No commands matching with 'Enable Custom CSS and JS' - visual-studio-code

I was trying to add a theme to my VS CODE and i needed to run the command: Enable Custom CSS and JS in the ctrl+shift+P. But when I type it, it says that there are no commands matching. Is there another way to do it?
I added the import in the settings.json like:
"vscode_custom_css.imports": [
but I can't apply.

From the extension's doc:
VERY IMPORTANT: Items in vscode_custom_css.imports must be URLs. Plain file paths are NOT URLs.
Windows File URL Example: file:///C:/Users/MyUserName/Documents/custom.css
The C:/ part is REQUIRED.
MacOS and Linux File URL Example: file:///Users/MyUserName/Documents/custom.css
Windows users
In Windows, make sure you run your VS Code in Administrator mode before enabling or disabling your custom style!
Mac and Linux users
The extension would NOT if Code cannot modify itself. The cases include:
Code files being read-only, like on a read-only file system or,
Code is not started with the permissions to modify itself.
You need to claim ownership on Code's installation directory, by running this command:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) <Path to Code>
The placeholder means the path to VSCode installation. It is typically:
/Applications/Visual Studio, on MacOS;
/Applications/Visual Studio Code -, on MacOS when using Insiders branch;
/usr/share/code, on most Linux;
/opt/visual-studio-code/ on Arch Linux.
Mac and Linux package managers may have customized installation path. Please double check your path is correct.


Visual Studio Code Install Multi-User Image / School Environment [duplicate]

I've put Visual Studio Code on OneDrive, for the purpose of syncing it with its settings across my devices.
However, extensions are stored in %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions on Windows.
Is it possible to change this folder's location so I can put it in the main Visual Studio Code folder?
At first I thought that copying the extensions in the resources\app\extensions of Visual Studio Code folder will be a nice workaround, but that doesn't work.
I've also searched for a solution on the documentation page and in the user settings, with no results.
What I did - after installing Visual Studio Code for the first time, I checked the documentation and added at the end of 'Target' field of editor's shortcut the following (there's a space before the two dashes):
where DRIVERLETTER and VSCODE are the corresponding drive and directory where Visual Studio Code is installed. So mine looks like this:
"D:\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" --extensions-dir="D:\Microsoft VS Code\extensions"
Here is for the user data directory:
"D:\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" --user-data-dir="D:\Microsoft VS Code\settings"
Accessing the 'Target' field is done by right-clicking the shortcut and choosing 'Properties'
Anyway, there's a simpler solution to that problem - just use the portable version of Visual Studio Code. It works under Windows, Linux, and macOS:
Enable Portable Mode
Windows and Linux
After unzipping the Visual Studio Code download, simply create a data folder within Visual Studio Code's folder:
|- VSCode-win32-x64-1.25.0-insider
| |- Code.exe (or code executable)
| |- data
| |- ...
From then on, that folder will be used to contain all Visual Studio Code data, including session state, preferences, extensions, etc.
The data folder can be moved to other Visual Studio Code installations. This is useful for updating your portable Visual Studio Code version: simply move the data folder to a newer extracted version of Visual Studio Code.
On macOS, you need to place the data folder as a sibling of the application itself. Since the folder will be alongside the application, you need to name it specifically so that Code can find it. The default folder name is code-portable-data:
|- Visual Studio
|- code-portable-data
Portable mode won't work if your application is in quarantine, which happens by default if you just downloaded Visual Studio Code. Make sure you remove the quarantine attribute, if portable mode doesn't seem to work:
xattr -dr Visual\ Studio\
Note: On Insiders, the folder should be named code-insiders-portable-data.
UPDATE 14.12.2021
From Visual Studio Docs
Note: Do not attempt to configure portable mode on an installation from the Windows User or System installers. Portable mode is only supported on the Windows ZIP (.zip) archive. Note as well that the Windows ZIP archive does not support auto update.
A little hack:
Create a symbolic link to the folder %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions under the Visual Studio Code install path.
code --extensions-dir 'new_directory_to_set'
Set the root path for extensions.
Follow the below steps for changing the extension path in VS.
Set "code" path in environment variable.
Open VS , in VS terminal execute the below command.
code --extensions-dir "new_directory_path"
Install the required extension.
All Done.
Note:Dont forget to vote the answer
According to this page, after installing VS Code we should make a language profilers folder like this:
mkdir code_profiles
cd code_profiles
mkdir code-ruby
cd code-ruby
mkdir exts
mkdir data
For Windows, I prepared a batch file (.bat) for each language I work on, it contains this line:
Start "" "D:\programs\VSCode\code.exe" --extensions-dir D:\programs\VSCode\code_profiles\code-python\exts --user-data-dir D:\programs\VSCode\code_profiles\code-python\data .
This is for Python. If I work on PHP, I will make code-php folder, then make exts and data folders in it and prepare another batch file for PHP, just like the one I made for python.
I put this batch file on the main project folder then double click on it to run VS Code with the preferred profile.

