Swift UITableViewCell - Cell Image changes if I scroll down too fast, but only on the first attempt - swift

I am parsing a JSON within my viewDidLoad method. One of the keys within this JSON is the image URL, which goes into a a string array called "allCImages"
This is just a string. Therefore to populate the image into the cell, in my cellForRowAt method, I have the following:
cell.vcCellImage.downloadImage(from: allCImages[indexPath.section])
Note: vcCellImage is the IBOutlet of my cell image view.
The "downloadImage" method is part of the following extension:
extension UIImageView {
func downloadImage(from imgURL: String!) {
let theUrl = URLRequest(url: URL(string: imgURL)!)
// set initial image to nil so it doesn't use the image from a reused cell
image = nil
// check if the image is already in the cache
if let imageToCache = vc1ImageCache.object(forKey: imgURL! as NSString) {
self.image = imageToCache
print("Image is in Cache")
// download the image asynchronously
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: theUrl) { (data, response, error) in
if error != nil {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// create UIImage
let imageToCache = UIImage(data: data!)
// add image to cache
vc1ImageCache.setObject(imageToCache!, forKey: imgURL! as NSString)
self.image = imageToCache
This is working almost perfectly. For example:
1) If I scroll down my tableview slowly, all the cells contain the correct image
2) If I scroll up my tableview, slowly or quickly, all the cells contain the correct image. This is proven by the fact that my console is printing the following:
Image is in Cache
Image is in Cache
Image is in Cache
I.e, the tableview is getting my image from the cache (since to scroll up, I must have scrolled down before)
3) The issue is if I scroll down my tableview really quickly, on the first attempt. Since the image has not cached yet, the cell will display the wrong image, before changing to the correct image. Classic problem
Therefore I am missing this small piece of logic. How to resolve this?
EDIT: I tried this but the issue remains:
class VCTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
override func prepareForReuse() {
vcCellImage.image = nil

This occurs because of
1- cell dequeueing : cells are re-used inside the tableView
2- when you scroll before a request happens it may cause a new 1 with same url
Best option is using SDWebImage

I have faced the similar issue.
I have fixed this issue by cancelling the image request in the prepareForReuse method.
Can you try the same?

first off all if you are appending your api or any data like this just remove this
var arr = [string]()
accept this
var arr = [string]()
//call api
//append Data
I have similar problem then I solve it like this, may be it helpful for you also.


Autolayout images inside cells in tableview. Correct layout but only once scrolling down and back up?

