Conditional Protocol Conformance to Protocol - swift

I'm learning Swift coming from other languages with powerful type systems and I am wondering if their is any way to make a protocol conditionally conform to another protocol.
Let's take an example: I define a ShowableAsInt protocol, that allows to get an Int representation for any type that conforms to it.
protocol ShowableAsInt {
func intRepr() -> Int
extension Int : ShowableAsInt {
func intRepr() -> Int {
return self
extension String : ShowableAsInt {
func intRepr() -> Int {
return self.count
func show(_ s: ShowableAsInt) {
show("abc") // "3"
show(42) // "42"
Now I define a Container protocol that simply wraps an element.
protocol Container {
associatedtype T
var element: T {
struct StringContainer : Container {
typealias T = String
let element: String
struct IntContainer : Container {
typealias T = Int
let element: Int
Because Container is a simple wrapper, whenever the wrapped type can be shown as an Int, the container can also be shown as an Int. I tried to express this, but failed:
// Doesn't compile: can't extend a protocol to conform to another one?
extension Container : ShowableAsInt where T : ShowableAsInt {
func intRepr() -> Int {
return element.intRepr()
// I would like these to compile
show(IntContainer(42)) // "42"
show(StringContainer("abc")) // "3"
I know that this conditional conformance can be expressed on class and struct. Is there any way to do the same for protocols? If not, is there any reason for this restriction?

The reason why this is not allowed is stated here:
This protocol extension would make any Collection of Equatable elements Equatable, which is a powerful feature that could be put to good use. Introducing conditional conformances for protocol extensions would exacerbate the problem of overlapping conformances, because it would be unreasonable to say that the existence of the above protocol extension means that no type that conforms to Collection could declare its own conformance to Equatable, conditional or otherwise.
See also this question.
If you just don't want to write the duplicate implementation of intRepr everytime, you can do this:
struct StringContainer : ShowableAsIntContainer {
typealias T = String
let element: String
struct IntContainer : ShowableAsIntContainer {
typealias T = Int
let element: Int
extension Container where T : ShowableAsInt {
func intRepr() -> Int {
return element.intRepr()
typealias ShowableAsIntContainer = ShowableAsInt & Container


How to express a relationship between generic parameters in a SwiftUI view

I have defined the following protocols:
protocol ListableArrayElement: Identifiable, Equatable {
associatedtype T = Hashable
var id:T { get }
protocol Listable: ObservableObject, RandomAccessCollection where Element == ArrayElement {
associatedtype ArrayElement: ListableArrayElement
var _elements: [ArrayElement] { get set }
var count: Int { get }
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
var endIndex: Int { get }
var startIndex: Int { get }
subscript(position: Int) -> ArrayElement { get set }
func index(after i: Int) -> Int
func append(_ element: ArrayElement)
func insert(_ newElement: ArrayElement, at i: Int)
func remove(at index: Int)
func removeAll()
func index(of element: ArrayElement) -> Int?
protocol FavouritesArray: Listable, Codable where Element: Codable {
var _elements: [Element] { get set }
var key: String { get set }
init(key: String)
There is an associated extension to FavouritesArray that provides conforming types with the ability to add/remove elements, and persist/load the array to/from UserDefaults via the key. All well and good. (Also note the listable protocol helps me avoid writing some boiler plate code for ViewModels that have an array of 'something' at their heart.)
Now I also want to write a generic SwiftUI view that can build a menu, using the FavouriteArray functions. I am struggling to understand how to express the type signature:
I'm passing instances of types conforming to FavouritesArray via EnvironmentObject, and thus want to write something like:
struct FavouritesArrayView<Favourites: FavouritesArray, Favourite>: View
where Favourite == FavouritesArray.Element {
#EnvironmentObject var favourites: Favourites
#ObservedObject var favourite: Favourite
// Other properties here
var body: some View {
// Layout code here
This gives the compiler error: Associated type 'Element' can only be used with a concrete type or generic parameter base
Any tips on how to achieve this?
First of all you need to declare that Favourite conforms to ObservableObject and then the where condition should use your associated type and not the protocol it conforms to, where Favourites.Element == Favourite
struct FavouritesArrayView<Favourites: FavouritesArray, Favourite: ObservableObject>: View where Favourites.Element == Favourite

how to make protocol to conform another protocol in Swift?

