I'm trying to create a tap+hold event to create a new marker location (tap + hold event is only for mobile apps); these event handlers are not working as expected (there is some override taking place)
I tried using map.on('touchstart'...), map.on('mousedown'...), and other variations but event-code only fires after touchend or mouseup completes.
me.mapLibObj.on( 'touchstart', function(e)
if ( ! me.mapTapHoldInterval )
me.mapTapHoldInterval = setInterval( function() {
me.mapDownIntvCounter += 1
if ( me.mapDownIntvCounter > 20 )
me.defaultCoordinatePoint = [ e.latlng.lat,e.latlng.lng ];
me.createMyCoordinateMarker( true );
clearInterval( me.mapTapHoldInterval );
}, 100 )
} );
me.mapLibObj.on( 'touchend', function(e)
if ( me.mapTapHoldInterval )
clearInterval( me.mapTapHoldInterval );
} );
I would suggest you to look at contextmenu event:
map.on('contextmenu', (e) => {
console.log('Lat, Lon:', e.latlng.lat + ',' + e.latlng.lng);
Why do you use mapDownIntvCounter?
This should be enough (use timeout because you probably want to fire it only once)
var mapTapHoldTimeout ;
map.on('touchstart', function() {
mapTapHoldTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ alert('Touched for 500ms'), 500);
//clear interval on touchend or touchmove (or you can calculate distance on touchmove to keep some tolerance)
map.on('touchend,touchmove', function() {
if ( mapTapHoldTimeout ) {
clearTimeout(mapTapHoldTimeout );
I am using Datepicker of Flatpickr and I have set the date format and it is working fine in desktop but in mobile it is not working properly.
This is my code that I added in functions.php:
add_action( 'wp_footer', function() {
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery( window ).load( function( $ ){
var limitFlatPicker;
var afterTwoDays;
var afterEightDays;
limitFlatPicker = limitFlatPicker || {};
limitFlatPicker = {
defaultSettings: {
selector: '.flatpickr-input',
minDate: true,
maxDate: true,
settings: {},
init: function( options ) {
this.settings = jQuery.extend( this.defaultSettings, options );
if ( this.settings.minDate || this.settings.maxDate ) {
this.waitForFlatpicker( this.callback );
waitForFlatpicker: function( callback ) {
if ( typeof window.flatpickr !== 'function' ) {
setTimeout( function() { limitFlatPicker.waitForFlatpicker( callback ) }, 100 );
modifyPicker: function( picker, settings ) {
flatpickr( picker ).set( settings );
callback: function() {
var self;
self = limitFlatPicker;
jQuery( self.settings.selector ).each( function() {
var picker;
picker = jQuery( this )[0],
pickerSettings = {};
if ( self.settings.minDate ) {
pickerSettings.minDate = self.settings.minDate;
if ( self.settings.maxDate ) {
pickerSettings['maxDate'] = self.settings.maxDate;
if ( self.settings.dateFormat ) {
pickerSettings.dateFormat = self.settings.dateFormat;
self.modifyPicker( picker, pickerSettings );
} );
minDate: new Date(),
selector: '#form-field-form_field_date',
dateFormat: 'm-d-Y',
} );
The dateFormat: 'm-d-Y' is working fine in desktop and in mobile, it is not showing this dateformat.
Any help is much appreciated.
I built jQuery Masonry layout with infinite scroll and filtering.
My problem is that when a filter clicked before scrolling, the content loaded with infinite scroll is not filtered.
Is there any way to fix it?
Here is the link to check: http://www.jcvergara.com/working/
Here is the full masonry code:
var $container = $('.container');
// initialize
columnWidth: 250,
itemSelector: '.item',
isFitWidth: true
$container.masonry( 'on', 'layoutComplete', function() {
$('.right-line').css('height', $('.container').height());
$('.right-line').css('height', $('.container').height());
// infinite scroll
var $container = $('#content');
navSelector : "nav.posts-navigation",
nextSelector : "div.nav-previous a:first",
itemSelector : "#content div.item",
// trigger Masonry as a callback
function( newElements ) {
var $newElems = $( newElements );
$container.masonry( 'appended', $newElems );
// open posts in ajax
$('.openarticle').css('display', 'block');
var post_link = $(this).attr('href');
$('#openthis').html('<div class="title"><h2>Loading..</h2><div class="text"></div>');
$('<a></a>', {
text: 'Close',
class: 'close',
id: 'close',
href: '#'
.prependTo($('.openarticle .main'))
.click(function() {
$('.openarticle').css('display', 'none');
return false;
// filtering
$(".cat-item a").click(function(e) {
var cut_url = "http://www.jcvergara.com/category/";
var group = $(this).attr('href');
group = group.replace(cut_url, '').slice(0,-1);
var group_class = "." + group;
$(".cat-item a.active").removeClass('active');
if(group != "all") {
} else {
Try using "on" for your click function:
// filtering
$(".cat-item a").on( "click",function (e) {
var cut_url = "http://www.jcvergara.com/category/";
var group = $(this).attr('href');
group = group.replace(cut_url, '').slice(0,-1);
var group_class = "." + group;
$(".cat-item a.active").removeClass('active');
if(group != "all") {
} else {
I am calling a function when the user has panned the map with:
$('#updateTheMap').click(function() {
if (document.getElementById('updateMap').checked) {
// stop the the dragend event...
else {
map.on('dragend', function() {
But I can not figure out how to end this event?
