How to upgrade Sails from 1.1.0 to 1.2.2 - sails.js

I have a SailsJS project on 1.1.0 on which I having some troubles. I'm interested on upgrading it to 1.2.2 to see if those troubles can be fixed with the new version. Is recomendable to upgrade and do you think it could worth?
How to do it?
For sure it should be some easy npm commands but not sure which ones.
Thanks a lot ;)

It doesn't work with the upgrade switch so you'll have to do
npm install -g sails
It'll upgrade to the latest 1.2.2


Magento Post Upgrade steps : 2.3 to 2.4

I have recently upgraded magento version from 2.3 to 2.4
WHat are the potential post upgrade steps for further process ?
Welcome to Stackoverflow, your question is not fully clear, please try to ask some specific question
There are no post-upgrade steps - the goal of upgrading should be a working system without any additional steps
To upgrade to 2.4 you need
Install and setup Elasticsearch
install MariaDB version compatible with Magento 2.4
Update Magento itself with composer
Run setup:upgrade command

Upgrading sqlite3 on Centos 7

Does anyone know how to upgrade sqlite3 on Centos7. The repos only have up to version 3.7.
I downloaded the source code and compiled. Replaced binaries. If I type sqlite/sqlite3 --version then it's 3.31.
If I run rails then it's stuck at 3.7.
DNF is stuck on 3.7 too.
I read that Centos7 stays at this version. There's no easy upgrade path to Centos8 without reinstall so trying to avoid that.
Uninstall the package from Centos. Then, do a normal source install of sqlite afterwards.

How to downgrade accidentally upgraded #material-ui/core from v3 back to v1?

I accidentally upgraded #material-ui/core from v1 to v3 with npm.
Since this mistake my react-admin does not work, given the current version of react-admin uses material-ui/core v1. They will announce the v3+ support in react-admin 3.0, but the release of that version is still too far for me.
How can I downgrade the current 3.9.3 version back to v1?
npm install #material-ui/core#1.5.1
found it.

Error When upgrading umbraco 4.9.1 to 4.10.0

I am trying to upgrade umbraco project in version 4.9.1 to 4.10.0 using nuget package but i am getting this kind of error.Please check here as attached in screenshot:Please help guys, Thanks a lot !
Are you also trying to upgrade Contour? The bit of code it's looking for didn't exist until way after 1.1.13.

Update Symfony bundle with composer ignoring the minimum-stability setting

I installed the payum/payum-bundle with composer (using the PHP Storm Plugin).
I couldn't install a version newer to 2.0.1 because the newer version seems not to be marked as stable (minimum-stability in composer.lock is "stable").
I too installed the payum/paypal-express-checkout-nvp bundle to add paypay express support.
I set everything up, created a controller to test it and ended up getting the error
Attempted to load trait "GatewayAwareTrait" from namespace "Payum\Core".
Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace?
According to this (closed) issue the problem seems to be that payum/core is at version 1.2.8 but should be at least 1.3
Obviously the payum/bundle installation in version 2.0.1 installed the core-part with 1.2.8.
Now... How can I force composer to update the payum/core to at least 1.3?
What I need to do is either tell composer to ignore the minimum-stability for this single bundle or to set the minimum-stability to something less then stable (which I assume not being the best idea especialy when not permanently following all dev branches of all used packages) and a hint on how then to update the payum/core part.
Any hints are very wellcome - I am stuck here...
Your assumption is wrong, the version 2.1.0 of payum/payum-bundle is marked as stable.
In order to find out why you don't install it, we need your content of composer.json.
Did you run composer update in order to try to update to the latest packages of everything?
Since 1.3.0 Payum require a virtual package http client. You must add one of its implementations as a package, after that composer will allow you to upgrade payum.
The doc suggest you to install php-http/guzzle6-adapter but you can choose any other implementations of the client.
php composer.phar update payum/core php-http/guzzle6-adapter