Is there an ExampleMatcher with not equals condition - spring-data-jpa

I am working with spring data jpa, I would like to know in QueryByExample(QBE) can i get all the records (where colum value not equals 'XXX')
I have seen ExampleMatcher , but couldnt find anything like not equals
Employee filterBy = new Employee();
//Filter - ignore case search and contains
ExampleMatcher matcher = ExampleMatcher.matching()
.withStringMatcher(StringMatcher.CONTAINING) // Match string containing pattern
.withIgnoreCase(); // ignore case sensitivity
example = Example.of(filterBy, matcher);
The above code gets all the records where lastname is ar, but i am looking for lastname should not be "ar".
Is there any other ExampleMatcher ?

BizExceptionConfig condition = configRequestPair.getCondition();
ExampleMatcher exampleMatcher = ExampleMatcher.matching()
.withMatcher("appCode", startsWith())
.withMatcher("name", startsWith())
.withMatcher("code", startsWith());
HashMap<String, Integer> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("$ne", LifeCycle.DELETE.getCode());
exampleMatcher = exampleMatcher.withTransformer("lifecycle", (obj) -> Optional.of(params));
Example<BizExceptionConfig> example = Example.of(condition, exampleMatcher);
Page<BizExceptionConfig> pageRecord = bizExcConfigRepository.findAll(example, PageUtil.toPageRequest(configRequestPair.getPage()));`enter code here`
This problem can be solved by "withTransformer". JPA is rather limited,
so I suggest using Mongotmpl. I hope it can help you

Your problem could be solved with QBE by using REGEX as StringMatcher and the solution would look like the following:
Employee filterBy = new Employee();
filterBy.setLastName(String.format("^(?!.*$1$).*$", Pattern.quote(filterBy.getLastName())));
//filterBy.setLastName(String.format(".*(?<!$1)$", Pattern.quote(filterBy.getLastName()))); // this would be another alternative
ExampleMatcher matcher = ExampleMatcher.matching()
.withStringMatcher(StringMatcher.REGEX) // Match string containing pattern
.withIgnoreCase(); // ignore case sensitivity
Example example = Example.of(filterBy, matcher);
Unfortunately, even though the developer would at first think that Regular Expressions are supported (as there exists aforementioned enum constant), Spring actually currently doesn't support them - and according to the discussion of the related Jira issue, it never won't:


QgsField won't accept parameter typeName

I'm trying to create new vector layer with the same fields as contained in original layer.
original_layer_fields_list = original_layer.fields().toList()
new_layer = QgsVectorLayer("Point", "new_layer", "memory")
pr = new_layer.dataProvider()
However, when I try:
for fld in original_layer_fields_list:
type_name = fld.typeName()
pr.addAttributes([QgsField(name =, typeName = type_name)])
I get a layer with no fields in attribute table.
If I try something like:
for fld in original_layer_fields_list:
if fld.type() == 2:
pr.addAttributes([QgsField(name =, type = QVariant.Int)])
... it works like charm.
Anyway ... I'd rather like the first solution to work in case if one wants to automate the process and not check for every field type and then find an appropriate code. Besides - I really am not able to find any documentation about codes for data types. I managed to find this post where in comments Kadir pointed on this sourcecode (
I'd really be thankful for any kind of direction.

How do you specify multi-column OrderSpecifier for use in SpringData and QueryDsl? Is this possible

So I have the following query below:
public Iterable<Dealer> findAll(Dealer dealer) {
QDealer qdealer =;
BooleanExpression where = null;
if(dealer.getId() != null && dealer.getId() != 0) {
OrderSpecifier<String> sortOrder =;
Iterable<Dealer> results = dlrRpstry.findAll(where, sortOrder);
return results;
The query above works fine. However, I would like to sort the results by dealerType first, then by dealerCode somewhat like "order by dealerType asc, dealerCode desc". How do I instantiate the OrderSpecifier so that the results will be sorted by dealerType then by dealer code.
The DealerRepository dlrRpstry extends JpaRepository, QueryDslPredicateExecutor
I am using spring-data-jpa-1.1.0, spring-data-commons-dist-1.3.2 and querydsl-jpa-2.9.0.
If OrderSpecifier can not be configured to a multi-column sort order what would be the alternative solution that will satisfy my requirement of sorting the results "by dealerType asc, dealerCode desc".
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I do not have JPA install setup, but I believe reading the QueryDslJpaRepository documentation, you can simply do this:
OrderSpecifier<String> sortOrder1 =;
OrderSpecifier<String> sortOrder2 =;
Iterable<Dealer> results = dlrRpstry.findAll(where, sortOrder1, sortOrder2);
Let us know if it works. Here is a link to a stackoverflow question/answer that explains the ... parameter syntax on the findAll() method:
This means you can have as many OrderSpecifiers as you want as optional parameters to the function.
If you don't want to create variable for each specifier, it can be done this way:
OrderSpecifier<?>[] sortOrder = new OrderSpecifier[] {,
Iterable<Dealer> results = dlrRpstry.findAll(where, sortOrder);

Linq to Entities does not recognize the method System.DateTime.. and cannot translate this into a store expression

