Use result of async library once it’s done [duplicate] - swift

This question already has answers here:
Returning data from async call in Swift function
(13 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I’m using the FileProvider library to look for files on my FTP server and Swift 5’s basic functionality to look for files in the “Documents“ folder of the device:
func lookForFiles() { //runs on a background thread
var ftpExists = false
var localExists = false
let ftpFile:FileObject = lookForFTPFile()
let localFile:FileObject = lookForLocalFile()
//Compare,... files
func lookForFTPFile() -> FileObject? {
var found:FileObject?
ftpProvider?.contentsOfDirectory(path: mypath, completionHandler: { (contents, error) in
//Look for ftp file
}) //This is run in an async task according to documentation
return found
This of course always returns "nil" because of the task in "contentsOfDirectory" (I also can't return the file from within).
Question: How do I wait for lookForFTPFile to finish before returning the result (which might be nil because it simply didn't find anything) - without just setting up a timer?
I'd prefer to not mess with how the library sets up its asynchronous work.
Something like
var waitingbool = false
var found:FileObject?
func lookForFiles() { //runs on a background thread
//Rest of code
while !waitingbool {}
//Use "found"
func lookForFTPFile() {
ftpProvider?.contentsOfDirectory(path: mypath, completionHandler: { (contents, error) in
//Look for ftp file and save result in "found"
self.waitingbool = true
looks like might work but at the same time it seems to be breaking a lot of unwritten rules.

Everyone who hasn't done async in Swift runs into the same problem. If you return a value from a method without a closure (as you are doing it), it must return sync. Since your completion handler runs async as you have noticed, we have a problem. You shouldreturn a value from a async method with a completion handler block.
I would have rewritten your method as follows:
func find(content: #escaping (FileObject?) -> ()) {
var found: FileObject?
// init the found variabel somewhere
ftpProvider?.contentsOfDirectory(path: mypath, completionHandler: { (contents, error) in
// You are in a closure completion block here also!
// send a callback to our waiting function...
// If ftpProvider is nil, please call the content completion handler block with nil also!
Calling side:
find { contents in // Capture self as unowned/weak maybe?
// Use contents.


How to cancel an `async` function with cancellable type returned from `async` operation initiation

I need to support cancellation of a function that returns an object that can be cancelled after initiation. In my case, the requester class is in a 3rd party library that I can't modify.
actor MyActor {
func doSomething() async throws -> ResultData {
var requestHandle: Handle?
return try await withTaskCancellationHandler {
requestHandle?.cancel() // COMPILE ERROR: "Reference to captured var 'requestHandle' in concurrently-executing code"
} operation: {
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation{ continuation in
requestHandle = requester.start() { result, error in
if let error = error
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
} else {
let myResultData = ResultData(result)
continuation.resume(returning: myResultData)
I have reviewed other SO questions and this thread:
There are cases that are very similar, but not quite the same. This code won't compile because of this error:
"Reference to captured var 'requestHandle' in concurrently-executing code"
I assume the compiler is trying to protect me from using the requestHandle before it's initialized. But I'm not sure how else to work around this problem. The other examples shown in the Swift Forum discussion thread all seem to have a pattern where the requester object can be initialized before calling its start function.
I also tried to save the requestHandle as a class variable, but I got a different compile error at the same location:
Actor-isolated property 'profileHandle' can not be referenced from a
Sendable closure
You said:
I assume the compiler is trying to protect me from using the requestHandle before it’s initialized.
Or, more accurately, it is simply protecting you against a race. You need to synchronize your interaction with your “requester” and that Handle.
But I’m not sure how else to work around this problem. The other examples shown in the Swift Forum discussion thread all seem to have a pattern where the requester object can be initialized before calling its start function.
Yes, that is precisely what you should do. Unfortunately, you haven’t shared where your requester is being initialized or how it was implemented, so it is hard for us to comment on your particular situation.
But the fundamental issue is that you need to synchronize your start and cancel. So if your requester doesn’t already do that, you should wrap it in an object that provides that thread-safe interaction. The standard way to do that in Swift concurrency is with an actor.
For example, let us imagine that you are wrapping a network request. To synchronize your access with this, you can create an actor:
actor ResponseDataRequest {
private var handle: Handle?
func start(completion: #Sendable #escaping (Data?, Error?) -> Void) {
// start it and save handle for cancelation, e.g.,
handle = requestor.start(...)
func cancel() {
That wraps the starting and canceling of a network request in an actor. Then you can do things like:
func doSomething() async throws -> ResultData {
let responseDataRequest = ResponseDataRequest()
return try await withTaskCancellationHandler {
Task { await responseDataRequest.cancel() }
} operation: {
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
Task {
await responseDataRequest.start { result, error in
if let error = error {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
} else {
let resultData = ResultData(result)
continuation.resume(returning: resultData)
You obviously can shift to unsafe continuations when you have verified that everything is working with your checked continuations.
After reviewing the Swift discussion thread again, I see you can do this:
var requestHandle: Handle?
let onCancel = { profileHandle?.cancel() }
return try await withTaskCancellationHandler {

