AKAudioFile exportAsynchronously path errors - swift

I'm trying to use AKAudioFile.exportAsynchronously to convert wav to m4a (based on the sample code here: https://audiokit.io/playgrounds/Playback/Exporting%20Files/). I've chosen .documents as my BaseDirectory, but I just keep getting directory <my_dir> isn't valid errors — e.g.:
AKAudioFile+ProcessingAsynchronously.swift:exportAsynchronously(name:baseDir:exportFormat:fromSample:toSample:callback:):379:ERROR AKAudioFile export: directory "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/20C913AD-B2F4-4F26-AAD2-0DFA0C65A886/Documents/All Of Me.mp4" isn't valid
That URL looks completely reasonable, to me, so what's up?

Okay, following #jake's tip, the solution was to handle the spaces explicitly before passing into AKAudioFile's exportAsynchronously(name:baseDir:exportFormat:callback:). I just did:
var name = String(cafURL.lastPathComponent.split(separator: ".")[0])
name = name.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "%20")
let exportFile = try AKAudioFile(readFileName: "\(name).wav", baseDir: .documents)
exportFile.exportAsynchronously(name: name, baseDir: .documents, exportFormat: .m4a, callback: self.callback)


%3d instead of = in file path, then i try to open file from resources

I write some tests and to get absolute path from relative path i use this function
private def getAbsolutePath(filePath: String): String = {
and then i do:
i get:
As you can see, instead of =, I get some strange symbol. At the same time, when I try to read these files with a park, he can read the path without %3d, and with %3d he gets the error "Path does not exist".
How can I fix this?
Seems like its URL encoded, maybe because using stuff from files and resources are designed to work with Universal Resource Locators. You can URLDecode it like so:
import java.net.URLDecoder
def getAbsolutePath(filePath: String): String = {
val path = getClass.getResource(filePath).getFile
URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8")

Ionic 3 Cordova File plugin gives error for copyFile operation

I am trying to copy a file from one dir to another using the copyFile(path, fileName, newPath, newFileName) function. It gives an error like {"code":13, "message":"input is not a directory"}. The documentation has only 12 error code and no 13th. I'd like to know what i did wrong please.
Here is a sample of my actual code.
this.path = "file:///storage/emulated/0/TheFolder/thefile.ext";
this.newPath = "file:///storage/emulated/0/NewFolder";
this.fileCtrl.copyFile(this.path, fileName, this.newPath, newFileName)
this.path must be a directory but your are showing some file name
change your code as follows
this.path = "file:///storage/emulated/0/TheFolder";
this.newPath = "file:///storage/emulated/0/NewFolder";
this.fileCtrl.copyFile(this.path, YOUR_EXISTING_FILE_NAME, this.newPath, NEW_FILE_NAME);
path -Base FileSystem
fileName - Name of file to copy
newPath - Base FileSystem of new location
newFileName - New name of file to copy to (leave blank to remain the same)

Matlab: check if string has a correct file path syntax

I want to check if a string represents a full path of a file, like this:
p = 'C:\my\custom\path.txt'
The file does not exist, so commands like isdir and exist return false to me, but still the format of the string represents a valid path for my operating system, while the following one does not because it has an invalid character for the file name:
p = 'C:\my\custom\:path.txt'
So I'd like to know how to check if a string represents a valid file path without needing that the file actually exists.
You might want to use the regexp function with a regular expression to match Windows paths.
if isempty(regexp(p, '^(?:[a-zA-Z]\:|\\\\[\w\.]+\\[\w.$]+)\\(?:[\w]+\\)*\w([\w.])+$', 'once'))
// This is not a path
You can also let Matlab try for you:
if ~isdir(p)
[status, msg] = mkdir(p);
if status
First, you check if the folder exists, if not you try to create it. If you succeed then you delete it, and if not you throw an error.
This is not recommended for checking many strings but has the advantage of being cross-platform.
function bool = isLegalPath(str)
bool = true;
bool = false;

