My generalized dice loss function, using Keras backend, returns NaN and I do not understand why - neural-network

I am implementing a code for semantic segmentation using Keras and I wrote my loss function as in the paper "Generalised Dice overlap as a deep learning loss function for highly unbalanced segmentations" (link: to balance each class. My data are organized as (bacth_size, ImDim1, ImDim2, Nclasses).
My loss function is:
eps = 1e-3
def dice(y_true, y_pred):
weights = 1./K.sum(y_true, axis=[0,1,2])
weights = weights/K.sum(weights)
num = K.sum(weights*K.sum(y_true*y_pred, axis=[0,1,2]))
den = K.sum(weights*K.sum(y_true+y_pred, axis=[0,1,2]))
return 2.*(num+eps)/(den+eps)
def dice_loss(y_true, y_pred):
return 1-dice(y_true, y_pred)
Doing in this way, that looks correct to me, the loss function returns nan and I do not get why!?


Fitting a neural network with ReLUs to polynomial functions

Out of curiosity I am trying to fit neural network with rectified linear units to polynomial functions.
For example, I would like to see how easy (or difficult) it is for a neural network to come up with an approximation for the function f(x) = x^2 + x. The following code should be able to do it, but seems to not learn anything. When I run
using Base.Iterators: repeated
using Flux
using Flux: throttle
using Random
f(x) = x^2 + x
x_train = shuffle(1:1000)
y_train = f.(x_train)
x_train = hcat(x_train...)
m = Chain(
Dense(1, 45, relu),
Dense(45, 45, relu),
Dense(45, 1),
function loss(x, y)
Flux.mse(m(x), y)
evalcb = () -> #show(loss(x_train, y_train))
opt = ADAM()
#show loss(x_train, y_train)
dataset = repeated((x_train, y_train), 50)
Flux.train!(loss, params(m), dataset, opt, cb = throttle(evalcb, 10))
println("Training finished")
#show m([20])
it returns
loss(x_train, y_train) = 2.0100101f14
loss(x_train, y_train) = 2.0100101f14
loss(x_train, y_train) = 2.0100101f14
Training finished
m([20]) = Float32[1.0]
Anyone here sees how I could make the network fit f(x) = x^2 + x?
There seem to be couple of things wrong with your trial that have mostly to do with how you use your optimizer and treat your input -- nothing wrong with Julia or Flux. Provided solution does learn, but is by no means optimal.
It makes no sense to have softmax output activation on a regression problem. Softmax is used in classification problems where the output(s) of your model represent probabilities and therefore should be on the interval (0,1). It is clear your polynomial has values outside this interval. It is usual to have linear output activation in regression problems like these. This means in Flux no output activation should be defined on the output layer.
The shape of your data matters. train! computes gradients for loss(d...) where d is a batch in your data. In your case a minibatch consists of 1000 samples, and this same batch is repeated 50 times. Neural nets are often trained with smaller batches sizes, but a larger sample set. In the code I provided all batches consist of different data.
For training neural nets, in general, it is advised to normalize your input. Your input takes values from 1 to 1000. My example applies a simple linear transformation to get the input data in the right range.
Normalization can also apply to the output. If the outputs are large, this can result in (too) large gradients and weight updates. Another approach is to lower the learning rate a lot.
using Flux
using Flux: #epochs
using Random
normalize(x) = x/1000
function generate_data(n)
f(x) = x^2 + x
xs = reduce(hcat, rand(n)*1000)
ys = f.(xs)
(normalize(xs), normalize(ys))
batch_size = 32
num_batches = 10000
data_train = Iterators.repeated(generate_data(batch_size), num_batches)
data_test = generate_data(100)
model = Chain(Dense(1,40, relu), Dense(40,40, relu), Dense(40, 1))
loss(x,y) = Flux.mse(model(x), y)
opt = ADAM()
ps = Flux.params(model)
Flux.train!(loss, ps, data_train, opt , cb = () -> #show loss(data_test...))