I make a extension for Array where Elements are Object, so I can compare them by their address.
public extension Array where Element: AnyObject {
func hasExactSameItem(_ searchingItem: Element) -> Bool {
guard let _ = indexOfExactSameItem(searchingItem) else { return false }
return true
func indexOfExactSameItem(_ searchingItem: Element) -> Int? {
for (index, item) in self.enumerated() {
if searchingItem === item {
return index
return nil
There is another protocol conforming AnyObject protocol
public protocol IMServerListener: AnyObject {
I have a array containing IMServerListener
private var listeners = [IMServerListener]()
When I start adding listener to that array, the compiler complaining that '[IMServerListener]' requires that 'IMServerListener' conform to 'AnyObject'
func addListener(_ listener: IMServerListener) {
I thought the IMServerListener is conforming the AnyObject protocol, so why did it happened?
I tried to construct a similar example in a playground:
import UIKit
protocol Foo: AnyObject {
func foo()
protocol Bar: Foo {}
class A: Bar {
func foo() {}
var bars = [Bar]()
bars[0] === bars[1] // equals operator used from AnyObject
(1) Protocols can inherit from each other. If I leave out the implementation of foo() in class A it leads to a compiler error.
(2) Class A does inherit from AnyObject through Bar and Foo otherwise I could not use the equals operator.
To your question:
compiler complaining that '[compiler complaining that '[IMServerListener]' requires that 'IMServerListener' conform to 'AnyObject']' requires that 'IMServerListener' conform to 'AnyObject' sounds like there might be something wrong with the implementation of IMServerListener itself.
I am happy to extend my answer if you can show us this implementation / more code in general.

Conformance to a protocol (as a protocol)

Say I have a protocol Item, and a struct ConcreteItem that conforms to it.
protocol Item {
var name: String { get }
struct ConcreteItem: Item {
let name: String
At some point I want to have two sets of ConcreteItem.
let set1 = Set([ConcreteItem(name: "item1")])
let set2 = Set([ConcreteItem(name: "item2"), ConcreteItem(name: "item1")])
Which I'd expect to return the item with name "item1".
I can make ConcreteItem conform to Hashable and the Set code will work. However, lets say I also had the following:
struct AnotherConcreteItem: Item {
let name: String
I'd like AnotherConcreteItem to also conform to Hashable simply for having conformed to Item.
However, when I try to implement that idea:
extension Item: Hashable {
var hashValue: Int {
return name.characters.count
I get the following error: Extension of protocol 'Item' cannot have an inheritance clause.
Extension of protocol 'Item' cannot have an inheritance clause
Here item is the protocol so conforming Hashable protocol will not work. For more details Refer here
What you are trying to do is possible with some protocols, but not all. If the protocol you are trying to conform to does not have any associated types or Self, this is possible.
protocol A {
func foo()
protocol Item: A {
var name: String { get }
struct ConcreteItem: Item {
let name: String
extension Item {
func foo() {
Everything that conforms to Item will also conform to A.
However, Hashable has Self constraints. To conform to Hashable, you must also conform to Equatable. To conform to Equatable, the implementation of == must be in a concrete class, not another protocol because Equatable can't be used as a parameter type. The most you can do is something like this:
protocol Item: Hashable {
var name: String { get }
struct ConcreteItem: Item {
let name: String
// you need to implement == in every concrete class
static func ==(lhs: ConcreteItem, rhs: ConcreteItem) -> Bool {
return ...
extension Item {
var hashValue: Int {
return name.characters.count

