Shared Object - Get Remote - shared-objects

I have an application that will mirror the sales of individualities and the group that will then be presented in a panel. I currently have the code that writes the data locally on the machine, however, I need to write to the server and I can not! follows the code that I have currently attached if someone can help clarifying how to record on the server!
I've tried a few things, however, I'm lost as to how I applied the "Get remote" option, I got the data to be recorded locally, however, for the intended purpose it would have to be the option to write to the server and the application access to the object.
var save2: SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal ("data");
var b: int;
b = (;
trace ("trace memory value b",;
init2 (); // this line goes directly beneath the variables
function init2 (): void {// call once to set everything up
if ( == null) {// checks if there is save data
trace ("No saved data yet."); // if there is any date on the computer ... = 0; // ... set the savedScore to 0
} else {
trace ("Save data found."); // if we did find data ...
loadData2 (); // ... load the data
updateScoreText2 (); // finally, update the text field
function loadData2 (): void {
b =; // set the current score to the saved score
trace ("Data Loaded! is:", b);
function updateScoreText2 (): void
textincre11.text = b.toString () ;; // set the text property of the txtScore
trace ("Score text updated");
bt_incre.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, add2);
clean.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, clean4);
function somar2 (event: MouseEvent): void
trace ("in memory b =", b);
b ++;
trace ("Pos pos b =", b); // a = 11
textincre11.text = b.toString ();
//textincre_3.text = b.toString (); = textincre11.text;
// = textincre_3.text;
save2.flush ();
trace ("trace pos somar2",;
function clean4 (e: MouseEvent): void {
b = 0;
textincre11.text = b.toString ();
//textincre_3.text = b.toString (); = textincre11.text;
g // = textincre_3.text;
save2.flush ();
trace ("trace a apos equal to zero",;
bt_decrem.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, Decrease2);
function diminuir2 (event: MouseEvent): void
trace ("Trace in memory b =", b);
if (b> = 1)
trace ("Decrement pos b =", b);
else {
trace ("Decrement pos b =", b);
textincre11.text = b.toString ();
//textincre_3.text = b.toString (); = textincre11.text;
// = textincre_3.text;
save2.flush ();
trace ("trace pos decrease2",;


How to use sequence in multi-threaded enviroment

I try to create multiple vertexes in parallel:
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
//create db and seq
ODatabaseDocumentTx db = new ODatabaseDocumentTx("memory:/TestDB");
OSequenceLibrary seqLib = db.getMetadata().getSequenceLibrary();
new OSequence.CreateParams().setStart(0L).setIncrement(1)
OrientGraphFactory factory = new OrientGraphFactory("memory:/TestDB", "admin", "admin").setupPool(1, 8);
Executor executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8);
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1000);
for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
executor.execute(() -> {
OrientGraph g = factory.getTx();
try {
OSequence seq = g.getRawGraph().getMetadata().getSequenceLibrary().getSequence("testSeq");
OrientVertex v = g.addVertex("TestClass");
} finally {
latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
And receive lots of exceptions:
Cannot UPDATE the record #7:0 because the version is not the latest.
Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by
another user (db=v2 your=v1)
How to use sequence in mt environment properly?
OrientDB is entirely based on an optimistic approach with no or few locks. For this reason you should catch the exception and retry. Example:
OrientGraph g = factory.getTx();
try {
for( int retry = 0; retry < 100; ++retry ){
try {
OSequence seq = g.getRawGraph().getMetadata().getSequenceLibrary().getSequence("testSeq");
OrientVertex v = g.addVertex("TestClass");
} catch( ONeedRetryException e ) {
} finally {

