Spring Cloud Gateway blocking requests for route descovery - spring-cloud

I'm using Spring Cloud Gateway from spring-cloud-starter-gateway version 2.1.0.RELEASE and I need to understand why Gateway is blocking requests to perform the DiscoveryClientRouteDefinitionLocator process.
Spring Cloud Version: Greenwich.RELEASE.
I have two environments: staging and production.
In production we have a working gateway with the following latency for /actuator/health call:
I was investigatinng why those spikes occurs on a simple health call and I figure out the gateway blocks any requests sometimes (even health or real microservices call) to perform discovery routes of all my microservices.
We use Consul for discovery server and I tried to test this latency at my staging environment (with way less hardware resource on Consul). The impact of this block is clear:
After improving the Consul hardware resources we have no more spikes but the latency still is not perfect (and have minor spikes to discovery all routes) for a health call:
I need to ask: why Spring Cloud Gateway is blocking requests even having caching feature? Should not this process run in the background? What I'm doing wrong? Its really an issue with Spring Cloud Gateway?
Thank you.

As discussed here previous version of Spring Cloud Gateway was using a blocking discovery-client.
Using versions newer than 2.1.5.RELEASE will result in a more asynchronous gateway that doesn't do many blocking requests.


SSH to bluemix from bosh and capture metrics

Has anyone tried connecting to IBM bluemix using bosh-cli. I am seeing performance issues in my requests and was going through this article on cloud foundry. I am planning to login to ssh to gorouter and monitor go-router CPU utilization.
Can someone recommend any way to capture the following metrics from Bluemix:
CPU utilization
Requests per second
what do you mean by "connecting to IBM bluemix using bosh-cli"?
When you think about the public available IBM Cloud (formerly Bluemix) that's represented here https://console.bluemix.net/ it's not possible. The bosh cli is to maintain the platform, thus Cloudfoundry and potentially other deployments but not your apps.
If you have a private installation you might check the metrics that the system provides. Infos here https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/running/all_metrics.html
When you want to have metrics about your app I could think off your app is providing these metrics. Or you put something in place like the New Relic monitoring. The have a bunch of application performance monitoring (APM). Info here https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents

Spring cloud data flow deployment

I wanna deploy the Spring-cloud-data-flow on several hosts.
I will deploy the server of Spring-cloud-data-flow on one host-A, and deploy the agents on the other hosts(These hosts are in charge of executing the tasks).
Except the host-A, all the other hosts run the same tasks.
Shall I modify on the basis of the Spring Cloud Data Flow Local Server or on the Spring Cloud Data Flow Apache Yarn Server or other better choice?
Do you mean how the apps are deployed on several hosts? If so, the apps are deployed using the underlying deployer implementation. For instance, if it is local deployer then, each app is deployed by spawning a new process. You can scale out the number apps deployment using the count property during the stream deploy. I am not sure what do you mean by the agents here.

How to make the Eureka server strong?

I am new to Spring Cloud. Currently, I want to build a new micro service based on Spring Cloud. It is very easy to build a new Eureka server. But my question is that how to make it high availability ? For example I create two Eureka server and a load balancer. When one of the Eureka server is down, the system still works well. But I don't know to to consist registered information in the two Eureka server.
I have already asked something similar in the spring cloud gitter channel.
Because of the CAP theorem, something as a distributes Service discovery has to decide, either to provide availability, or more consistency, with a trade off to the other one.
in short, by quoting Spencer Gibb:
Eureka favors availability over consistency
so it is very available, while registred services may be not acutal anymore.
As Spencer suggested, if consistency is something you need more then availability, try Consul together with spring cloud consul intead

What are the concurrency implications of calling RefreshEndpoint.refresh() a Spring Cloud Config application?

I'm doing a proof of concept at my company with Spring Cloud Config, using a GIT repository. Since I have a pretty fixed infrastructure, I can't have a RabbitMQ broker for Spring Cloud Bus, therefore I'm thinking of embedding the Spring Cloud Config Server in our apps and calling RefreshEndpoint.refresh() every couple of minutes.
One of the main things I'd like to know is what are the concurrency implications of calling RefreshEndpoint.refresh()? If there is a request already going on, could it have any issues?

How do I measure latency between Bluemix and my on-prem systems?

I have an app running in Bluemix on a node.js runtime and I want to integrate it with APIs exposed by my on-prem system -- which is connected via the Secure Gateway. What is the best way to measure the latency between Bluemix and my on-prem system to determine viability of this architecture?
I am not sure you will get away with using ping nor traceroute. Ping uses ICMP which is probably blocked by the BSO firewall. As for traceroute, its not dependable and deprecated.
It might be possible to use snort to gain more insights into the latency times between your on-premises resources and Bluemix.