Swift 2.0 protocol extensions - typealias

I am trying to have a extend a protocol in the following way but I am getting the error: Cannot convert return expression of type typable to typable.
I thought by saying typalias MyType : inside MyType will have to be an entity that conforms to inside
struct typeable<T> {
let value : String = "hello world"
protocol inside {
func __myFunction() -> typeable<inside>
protocol outside : inside {
typealias MyType : inside
func myFunction() -> typeable<MyType>
extension outside {
final func __myFunction() -> typeable<inside> {
return self.myFunction()
struct thing : outside {
typealias MyType = thing
func myFunction() -> typeable<thing> {
return typeable<thing>()
Your inside protocol:
protocol inside {
func __myFunction() -> typeable<inside>
... requires a function with a return type typeable<inside>, which is not the same as typeable<T> where T: inside. On the other hand, the default implementation of the conforming candidate function in the extension of outside returns a typeable<MyType> where MyType has not been up-casted to inside...
The following code, however, or some variant thereof, may express your intent (as far as I understand it) without tripping up the compiler:
struct Typeable<T> {
init(_: T) {}
extension Typeable : CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String { return "I'm a \(self.dynamicType)" }
protocol InsideType {
func asTypeableInside() -> Typeable<Self>
protocol OutsideType : InsideType {
func asTypeableOutside() -> Typeable<Self>
extension OutsideType {
func asTypeableInside() -> Typeable<Self> {
return asTypeableOutside()
struct Outside {}
extension Outside : OutsideType {
func asTypeableOutside() -> Typeable<Outside> {
return Typeable(self)
... with following properties:
let o = Outside()
let x = o.asTypeableOutside()
print( o ) // prints: Outside()
print( x ) // prints: I'm a Typeable<Outside>
o is InsideType // always true
x is Typeable<InsideType> // always false
Typeable(o) is Typeable<Outside> // always true
Typeable(o) is Typeable<OutsideType> // always false
Typeable(o) is Typeable<InsideType> // always false
... bearing in mind that:
5 is CustomStringConvertible // always true
Typeable(5) is Typeable<CustomStringConvertible> // always false
It doesn't appear that the typealias MyType : inside within the outside protocol is visible in the outside extension. I was able to get the extension to compile by putting the typealias MyType = inside (note the = rather than :), but that made the thing struct error on compilation.
It's difficult to figure out what you're actually trying to do, more context would be helpful to fully grasp the problem at hand.
In the definition __myFunction in the extension to outside, the uninstantiated type MyType can be of any type which inherits inside, which may be instantiated anywhere outside is implemented. So returning a typeable<inside> as being of typeable<MyType> simply proved to be type mismatch.
You, however, can avoid the error changing the definition a little bit.
struct typeable<T> {
let value : String = "hello world"
protocol inside {
typealias MyType
func __myFunction() -> typeable<MyType>
protocol outside : inside {
typealias MyType : inside
func myFunction() -> typeable<MyType>
extension outside {
final func __myFunction() -> typeable<MyType> {
return self.myFunction()
struct thing : outside {
typealias MyType = thing
func myFunction() -> typeable<thing> {
return typeable<thing>()

Type in conformance requirement does not refer to a generic parameter or associated type

In Swift 2 I have the following protocols
protocol Fightable {
// return true if still alive, false if died during fight
func fight (other: Fightable) -> Bool
protocol Stats {
var defense: Int { get }
var attack: Int { get }
I can implement a protocol extension for Fightable to provide a shared implementation of fight across all value types which conform to Stats if I change the type signature of fight to
func fight (other: Self) -> Bool
and implement an extension as
extension Fightable where Self : Stats {
func fight (other: Self) -> Bool {
return self.defense > other.attack
The problem with the above implementation is that it requires the value types to be the same (Humans can't fight Goblins). My current goal is to implement a protocol extension that provides a default implementation of fight for any combination of value types as long as they implement Stats.
The following code
extension Fightable where Fightable : Stats {
func fight (other: Fightable) -> Bool {
return self.defense > other.attack
Produces the error
Type 'Fightable' in conformance requirement does not refer to a generic parameter or associated type
How can I make sure the other Fightable type also conforms to Stats for this extension?
I'm using Xcode 7 beta 1.
I'm sorry but I misunderstood your problem. So if I understand you right (hopefully) it is impossible to get a default implementation of the fight function by a protocol extension (at least with these constraints). Because if you want other conform to Fightable and Stats it isn't the previous function anymore where other could be any Fightable. So it doesn't implement the required function.
As workaround I would suggest (taking your existing code):
protocol Fightable {
// return true if still alive, false if died during fight
func fight (other: Fightable) -> Bool
protocol Stats {
var defense: Int { get }
var attack: Int { get }
extension Fightable where Self : Stats {
// directly conforming to the protocol
func fight (other: Fightable) -> Bool {
if let otherStat = other as? Stats {
return self.defense > otherStat.attack
// providing a good way if other does not conform to Stats
return false
One way which work's for me is making a typealias in your Fightable protocol. So you can constraint the parameter of the fight function in your protocol extension. Due to this situation you also have to make your fight function generic (Fightable can than only be used as generic constraint).
In code it looks like this:
protocol Fightable {
// make typealias
typealias F = Fightable
// make function generic
func fight<F: Fightable>(other: F) -> Bool
protocol Stats {
var defense: Int { get }
var attack: Int { get }
// constraint F and Self
extension Fightable where F : Stats, Self: Stats {
func fight(other: F) -> Bool {
return self.defense > other.attack
// example of an implementation
struct Human: Fightable {
func fight<F: Fightable>(other: F) -> Bool {
return true