Swift Concurrency - How to get a Result from a task not working

I tried to put this example into a simple project + ViewController but can't get it to compile
I'm trying to call fetchQuotes() from an IBAction via a button tap, however because fetchQuotes is marked async, I'm getting an error.
I know that I can wrap the call to fetchQuotes() in a task:
Task {
, but this doesn't make sense to me since fetchQuotes is already creating tasks.
Can anyone advise?
Here is my code:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
#IBAction func buttonTap(_ sender: Any) {
func fetchQuotes() async {
let downloadTask = Task { () -> String in
let url = URL(string: "")!
let data: Data
do {
(data, _) = try await url)
} catch {
throw LoadError.fetchFailed
if let string = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
return string
} else {
throw LoadError.decodeFailed
let result = await downloadTask.result
do {
let string = try result.get()
} catch LoadError.fetchFailed {
print("Unable to fetch the quotes.")
} catch LoadError.decodeFailed {
print("Unable to convert quotes to text.")
} catch {
print("Unknown error.")
enum LoadError: Error {
case fetchFailed, decodeFailed
Here's a screenshot of my code + Xcode error:
this doesn't make sense to me since fetchQuotes is already creating tasks
What fetchQuotes is internally doing is an implementation detail, it might as well not explicitly create any tasks, or not even be doing async calls.
Now, the async part of the method declaration tells the compiler the method might suspend the caller thread, thus any caller needs to provide an async context when calling the method. Note that I said might suspend not will suspend, this is a subtle, but important difference.
The tasks created by the method are valid only during the method execution, so if you need to be able to call the method from a non-async context you'll have to create new tasks.
However, you can tidy-up your code by providing a non-async overload:
func fetchQuotes() {
Task {
await fetchQuotes()
, which can be called from your #IBAction
#IBAction func buttonTap(_ sender: Any) {
There's no escaping out of this, if you want to be able to call an async function from a non-async context, then you'll need a Task, regardless on how the called method is implemented. Structured concurrency tasks are not reusable.
but this doesn't make sense to me since fetchQuotes is already creating tasks
Irrelevant; you've internalized a false rule, or failed to internalize the real rule. This has nothing to do with who is "creating tasks". It has to do with the real rule, the most fundamental rule of Swift's async/await, which is:
You can only call an async method from within an async context.
Well, the method buttonTap is not an async method, so your call to fetchQuotes is not being made within an async context. That's illegal, and the compiler stops you dead.
But if you wrap the call to fetchQuotes in a Task initializer, that is an async context. Success!
Basically, the effect you're seeing is what I call the regress of doom. Since every call to an async method must be in an async context, but since your events from Cocoa, such as an IBAction, are not async, how can your code ever call an async method? The answer is a Task initializer: it gives you a place to get started.

How to use multithread in Swift

I have two tasks : task1 and task2. I want to execute task2 after task1 finishes.
let globalQueueDefault = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,0)
self.activityIndicatorView.hidden = false
dispatch_sync(globalQueueDefault) { () -> Void in
I searched in internet, I find NSLock,NSConditionLock and objc_sync_enter...I have try them, but it doesn't work...
let lock = NSLock()
let globalQueueDefault = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,0)
self.activityIndicatorView.hidden = false
dispatch_sync(globalQueueDefault) { () -> Void in
I also tried NSConditionLock and objc_sync_enter...It doesn't work. How I can use lock in swift ? Could you give me a example base on my code? Thank you.
PS: I don't want to use callback here...because I have tried it, I think multithread is more closer to my answer, Thank you.
I'm going out on a limp and making some guesses about your program structures. The first problem with your code is that it's trying to access a view on a background thread. GUI elements should always be accessed on the main thread. The second problem is sleep: don't use it to write concurrent code. It makes assumptions about how the asynchronous task is going take. You should treat that time as unknown and use a sync pattern or a call back.
Since you mentioned that task1() download JSON, it's likely asynchronous. Here's how I'd do it:
func task1(finish: () -> Void) {
// Set up your connection to the website
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) {
// Handle the response, parse the json, etc
// Now call the completion handler
func task2() {
// Do whatever here
// In the function that triggers the JSON download
func downloadJSON() {
self.activityIndicatorView.hidden = false

