Setting CollectionView cell height to dynamic based on content - swift

I have an application where I am using collectionview to display content which includes imageview, about 4 uilabels and a stackview which are all constrained to each other. This cell is scrollable vertically and not horizontally as I have to make provison for larger screen size like the iPad. The problem I have now is my CollectionViewFlowLayout height is static, How can I make it dynamic so that it resizes base on the height of the retuned content. the text of the label could vary so how do I handle this
below is how I have made my cell
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView,
layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout,
sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
return CGSize(width: collectionView.bounds.size.width, height: 400)
further code would be added on request and any help is appritiated


UICollectionView - How to add "PAGING" in UICollectionView scrolling with vertically

I have implemented UICollectionView with the vertical scrolling and paging, first image showing properly but after scrolling layout get changed.
Code -
// MARK: - UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
return CGSize(width: self.collectionView.frame.width, height: self.collectionView.frame.height)
I enable the paging from UICollectionView
Also attached images below.
Thanks in advance.
pls check below screen sort setting of collectionview into storyboard.
Estimate size none
others min spacing for cells & for lines are zero or not

Issues with resizing my UICollectionViewCell

I am currently trying to resize my cell within my CollectionView. I have already implemented the dataSource, CollectionViewDelegate and CollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout.
This is the code I have for the latter:
extension ViewController: UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout {
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout
collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt
indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize
return CGSize(width: 100.0, height: 100.0)
The problem is that when I head over to my storyboard and select my CollectionView and then go to the Attributes Inspector to switch "Estimate Size" from "Automatic" to "None," I would get three columns after running my app [Image #1].
The result I am looking for is to be able to have one middle column with a bigger cell as I show on Image #2.
Has anybody dealt with this problem before?
In order to show a collection view cells as a list, you can change your cell width equals to the width of the collection view. Giving constant width will not work for different device size.
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout
collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt
indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize
let width = collectionView.frame.width
return CGSize(width: width, height: 100.0)
And give your desired constraint values for the inner rectangular view to achieve the desired look. Make collectionView cell background to clear.

Set UICollectionViewCell size before content size

I have a UICollectionView with dynamic cell sizing which was working perfectly until I set proportional width constraints on the content inside the cell.
It seems now the UICollectionViewCell is sized to the size of the content, whereas actually I want the opposite - the content needs to be sized proportional to the cell size. Guess I'm missing something...
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView,
layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout,
sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
let width = self.collectionView.frame.width
let height = self.view.frame.height/2.5
return CGSize(width: width, height: height)
For info, fixed by setting estimated size = none in IB

UICollectionViewCell not forcing Cell Size

I am using
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
return CGSize(width: 400, height: 600)
to specify my CollectionView's cell sizes. It works fine but as soon as I add a width constraint (UILabel.width == ContentView.width) to my UILabel inside the ContentView of the cell, the cell's width shrinks to the intrinsic width of the UILabel.
I am using UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout and horizontal scrolling.
How can I force the ContentView to stick to the cell size I specified and let the subviews follow the auto layout constraints?
The problem is that in the storyboard your collection view's Estimate Size is configured to Automatic:
You need to set it to None if you want your sizeForItemAt implementation to be obeyed rather than the internal constraints.

How to make 2 rows in horizontal collection view without using sections

The horizontal scrolling in UICollectionView only returns one row and I need to make a horizontal scrolling collection view with 2 rows just like the image below
[1]: :[1]
You need to set fix height of the CollectionView and then use sizeForItemAt() under UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout which returns CGSize. You have to manage the cell height something like this.
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
return CGSize(width: 50.0, height: collectionViewHeight / 2) //<-- Manage height and width accordingly.