Which kafka property decides Poll frequency for KafkaConsumer? - apache-kafka

I am trying to understand kafka in some details with respect to kafka streams (kafka stream client to kafka).
I understand that KafkConsumer (java client) would get data from kafka, however I am not able to understand at which frequency does client poll kakfa topic to fetch the data?

The frequency of the poll is defined by your code because you're responsible to call poll.
A very naive example of user code using KafkaConsumer is like the following
public class KafkaConsumerExample {
static void runConsumer() throws InterruptedException {
final Consumer<Long, String> consumer = createConsumer();
final int giveUp = 100; int noRecordsCount = 0;
while (true) {
final ConsumerRecords<Long, String> consumerRecords =
if (consumerRecords.count()==0) {
if (noRecordsCount > giveUp) break;
else continue;
consumerRecords.forEach(record -> {
System.out.printf("Consumer Record:(%d, %s, %d, %d)\n",
record.key(), record.value(),
record.partition(), record.offset());
In this case the frequency is defined by the duration of processing the messages in consumerRecords.forEach.
However, keep in mind that if you don't call poll "fast enough" your consumer will be considered dead by the broker coordinator and a rebalance will be triggered.
This "fast enough" is determined by the property max.poll.interval.ms in kafka >= See this answer for more details.
max.poll.interval.ms default value is five minutes, so if your consumerRecords.forEach takes longer than that your consumer will be considered dead.
If you don't want to use the raw KafkaConsumer directly you could use alpakka kafka, a library for consume from and produce to kafka topics in a safe and backpressured way (is based on akka streams).
With this library, the frequency of poll is determined by configuration akka.kafka.consumer.poll-interval.
We say is safe because it will continue polling to avoid the consumer is considered dead even when your processing can't keep up the rate. It's able to do this because KafkaConsumer allows pausing the consumer
* Suspend fetching from the requested partitions. Future calls to {#link #poll(Duration)} will not return
* any records from these partitions until they have been resumed using {#link #resume(Collection)}.
* Note that this method does not affect partition subscription. In particular, it does not cause a group
* rebalance when automatic assignment is used.
* #param partitions The partitions which should be paused
* #throws IllegalStateException if any of the provided partitions are not currently assigned to this consumer
public void pause(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) { ... }
To fully understand this you should read about akka-streams and backpressure.


How to assign partitions before seek on ConsumerSeekCallback?

I get the following exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No current assignment for partition
(ConsumerSeekCallback)callback.seek(topic, partition, offset);
From the kafka documentation -
void seek​(java.lang.String topic, int partition, long offset)
Perform a seek operation. When called from ConsumerSeekAware.onPartitionsAssigned(Map, ConsumerSeekCallback) or from ConsumerSeekAware.onIdleContainer(Map, ConsumerSeekCallback) perform the seek immediately on the consumer. When called from elsewhere, queue the seek operation to the consumer. The queued seek will occur after any pending offset commits. The consumer must be currently assigned the specified partition.
What should i do if the partition is not assigned?
You can capture which topics are assigned to you in ConsumerSeekAware - only perform the seek if you actually have received the topic.
If you extend AbstractConsumerSeekAware, you can call this
* Return the callback for the specified topic/partition.
* #param topicPartition the topic/partition.
* #return the callback (or null if there is no assignment).
protected ConsumerSeekCallback getSeekCallbackFor(TopicPartition topicPartition) {
return this.callbacks.get(topicPartition);

KafkaMessageListenerContainer.stop() is not stopping consumption of messages in message listener

UseCase: Given topic with 100 messages in kafka topic, I want to read messaged from offset 10 to offset 20. I could able to fetch from beginning offset. when i reach end offset, I have written code to stop the container.Even after execution of code, Consumer can consume further messages(from offset 21).It only stops after reading all messages in the topic
public class Consumer1 implements MessageListener<String, GenericRecord> {
public void onMessage(ConsumerRecord<String, GenericRecord> data) {
log.info("feed record {}", data);
if (data.offset() == 20) {
public class FeedService{
// start logic here
public void stopConsumer() {
Note: I am using spring-kafka latest version(2.6.4). One observation is container stop method is being executed but consumer is not getting closed.And no errors on output
The stop() doesn't terminate the current records batch cycle:
while (isRunning()) {
try {
catch (#SuppressWarnings(UNUSED) WakeupException e) {
// Ignore, we're stopping or applying immediate foreign acks
That pollAndInvoke() calls a KafkaConsumer.poll(), gets some records collection and invokes your onMessage() on each record. At some point you decide to call the stop, but it doesn't mean that we are really in the end of that records list to exit immediately.
We really stop on the next cycle when that isRunning() returns false for us already.