Saving screenshots with protractor

I'm attempting to save a screenshot using a generic method in protractor. Two features, it creates the folder if it does not exist and it saves the file (with certain conditions).
export function WriteScreenShot(data: string, filename: string) {
let datetime = moment().format('YYYYMMDD-hhmmss');
filename = `../../../test-reports/${filename}.${datetime}.png`;
let path =filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('/'));
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
let stream = fs.createWriteStream(filename);
stream.write(new Buffer(data, 'base64'));
This can be used by calling browser.takeScreenshot().then(png => WriteScreenShot(png, 'login/login-page')); Using this example call, a file will be created, I assumed, in the path relative where my WriteScreenShot method's file resides. But that does not appear to be the case.
For example, when I run my spec test in the spec's folder, the image gets saved in the correct place. But if I run it at the project root, an error is capture. Obviously, this has to do with my relative path reference. How do I capture the project's root directory and build from that so that I can run the test from any directory?
This is a classical directory access error. Let me just explain what is happening to your code -
let path =filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('/'));
The above line outputs to ../../../test-reports
fs.existsSync checks whether thispath exists or not -
case 1 :(postive flow) Your spec folder is in the same current working directory in which you are trying to create reports folder. When you run your test, the path exists, it generates the test-reports directory & screenshots and your code works fine.
case 2:(negative flow) When you try to run it from the root directory which is the current working directory now, fs.existsSync tries to check the path & the reports folder inside it. If it doesn't exist , fs.mkdirSync tries to create your directories but it would fail as it cannot create multiple directories.
You should be using native path module of nodejs to extract the path instead of using file substring and the mkdirp external module for creating multiple directories.
import * as path from 'path';
let {mkdirp} = require('mkdirp'); // npm i -D mkdirp
export function WriteScreenShot(data: string, filename: string) {
let datetime = moment().format('YYYYMMDD-hhmmss');
filename = `../../../test-reports/${filename}.${datetime}.png`;
let filePath = path.dirname(filename); // output: '../../..' (relative path)
// or
let filePath = path.resolve(__dirname); // output: 'your_root_dir_path' (absolute path)
// or
let filePath = path.resolve('.'); // output: 'your_root_dir_path' (absolute path)
if (!fs.existsSync(filePath )) {
mkdirp.sync(filePath); // creates multiple folders if they don't exist
let stream = fs.createWriteStream(filename);
stream.write(new Buffer(data, 'base64'));
If you are curious to know the difference btw mkdir & mkdir-p please read this SO thread.

Swift: Using "/" slash in filename with createDirectoryAtPath

I have a folder called "My / Project". When I try to call createDirectoryAtPath I get two folders created "My " with a subfolder of " Project".
I have looked at how the terminal represents this:
/Users/currentuser/Documents/Projects/My\ \:\ Project
Here is my code:
let projectName = "My / Project"
let path:NSString = "/Users/currentuser/Documents/Projects/"
let fullPath:NSString = path.stringByAppendingPathComponent(projectName)
if (!NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileExistsAtPath(fullPath:NSString))
try NSFileManager.defaultManager().createDirectoryAtPath(fullPath:NSString, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
I have also tried :
projectName.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("/", withString: "\:")
to match the terminal but Xcode complains about an invalid escape sequence.
Update #1: Encoding the folder name also failed to work.
let encodedPath = projectName.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(NSCharacterSet.URLUserAllowedCharacterSet())
let fullPath2:NSString = path.stringByAppendingPathComponent(encodedPath!)
What is the best way of doing this?
The slash is the path delimiter in the file system, and not allowed
in file name components.
The OS X Finder however allows file names with a slash, and that works
by translating between the slash "/" for displayed file names and the colon ":" in the file system. (As a consequence, you cannot use the colon
for file names in the Finder.)
The folder "My / Project" is therefore stored in the file system as "My : Project", and replacing "/" in the file name with an unescaped colon ":" should
solve your problem.
(The colon has a special meaning in the shell, and that is why you see
\: in the Terminal.)