Cloud SQL Stuck on restart - google-cloud-sql

Cloud SQL stuck after resizing and subsequent restart and nothing I do gets it unstuck
I've tried Google Shell to stop, restart or then start via cli and no luck
How do I get support from Google for a Cloud SQL instance stuck nn GCP


Has anyone deployed Metabase with cloud run?

I did research but couldn't find any "howTo" for deploying Metabase with Cloud Run on GCP, I only found Q&A the problems by deploying it.
My goal is to deploy Metabase with Cloud run and use Postgres as database. I have already deployed app by Cloud Run and have cloudbuild.yml pipeline on git that I use it for building my app I just wanna add Metabase.
Any directions or solutions?
It is not recommended to deploy Metabase on Cloud Run because:
Computation is scoped to a request. You should only expect to be able
to do computation within the scope of a request: a container instance
does not have any CPU available if it is not processing a request.
Container runtime contract
Therefore you might be facing issues loading the application and database connections timeout.
I think your best option is using AppEngine Flexible.
Install Metabase on Google Cloud with Docker – App Engine
It's very hard to use Metabase on Cloud Run. And Running it on Flexible App Engine is more expensive (~100$/month). Metabase entrypoint doing lot of processes and if Cloud Run decide to create another container instance it will display the loading metabase page so we have to do multiple manually refresh to get the new container ready.
I managed this problem by using more JVM JAVA_OPTS -Xmx4g and limit the MAX_INSTANCES to 1. I set a Cloud Scheduler task who does a get query to the metabase service base URL every 10 minutes.
With this configuration metabase will stay alive and Cloud Run will never create more than 1 container. So the refresh problem will not appear any more.
For the moment I don't have problems with this configuration but I think the best way to host metabase is to run it on Compute Engine VM.

Data Fusion Dataproc compute profle in a different account

I'm trying to execute a pipeline on a Data Proc cluster in a different project by the one Data Fusion instance is deployed but I am having some trouble. Data Proc instance seems to be created correctly but the start of the job fails. Any idea on how to solve?
Here the stack trace of the error
This seems like the project where the Google Cloud Dataproc is doesn't have SSH port open. Can you check that your project allow port 22 connection? Cloud Data Fusion uses SSH to upload and monitor the job in the Cloud Dataproc.

a way to script automatically to start and stop the sql database in gcp

i want to run a job in cloud scheduler in gcp to start and stop the sql database in weekdays at working hours.
I have tried by triggering cloud function and using pubsub but i am not getting proper way to do it.
You can use the Cloud SQL Admin API to start or stop and instance. Depending on your language, there are clients available to help you do this. This page contains examples using curl.
Once you've created two Cloud Functions (one to start, and one to stop), you can configure the Cloud Scheduler to send a pub/sub trigger to your function. Check out this tutorial which walks you through the process.
In order to achieve this you can use a Cloud Function to make a call to the Cloud SQL Admin API to start and stop your Cloud SQL instance (you will need 2 Cloud functions). You can see my code on how to use a Cloud Function to start a Cloud SQL instance and stop a Cloud SQL instance
After creating your Cloud Function you can configure the Cloud Scheduler to trigger the http address of each Cloud function

Cloud SQL instances stuck on `updating`

We have an automated process which clones our production Cloud SQL instance, so we can have an instance with data to test against.
Unfortunately we now have two instances which are stuck on restarting, with no way to kill them. We've tried via the UI and CLI with no luck. It's been like this for days. Any solutions?
It seems like other solutions have been to wait for Google support to manually kill them on their side.

Google Cloud SQL Instance hung on import. Can't stop, restart, delete

I have an SQL import that hasn't completed yet and isn't progressing at all. The isstance storage uses has been at 9GB of 10GB for 3 days now. I have tried deleting the instance from the web interface as well as the Google Cloud SDK Shell and web based Cloud Shell.
I get an error message saying that restarting failed when I running "gcloud sql instances restart instance_name".
I get an error message saying that the operation is taking longer than expected when I run "gcloud sql instances delete instance_name".
Is there any way I can kill and delete this instance.