pytorch linear regression given wrong results

I implemented a simple linear regression and I’m getting some poor results. Just wondering if these results are normal or I’m making some mistake.
I tried different optimizers and learning rates, I always get bad/poor results
Here is my code:
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from torch.autograd import Variable
class LinearRegressionPytorch(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim=1, output_dim=1):
super(LinearRegressionPytorch, self).__init__()
self.linear = nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim)
def forward(self,x):
x = x.view(x.size(0),-1)
y = self.linear(x)
return y
output_dim = 1
if torch.cuda.is_available():
model = LinearRegressionPytorch(input_dim, output_dim).cuda()
model = LinearRegressionPytorch(input_dim, output_dim)
criterium = nn.MSELoss()
l_rate =0.00001
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=l_rate)
#optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),lr=l_rate)
epochs = 100
#create data
x = np.random.uniform(0,10,size = 100) #np.linspace(0,10,100);
y = 6*x+5
mu = 0
sigma = 5
noise = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, len(y))
y_noise = y+noise
#pass it to pytorch
x_data = torch.from_numpy(x).float()
y_data = torch.from_numpy(y_noise).float()
if torch.cuda.is_available():
inputs = Variable(x_data).cuda()
target = Variable(y_data).cuda()
inputs = Variable(x_data)
target = Variable(y_data)
for epoch in range(epochs):
#predict data
pred_y= model(inputs)
#compute loss
loss = criterium(pred_y, target)
#zero grad and optimization
#if epoch % 50 == 0:
# print(f'epoch = {epoch}, loss = {loss.item()}')
#print params
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
if param.requires_grad:
There are the poor results :
linear.weight tensor([[1.7374]], device='cuda:0')
linear.bias tensor([0.1815], device='cuda:0')
The results should be weight = 6 , bias = 5
Problem Solution
Actually your batch_size is problematic. If you have it set as one, your targetneeds the same shape as outputs (which you are, correctly, reshaping with view(-1, 1)).
Your loss should be defined like this:
loss = criterium(pred_y, target.view(-1, 1))
This network is correct
Your results will not be bias=5 (yes, weight will go towards 6 indeed) as you are adding random noise to target (and as it's a single value for all your data points, only bias will be affected).
If you want bias equal to 5 remove addition of noise.
You should increase number of your epochs as well, as your data is quite small and network (linear regression in fact) is not really powerful. 10000 say should be fine and your loss should oscillate around 0 (if you change your noise to something sensible).
You are creating multiple gaussian distributions with different variations, hence your loss would be higher. Linear regression is unable to fit your data and find sensible bias (as the optimal slope is still approximately 6 for your noise, you may try to increase multiplication of 5 to 1000 and see what weight and bias will be learned).
Style (a little offtopic)
Please read documentation about PyTorch and keep your code up to date (e.g. Variable is deprecated in favor of Tensor and rightfully so).
This part of code:
x_data = torch.from_numpy(x).float()
y_data = torch.from_numpy(y_noise).float()
if torch.cuda.is_available():
inputs = Tensor(x_data).cuda()
target = Tensor(y_data).cuda()
inputs = Tensor(x_data)
target = Tensor(y_data)
Could be written succinctly like this (without much thought):
inputs = torch.from_numpy(x).float()
target = torch.from_numpy(y_noise).float()
if torch.cuda.is_available():
inputs = inputs.cuda()
target = target.cuda()
I know deep learning has it's reputation for bad code and fatal practice, but please do not help spreading this approach.