Im trying to get tableview cells with auto resizing images to work. Basically I want the image width in the cell to always be the same, and the height to change in accordance with the aspect ratio of the image.
I have created a cell class, which only has outlets for a label, imageView and a NSLayoutConstraint for the height of the image. I have some async methods to download an image and set it as the image for the cell imageView. Then the completion handle gets called and I run the following code to adjust the height constraint to the correct height:
cell.cellPhoto.loadImageFromURL(url: photos[indexPath.row].thumbnailURL, completion: {
// Set imageView height to the width
let imageSize = cell.cellPhoto.image?.size
let maxHeight = ((self.tableView.frame.width-30.0)*imageSize!.height) / imageSize!.width
cell.cellPhotoHeight.constant = maxHeight
return cell
And here is the UIImageView extension I wrote which loads images:
func loadImageFromURL(url: String, completion: #escaping () -> Void) {
let url = URL(string: url)
makeDataRequest(url: url!, completion: { data in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.image = UIImage(data: data!)
And the makeDataRequest function which it calls:
func makeDataRequest(url: URL, completion: #escaping (Data?) -> Void) {
let session = URLSession.shared
let task = session.dataTask(with: url, completionHandler: { data, response, error in
if error == nil {
let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse
switch response?.statusCode {
case 200:
case 404:
print("Invalid URL for request")
print("Something else went wrong in the data request")
} else {
print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Error")
This works for all the cells out of frame, but the imageviews in the cells in the frame are small. Only when I scroll down and then back up again do they correctly size. How do I fix this? I know other people have had this issue but trying their fixes did nothing.
I had to sorta recreate the problem to understand what was going on. Basically you need to reload the tableview. I would do this when a picture finishes downloading.
In the view controller that has the table view var. Add this to the viewDidLoad() function.
override func viewDidLoad() {
tableView.delegate = self
tableView.dataSource = self
//Create a notification so we can update the list from anywhere in the app. Good if you are calling this from an other class.
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(loadList), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "loadList"), object: nil)
//This function updates the cells in the table view
#objc func loadList(){
//load data here
Now, when the photo is done downloading, you can notify the viewcontroller to reload the table view by using the following,
func loadImageFromURL(url: String, completion: #escaping () -> Void) {
let url = URL(string: url)
makeDataRequest(url: url!, completion: { data in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.image = UIImage(data: data!)
//This isn't the best way to do this as, if you have 25+ pictures,
//the list will pretty much freeze up every time the list has to be reloaded.
//What you could do is have a flag to check if the first 'n' number of cells
//have been loaded, and if so then don't reload the tableview.
//Basically what I'm saying is, if the cells are off the screen who cares.
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "loadList"), object: nil)
Heres something I did to have better Async, see below.
My code as follows, I didn't do the resizing ratio thing like you did but the same idea applies. It's how you go about reloading the table view. Also, I personally don't like writing my own download code, with status code and everything. It isn't fun, why reinvent the wheel when someone else has done it?
pod 'SDWebImage', '~> 5.0'
class mCell: UITableViewCell {
//This keeps track to see if the cell has been already resized. This is only needed once.
var flag = false
#IBOutlet weak var cellLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var cell_IV: UIImageView!
override func awakeFromNib() { super.awakeFromNib() }
viewController.swift (Click to see full code)
I'm just going to give the highlights of the code here.
//Set the image based on a url
//Remember this is all done with Async...In the backgorund, on a custom thread.
mCell.cell_IV.sd_setImage(with: URL(string: ViewController.cell_pic_url[row])) { (image, error, cache, urls) in
// If failed to load image
if (error != nil) {
//Set to defult
mCell.cell_IV.image = UIImage(named: "redx.png")
//Else we got the image from the web.
else {
//Set the cell image to the one we downloaded
mCell.cell_IV.image = image