Taking inventory of VS Code Extensions across multiple computers?

If you have multiple developers w/ multiple developer workstations and they each have VS Code, how can I track what extensions that have from a central location? I don't want to have to sign on to each workstation one at a time and pull up VS Code for a list of installed extensions and versions. FOr example, there is a vulnerability in VS Code's TS-Lint extension. How can I tell what computers in my group have that installed?
Method 1: Query the File System
The Common Questions section of the page Managing Extensions in Visual Studio Code shows where extensions are installed:
Where are extensions installed?
Extensions are installed in a per user extensions folder. Depending on your platform, the location is in the following folder:
Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions
macOS: ~/.vscode/extensions
Linux: ~/.vscode/extensions
The extensions directory contains one subdirectory for each installed extension, named like (extension)-(version). Listing its contents for each user and machine should provide a comprehensive list of installed extensions.
Method 2: Query VSCode Itself
Another approach is to use the VSCode command line as explained in the Command Line Extension Management of that same page. In particular, you can run:
$ ./bin/code --list-extensions --show-versions
from the VSCode install directory when logged in as a particular user to get a list of (extension)#(version) strings.
But note: you have to use the code program in the bin subdirectory of VSCode, which is a shell script (requiring Cygwin on Windows). On Windows at least, there is also Code.exe in the top-level VSCode directory, but that one does not respect those command line flags.

Is it possible to specify the path to the libstdc++ in VS Code clangd extension?

I use VS Code as my main code editor for my C++ development. I am using the remote SSH extension by Microsoft to access my office workstation from home. For the C++ autocompletion and linting I use the clangd extension by LLVM. Company policy prevents users from having sudo access to workstations and libraries are often not at the latest version.
When I try to launch clangd I get the following error message:
/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.22' not found (required by /my/path/to/clangd)
Which obviously means that the version of libstdc++ is too old for the version of clangd that I am using. This is easily fixable by adding to LD_LIBRARY_PATH the location of most recent gcc libraries (part of our compiler toolchain) and then launching VS Code.
However, now that I am working remotely I cannot do that because VS Code is installed onto my laptop and I am using the SSH extension to access the code on my office workstation. Looking on the man page for clangd I cannot see a way to specify the path to the libstdc++ that I want to use. Is there a way, other than adding the libraries to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH upon startup/login, to bypass this issue?
I found a way, albeit a little bit hacky.
Export the new LD_LIBRARY_PATH on .zprofile (or equivalent for your shell. I am using zsh). Make sure that there are no VSCode servers running in the host. If there are, make sure to remove them.
In the settings.json file add the following line, to tell VSCode that you want the shell to be a login, interactive shell:
"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.linux": ["-l", "-i"]
Job done. Clangd now finds the correct libraries.
Another way to do this is to use env in your settings.json as follows:
"clangd.path": "env",
"clangd.arguments": [