Wait for Parse Async functions to complete in Swift

I'm trying to wait for Parse async functions in Swift to reload my UITableView
I'm not sure if Completion Handler is useful in this case. or Dispatch Async.
I'm really confused ! Can someone help out with this
var posts = [PFObject]()
for post in posts {
tableView.reloadData() // I want to execute that when the async functions have finished execution
You want to use fetchAllInBackground:Block I've had issues launching a bunch of parse calls in a loop where it will take a lot longer to return all of them than expected.
fetch documentation
It should look something like this:
PFObject.fetchAllInBackground(posts, block: { (complete, error) in
if (error == nil && complete) {
One thing to note is that in your example posts are empty and a generic PFObject. I'm assuming this is just for the example. Otherwise if you want to get all posts in Parse (as opposed to updating current ones) you will want to use PFQuery instead of fetching. query documentation
You need to use fetchInBackgroundWithBlock. Alternatively, if you want to wait until all have loaded and then update the UI, use PFObject's +fetchAllInBackground:block:. Note that this is a class method, and would therefore be called as PFObject.fetchAllInBackground(.... See documentation here.
Either way, because you're running in a background thread, you must update the UI on the main thread. This is normally done using dispatch_async.
The other thing to watch out for is if you run fetchInBackgroundWithBlock in a loop and collect all the results in an array, arrays are not thread safe. You will have to use something like dispatch_barrier or your own synchronous queue to synchronise access to the array. Code for the second option is below:
// Declared once and shared by each call (set your own name)...
let queue = dispatch_queue_create("my.own.queue", nil)
// For each call...
dispatch_sync(queue) {
Here's a little class I made to help with coordination of asynchronous processes:
class CompletionBlock
var completionCode:()->()
init?(_ execute:()->() )
{ completionCode = execute }
func deferred() {}
{ completionCode() }
The trick is to create an instance of CompletionBlock with the code you want to execute after the last asynchronous block and make a reference to the object inside the closures.
let reloadTable = CompletionBlock({ self.tableView.reloadData() })
var posts = [PFObject]()
for post in posts
post.fetchInBackground(){ reloadTable.deferred() }
The object will remain "alive" until the last capture goes out of scope. Then the object itself will go out of scope and its deinit will be called executing your finalization code at that point.
Here is an example of using fetchInBackgroundWithBlock which reloads a tableView upon completion
var myArray = [String]()
func fetchData() {
let userQuery: PFQuery = PFUser.query()!
(users, error) -> Void in
var userData = users!
if error == nil {
if userData.count >= 1 {
for i in 0...users!.count-1 {
self.myArray.append(userData[i].valueForKey("dataColumnInParse") as! String)
} else {
My example is a query on the user class but you get the idea...
I have experimented a bit with the blocks and they seem to get called on the main thread, which means that any UI changes can be made there. The code I have used to test looks something like this:
func reloadPosts() {
PFObject.fetchAllIfNeededInBackground(posts) {
[unowned self] (result, error) in
if let err = error {
if you are in doubt about whether or not the block is called on the main thread you can use the NSThread class to check for this
And if you want it to be bulletproof you can wrap your reloadData inside dispatch_block_tto ensure it is on the main thread
The documentation doesn't state anywhere if the block is executed on the main thread, but the source code is pretty clear that it does
+ (void)fetchAllIfNeededInBackground:(NSArray *)objects block:(PFArrayResultBlock)block {
[[self fetchAllIfNeededInBackground:objects] thenCallBackOnMainThreadAsync:block];

How to return a value to a function while in background process subfunction in swift

I first tried this solution to return a bool in the spot I want to return it. However, due to the function saveInBackgroundWithBlock() being a void return function, I got the error "Unexpected non-void return value in void function".
func saveObjectToParse(gameLocal: Game) -> Bool {
let game = PFObject(className:"Game")
game["sport"] =
var saved = false
game.saveInBackgroundWithBlock {
(success: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if (success) {
print("Object has been saved.")
saved = true
return saved
} else {
print("parse error")
return saved
So, I tried moving the return statements out of the subfunction like this:
func saveObjectToParse(gameLocal: Game) -> Bool {
let game = PFObject(className:"Game")
game["sport"] =
var saved = false
game.saveInBackgroundWithBlock {
(success: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if (success) {
print("Object has been saved.")
saved = true
} else {
print("parse error")
return saved
However, this returns saved before the saveInBackgroundWithBlock() block executes because it is a background process. Therefore, saved will never be true, even when it is intended to be. I have tried adding a boolean flag called done and tried waiting with a while(!done) loop, but this freezes the program on the loop and the background process never executes. How can I fix these problems?
I agree with restructuring not needing a bool returned, but if you really, really need this set up, you could save your object synchronously (so your code will wait) like so,
do {
} catch {
Returning a value from a function but from another function doesn't make architectural sense. Nor is it possible.
You either will need to change your implementation and make both methods independent or think of using a semaphore.
What you are trying to do (create a helper function to wrap the Parse save function) makes perfect sense and can be easily accomplished.
You do not need to use semaphores and you certainly don't want to perform the operation synchronously. Instead, use a completion hander to let you know when the save has completed. For more information on completion handlers see this link
func saveObjectToParse(gameLocal: Game, completion: (gameSaved: Bool) -> Void) {
let game = PFObject(className:"Game")
game["sport"] =
game.saveInBackgroundWithBlock {
(success: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
// Set the completion handler to be result of the Parse save operation
completion(gameSaved: success)
You may then call this function like so
saveObjectToParse(someGameObject) { (gameSaved: Bool) in
if gameSaved {
print("The game has been saved.")
} else {
print("Error while saving the game")
Using this technique, you could similarly propagate the entire callback of saveInBackgroundWithBlock through your function so you could inspect errors when they occur.
Edit: It looks like you may also be using your own custom class to represent the Game object. I would recommend looking into subclassing PFObject so you can easily and directly model your Parse classes. More details in the documentation