//This is a flag to reload the tableview once the image is done downloading. I set a var in the cell class, this is to make sure the this is ONLY CALLED once. Otherwise the app will get stuck in an infinite loop.
if (mCell.flag != true){
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.025){ //Nothing wrong with a little lag.
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "loadList"), object: nil)
mCell.flag = true

UICollectionView cell reuse and online images

I am trying to understand just how UICollectionView cell reuse works.
I am currently implementing a horizontally scrolling UICollectionView with large cells that take up almost the full size of the screen. There are about 100+ cells but you will only ever see ~3 at a time.
As I understand it UICollectionView cell reuse simply maintains a pool of initialized cell objects that way when one cell is out of view it can be cannibalized by a newly viewable cell. That is to say since I am using reuse the collection might only initialize ~3 actual cell objects in memory and I just will switch out their contents.
I am very worried about what this means in the case of custom cells that have image views that are based on images that need to be downloaded. Ideally I would have a scenario where every cells image is only ever downloaded once and it is only downloaded when absolutely necessary.
If there is truly a pool of my custom cell objects then this means that that is totally not happening. As each time a cell comes into view I am starting a completely new download.
How am I supposed to do this right?
The main reason I am asking this is that when scrolling (especially on the initial scroll) I do see some flickering between an image of an old cell and the image the cell is supposed to be displaying. I made a fix but I am fairly sure that it is causing the online images to be downloaded too many times. Am I doing this right?
public func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
guard let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "ImageCell", for: indexPath) as? ImageCell else {
let image = data[indexPath.row]
cell.display(title: image.title, imageURL: image.imageURL)
return cell
And the cell
public class NewsCell: UICollectionViewCell {
private var title: UILabel = UILabel()
private var imageView: UIImageView = UIImageView()
override public init(frame: CGRect = CGRect.zero) {
super.init(frame: frame)
title.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12, weight: .bold)
title.textColor = UIColor.white
title.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.left
imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentMode.scaleAspectFill
imageView.clipsToBounds = true
// Layout constraints
public func display(title: String, imageURL: URL?) {
self.imageView.image = nil
self.title.text = title
if let url = imageURL {
downloadImage(from: url)
func downloadImage(from url: URL) {
getData(from: url) { data, response, error in
guard let data = data, error == nil else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.imageView.image = UIImage(data: data)
func getData(from url: URL, completion: #escaping (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void) {
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url, completionHandler: completion).resume()
I am worried by the fact that I have to set the image views image to nil on display in order to prevent the flicker. Should I be doing something differently to avoid frivolous downloading of these images or does this look good?
You can use Prefetching Collection View Data to load your images earlier.
You use data prefetching when loading data is a slow or expensive process—for example when fetching data over the network. In these circumstances, perform data loading asynchronously.
It will require some changes of course. You will have to store your images separately and download them when DataSourcePrefetching method will be called. Also, then the image is downloaded, you'll need to check if there is any cell that waiting for that image. So your UICollectionView won't download anything anymore. It will show the image only, or waiting for it to be downloaded.
There is a problem with your current solution. If you'll scroll too fast, you make face a situation when because of reusing, the same UICollectionViewCell is loading a few images at once. And in this case, the user will see only the last one, and you never can tell which one it would be. To avoid this race condition, you can store the image identifier or its URL in the cell so after downloading is finished, it could check if the downloaded image is the right one.
It's okay to set image to nil while it's downloading, but you also can show to the user some UIActivityIndicatorView so he could see that some work is happening.