Use a variable:
var updateTheMap = true;
$('#updateTheMap').click(function() {
updateTheMap = document.getElementById('updateMap').checked;
map.on('dragend', function() {
if (updateTheMap) sortBinis(simpleFilterSql);
If by 'end this event' you mean 'remove the event listener' you can use map.off()
function onDragend(e) { sortBinis(simpleFilterSql); }
$('#updateTheMap').click(function() {
if (document.getElementById('updateMap').checked) {
map.off('dragend', onDragend);
else {
map.on('dragend', onDragend);
Is it possible to set turn the default spell checker on by default. Without clicking the button in the toolbar each time?
I am using the default browser spell checker functionality in the browser.
setup: function (ed) {
ed.addCommand('mceSpellCheckRuntime', function() {
t = ed.plugins.spellchecker;
if (t.mceSpellCheckRuntimeTimer) {
t.mceSpellCheckRuntimeTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {
t._sendRPC('checkWords', [t.selectedLang, t._getWords()], function(r) {
if (r.length > 0) {
t.active = 1;
}, 3000); //3 seconds
ed.pasteAsPlainText = true;
ed.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) {
Its quiet possible........:)
Try the below code.......
ed.onInit.add(function(ed, e) {
setTimeout(function () {
tinyMCE.activeEditor.controlManager.setActive('spellchecker', true); tinymce.execCommand('mceSpellCheck', true);
}, 1);
Nope, this is not possible due to the fact that there are so many possibilities of using a spellchecker in tinymce. The user may however define on which events the spellchecker should check (that's what you already did).
Working solution for TinyMCE 3
Create a helper function to improve UX:
function delay(fn, ms) {
let timer = 0
return function(...args) {
timer = setTimeout(fn.bind(this, ...args), ms || 0)
Register a new command within TinyMCE Spell Checker plugin:
ed.addCommand('mceSpellCheckAuto', function() {
if (t.active) {
t._sendRPC('checkWords', [t.selectedLang, t._getWords()], function(r) {
if (r.length > 0) {
Call your new command from a keyPress event:
ed.onKeyPress.add(delay(function() {
tinymce.execCommand('mceSpellCheckAuto', true);
}, 500));
I have a iphone app built with jquery mobile which is wrapped in phonegap. I am trying to get geolocation after the device is ready to get rid of the nasty alert /var/mobile/Applications/157EB70D-4AA7-826E-690F0CBE0F/appname.app/www/index.html.
I have set some alerts to see if the device is ready and it keeps saying isDeviceReady is:false which is meaning the device is not ready
he is the code
$(function() {
var isWatching = false;
var isAndroid = ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android') != -1 ) ? true : false;
var isDeviceReady = false;
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
isDeviceReady = true;
function getClientPosition(id, successCallback, errorCallback) {
if ( isDeviceReady ) {
var hasFoundMarker = false;
if ( hasClientPosition() ) {
$(id).gmap('findMarker', 'tag', 'client', function(found, marker) {
if (found) {
hasFoundMarker = true;
if ( $.isFunction(successCallback) ) {
successCallback.call(this, getClientLatLng());
if ( !hasFoundMarker ) {
addClientMarker(id, getClientLatLng());
if ( $.isFunction(successCallback) ) {
successCallback.call(this, getClientLatLng());
if ( !isWatching[id] ) {
if ( navigator.geolocation ) {
isWatching[id] = true;
if ( isAndroid ) {
watch[id] = setInterval(function() {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition (
function( position ) {
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
$(id).gmap('findMarker', 'tag', 'client', function(found, marker) {
if (found) {
hasFoundMarker = true;
if ( !hasFoundMarker ) {
addClientMarker(id, latlng);
setData(CLIENT_LATITUDE, latlng.lat());
setData(CLIENT_LONGITUDE, latlng.lng());
if ( $.isFunction(successCallback) ) {
successCallback.call(this, latlng);
function( error ) {
if ( $.isFunction(errorCallback) ) {
errorCallback.call(this, error);
}, 5000);
} else {
watch[id] = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition (
function( position ) {
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
$(id).gmap('findMarker', 'tag', 'client', function(found, marker) {
if (found) {
hasFoundMarker = true;
if ( !hasFoundMarker ) {
addClientMarker(id, latlng);
setData(CLIENT_LATITUDE, latlng.lat());
setData(CLIENT_LONGITUDE, latlng.lng());
if ( $.isFunction(successCallback) ) {
successCallback.call(this, latlng);
function( error ) {
if ( $.isFunction(errorCallback) ) {
errorCallback.call(this, error);
} else {
var timer = setTimeout(function() {
getClientPosition(id, successCallback, errorCallback);
alert('Trying to get client position. This message will pop up again in 15 sec, unless device is ready. IsDeviceReady is: '+isDeviceReady);
}, 15000);
Anyone have any ideas where i am going wrong?