Entity framework tracking wrong model object after helper method

Below is some basic code that's a part of our Create controller method. If a certain checkbox is selected, we want to create a copy of the agenttransmission object we are currently creating, with a couple fields altered.
When the program goes into the helper method, it creates the sub record without incident, however for some reason, when the program finishes and comes back to the Create method, the model object agenttransmission becomes the sub model object. All value, including the PK are suddenly pressent in the agenttransmission object.
Not sure how this is happening since there is a string return value on the helper method and no fields are touched on the agenttransmission record.
Create method
//Create substat if requested
if (agenttransmission.OverrideId)
status += ". " + CreateSubStat(agenttransmission);
Helper method
public string CreateSubStat(AgentTransmission master)
string msg = string.Empty;
if (ModelState.IsValid)
using (AgentResourcesEntities tempDb = new AgentResourcesEntities())
//Check to see if substat already exists
var check = (from a in db.AgentTransmission
where a.ParentId == master.ID && a.RecordStatus.Equals("P")
select a).ToList();
if (check.Count > 0) return string.Empty;
//If not add dependent record
AgentTransmission sub = master;
sub.OverrideId = false;
sub.DRMCompanyId = string.Empty;
sub.CONCode = "00";
sub.RecordStatus = "P";
sub.ParentId = master.ID;
sub.ID = 0;
sub.IsSubstat = true;
sub.SendToDynamicsOptions = "N";
sub.SendToNMF = false;
//Remove blanks from ClearinghousePartners list
x =>
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.ClearingHouseName) &&
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.TradingPartnerName) && x.StartDate == null);
x =>
string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.RelationshipId) &&
!x.EffectiveDate.HasValue && x.Id == 0);
foreach (var item in sub.AgentRelationshipCodes)
item.LastChangeDate = DateTime.Now;
item.LastChangeId = SecurityRules.GetUserName(User);
item.AgentTransmission = sub;
item.AgtTableId = sub.ID;
foreach (var item in sub.ClearinghousePartners)
item.AgentTransmission = sub;
item.AgtTransId = sub.ID;
msg = "Substat saved with status of 'Dependent'.";
catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
msg = "Error creating substat. IT has been informed and will respond shortly.";
SendEmail.ErrorMail(dbEx.Message, SecurityRules.GetUserName(User));
catch (Exception ex)
msg = "Error creating substat. IT has been informed and will respond shortly.";
SendEmail.ErrorMail(ex, SecurityRules.GetUserName(User));
//Invalid ModelState error handling
string messages = string.Join("; ", ModelState.Values
.SelectMany(x => x.Errors)
.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage));
SendEmail.ErrorMail("Error Creating Substat: " + messages, SecurityRules.GetUserName(User));
msg = "Error creating substat. IT has been informed and will respond shortly.";
return msg;
The line...
AgentTransmission sub = master;
...doesn't copy master to sub, but assigns it to sub, because AgentTransmission is a reference type. So everything you do to sub you do to master.
You either must clone master to sub (create a new object and copy its properties), or re-fetch the master object from the database after the CreateSubStat call.

java characters upper and lower case

Each character should switch between upper and lower case. My issue is that I cannot get it to work properly. This is what I have so far:
oneLine = br.readLine();
while (oneLine != null){ // Until the line is not empty (will be when you reach End of file)
System.out.println (oneLine); // Print it in screen
bw.write(oneLine); // Write the line in the output file
oneLine = br.readLine(); // read the next line
int ch;
while ((ch = != -1){
if (Character.isUpperCase(ch)){
Here you go. You had a few problems:
You were never actually storing the result of the character case switch.
You needed to save the line return with each row
I broke out the case switch to make it easier to read
Here's the modified code:
public static void main(String args[]) {
String inputfileName = "input.txt"; // A file with some text in it
String outputfileName = "output.txt"; // File created by this program
String oneLine;
try {
// Open the input file
FileReader fr = new FileReader(inputfileName);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
// Create the output file
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputfileName);
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
// Read the first line
oneLine = br.readLine();
while (oneLine != null) { // Until the line is not empty (will be when you reach End of file)
String switched = switchCase(oneLine); //switch case
System.out.println(oneLine + " > "+switched); // Print it in screen
bw.write(switched+"\n"); // Write the line in the output file
oneLine = br.readLine(); // read the next line
// Close the streams
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
public static String switchCase(String string) {
String r = "";
for (char c : string.toCharArray()) {
if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) {
r += Character.toLowerCase(c);
} else {
r += Character.toUpperCase(c);
return r;

Error while compiling jCUDA sample from SDK in eclipse 'Input file not found:'

I am new to jCUDA and java as well. I am trying to compile a vector addition program from NVIDIA samples using eclipse on Redhat Linux.
Steps I followed:
1. Enter: nvcc -ptx -> It generates JCudaVectorAddKernel.ptx file
2. Execute following program:
package JCudaVectorAdd;
import static jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.*;
import jcuda.*;
import jcuda.driver.*;
public class JCudaVectorAdd
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
// Enable exceptions and omit all subsequent error checks
// Create the PTX file by calling the NVCC
String ptxFileName = preparePtxFile("");
// Initialize the driver and create a context for the first device.
CUdevice device = new CUdevice();
cuDeviceGet(device, 0);
CUcontext context = new CUcontext();
cuCtxCreate(context, 0, device);
// Load the ptx file.
CUmodule module = new CUmodule();
cuModuleLoad(module, ptxFileName);
// Obtain a function pointer to the "add" function.
CUfunction function = new CUfunction();
cuModuleGetFunction(function, module, "add");
int numElements = 100000;
// Allocate and fill the host input data
float hostInputA[] = new float[numElements];
float hostInputB[] = new float[numElements];
for(int i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
hostInputA[i] = (float)i;
hostInputB[i] = (float)i;
// Allocate the device input data, and copy the
// host input data to the device
CUdeviceptr deviceInputA = new CUdeviceptr();
cuMemAlloc(deviceInputA, numElements * Sizeof.FLOAT);
numElements * Sizeof.FLOAT);
CUdeviceptr deviceInputB = new CUdeviceptr();
cuMemAlloc(deviceInputB, numElements * Sizeof.FLOAT);
numElements * Sizeof.FLOAT);
// Allocate device output memory
CUdeviceptr deviceOutput = new CUdeviceptr();
cuMemAlloc(deviceOutput, numElements * Sizeof.FLOAT);
// Set up the kernel parameters: A pointer to an array
// of pointers which point to the actual values.
Pointer kernelParameters = int[]{numElements}),,,
// Call the kernel function.
int blockSizeX = 256;
int gridSizeX = (int)Math.ceil((double)numElements / blockSizeX);
gridSizeX, 1, 1, // Grid dimension
blockSizeX, 1, 1, // Block dimension
0, null, // Shared memory size and stream
kernelParameters, null // Kernel- and extra parameters
// Allocate host output memory and copy the device output
// to the host.
float hostOutput[] = new float[numElements];
cuMemcpyDtoH(, deviceOutput,
numElements * Sizeof.FLOAT);
// Verify the result
boolean passed = true;
for(int i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
float expected = i+i;
if (Math.abs(hostOutput[i] - expected) > 1e-5)
"At index "+i+ " found "+hostOutput[i]+
" but expected "+expected);
passed = false;
System.out.println("Test "+(passed?"PASSED":"FAILED"));
// Clean up.
private static String preparePtxFile(String cuFileName) throws IOException
int endIndex = cuFileName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (endIndex == -1)
endIndex = cuFileName.length()-1;
String ptxFileName = cuFileName.substring(0, endIndex+1)+"ptx";
File ptxFile = new File(ptxFileName);
if (ptxFile.exists())
return ptxFileName;
File cuFile = new File(cuFileName);
if (!cuFile.exists())
throw new IOException("Input file not found: "+cuFileName);
String modelString = "-m"+System.getProperty("");
String command =
"nvcc " + modelString + " -ptx "+
cuFile.getPath()+" -o "+ptxFileName;
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
String errorMessage = new String(toByteArray(process.getErrorStream()));
String outputMessage= new String(toByteArray(process.getInputStream()));
int exitValue = 0;
exitValue = process.waitFor();
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw new IOException(
"Interrupted while waiting for nvcc output", e);
if (exitValue != 0)
System.out.println("nvcc process exitValue "+exitValue);
throw new IOException(
"Could not create .ptx file: "+errorMessage);
System.out.println("Finished creating PTX file");
return ptxFileName;
private static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte buffer[] = new byte[8192];
while (true)
int read =;
if (read == -1)
baos.write(buffer, 0, read);
return baos.toByteArray();
extern "C"
__global__ void add(int n, float *a, float *b, float *sum)
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (i<n)
sum[i] = a[i] + b[i];
Both '' and '' are in on the same path:
When I execute the program in eclipse it gives me following error:
Exception in thread "main" Input file not found:
at JCudaVectorAdd.JCudaVectorAdd.preparePtxFile(
at JCudaVectorAdd.JCudaVectorAdd.main(
Is there anything to do related to the compile command? or ptx/.cu file path?
Please guide me if I am going in the wrong direction.
The sample is trying to compile the PTX file at runtime, and it prints the command that it is trying to execute. When you are compiling the PTX file manually, this may actually not be necessary, and you can change
String ptxFileName = preparePtxFile("");
String ptxFileName = "JCudaVectorAddKernel.ptx";
In any case, you may print the file names
File ptxFile = new File(ptxFileName);
File cuFile = new File(cuFileName);
to see whether they match the expected directories. But the PTX file (and the CU file) should probably be located in
(that is, in the "root" directory of your project)

tool chain allowing two-way communication between a D app and a browser

I wish to have an app written in the D programming language update its display in a browser. The browser should also send input data back to the app.
I'm still quite new to programming and am confused with how sockets/websockets/servers all fit together. Can anyone suggest an approach?
Many thanks to gmfawcett for the link to his basic D server example which I've mated with a bare-bones websocket implementation of the version 8 spec that I found elsewhere (currently only works in Chrome 14/15, I believe). It's pretty much cut'n'paste but seems to work well enough and I expect it will be sufficient in serving my needs.
If anyone has the inclination to cast a quick eye over my code for any glaring no-nos, please feel free to do so - and thanks!
Bare-bones websocket impl:
Websocket v8 spec (protocol-17):
module wsserver;
import std.algorithm;
import std.base64;
import std.conv;
import std.stdio;
import std.socket;
import std.string;
import crypto.hash.base;
import crypto.hash.sha;
struct WsServer
Socket s;
Socket conn;
string subProtocol;
this(string host, ushort port = 8080, string subProtocol = "null")
this.subProtocol = subProtocol;
s = new TcpSocket(AddressFamily.INET);
s.bind(new InternetAddress(host, port));
conn = s.accept();
writeln("point/refresh your browser to \"http://", host, "\" to intiate the websocket handshake");
catch (Throwable e)
stderr.writeln("thrown: ", e);
string data()
ubyte[8192] msgBuf;
auto msgBufLen = conn.receive(msgBuf);
auto firstByte = msgBuf[0];
auto secondByte = msgBuf[1];
// not sure these two checks are woking correctly!!!
enforce((firstByte & 0x81), "Fragments not supported"); // enforce FIN bit is present
enforce((secondByte & 0x80), "Masking bit not present"); // enforce masking bit is present
auto msgLen = secondByte & 0x7f;
ubyte[] mask, msg;
if(msgLen < 126)
mask = msgBuf[2..6];
msg = msgBuf[6..msgBufLen];
else if (msgLen == 126)
mask = msgBuf[4..8];
msg = msgBuf[8..msgBufLen];
foreach (i, ref e; msg)
e = msg[i] ^ mask[i%4];
debug writeln("Client: " ~ cast(string) msg);
return cast(string) msg;
void data(string msg)
ubyte[] newFrame;
if (msg.length > 125)
newFrame = new ubyte[4];
newFrame = new ubyte[2];
newFrame[0] = 0x81;
if (msg.length > 125)
newFrame[1] = 126;
newFrame[2] = cast(ubyte) msg.length >> 8;
newFrame[3] = msg.length & 0xFF;
newFrame[1] = cast(ubyte) msg.length;
conn.send(newFrame ~= msg);
debug writeln("Server: " ~ msg);
private void initHandshake(Socket conn)
ubyte[8192] buf; // big enough for some purposes...
size_t position, headerEnd, len, newpos;
// Receive the whole header before parsing it.
while (true)
len = conn.receive(buf[position..$]);
debug writeln(cast(string)buf);
if (len == 0) // empty request
newpos = position + len;
headerEnd = countUntil(buf[position..newpos], "\r\n\r\n");
position = newpos;
if (headerEnd >= 0)
// Now parse the header.
auto lines = splitter(buf[0..headerEnd], "\r\n");
string request_line = cast(string) lines.front;
// a very simple Header structure.
struct Pair
string key, value;
this(ubyte[] line)
auto tmp = countUntil(line, ": ");
key = cast(string) line[0..tmp]; // maybe down-case these?
value = cast(string) line[tmp+2..$];
Pair[] headers;
foreach(line; lines)
headers ~= Pair(line);
auto tmp = splitter(request_line, ' ');
string method = tmp.front; tmp.popFront;
string url = tmp.front; tmp.popFront;
string protocol = tmp.front; tmp.popFront;
enum GUID_v8 = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"; // version 8 spec... might change
auto sha1 = new SHA1;
sha1.put(strip(headers[5].value) ~ GUID_v8);
auto respKey = to!string(Base64.encode(sha1.finish()));
// Prepare a response, and send it
string resp = join(["HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols",
"Upgrade: websocket",
"Connection: Upgrade",
"Sec-WebSocket-Accept: " ~ respKey,
"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: " ~ subProtocol,
conn.send(cast(ubyte[]) (resp ~ "\r\n"));
debug writeln(resp);