking the Perl enclosure is a good trick for these one-liners:
for d in 1 2 ; do cat kk2 | perl -lne ' print "'"${d}"': OK" if /hdisk'"${d}"'\s+/';done
Pass it on the command line, and it will be available in #ARGV:
for d in 1 2
perl -lne 'BEGIN {$d=shift} print "$d: OK" if /hdisk$d\s+/' $d someFile
Note that the shift operator in this context removes the first element of #ARGV, which is $d in this case.
Combining some of the earlier suggestions and adding my own sugar to it, I'd do it this way:
perl -se '/hdisk([$d])/ && print "$1: ok\n" for <>' -- -d='[value]' [file]
[value] can be a number (i.e. 2), a range (i.e. 2-4), a list of different numbers (i.e. 2|3|4) (or almost anything else, that's a valid pattern) or even a bash variable containing one of those, example:
perl -se '/hdisk([$d])/ && print "$1: ok\n" for <>' -- -d=$d someFile
and [file] is your filename (that is, someFile).
If you are having trouble writing a one-liner, maybe it is a bit hard for one line (just my opinion). I would agree with #FM's suggestion and do the whole thing in Perl. Read the whole file in and then test it:
use strict;
local $/ = '' ; # Read in the whole file
my $file = <> ;
for my $d ( 1 .. 2 )
print "$d: OK\n" if $file =~ /hdisk$d\s+/
You could do it looping, but that would be longer. Of course it somewhat depends on the size of the file.
Note that all the Perl examples so far will print a message for each match - can you be sure there are no duplicates?
My solution is a little different. I came to your question with a Google search the title of your question, but I'm trying to execute something different. Here it is in case it helps someone:
FYI, I was using tcsh on Solaris.
I had the following one-liner:
perl -e 'use POSIX qw(strftime); print strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time()-3600*24*2));'
which outputs the value:
I was trying to place this into a shell script so I could create a file with a date in the filename, of X numbers of days in the past. I tried:
set dateVariable=`perl -e 'use POSIX qw(strftime); print strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time()-3600*24*$numberOfDaysPrior));'`
But this didn't work due to variable substitution. I had to mess around with the quoting, to get it to interpret it properly. I tried enclosing the whole lot in double quotes, but this made the Perl command not syntactically correct, as it messed with the double quotes around date format. I finished up with:
set dateVariable=`perl -e "use POSIX qw(strftime); print strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime(time()-3600*24*$numberOfDaysPrior));"`
Which worked great for me, without having to resort to any fancy variable exporting.
I realise this doesn't exactly answer your specific question, but it answered the title and might help someone else!
That looks good, but I'd use:
for d in $(seq 1 2); do perl -nle 'print "hdisk$ENV{d} OK" if $_ =~ /hdisk$ENV{d}/' someFile; done
It's already written on the top in one long paragraph but I am also writing for lazy developers who don't read those lines.
Double quotes and single quote has big different meaning for the bash.
So please take care
Doesn't WORK perl '$VAR' $FILEPATH