Kafka Streams K-Table size monitoring

I have a stream topology which consumes from a topic and runs an aggregation and builds a KTable which is materialized into rocksDB.
I have another application that consumes all events from that same topic daily, and sends tombstone messages for events that meet some specific criteria (i.e. they are no longer needed).
The aggregation deals with this and deletes from the state stores, but I'm looking at monitoring either the size of the state store or the change log topic - anything really that tells me the size of the ktable.
I have exposed the JMX metrics, but there is nothing there that appears to give me what I need. I can see the total number of "puts" into rocksDB, but not the total number of keys.
My apps are spring boot and I would like to expose the metrics via prometheus.
Has anyone solved this issue or any ideas that would help?
You can get the approximate count in each partition by access to the underlying state store of the KTable using this KeyValueStore#approximateNumEntries() and then export this count to prometheus (each partition has one count).
To access to the underling state store you can using the low level processor API to get access to a KeyValueStore through each ProcessorContext in each StreamTask (correspond to a partition). Just add a KStream#transformValues() to your Topology:
.transformValues(ExtractCountTransformer::new, "your_ktable_name")
And in ExtractCountTransformer extract the count to prometheus:
public class ExtractCountTransformer implements ValueTransformerWithKey<String, String, String> {
private KeyValueStore<String, String> yourKTableKvStore;
private ProcessorContext context;
public void init(ProcessorContext context) {
this.context = context;
yourKTableKvStore = (KeyValueStore<String, String>) context.getStateStore("your_ktable_name");
public String transform(String readOnlyKey, String value) {
//extract count to prometheus
log.debug("partition {} - approx count {}", context.partition(), yourKTableKvStore.approximateNumEntries());
return value;
public void close() {
If you have JMX metrics exposed, you can get many kafka metrics, the one that you are looking for is kafka_stream_state_estimate_num_keys.