Fitting a sine wave with Keras and PYMC3 yields unexpected results

I've been trying to fit a sine curve with a keras (theano backend) model using pymc3. I've been using this [] as a reference point.
A Keras implementation alone fit using optimization does a good job, however Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and Variational sampling from pymc3 is not fitting the data. The trace is stuck at where the prior is initiated. When I move the prior the posterior moves to the same spot. The posterior predictive of the bayesian model in cell 59 is barely getting the sine wave, whereas the non-bayesian fit model gets it near perfect in cell 63. I created a notebook here: which shows the code and the results.
Here is a snippet of the model below...
class GaussWeights(object):
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
def __call__(self, shape, name='w'):
return pm.Normal(
name, mu=0, sd=.1,
def build_ann(x, y, init):
with pm.Model() as m:
i = Input(tensor=x, shape=x.get_value().shape[1:])
m = i
m = Dense(4, init=init, activation='tanh')(m)
m = Dense(1, init=init, activation='tanh')(m)
sigma = pm.Normal('sigma', 0, 1, transform=None)
out = pm.Normal('out',
m, 1,
observed=y, transform=None)
return out
with pm.Model() as neural_network:
likelihood = build_ann(input_var, target_var, GaussWeights())
# v_params = pm.variational.advi(
# n=300, learning_rate=.4
# )
# trace = pm.variational.sample_vp(v_params, draws=2000)
start = pm.find_MAP(fmin=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell)
step = pm.HamiltonianMC(scaling=start)
trace = pm.sample(1000, step, progressbar=True)
The model contains normal noise with a fixed std of 1:
out = pm.Normal('out', m, 1, observed=y)
but the dataset does not. It is only natural that the predictive posterior does not match the dataset, they were generated in a very different way. To make it more realistic you could add noise to your dataset, and then estimate sigma:
mu = pm.Deterministic('mu', m)
sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=1)
pm.Normal('y', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=y)
What you are doing right now is similar to taking the output from the network and adding standard normal noise.
A couple of unrelated comments:
out is not the likelihood, it is just the dataset again.
If you use HamiltonianMC instead of NUTS, you need to set the step size and the integration time yourself. The defaults are not usually useful.
Seems like keras changed in 2.0 and this way of combining pymc3 and keras does not seem to work anymore.

I am training a keras neural net. I would like to have a custom loss function given by y_true*y_pred. Is this allowed?

This is a snippet of my model:
W1 = create_base_network(latent_dim)
input_a = Input(shape=(1,latent_dim))
input_b = Input(shape=(1,latent_dim))
x_a = encoder(input_a)
x_b = encoder(input_b)
processed_a = W1(x_a)
processed_b = W1(x_b)
del1 = Lambda(Delta1, output_shape=Delta1_output_shape)([processed_a, processed_b])
model = Model(input=[input_a, input_b], output=del1)
# train
rms = RMSprop()
model.compile(loss='kappa_delta_loss', optimizer=rms)
Basically, the neural net is getting a (pre-trained) encoder representation of the two inputs and computing the difference in prediction values for the two inputs by passing through a MLP. This difference is Delta1 which is y_pred of the network. I want the loss function to be y_pred*y_true. However, when I do that, I get the error, 'Invalid objective: kappa_delta_loss'.
What am I doing wrong?
You almost answer the question yourself. Create your objective
function like ones in like
import theano import theano.tensor as T
epsilon = 1.0e-9
def custom_objective(y_true, y_pred):
'''Just another crossentropy'''
y_pred = T.clip(y_pred, epsilon, 1.0 - epsilon)
y_pred /= y_pred.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
cce = T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(y_pred, y_true)
return cce and pass it to compile argument
model.compile(loss=custom_objective, optimizer='adadelta')
So you should create your custom loss function with two arguments, the first being the target and the second your prediction.
Assuming your output (y_pred) is a scalar, your custom objective could be
def custom objective(y_true,y_pred)
K for keras backend (more generic than the theano example)

Bicoin price prediction using spark and scala [duplicate]

I am new to Apache Spark and trying to use the machine learning library to predict some data. My dataset right now is only about 350 points. Here are 7 of those points:
Here's my code:
def parsePoint(line):
split = map(sanitize, line.split(','))
rev = split.pop(-2)
return LabeledPoint(rev, split)
def sanitize(value):
return float(value.strip('"'))
parsedData =
model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedData, iterations=10)
print model.predict(parsedData.first().features)
The prediction is something totally crazy, like -6.92840330273e+136. If I don't set iterations in train(), then I get nan as a result. What am I doing wrong? Is it my data set (the size of it, maybe?) or my configuration?
The problem is that LinearRegressionWithSGD uses stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to optimize the weight vector of your linear model. SGD is really sensitive to the provided stepSize which is used to update the intermediate solution.
What SGD does is to calculate the gradient g of the cost function given a sample of the input points and the current weights w. In order to update the weights w you go for a certain distance in the opposite direction of g. The distance is your step size s.
w(i+1) = w(i) - s * g
Since you're not providing an explicit step size value, MLlib assumes stepSize = 1. This seems to not work for your use case. I'd recommend you to try different step sizes, usually lower values, to see how LinearRegressionWithSGD behaves:
LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedData, numIterartions = 10, stepSize = 0.001)