Determine which of running servers, an emacsclient attached to? - emacs

I planed to starting emacs from the the as
$ head
#! /bin/bash
#starting emacs servers
emacs --daemon=orging
emacs --daemon=coding
#invoke emacsclients
emacsclient -c -s "orging" &
emacsclient -c -s "coding" &
} &> /dev/null
Two clients run respectively under servers of orging and coding.
A problem occurred to this situation is that the invoked running clients are not labelled with appropriate server names.
So a manual steps of testing might be need to determine who is who.
As an alternative, the servers could be scheduled with one running at the top , the other at the end after starting from in the,
How could determine which server a client attached in a straightforward way on a working frame?

You can inspect the variable server-name - interactively with C-h v server-name RET.


execute buffer content in current shell upon exec ssh

My perl code does this
sleep 2;
exec 'ssh', '-o', "ConnectTimeout=10", "newhost", "sleep 3;pwd";
the problem is when sleep is executing what ever I type on the terminal (during execution)
disappears to non interactive shell in newhost.
user#a02$ #ls is not executed
command ls executes if I don't use exec or system.
Is there a way to execute the contents of the buffer?
After a bit of digging i found ssh has has an stdio redirector when used with -n option.
To tell ssh that the remote command doesn't require any input use the -n option

Determine if the stdout is terminal under ssh

To test whether the output is terminal we can do -t STDOUT:
if (-t STDOUT) {
# print with terminal control chars
} else {
# just plain print
But when the script is executed in the ssh session not run from terminal (Jenkins in my case), the -t test still returns true and my output gets polluted with control chars:
ssh user#server "/my/"
Why does the -t detects the terminal?
I don't know why ssh is allocating a terminal for you — mine defaults to not doing that even if the output of ssh goes to a terminal — but passing -T to ssh will disable pseudo-tty creation on the remote end.
$ ssh -t localhost "perl -E'say -t STDOUT ?1:0'"
Connection to localhost closed.
$ ssh -T localhost "perl -E'say -t STDOUT ?1:0'"
From ssh's man page:
-T Disable pseudo-tty allocation.
-t Force pseudo-tty allocation. This can be used to execute arbitrary
screen-based programs on a remote machine, which can be very useful,
e.g. when implementing menu services. Multiple -t options force tty
allocation, even if ssh has no local tty.
Perhaps it would be better if you instead forced ssh to allocate a pty —
From the ssh manual:
-t Force pseudo-tty allocation. This can be used to execute arbitrary screen-based programs
on a remote machine, which can be very useful, e.g. when implementing menu services.
Multiple -t options force tty allocation, even if ssh has no local tty.
The longer answer: -t (the Perl or Bourne shell function) reliably detects whether the stream is a “typewriter,” but ssh will normally only allocate a pseudo-teletype (pty) stream in interactive shells, not when other programs are being started.
See also RequestTTY as an option in .ssh/config.

How do you stop a perl Dancer/Starman/Plack server?

I started a Dancer/Starman server using:
sudo plackup -s Starman -p 5001 -E deployment --workers=10 -a mywebapp/bin/
but I'm unsure how I can stop the server. Can someone provide me with a quick way of stopping it and all the workers it has spawned?
Use the
--pid /path/to/the/pid.file
and you can kill the process based on his PID
So, using the above options, you can use
kill $(cat /path/to/the/pid.file)
the pid.file simply stores the master's PID - don't need analyze the ps output...
pkill -f starman
Kill processes based on name.
On Windows you can do "CTRL + C" like making a copy but Cancel in this case. Tested working.

perl run two system commands error

So in my script I need to make to calls to unix, and I do it via the system command like so:
system "bash -i -c 'addmothernode'";
perl code ...
system "bash -i -c 'addnode -ip=$_'";
However, whenever I run both of these commands in the same script, for some reason my process is stopped like this:
[1]+ Stopped perl
And the script can only be finished when I run fg %1. When I only have one of these system calls in, the perl script finishes successfully. But I need both commands because they depend on each other. Anyone have any ideas about what's going on? Thanks!
A lot of answers below are saying I don't need to use bash -i to run a system command, and I know typically this is true but I need to use aliases that I have created and if I do not use this the aliases won't be recognized. So I do need bash -i.
This problem is unrelated to perl. You can easily reproduce the situation if you start two bashes in the interactive mode (-i) one after another:
$ cat
bash -i -c 'sleep 1'
bash -i -c 'sleep 1'
$ bash
[1]+ Stopped bash
Of course it would be better to run bash in the non-interactive mode (without -i) or run the program directly, without bash, but if you need for some reason bash -i you can protect its run with setsid:
$ cat
setsid bash -i -c 'sleep 1'
setsid bash -i -c 'sleep 1'
echo done
$ bash
The bash -i means run an interactive shell; so you have two shells both reading from the terminal.
Try removing the -i options.
system "addmothernode";
should work.
To execute a command, bash is not needed. The Perl system function is like the system C function, it calls by default sh.
man system
The standard to which the caller conforms determines which shell is used. See standards(5).
Standard Shell Used
1989 ANSI C, 1990 ISO C, 1999 ISO C, /usr/xpg4/bin/sh
POSIX.1 (1990-2001), SUS, SUSv2, SUSv3,
POSIX.1 (1988), SVID3, XPG3, no standard /usr/bin/sh

Invoking su in emacs' eshell

I can run normal linux commands in eshell as a non-root user. When I try to su to root, all the usual linux commands are gone (ls, cat, etc.) How do I fix this?
One way is to use tramp:
cd /su::/etc/
then eshell will run command "remotly" using su.
After testing, it seem that ls do work, but there is a problem with some (but not all) external command.