I have a problem that has taken me weeks to resolve and I have not been able to.
I have a class where I have two methods. The following is supposed to take the latest date from database. That date represents the latest payment that a customer has done to "something":
public DateTime getLatestPaymentDate(int? idCustomer)
DateTime lastDate;
lastDate = (from fp in ge.Payments
from cst in ge.Customers
from brs in ge.Records.AsEnumerable()
where (cst.idCustomer == brs.idCustomer && brs.idHardBox == fp.idHardbox
&& cst.idCustomer == idCustomer)
select fp.datePayment).AsEnumerable().Max();
return lastDate;
And here I have the other method, which is supposed to call the previous one to complete a Linq query and pass it to a Crystal Report:
//Linq query to retrieve all those customers'data who have not paid their safebox(es) annuity in the last year.
public List<ReportObject> GetPendingPayers()
List<ReportObject> defaulterCustomers;
defaulterCustomers = (from c in ge.Customer
from br in ge.Records
from p in ge.Payments
where (c.idCustomer == br.idCustomer
&& br.idHardBox == p.idHardBox)
select new ReportObject
CustomerId = c.idCustomer,
CustomerName = c.nameCustomer,
HardBoxDateRecord = br.idHardRecord,
PaymentDate = getLatestPaymentDate(c.idCustomer),
No compile error is thrown here, but when I run the application and the second method tries to call the first one in the field PaymentDate the error mentioned in the header occurs:
Linq to Entities does not recognize the method System.DateTime.. and cannot translate this into a store expression
Please anybody with an useful input that put me off from this messy error? Any help will be appreciated !
Thanks a lot !
Have a look at these other questions :
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.DateTime Parse(System.String)' method
Basically, you cannot use a value on the C# side and translate it into SQL. The first question offers a more thorough explanation ; the second offers a simple solution to your problem.
Simply put : the EF is asking the SQL server to perform the getLatestPaymentDate method, which it has no clue about. You need to execute it on the program side.
Simply perform your query first, put the results into a list and then do your Select on the in-memory list :
List<ReportObject> defaulterCustomers;
var queryResult = (from c in ge.Customer
from br in ge.Records
from p in ge.Payments
where (c.idCustomer == br.idCustomer
&& br.idHardBox == p.idHardBox)).Distinct().ToList();
defaulterCustomers = from r in queryResult
select new ReportObject
CustomerId = r.idCustomer,
CustomerName = r.nameCustomer,
HardBoxDateRecord = r.idHardRecord,
PaymentDate = getLatestPaymentDate(r.idCustomer),
I don't have access to your code, obviously, so try it out and tell me if it works for you!
You'll end up with an in-memory list

How to get the underlying object from a SpyMessage in JBossMQ

I am trying to write a simple Java program that reads from JBossMQ's jms_messages table using JDBC. I am using JBoss 4.0.4.GA.
I can get the as far as getting a SpyMessage, but how can I get the actual message content (which is an Object in the particular case I'm looking at).
I have a result set "rs" from this statement:
SELECT messageid, messageblob FROM jms_messages WHERE DESTINATION LIKE 'TOPIC.MyTopic%' limit 3"
and then I do this (based on JBoss code):
long messageid = rs.getLong(1);
SpyMessage message = null;
byte[] st = rs.getBytes(2);
ByteArrayInputStream baip = new ByteArrayInputStream(st);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(baip);
message = SpyMessage.readMessage(ois);
message.header.messageId = messageid;
String jmstype = message.getJMSType();
String jms_message_id = message.getJMSMessageID();
System.out.println("jmstype=" +jmstype);
System.out.println("jms_message_id=" +jms_message_id);
String propertyName;
Enumeration e = message.getPropertyNames();
while (e.hasMoreElements())
propertyName = (String)e.nextElement();
System.out.println("property name = " +propertyName);
but I get no properties printed and I don't know how to get my actual object from the SpyMessage (actually a SpyObjectMessage). I'd be grateful for any pointers.
I've tried asking this question on the JBoss forum without reply, so I'm hoping for better luck here.
Sorry - the answer was so obvious I'm not really sure what I was thinking when I posted the question - simply:
Object objMessage = ((SpyObjectMessage)message).getObject();

How do I disable some entities based on a few properties in NHibernate Search?

Im still pretty new to NHibernate.Search so please bear with me if this is stupid question :)
Say, I have indexed some entities of type BlogPost, which has a property called IsDeleted. If IsDeleted is set to true, I don't want my queries to show this particular blogpost.
Is this possible? And if it is - How? :P
Thanks in advance
- cwap
// Using NHibernate.Linq:
var result = Session.Linq<BlogPost>().Where(post => !post.IsDeleted).ToList();
// Using HQL:
var hql = "from BlogPost bp where bp.IsDeleted == false";
var result = Session.CreateQuery(hql).List<BlogPost>();
// Using Criteria API:
var result = s.CreateCriteria(typeof(BlogPost))
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("IsDeleted", false));
HQL: Hibernate Query Language
Found the solution myself. I added the [Field(Index.Tokenized, Store = Store.Yes)]-attribute to the IsDeleted property, and added this clause to any query inbound:
string q = "(" + userQuery + ") AND IsDeleted:False";
I knew it was something simple :)