GKE: Identity-aware proxy > L7 load balancer > Custom host and path rules > Error code 11 - kubernetes

I am using GKE Identity-aware proxy > L7 load balancer > Custom host and path rules. It works fine for the root-path. But it does not work for custom paths.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: basic-ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name: "my-static-ip"
- host: my.custom.org
- path: /v1/*
serviceName: webv1
servicePort: 8080
- path: /v3/*
serviceName: webv3
servicePort: 8080
- path: /nginx/*
serviceName: nginx
servicePort: 80
- path: /*
serviceName: nginx
servicePort: 80
Path / and /nginx/ works fine. /v2/ and /v3/ throws There was a problem with your request. Error code 11.
If I disable the IAP, everything works fine.
Kubernetes version (use kubectl version): 1.12.7-gke.17
Cloud provider or hardware configuration: GKE
Setting up HTTP Load Balancing with Ingress # https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/http-balancer
Enabling Cloud IAP for GKE # https://cloud.google.com/iap/docs/enabling-kubernetes-howto

This error code 11 is related to a misconfiguration of the OAuth client ID1.
I see that you the failing one are using a different serviceport. If you are serving the following 2 URLs from two different backends both may have IAP enabled but configured with different clientIds.
As of GCP does not support different clientIds for different paths, and the effort for IAP to use a single clientId across b/e services is underway. For now, if you can verify the clientId, and change it to a single one if they are different, that would work.
The recommended approach would be setting up an NGINX proxy. The ingress + IAP only have one service to deal with instead of two, and it will work like a charm.


Kubernetes Ingress not forwarding routes

I am fairly new to Kubernetes and have just deployed my first cluster to IBM Cloud. When I created the cluster, I get a dedicated ingress subdomain, which I will be referring to as <long-k8subdomain>.cloud for the scope of this post. Now, this subdomain works for my app. For example: <long-k8subdomain>.cloud/ping works from my browser/curl just fine- I get the expected JSON response back. But, if I add this subdomain to a CNAME record on my domain provider's DNS settings (I have used Bluehost and IBM Cloud's Internet Services), I get a 404 response back from all routes. However this response is the default nginx 404 response (it says "nginx" under "404 Not Found"). I believe this means that this means the ingress load balancer is being reached, but the request does not get routed right. I am using Kubernetes version 1.20.12_1561 on VPC gen 2 and this is my ingress-config.yaml file:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: my-ingress-resource
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "public-iks-k8s-nginx"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
more_set_headers "Host: <long-k8subdomain>.cloud";
- host: <long-k8subdomain>.cloud
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: my-service-name
number: 80
I am pretty sure this problem is due to the annotations. Maybe I am using the wrong ones or I do not have enough. Ideally, I would like something like this: api..com/ to route correctly. I have also read a little bit about default backends, but I have not dove too much into that just yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I have spent multiple hours trying to fix this.
Some sources I have used:
Note: The reason why I have the second annotation is because for some reason, requests without that header were not being routed directly. So that was part of my debugging process and I just ended up leaving it as I am not sure if that annotation solves that, so I left it for now.
For the NGINX ingress controller to route requests for your own domain's CNAME record to the service instead of the IBM Cloud one, you need a rule in the ingress where the host identifies your domain.
For instance, if your domain's DNS entry is api.example.com, then change the resource YAML to:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: my-ingress-resource
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "public-iks-k8s-nginx"
- host: api.example.com
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: my-service-name
number: 80
You should not need the second annotation for this to work.
If you want both of the hosts to work, then you could add a second rule instead of replacing host in the existing one.

Traefik behind ssl terminating load balancer return 404

I have a K8s setup with traefik being exposed like this
ingressClass: traefik
http: 32080
serviceType: NodePort
Behind, I forward some requests to different services
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: my-name
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: traefik
- host: my-host.com
- path: /my-first-path
serviceName: my-nodeJs-services
servicePort: 3000
When the DNS is set directly to resolve to my ip, the application works fine with HTTP
But when some one add SSL through AWS ALB / API Gateway, the application fail to be reached with 404-NotFound error
The route is like this
On the AWS size, they configured something like this
https://my-host.com => SSL Termination and => Forward all to
I think this fail because traefik is expecting http://my-host.com but not https://my-host.com which lead to its failure to find the matching route? Or maybe at the ssl termination time, the hostname is lost so that traefik can not find a route?
What should I do in this situation?
I am not very familiar with ALB but what is probably happening is that the requests received by the loadbalancer contain the header Host: my-host.com and when it gets forwarded to your ingress controller, the header is replaced by Host: If this is the case, I see 3 solutions:
ALB might be able to pass the original Host header to the target. (You will have to check in the doc if it's possible)
If the application behind your ingress doesn't check the host header, you can write an ingress that doesn't check a specific host. For example on these examples you can see that the host field is not specified.
If the name resolution works internally, you can define a name for your target, use this name in your ALB and in your ingress.