Couldn't start client Rust Language Server

I'm trying to figure out how to use rustc & cargo from my WSL. I use VS Code and Rust (rls) plugin and can compile my code but there is a problem with RLS:
Couldn't start client Rust Language Server
Rustup not available. Install from
How i can solve this problem?
Set rust-client.rustupPath in VSCode settings:
"rust-client.rustupPath": "~/.cargo/bin/rustup"
If you're using WSL on Windows then make sure you edit Rust extension WSL settings, not user/local settings.
I had this problem as well with WSL and Visual Studio Code. The problem seems to stem from the fact that the Rust Language Server needs to find rustup in your path. We both probably followed the same path of using a package manager to install cargo, and therefore, the rust compiler tools. This does not include rustup which you can actually use to keep the rust toolchain up-to-date. rustup also appears to be the preferred method of installing the rust toolchain on your system.
After installing rustup with the default setup, you should see a .rustup directory in your home directory. This is where the toolchain lives. The install text all stated that it would add the toolchain to your environment path after logging out and back in, but I didn't have luck with this. I'm currently using fish instead of bash and had to update the configuration to include the toolchain at startup. Once I did that, I was able to have VSCode properly install and run the RLS.
This worked for me for in a remote SSH environment with Ubuntu 20.04
Edit .profile and .bashrc files in the user home directory
In .profile, comment the following line:
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
In both, add the following line:
[[ ":$PATH:" != *":$HOME/.cargo/bin:"* ]] && PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:${PATH}"
Even though if I run:
which rustup
A simple entry of rustup in the VSCode settings for:
"Rust-client: Rustup Path Path to rustup executable. Ignored if rustup
is disabled."
wasn't enough and I had to put the absolute path to the rustup binary as shown above. After doing so, I reloaded the window and was then asked to download missing components (or dependencies - the prompt is gone now I forgot). After doing this, the VSCode plugin seems to be working fine. I can format the code at least.
So it looks like it's some mismatch with VSCode's PATH and the PATH on my system. I'm not sure what it is but if you just want to get the extension to work, try using the absolute path to rustup in your Settings.
(Note: source "$HOME/.cargo/env" is added automatically to your startup files like .bashrc. First thing I tried was adding it to the startup file of zsh; the shell I'm using and to which it wasn't added. But that doesn't work either. I'm using rustc 1.49.0 (e1884a8e3 2020-12-29) ).
So... I'm running Rust on Windows 10 and I experienced this same issue. My Rust version is 1.24.3, my VSCode version is 1.63.2.
The first thing you need to do is add "%USERPROFILE%.cargo\bin" to your environment variables
The next solution that worked for me can be found in this tutorial: Rust on Windows and Visual Studio Code
i am running VSCode on mac, and using remote development.the remote server is
ubuntu 20. i had this problem, added rust-client.rustupPath to vscode settings and killed the vscode-server on remote server to fix this problem. now it work.

How to open Visual Studio Code from the command line on linux?

I know I can use command "code" to open VS code or file, but I don't know what should I do to make it possible after I install VS code in Ubuntu.Thanks.
Launching from the Command Line
You can launch VS Code from the command line to quickly open a file, folder, or project. Typically, you open VS Code within the context of a folder. We find the best way to do this is to simply type:
code .
Tip: We have instructions for Mac users in our Setup topic that enable you to start VS Code from within a terminal. We add the VS Code executable to the PATH environment variable on Windows and Linux automatically during installation.
Sometimes you will want to open or create a file. If the specified files does not exist, VS Code will create them for you:
code index.html style.css
Tip: You can have as many file names as you want separated by spaces.
So, there are a couple of solutions for this.
I've linked a video that shows you how to add vscode to $PATH
(which didn't work for me because I couldn't find the "shell:install path" command)
I uninstalled the vscode from my ubuntu and re-installed using sudo snap install --classic code
(This method worked for me)
Tell me which one works for you... and if you have extensions installed to your vscode then i guess you ought to make a backup or something.
Link to the video: