Mapstruct and #Cacheable - mapstruct

I have a class annotated with an org.mapstruct.Mapper and attempting to use an org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable annotation on a method. That method is also annotated with org.mapstruct.Named.
The #Cacheable annotation is being ignored.
Is it possible to use #Cacheble on a Mapstruct #Mapper method?

I don't think that this is possible cause it seems that the mapstruct processor is filtering that annotation out. But you can inject a bean and cache the method of the bean like:
public abstract class Mapper {
protected Bean bean;
public Object doSomething() {
return bean.doSomeMagic()
public class Bean {
#Cacheable(your params)
public Object doSomething() {
your code... }


Dagger2: wildcard with Generics

I'm new to Dagger2 and DI in general, but I'm interested to populate a map with injected keys/values. The problem is that it works if I provide the exact types, I can't make it work with wildcards, any solution for that?
public class SimpleIssueModule
public SimpleIssue provideSimpleIssue()
return new SimpleIssue();
public class DaggerFactoryModule
public Factory provideFactory(Map<String, Provider< ? extends Issue>> map)
return new Factory(map);
If you want a map of Provider< ? extends Issue>> map, then you need to use Issue as the type returned in your module. Dagger will not do any casting or guessing on its own.
public Issue provideSimpleIssue() {
return new SimpleIssue();
what to do in case I need a Module that provides a base class (Issue) into a Map and also need a provider of the concrete class (SimpleIssue) and I would like it to be Singleton (same instance returns in both cases)
In this case you provide the #Singleton of SimpleIssue.
public SimpleIssue provideSimpleIssue() {
return new SimpleIssue();
// or you can use constructor injection, dropping the method above...
public class SimpleIssue {
public SimpleIssue(...) {
Then you bind this instance into a Map. There is no need for a scope, since the implementation should declare it (as done above).
public Issue provideSimpleIssue(SimpleIssue issue) {
return issue;
// or alternatively with `#Binds` when using an abstract class / interface
// this leads to actually better performing dagger code
public Issue provideSimpleIssue(SimpleIssue issue);

About Dagger 2. Connection of #inject and #provide

If there is #inject, then it means there must be #provide?
inject field gets its value from #provide method of module?
Yes if you use Module
public class SomeModule {
Unscoped unscoped() {
return new Unscoped();
Scoped scoped() {
return Scoped();
BUT classes with #Inject constructor get automatically appended to your scoped component even if no module is specified for it:
public class Scoped {
public Scoped() {
public class Unscoped {
public Unscoped() {
If there is #Inject annotation then it's dependency can be provided in two ways :
By Using Provides annotation in module
TasksPresenter provide TasksPresenter(TasksRepository tasksRepository, TasksContract.View tasksView) {
return new TasksPresenter(tasksRepository,tasksView);
By Using Constructor Injection
TasksPresenter(TasksRepository tasksRepository, TasksContract.View tasksView) {
mTasksRepository = tasksRepository;
mTasksView = tasksView;
One thing to observe here is Constructor Injection solve two thing
Instantiate object
Provides the object by adding it to Object graph.

JBoss AS7 #Inject bean into valve

Is it possible to #Inject a stateless session bean into a subclass of AuthenticatorBase?
I'm using JBoss as 7.1.1.
My code looks like this:
public class myValve extends AuthenticatorBase {
#Inject AuthController controller;
//some code ...
Using the controller object leads to NullPointerException.
If controller is null it means that the myValve object itself was not injected.
It is possible to add an existing object to the CDI context retroactively, for example with this code:
public <T> void addToCDI(T object) {
BeanManager beanManager = BeanManagerProvider.getInstance().getBeanManager();
AnnotatedType<T> annotatedType = beanManager.createAnnotatedType((Class<T>)bject.getClass());
InjectionTarget<T> injectionTarget = beanManager.createInjectionTarget(annotatedType);
CreationalContext<T> context = beanManager.createCreationalContext(null);
injectionTarget.inject(object, context);
After the execution of this code the injections have been performed.

#Inject a Morphia DAO with CDI?

I'm writing a Java EE 6 application that makes use of Morphia to persist objects to MongoDB. I'd like to be able to #Inject my DAO classes where necessary, so I created a Factory class that instantiates the DAO appropriately. It looks something like this:
public class MyDAOFactory {
private Datastore mongoDatastore = null;
* Creates the DAO
public MyDAO createDAO() {
MyDAO dao = new MyDAO(
return dao;
The code compiles fine, but when I run my application on JBoss EAP 6.1 it complains because MyDAO does not have a no-arg constructor. I would add one, but the Morphia BasicDAO class does not have one either, so I don't know that it would work that way.
Is there a way to #Inject a DAO instance into my EJB, Servlet, etc.? Or do I need to manually instantiate it every time?
It seems that CDI needs the no-arg constructor for MyDAO for some reason. Maybe because of how you use this bean (see specs ch.5.4 "Client Proxies" for possible reasons).
You cannot create a default constructor, because the base class does not have one and, from what I see from the code the super constructors make immediate use of their args. Therefore passing null to super() from a no-arg constructor will throw errors.
My suggestion is to create an interface (optionally extending org.mongodb.morphia.dao.DAO), e.g. MyDAOInterface that has all public business methods of MyDAO. Then modify MyDAO to implement this interface and change your producer to return MyDAOInterface:
public interface MyDAOInterface extends DAO {...}
public class MyDAO implements MyDAOInterface {
// same implementation
public class MyDAOFactory {
private Datastore mongoDatastore = null;
* Creates the DAO
public MyDAOInterface createDAO() {
MyDAO dao = new MyDAO(this.mongoDatastore);
return dao;
By the way, programming to interfaces has the extra benefit of making your code more testable, so it is worth the minor hassle.

Can I do setter injection using #Inject annotation

In my GWTP application I need to Inject HttpServletRequest, HttpSession as instance variable of ActionHandler.
My ActionHandler is initialized through Spring.
I can't get current Request object through Spring as it instantiates just POJO.
I am thinking about mixing GIN and Spring.
Would I be able inject HttpServletRequest using GIN in my ActionHandler which is instantiated through Spring?????
Is it possible to do following way??
public class ServerModule extends HandlerModule
public UserVerficationActionHandler getUserVerificationActionActionHandler()
return new UserVerficationActionHandler();
public class UserVerficationActionHandler implements ActionHandler<UserVerficationAction, UserVerficationActionResult>
private UserService userService;
private Provider<HttpServletRequest> requestProvider;
public UserVerficationActionHandler()
public UserVerficationActionResult execute(UserVerficationAction action, ExecutionContext context) throws ActionException
public Provider<HttpServletRequest> setRequestProvider()
return requestProvider;
-------ActionHandler Ends--------
Can somebody let me know Is it possible to do SetterInjection this way?
Second thing, if above is possible then will I be getting current request object using this method?
Thanks in advance.