How about Akka-grpc with flatbuffers, thoughts? - scala

I have started working with Akka-GRPC using ProtoBuffers, the samples online are very clean and concise, but with Flatbuffers being faster than ProtoBuffers and GRPC stating out of box support for FlatBuffers, can we use flatbuffers with Akka-Grpc, I have started working on it and FlatBuffers seems much more work than what ProtoBuffer offers, so my question is, is it worth using FlatBuffers, is it possible to use FlatBuffers with AkkaGrpc(Since, its JVM at the end, still unsure though) and are there any child projects to do the same.
I understand we have Filo but any other alternatives

Likely no. First, GRPC for FlatBuffers currently works for C++, Go, and is being worked on for other languages, but does not exist for Java (or Scala) as far as I know.
Even if it did exist, I'm not familiar with Akka, but if it integrates directly with Protobuf (which it looks like it does) then supporting FlatBuffers would require more work by the Akka developers. I'd ask with them.


gRPC - Using code other than Java to create a Service Implementation

I'm a student. For my Distributed Systems project, I'm expected to create a gRPC project. I'm creating the project in Eclipse.
Two service implementation are to be coded in Java and the other is to be done in another coding language.
I've tried searching for help online but the results I'm getting are related to gRPC and how gRPC works, not about the coding or using other coding.
Ideally, I would like to use Python as the other language and to create it in Eclipse if possible. Does anyone have any information, documentation or examples I could look at, so I could can reference it?
I am able to see online searches for both Java and Python, but I'm not sure how to use both in one project.
Thank you.
So I got a lot of feedback for lecturers and classmates.
The server doesn't care what programming language is used.
So Java, Python, Node.js etc, could all be sent to the server.
A generalised simplistic idea of how I was able to understand is: Python converts its code to binary and sends it to the server. Same with Java and Node.js.
I don't know why, but I was digging myself deeper trying to figure out what code (i.e. the binary) that needed to be the communication between the server and code. I was trying to encapsulate Python into Java and vice versa.
Why did I think this? Your guess is as good as mine. Scala client

I'm looking for a client for Scala. I'm well aware of this, but I cringe at the idea of using it in Scala as it wouldn't feel quite natural nor would it allow for an idiomatic implementation. Does any of you, thus, have a suggestion as to where could I find a Scala client?
If so, just the lines for SBT and a link to the doc will suffice as an answer ;)
I'm afraid I don't know any already implemented libraries or apparent solutions for Scala. But I'll present two very simple approaches that should be very easy to use if you have the time to DIY :-)
But of course it really depends on what you want. As you probably already could imagine a plain WebSocket implementation of Java's standard library can be quite efficient if you need to process simple requests. I found one at implementing a server calculating random numbers. If it is of interest there's also something brewing at the nightly build which might reveal some handy tricks.
If you want to go for simplicity and for pure Scala in all its might the Actors (in particular a RemoteActor) are immensly powerful. It requires Scala on both ends naturally, but it gives you a messaging-system almost instantly. This is a pretty good start-guide if you aren't already familiar with them.
Anyway. If no good library surfaces I hope this helped. Good luck.

Play not answering HTTP requests

I'm currently exploring similar alternatives to Ruby on Rails, and have been considering Playframework using Scala (cuz I'm not fond of Java).
Problem is, even if the default sample of application works very fine, everytime I try doing actual work with Playframework, it end up with it not answering HTTP requests.
It compiles after the first request, but doesn't answer it.
Then it ignores every other request (not even re-compiling when I changed stuff).
It does kick out an user typing an incorrect request, but it never times you out if the request is correct.
What is this ?
I'm using Playframework 1.2.3 with the Scala module. Is there any way to get a better insight at what's happening ?
So it never times out, isn't it? as if it was compiling forever?
If yes, maybe you have problems with the Scala compiler which is slower than Java compiler and requires more stack. Generally if you don't have enough stack, it should crash with a StackOverflow.
YOu can try to run play with "play run -Xss1024k" for example to increase the stack size.
If you get empty answer, it means the problem is somewhere else like routes or bad object returned from your controller.
Anyway, Play-Scala is still young and in evolution so it's not a reliable solution for an entreprise solution if you're not yet an expert in Scala and don't already know Play IMO. It's already robust and stable but not well documented and as complete as Java version.
Finally, you say you're not found of Java and it's something I can understand but you should really give a try to Play/Java since it's completely different from any other Java stuff. I can say that because I'm an old Java developer and find the language getting a bit outdated in its syntax and basic features. I don't really like Java EE web frameworks in general because they are not really productive and user-friendly. When I found Play more than one year ago, it was like a breath of air for me. You get the best of modern web frameworks and the best of the Java world which are all the robust and approved entreprise tools coming from opensource. I've never been deceived by it since this time.

What library should I use for accessing Riak from Scala?

For a project I'm using both Scala and Riak (two things I have never worked with before ;) ).
Google searches seem to suggest using Riakki. However, it seems like that particular library hasn't been maintained since 2009 and doesn't even compile on my system. There is a more up-to-date fork on GitHub that does seem to work with more recent Scala versions. But Riakki seems to depend on Jiak, which has been deprecated since february of last year.
Seems like the only reasonable choice would be to use the official Riak Java-library from Scala. That's certainly possible, but I'd like to do things the Scala-way as I'm trying to learn the language. Having to interface with a Java-style API might ruin a bit of the fun. Writing my own wrapper sounds like it will be too much work.
tl;dr: I want to use Riak from Scala. What are other people using?
edit: just found Ryu (can't link to it - annoying limit on amount of hyperlinks per question for new users). Doesn't seem all that mature though.
Stackmob recently opensourced Scalariak.
Scaliak is a scala-ified version of the High-Level Riak Java Client w/
a Functional Twist. It is currently being used in production at
Scaliak is currently feature incomplete vs. the original High-Level
Riak Java Client. What is currently supported are mostly features
being used in production (there have been a few features implemented
and subsequently not used).
There is also Raiku which states that it is async.
I'm in the same bucket - excuse the bad pun - although I have some experience with Scala. I'm thinking of using the official Java client.
When you are toiling up a steep learning curve, you don't need to be dealing with incomplete and potentially wobbly API's. In my experience, using Java API's from Scala is minimally painful.
I think there'll be enough delight in playing with our new Raik toy that we'll forget about whatever un-Scala-ish foibles the Java API inflicts upon us. All the best.
I'm the author of yet another Scala Riak client, simply called riak-scala-client. It is based on Akka and Spray, it is not built on top of the existing Java client, and most importantly it is completely non-blocking.
Check it out at and let me know what you think.

Drawbacks to using Lift (Scala-based framework) for webservices?

I have been working on a project and as I have just started on the webservice I found Lift has been released, so I am curious if there will be much more complication by using Lift over Jax-WS using JDK6.
I am doing this with the Eclipse IDE, but I don't know if I will get much benefit from the IDE on this project.
Lift is written in Scala, so the simple question is do you know Scala? If you don't know Scala but you do know JAX-WS, then Lift will clearly be way more work to get to a working implementation.
Scala and Lift are cool, but unless you are already comfortable with functional programming approaches, they will make your head hurt for at least 6 months. Since they are relatively new they also suffer from a lack of tooling.
You mention that you are using JAX-WS - can you do that with Lift? If you can't do it natively with Lift, can you easily integrate the standard Java libraries for this?
Depending on whether this is a personal project or work-related, your tolerance for taking technical risk can vary widely.