Ingress controller cannot find assets

I am trying to set up an Ingress controller on Microk8s to host a react (NextJS) app.
The pod and service are up and running, as well as reachable internally via machine.domain.eu:31111
My goal is to make this service available via machine.domain.eu/dev on the default port 80 using an nginx ingress controller:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: web-ingress
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$2
- host: machine.domain.eu
- path: /dev(/|$)(.*)
pathType: Prefix
name: web-svc
number: 3000
If I issue a curl command via curl machine.domain.eu/dev from the machine, where the node is running, I am getting back the desired html, although I cannot see, if assets are being loaded.
When switching back to my local machine opening my browser of choice and hit that http endpoint I do get a blank screen and all static assets 404. The index.html comes through fine, yet all the other resources are not found.
I've tried any number of combinations on the annotation to rewrite to /$1 /$2, while changing the path to - path: /dev/?(.*) but to no effect.
In other words: The document itself is loaded via
Yet the assets, which should be loaded via
are actually being requested via:
What excactly am I doing wrong here?

NGINX Ingress to Microk8s Bare metal cluster not working as expected

First a little background:
We currently have several websites and services hosted on a Plesk server and I am setting up a bare-metal development server to provide an area where we can test updates, etc. before going to production. I am using a 3 node kubernetes cluster running microk8s on Ubunutu 20.04.01. The services we host are pretty diverse: we have a couple Moodle sites, a few Wordpress sites, a site running limesurvery, an instance of Mantis bugtracker, and a few more. I have successfully gotten most of the sites containerized and running on k8s. I can also access each individual site either through a NodePort or a MetalLB load balancer.
However, I'd really like to use the NGINX Ingress Controller on top of the load balancer so that I can have a consistent way to access the sites without using a bunch of IP addresses (or in the NodePort case, ports that change). No matter what I've done, I cannot seem to get the Ingress to do what I want. I simply want to do the following:
http://<LB IP Address>/bugtracker to access the Mantis Bug Tracker site
http://<LB IP Address>/moodle1 to access one of the Moodle sites
http://<LB IP Address>/limesurvey to access the limesurvey,
etc. I seem to be able to get to the main page of the site (e.g. index.html, index.php, etc.), but any references from there on do not work - i.e. they give path not found errors or 404 errors.
Here's a sample of my Ingress file:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: my-ingress
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$2
- http:
- path: /limesurvey(/|$)(.*)
pathType: Prefix
name: limesurvey-svc
number: 80
- path: /moodle(/|$)(.*)
pathType: Prefix
name: moodle-svc
number: 8080
This ingress does not work (I get the 404s). However, if I only have one path in the file and just use '/' it works (but I can only use it for one service):
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: my-ingress
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
- http:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: limesurvey-svc
number: 80
I think what I need is for the path (limesurvey) to continue to be pre-pended onto each URL request, but I cannot seem to make this happen. The reason I think this is because when I navigate to http://<LB IP Address>/limesurvey and click on a survey, I get a 404 error at http://<LB IP Address>/index.php/<survey number>. However, if I manually change the URL in my browser to http://<LB IP Address>/limesurvey/index.php/<survey number> it will access the survey (but still have 404s with supporting assets).
Am I trying to do something outside of what the Ingress controller was designed for? I feel like I should be able to use the rewrite-target to accomplish this but I'm missing something critical.
I appreciate any help.
Some applications relay on static content served from different URL webserver locations and moreover do internal path routing (e.g. you hit "/" path but get served "/admin" section immediately).
In such cases creation of right Ingress rules gets more tricky, and requires you to better understand behavior and constructs of your web application, to predict all possible URL path locations that user may visit (these forced by app internal redirects too), and these sourced by html code as well.
Seems like your case with limesurvey app falls into that category:
Why do I think that?
Just try to open limesurvey public demo (https://demo.limesurvey.org/) and inspect site content.
You will learn that main page is using a lot of static files (e.g. css, javascrpt files), referenced from absolute path starting with: /tmp/assets/...
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tmp/assets/2d523ae6/survey.css" />
of course variants of different path locations can be matched with single smart reg-ex pattern, to avoid creation of dozen of individual ingress rules (what you tried).
What's the issue?
- http:
- path: /limesurvey(/|$)(.*) <---- it won't match "/tmp/assets/..." location
pathType: Prefix
name: limesurvey-svc
number: 80
Please try to create additional Ingress rule to support static file location (watch out, I'm using old syntax of Ingress resource, adjust it to your needs):
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$1
name: ingress-limesurvey-static
- http:
- backend:
serviceName: limesurvey-svc
servicePort: 80
path: /?(.*)
Best Solution (in my opinion)
You should define custom public URL within your application directly. Detailed information can be found in Advanced path settings, see publicurl option.
This way you wouldn't need to define internal reference for static files, however it should be done during installation.

How to configure HAproxy Ingress controller in Kubernetes

So we have a SQL server deployment with replica=2 in K8s which I need to make load balanced. I'm using Haproxy ingress controller to achieve this goal but I'm stuck in configuring Haproxy. I'm trying to configure the Haproxy based on this link and I don't know how to present my two pods to the ingress!
There is this part of the link says:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: web-ingress
namespace: default
- host: foo.bar
- path: /
serviceName: app
servicePort: 80
The issue is that in "spec.rules.host" section, I don't have any domain rather I have two IPs belong to my SQL pods! How am I supposed to represent my pods to the ingress? Am I doing right?
I've looked it up alot, but no luck!
P.S: What is the best practice for Load Balancing SQL server?
A DNS system translates hostname to IPs.With a domain registered with DNS system you can add a mapping of hostname to IP in the /etc/hosts file of the system from where you want to access the hostname.