downloading and caching images from url asynchronously

I'm trying to download images from my firebase database and load them into collectionviewcells. The images download, however I am having trouble having them all download and load asynchronously.
Currently when I run my code the last image downloaded loads. However, if I update my database the collection view updates and the new last user profile image also loads in but the remainder are missing.
I'd prefer to not use a 3rd party library so any resources or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the code that handles the downloading:
func loadImageUsingCacheWithUrlString(_ urlString: String) {
self.image = nil
// checks cache
if let cachedImage = imageCache.object(forKey: urlString as NSString) as? UIImage {
self.image = cachedImage
let url = URL(string: urlString)
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in
//error handling
if let error = error {
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
if let downloadedImage = UIImage(data: data!) {
imageCache.setObject(downloadedImage, forKey: urlString as NSString)
self.image = downloadedImage
I believe the solution lies somewhere in reloading the collectionview I just don't know where exactly to do it.
Any suggestions?
Here is where the function is being called; my cellForItem at indexpath
override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: userResultCellId, for: indexPath) as! FriendCell
let user = users[indexPath.row]
cell.nameLabel.text = user.name
if let profileImageUrl = user.profileImageUrl {
return cell
The only other thing that I believe could possibly affect the images loading is this function I use to download the user data, which is called in viewDidLoad, however all the other data downloads correctly.
func fetchUser(){
Database.database().reference().child("users").observe(.childAdded, with: {(snapshot) in
if let dictionary = snapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject] {
let user = User()
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
}, withCancel: nil)
Current Behavior:
As for the current behavior the last cell is the only cell that displays the downloaded profile image; if there are 5 cells, the 5th is the only one that displays a profile image. Also when I update the database, ie register a new user into it, the collectionview updates and displays the newly registered user correctly with their profile image in addition to the old last cell that downloaded it's image properly. The rest however, remain without profile images.
I know you found your problem and it was unrelated to the above code, yet I still have an observation. Specifically, your asynchronous requests will carry on, even if the cell (and therefore the image view) have been subsequently reused for another index path. This results in two problems:
If you quickly scroll to the 100th row, you are going to have to wait for the images for the first 99 rows to be retrieved before you see the images for the visible cells. This can result in really long delays before images start popping in.
If that cell for the 100th row was reused several times (e.g. for row 0, for row 9, for row 18, etc.), you may see the image appear to flicker from one image to the next until you get to the image retrieval for the 100th row.
Now, you might not immediately notice either of these are problems because they will only manifest themselves when the image retrieval has a hard time keeping up with the user's scrolling (the combination of slow network and fast scrolling). As an aside, you should always test your app using the network link conditioner, which can simulate poor connections, which makes it easier to manifest these bugs.
Anyway, the solution is to keep track of (a) the current URLSessionTask associated with the last request; and (b) the current URL being requested. You can then (a) when starting a new request, make sure to cancel any prior request; and (b) when updating the image view, make sure the URL associated with the image matches what the current URL is.
The trick, though, is when writing an extension, you cannot just add new stored properties. So you have to use the associated object API to associate these two new stored values with the UIImageView object. I personally wrap this associated value API with a computed property, so that the code for retrieving the images does not get too buried with this sort of stuff. Anyway, that yields:
extension UIImageView {
private static var taskKey = 0
private static var urlKey = 0
private var currentTask: URLSessionTask? {
get { objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &UIImageView.taskKey) as? URLSessionTask }
set { objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &UIImageView.taskKey, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) }
private var currentURL: URL? {
get { objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &UIImageView.urlKey) as? URL }
set { objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &UIImageView.urlKey, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) }
func loadImageAsync(with urlString: String?, placeholder: UIImage? = nil) {
// cancel prior task, if any
weak var oldTask = currentTask
currentTask = nil
// reset image view’s image
self.image = placeholder
// allow supplying of `nil` to remove old image and then return immediately
guard let urlString = urlString else { return }
// check cache
if let cachedImage = ImageCache.shared.image(forKey: urlString) {
self.image = cachedImage
// download
let url = URL(string: urlString)!
currentURL = url
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { [weak self] data, response, error in
self?.currentTask = nil
// error handling
if let error = error {
// don't bother reporting cancelation errors
if (error as? URLError)?.code == .cancelled {
guard let data = data, let downloadedImage = UIImage(data: data) else {
print("unable to extract image")
ImageCache.shared.save(image: downloadedImage, forKey: urlString)
if url == self?.currentURL {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self?.image = downloadedImage
// save and start new task
currentTask = task
Also, note that you were referencing some imageCache variable (a global?). I would suggest an image cache singleton, which, in addition to offering the basic caching mechanism, also observes memory warnings and purges itself in memory pressure situations:
class ImageCache {
private let cache = NSCache<NSString, UIImage>()
private var observer: NSObjectProtocol?
static let shared = ImageCache()
private init() {
// make sure to purge cache on memory pressure
observer = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(
forName: UIApplication.didReceiveMemoryWarningNotification,
object: nil,
queue: nil
) { [weak self] notification in
deinit {
func image(forKey key: String) -> UIImage? {
return cache.object(forKey: key as NSString)
func save(image: UIImage, forKey key: String) {
cache.setObject(image, forKey: key as NSString)
A bigger, more architectural, observation: One really should decouple the image retrieval from the image view. Imagine you have a table where you have a dozen cells using the same image. Do you really want to retrieve the same image a dozen times just because the second image view scrolled into view before the first one finished its retrieval? No.
Also, what if you wanted to retrieve the image outside of the context of an image view? Perhaps a button? Or perhaps for some other reason, such as to download images to store in the user’s photos library. There are tons of possible image interactions above and beyond image views.
Bottom line, fetching images is not a method of an image view, but rather a generalized mechanism of which an image view would like to avail itself. An asynchronous image retrieval/caching mechanism should generally be incorporated in a separate “image manager” object. It can then detect redundant requests and be used from contexts other than an image view.
As you can see, the asynchronous retrieval and caching is starting to get a little more complicated, and this is why we generally advise considering established asynchronous image retrieval mechanisms like AlamofireImage or Kingfisher or SDWebImage. These guys have spent a lot of time tackling the above issues, and others, and are reasonably robust. But if you are going to “roll your own,” I would suggest something like the above at a bare minimum.

