Facebook Marketing API - Keywordstats empty - facebook

I am working with ADs api and using keywordstats.
It worked well, now I am getting some weird responses, or maybe it should be like that.
I created AD 7 days ago, 24 days after using keywordstats and fields like, cpc, actions, impressions, unique_actions returned me good results, matched at what I was seeing on ADS manager. AD was live one day.
Now 6 days after after, actions and unique actions has only one element "attention_event"? Impressions by each interest are also weird, for each I am getting from 1 to 5? In total I have more then 5K impressions, how is this possible? I have tried with specific dates, for one day it returns this weird data, for other days just returns empty response.
Actions fields, 6 days ago contained and events from FB Pixel, now none is returned in response.
Is this supposed to work like this, or I am missing something?

I've also dealt with some bugginess with the keywordstats endpoint.
If you look at the API documentation, you'll see a particular line: "To query from a particular day in the last week:". It seems like Facebook doesn't allow you to query for keywordstats that aren't from the past week. The discrepancy between metrics might arise because of this.
For some more context, I've found that even the last seven days isn't a reliable indicator of retrievable dates. I had to query each date individually (using <API_VERSION>/<AD_ID>/keywordstats?date=YYYY-MM-DD) and see which ones don't return an empty object. The dates that do return a metric are the ones that you should use in your calculations.


How to track monthly contributions to Atlassian Confluence?

We are trying to encourage our team to document more (yes, it's like getting children to eat their vegetables).
Our plan is to have a monthly leaderboard of users in our space, by Edits and Comments (we don't want to count labels or likes). After about a day of messing around with widgets and such, we have come up with the Contributors Summary, but there is no date range for that. It's for all time. We need the exact same data, but for the past month.
Is there a macro/widget/etc that gives similar stats as the Contributors Summary, but can be restricted to a date range, i.e. -30d to present? Or perhaps a hidden parameter we can provide in the URL?

Facebook Marketing insights Grouped By Day

How is possible to get insights grouped by days?
Means get one row per day with all the statistics.
I see that I can use "hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone" in "breakdowns" but I dont know exactly what is the result.
I need one record each day depending from the level (for instance is I choose level=campaign) I need to have campaign_id, campaign_name, day, spent
Is is possible?
Thanks, Alex.
The parameter that I'm looking for is "time_increment" equals 1.
Here is the docs https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/insights/v2.5
Usually, facebook insight URLs are compiled like
in your example something like
where <object> is your page/ad/post/app/... ID
You may try it first over here: Graph Explorer

Yahoo Weather API current conditions

I am trying to get the current weather conditions for a certain location, but for some reason I always get the conditions for a semi-random day/time (more or less past week). I am using this query: https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20item.condition%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20woeid%20%3D%20639660%20AND%20u%3D%22c%22&format=json&env=store%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys&callback=
Even trying out the example query on their website doesn't work for me. When I click on "Current conditions for San Diego, CA" I get the same, random results. Is there any way to get the current conditions?
I am seeing the same thing. It has to be on Yahoo's side. Unfortunately it looks like their support page is down too. Returned a 404
I've also notice the random ( 1 day up to 2 wks) of old data being transmitted
http://xml.weather.yahoo.com/forecastrss/55364_f.xml It seems to change about every 30 seconds

New Companies API: cannot retrieve all the updates

I am not able to retrieve all the updates from a company page. I can only retrieve the last, happened 4 days ago, but not the previous, happened 1 month and more ago.
Has this anything to do with the new API that took effect on 12th of May?
This is the endpoint I use:
As already stated, I don't get the posts older than 1 month but I can get all the posts that are 4 days or younger.
Also on their test company profile, I can only retrieve posts that are 4 days or less.
Scratch the last: On the test company profile I can retrieve up to the 25th of April 2015.
EDIT2: On the page I am trying to grab, there are dozens of updates, but I seem to get only the last 2 (the previous are more than a month old) - sorry for being repetitive, just trying to give as much context as possible.
This is seems like API limitation:
From https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/company-pages
Only the most recent 50 updates for events of type status-update will be returned. For all other event types, the request will return all the updates within the past 20 days, or 250 total updates - whichever comes first.

Zend Gdata calendar retrieve events in a date range

I am attempting to retrieve events from my calendar, the below function works to a degree but only pulls the events over the first week or so (specifically until the 24th of the first month). I was hoping to find someone to help me figure out why.
Here is my code
$query = $service->newEventQuery();
$eventFeed = $service->getCalendarEventFeed($query)
In the end I had to set max-results as in $query->setMaxResults('1000'); the reason is because apparently Google limits results to 25.
Here is the documentation:
Note: The max-results query parameter for Calendar is set to 25 by
default, so that you won't receive an entire calendar feed by
accident. If you want to receive the entire feed, you can specify a
very large number for max-results.
Found Here -> http://code.google.com/apis/calendar/data/1.0/reference.html#Parameters
After figuring out the problem I further searched this forum with the known answer and found another similar question with the same answer, I'm listing this because honestly finding help for the Zend Framework and Google Calendar Api is not the easiest thing to do. It would be benificial to us all if there were a more stardardize way of refferencing these two libraries-> Google calendar query returns at most 25 entries