FactoryBot: Check if trait has been passed in - factory-bot

I am trying to put a conditional piece of logic into a factory that will only run if a specific trait has been passed in as an argument. I am inside the to_create block so have access to the instance and the evaluator. Do either of them have a method that returns which traits, if any, have been passed in?


what does the brackets after function name do when calling a function in scala?

When reading some scala code, i see something like fooString
but I couldn't find anything that expalins this sort of commands when calling a function.
I know we should define the parameter and expected return type in scala when defining a function or class. Consider this code:
def socketTextStream(
hostname: String,port: Int
): ReceiverInputDStream[String] = withNamedScope("socket text stream") {
socketStream[String](hostname, port, SocketReceiver.bytesToLines)
what [String] after "socketStream" do here and I wonder why there is another function( withNamedScope) after "=" here.
First, def socketTextStream(hostname: String, port: Int): ReceiverInputDStream[String] is declaring a method called socketTextStream which receives two inputs (host & port) and returns a ReceiverInputDStream which is a generic class, and in this case the result will be parameterized with the type String.
Then, = withNamedScope("socket text stream") { .. } means that the implementation of that method is call other method (withNamedScope) that takes a String (presumably a name) as its first argument, and a block (probably a by name parameter) as its second argument.
In this case, the two arguments are on separated parameters lists, which is called currying.
Finally, socketStream[String](hostname, port, SocketReceiver.bytesToLines) (which is the body of the block) is calling another method socketStream which is a polymorphic / generic method.
The [String] part is specifying that the type parameter of that method, is String. Maybe this information is redundant or maybe it is used to force an specific implicit, without the definition of such method is hard to tell.
Anyways, all here is basic syntax and structures of the language, all covered by the tour (which many people highlight for being too brief and just covering the basis of the language). Thus, I would recommend you to check more resources before continue with reading code.

Why do some Matlab class methods require "apparently" unnecessary output argument

After evolving my project code for months, I've finally hit a need to define a new class. Having to romp through my previous class definitions as a refresher of the conventions, I noticed that all constructors and property setters all have an output argument, even though nothing is assigned to it, e.g.:
function o = myConstructor( arg1, arg2, ... )
function o = set.SomeProperty( o, arg1 )
I've been looking through the documentation for upward of an hour without finding the explanation for this. It doesn't look like it depends on whether a function is defined in the class definition file or in its own separate m-file.
Can anyone please explain?
The best place to start is the documentation "Comparison of Handle and Value Classes". From the very top:
A value class constructor returns an object that is associated with the variable to which it is assigned. If you reassign this variable, MATLABĀ® creates an independent copy of the original object. If you pass this variable to a function to modify it, the function must return the modified object as an output argument.
A handle class constructor returns a handle object that is a reference to the object created. You can assign the handle object to multiple variables or pass it to functions without causing MATLAB to make a copy of the original object. A function that modifies a handle object passed as an input argument does not need to return the object.
In other words, value classes need to return a modified object (which is a new object distinct from the original), while handle classes don't. The constructor of either class will always have to return an object, since it is actually constructing it.
Some good additional reading is "Which Kind of Class to Use", which links to a couple helpful examples of each type of class object. Looking at the DocPolynom value class example, you can see that property set methods have to return the modified object, while the dlnode handle class example only requires an output for its constructor. Note that you could still return an object from a handle class method (if desired), but it's not required.

Apply method for Lists in Scala

I know that Scala List can be created as :
val l = List(1,2,3)
What goes on under the hood when the above statement is executed ?
Is the apply method called here ?
Per the scala documentation : For sequences, apply is positional indexing
So , are there 2 apply methods , one for positional indexing & another as the factory method for object creation ?
This invocation actually calls the apply method on the companion object to the List class.
Many scala classes have a companion object, which is a singleton object with the same name as the class. Defining methods on this companion object, is the scala equivalent of java's static methods. It is very common for these companion objects to have one or more apply methods that are used as constructor/factory functions to create an instance of the class. In this case the List object has a method that takes a variable number of arguments of the same type, and creates a List of those objects.
In fact, if you define a case class, scala will automatically define a companion object that, among other things, includes and apply method that takes the same arguments as the case class's constructor, which is why you don't need to use new when constructing case classes.
The list instance also has an apply method, which is used to index into the list, but since it is defined on the List class it only applies to instances of the class, not the object List itself.

scalajs-react ComponentScope unification

I have some state-modifying tasks needed to be run inside componentDidMount as well inside button click handlers defined in renderS method.
Tasks have a lot of common code so i've decided to join them inside one class, that receives scope and applies necessary actions.
Trouble is: inside renderS method i have access to ComponentScopeU[...] and inside componentDidMount i have ComponentScopeM[...]
I've found that to access .props i need to verify my scope have supertrait ComponentScope_P[...], to access .state my scope should have supertrait ComponentScope_S[...] and to have ability to .modState i should pass implicitly CompStateAccess[...].
So currently i have code like this
case class State(...)
type ScopePS = ComponentScope_P[Int] with ComponentScope_S[State]
type StateAccess[C] = CompStateAccess[C, State]
implicit class MyActions[T <: ScopePS : StateAccess](scope: T) {...}
It's working but i wonder how could this be simplified, i.e. how could props\state be accessed inside renderS and componentDidMount via common code?

Scala: invoking superclass constructor

I am experiencing a weird behavior by Scala handling of superclass constructors.
I have a really simple class defined in the following way
package server
class Content(identifier:String,content:String){
def getIdentifier() : String = {identifier}
def getContent() : String = {content}
and a simple subclass
package server
class SubContent(identifier:String, content:String) extends Content(identifier, content+"XXX")){
override def getContent():String = {
What's really strange is that in the subclass there are duplicates of the superclass attributes, so if i create a new object
var c = new SubContent("x","x")
the execution of
first prints out "x" (The valued provided to the subclass constructor), but returns "xXXX" (The value provided to the superclass constructor).
Is there any way to avoid this behavior? Basically what I'd like to have is that the subclass does not create its own attributes but rather just passes the parameters to the superclass.
It's doing exactly what you told it to do. You augmented the 2nd constructor parameter when passing it on to the superclass constructor and then you used the superclass' getContent to provide the value returned from the subclass' getContent.
The thing you need to be aware of is that constructor parameters (those not tied to properties because they're part of a case class or because they were declared with the val keyword) are in scope throughout the class body. The class' constructor is that part of its body that is outside any method. So references to constructor parameters in method bodies forces the constructor parameter to be stored in a field so it can have the necessary extent. Note that your println call in getContent is causing such a hidden constructor parameter field in this case.
Replying to comment "Is there an alternative way to define it in order to avoid this? Or at least, if I never refer to the parameters of the subclass constructors their fields will be allocated (Wasting memory)?":
If the only references to plain constructor parameters (*) is in the constructor proper (i.e., outside any method body, and val and var initializers don't qualify as method bodies) then no invisible field will be created to hold the constructor parameter.
However, If there's more you're trying to "avoid" than these invisible fields, I don't understand what you're asking.
(*) By "plain constructor parameters" I mean those not part of a case class and not bearing the val keyword.