UITableViewCell asynchronously loading images issue - Swift

In my app, I built my own asynchronous image loading class. I pass in a object, then it checks if the cache (NSCache) has the image, if not it will then check the file system if the image is saved already. If the image is not saved already, it will then download the image in the background (NSOperations help).
This works great so far, but I have ran into a few small issues with the table view loading the images.
First off, this is the function I use to set up the table view cell fromtableView(tableView:, willDisplayCell:, forRowAtIndexPath:)
func configureCell(cell: ShowTableViewCell, indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
// Configure cell
if let show = dataSource.showFromIndexPath(indexPath) {
ImageManager.sharedManager.getImageForShow(show, completionHandler: { (image) -> Void in
if self.indexPathsForFadedInImages.indexOf(indexPath) == nil {
if let fetchCell = self.tableView.cellForRowAtIndexPath(indexPath) as? ShowTableViewCell {
func fadeInImage() {
// Fade in image
fetchCell.backgroundImageView!.alpha = 0.0
fetchCell.backgroundImage = image
UIView.animateWithDuration(showImageAnimationSpeed, animations: { () -> Void in
fetchCell.backgroundImageView!.alpha = 1.0
if #available(iOS 9, *) {
if NSProcessInfo.processInfo().lowPowerModeEnabled {
fetchCell.backgroundImage = image
else {
else {
else {
// Issues are here
else {
// Set image
cell.backgroundImage = image
Where "// Issues are here" comment is, that is where I run into multiple issues.
So far, I have not figured out another way to validate that the image belongs to the cell for sure where "// Issues are here" is. If I add
cell.backgroundImage = image
there, then it fixes the issue where sometimes the image will not display on the table view cell. So far the only cause I have found for this is that the image is being returned faster than I can return the table view cell so that is why the table view says there is not a cell at that index path.
But if I add that code there, then I run into another issue! Cells will display the wrong images and then it lags down the app and the image will constantly switch, or even just stay on the wrong image.
I have checked that it runs on the main thread, image downloading and caching is all fine. It just has to do that the table is saying there is no cell at that index path, and I have tried getting an indexPath for the cell which returns also nil.
A semi-solution to this problem is called tableView.reloadData() in viewWillAppear/viewDidAppear. This will fix the issue, but then I lose the animation for table view cells on screen.
If I pass the image view into getImageForShow() and set it directly it will fix this issue, but that is less ideal design of code. The image view obviously exists, the cell exists, but for some reason it doesn't want to work every time.
Table views reuse cells to save memory, which can cause problems with any async routines that need to be performed to display the cell's data (like loading an image). If the cell is supposed to be displaying different data when the async operation completes, the app can suddenly go into an inconsistent display state.
To get around this, I recommend adding a generation property to your cells, and checking that property when the async operation completes:
protocol MyImageManager {
static var sharedManager: MyImageManager { get }
func getImageForUrl(url: String, completion: (UIImage?, NSError?) -> Void)
struct MyCellData {
let url: String
class MyTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
// The generation will tell us which iteration of the cell we're working with
var generation: Int = 0
override func prepareForReuse() {
// Increment the generation when the cell is recycled
self.data = nil
var data: MyCellData? {
didSet {
// Reset the display state
self.imageView?.image = nil
self.imageView?.alpha = 0
if let data = self.data {
// Remember what generation the cell is on
var generation = self.generation
// In case the image retrieval takes a long time and the cell should be destroyed because the user navigates away, make a weak reference
weak var wcell = self
// Retrieve the image from the server (or from the local cache)
MyImageManager.sharedManager.getImageForUrl(data.url, completion: { (image, error) -> Void in
if let error = error {
println("There was a problem fetching the image")
} else if let cell = wcell, image = image where cell.generation == generation {
// Make sure that UI updates happen on main thread
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
// Only update the cell if the generation value matches what it was prior to fetching the image
cell.imageView?.image = image
cell.imageView?.alpha = 0
UIView.animateWithDuration(0.25, animations: { () -> Void in
cell.imageView?.alpha = 1
class MyTableViewController: UITableViewController {
var rows: [MyCellData] = []
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
var cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Identifier") as! MyTableViewCell
cell.data = self.rows[indexPath.row]
return cell
A couple other notes:
Don't forget to do your display updates on the main thread. Updating on a network activity thread can cause the display to change at a seemingly random time (or never)
Be sure to weakly reference the cell (or any other UI elements) when you're performing an async operation in case the UI should be destroyed before the async op completes.

SDWebImage process images before caching

I fetch a lot of images from the web, and they are all kind of sizes - they can be big, small etc..
So I can resize them when I display them in the cell but this is inefficient. It's way better to resize them after SDWebImage have download them and cache them resized, instead of storing large images on disk and resize them for every cell.
So how can I do this with SDWebImage, or I have to hack a bit onto the class?
SDWebImage developer Olivier Poitrey answered this question for me here.
You have to implement the SDWebImageManagerDelegate protocol and then set it as the shared manager's delegate like this:
SDWebImageManager.sharedManager.delegate = self;
using the imageManager:transformDownloadedImage:withURL: instance method.
More information.
Worked perfectly for me.
I had the same problem as you, and tried tweaking SDWebImage first, but ended up building my own component that solved the problem. You can take take a look at it here : https://github.com/adig/RemoteImageView
SDWebImage 3.8.2
If using UIImageView category sd_setImageWithURL. I have created another UIImageView category (extension)
func modifiedImageFromUrl(url: NSURL?) {
self.sd_setImageWithURL(url) { (image, error, cacheType, url) in
if cacheType == SDImageCacheType.None && image != nil {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED, 0)) {
let modifiedImage = // modify image as you want
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
SDWebImageManager.sharedManager().saveImageToCache(modifiedImage, forURL: url)
self.image = modifiedImage
Expansion on MaeSTRo's answer in Swift 3:
myImageView.sd_setImage(with: imageUrl){ (image, error, cacheType, url) in
guard let image = image, cacheType == .none else { return }
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async {
let modifiedImage = myImageProcessor(image)
SDWebImageManager.shared().saveImage(toCache: modifiedImage, for: imageUrl)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
myImageView.image = modifiedImage