Spring Cloud Stream Kafka Commit Failed since the group is rebalanced

I have got the CommitFailedException for some time-consuming Spring Cloud Stream applications. I know to fix this issue I need to set the max.poll.records and max.poll.interval.ms to match my expectations for the time it takes to process the batch. However, I am not quite sure how to set it for consumers in Spring Cloud Stream.
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.CommitFailedException: Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the partitions to another member. This means that the time between subsequent calls to poll() was longer than the configured max.poll.interval.ms, which typically implies that the poll loop is spending too much time message processing. You can address this either by increasing the session timeout or by reducing the maximum size of batches returned in poll() with max.poll.records. at
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator.sendOffsetCommitRequest(ConsumerCoordinator.java:808) at
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator.commitOffsetsSync(ConsumerCoordinator.java:691) at
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.commitSync(KafkaConsumer.java:1416) at
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.commitSync(KafkaConsumer.java:1377) at
org.springframework.kafka.listener.KafkaMessageListenerContainer$ListenerConsumer.commitIfNecessary(KafkaMessageListenerContainer.java:1554) at
org.springframework.kafka.listener.KafkaMessageListenerContainer$ListenerConsumer.processCommits(KafkaMessageListenerContainer.java:1418) at
org.springframework.kafka.listener.KafkaMessageListenerContainer$ListenerConsumer.pollAndInvoke(KafkaMessageListenerContainer.java:739) at
org.springframework.kafka.listener.KafkaMessageListenerContainer$ListenerConsumer.run(KafkaMessageListenerContainer.java:700) at
java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) at
Moreover, how can I ensure this situation won't happen at all? Or alternatively, how can I inject some sort of roll-back in the case of this exception? The reason is I am doing some other external works and once it is finished I publish the output message accordingly. Therefore, if the message cannot get published due to any issues after the work was done on the external system, I have to revert it back (some sort of atomic transaction over Kafka publish and other external systems).
You can set arbitrary Kafka properties either at the binder level documentation here
Key/Value map of arbitrary Kafka client consumer properties. In addition to support known Kafka consumer properties, unknown consumer properties are allowed here as well. Properties here supersede any properties set in boot and in the configuration property above.
Default: Empty map.
e.g. spring.cloud.stream.kafka.binder.consumerProperties.max.poll.records=10
Or at the binding level documentation here.
Map with a key/value pair containing generic Kafka consumer properties. In addition to having Kafka consumer properties, other configuration properties can be passed here. For example some properties needed by the application such as spring.cloud.stream.kafka.bindings.input.consumer.configuration.foo=bar.
Default: Empty map.
e.g. spring.cloud.stream.kafka.bindings.input.consumer.configuration.max.poll.records=10
You can get notified of commit failures by adding an OffsetCommitCallback to the listener container's ContainerProperties and setting syncCommits to false. To customize the container and its properties, add a ListenerContainerCustomizer bean to the application.
Async commit callback...
public class So57970152Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So57970152Application.class, args);
public ListenerContainerCustomizer<AbstractMessageListenerContainer<byte[], byte[]>> customizer() {
return (container, dest, group) -> {
container.getContainerProperties().setCommitCallback((map, ex) -> {
if (ex == null) {
System.out.println("Successful commit for " + map);
else {
System.out.println("Commit failed for " + map + ": " + ex.getMessage());
public void listen(String in) {
public ApplicationRunner runner(KafkaTemplate<byte[], byte[]> template) {
return args -> {
template.send("input", "foo".getBytes());
Manual commits (sync)...
public class So57970152Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So57970152Application.class, args);
public ListenerContainerCustomizer<AbstractMessageListenerContainer<byte[], byte[]>> customizer() {
return (container, dest, group) -> {
public void listen(String in, #Header(KafkaHeaders.ACKNOWLEDGMENT) Acknowledgment ack) {
try {
ack.acknowledge(); // MUST USE MANUAL_IMMEDIATE for this to work.
System.out.println("Commit successful");
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Commit failed " + e.getMessage());
public ApplicationRunner runner(KafkaTemplate<byte[], byte[]> template) {
return args -> {
template.send("input", "foo".getBytes());
Set you heartbeat interval to less that 1/3rd of your session timeout. If the broker cannot determine if your consumer is alive, it will initiate a partition rebalance among the remaining consumers. So you have a heartbeat thread to inform the broker that the consumer is alive in case the application is taking a bit longer to process. Change these in your consumer configs:
Try increasing the session timeout if it does not work. You have to fiddle around with these values.

How to handle backpressure when using Reactor Kafka?

I'm using Reactor Kafka to both consume and produce Kafka events. In the case of consuming events my consumer is slow and therefor I need to handle backpressure.
However, I experience that no matter what I call Subscription.request() with, the publisher will publish all events from the topic immediately, therefor overwhelming the consumer.
I'm using a custom Subscriber, setting a small number of initial request by calling Subscription.request(), when I subscribe to KafkaReceiver.receive() to do this. To my understanding this is how I tell the publisher how many events my consumer initially wants.
My subscriber:
public class KafkaEventSubscriber extends BaseSubscriber {
private final int numberOfItemsToRequestOnSubscribe;
private final int numberOfItemsToRequestOnNext;
public KafkaEventSubscriber(int numberOfItemsToRequestOnSubscribe,
int numberOfItemsToRequestOnNext) {
this.numberOfItemsToRequestOnSubscribe = numberOfItemsToRequestOnSubscribe;
this.numberOfItemsToRequestOnNext = numberOfItemsToRequestOnNext;
protected void hookOnSubscribe(Subscription subscription) {
protected void hookOnNext(EnrichedMetadata value) {
How I use the subscriber:
kafkaReceiver.receive().map(ReceiverRecord::value).map(KafkaConsumer::acknowledge).subscribe(new KafkaEventSubscriber(10, 1));
I expect the KafkaReceiver to output 10 events before any call to the subscribers onNext() method is done, but the KafkaReceiver outputs all events that are not already ACK:ed from the topic.
I experience that no matter what we call Subscription.request() with, the publisher will publish all events from the topic immediately, not respecting the backpressure measures I've been taking.