Update query is not working in the function created but that same query when runs manually working - postgresql

I am creating function in which update command is used consecutively two times the first update is working and the second one is not
Have tried execute format () for the second update not working
While running the function the updation2 is not working but when I manually run this updation command the table get updated...
The code is as follows:
update edmonton.weekly_pmt_report
set permit_number = pmt.prnum
from(select permit_details,
split_part(permit_details,'-',1) as prnum
from edmonton.weekly_pmt_report) as pmt
where edmonton.weekly_pmt_report.permit_details =
execute format('update edmonton.weekly_pmt_report
set address = ds_dt.adr,
job_description = ds_dt.job,
applicant = ds_dt.apnt
from(select split_part(per_num,''-'',1) as job_id,
job_des as job,addr as adr, applic as apnt
from edmonton.descriptive_details ) as ds_dt
where edmonton.weekly_pmt_report.permit_number =

That the second update query has value only 400 out of 1000 so the null columns are on the Top, that's why It seemed to be not working...


Postgres - error after execution many times the same query

I have a table fepu00 and trigger on it.
The part of code causing tha problem looks like follows:
if (old_record.potime = NEW.putime --new AP (read in statement above)
or old_record.pupisb::NUMERIC != NEW.pupisb::NUMERIC) then
insert into dl356_table
values (old_record.poid, old_record.poidma, old_record.ponmaf,
old_record.adstr, old_record.adpsc, old_record.adcit, old_record.adidze,
case when old_record.potime = NEW.putime then '1' else '2' end,
end if;
The query I'm executing is really simple:
update fepu00 set pudas = ? where puid = ?
It works, but only for some quantity of times. Then it throws:
ERROR: type of parameter 25 (numeric) does not match that when preparing the plan (text)
Where: PL/pgSQL function dl356_trigger() line 75 at IF
Number of updated records varies from a few to a few hundreds.
When I run the same query (with the same parameters) again, it works properly until the next fail.
Thanks for any suggestions.

Update PgSQL Self JOIN With Custom Values

I'm trying to use UPDATE SELF JOIN and could not seem to get the correct SQL query.
Before the query, I execute this SQL query to get the values:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (purpose) purpose FROM user_assigned_customer
By the time I run this query, it overwrites all the purpose columns:
UPDATE user_assigned_customer SET purpose = (
SELECT 'main_supervisor' AS purpose FROM user_assigned_customer AS assigned_user
LEFT JOIN app_user ON app_user.id = assigned_user.app_user_id
WHERE app_user.role = 'supervisor'
AND user_assigned_customer.purpose IS NULL
AND assigned_user.id = user_assigned_customer.id
The purpose column is now only showing when running the first query:
Wondering if there is a way to query to update SQL Self JOIN with a custom value.
I think I got it with a help of a friend.
UPDATE user_assigned_customer SET purpose = 'main_supervisor'
FROM user_assigned_customer AS assigned_user
LEFT JOIN app_user ON app_user.id = assigned_user.app_user_id
WHERE app_user.role = 'supervisor'
AND user_assigned_customer.purpose IS NULL
AND assigned_user.id = user_assigned_customer.id


I have this issue where if there is no record in copy_on_write.id then the UPDATE listings SET images = (SELECT images FROM new_vals) runs and wipes out listings.images with nothing.
So, I am trying to use a condition to only run the UPDATE listings if copy_on_write.images exist.
right now I get:
psql:queries/copy-to-source.sh:20: ERROR: syntax error at or near "CASE"
LINE 10: CASE WHEN images <>
new_vals AS (
FROM copy_on_write
WHERE copy_on_write.posted_by = 102550922::text
AND copy_on_write.id = 4
updates AS (
SELECT images FROM new_vals,
CASE WHEN images <> ''
THEN UPDATE listings SET images = (SELECT images FROM new_vals)
SELECT internal_id FROM new_vals
You can use updates CTE like this:
updates AS (
UPDATE listings SET
images = new_vals.images
FROM new_vals
WHERE new_vals.images <> ''
Note, that:
Your new_vals CTE should always return maximum one record, otherwise this won't works correct.
Also this not updates listings table, if new_vals returns images column, but it is empty string (or null). If in such cases you need run update anyway, then remove WHERE new_vals.images <> '' at all.
And also, this statement will update all listings.images records. Do you really want this?

update data using loop in sql syntax

I work with postgreSQL
I want to update email of all my users using sql
I have a table named user that contains 500 users,
so I think that I should use a loop in my sql syntax
For example when the table contains 4 users, I want the email for these users to become :
in java it should be like this
String newValue=null;
for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++)
// make update
I think that I should use plsql syntax
updated :
I try without success with this code :
FOR r IN SELECT * from user_
UPDATE user_ SET emailaddress = CONCAT('user',r,'#hotmail.fr')
I solved the problem using this query :
UPDATE user_ SET emailaddress='user' || col_serial || '#hotmail.fr' FROM
(SELECT emailaddress, row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY createdate) AS col_serial FROM user_ ORDER BY createdate) AS t1
WHERE user_.emailaddress=t1.emailaddress

Updating remote view with dynamic value throws an error

I have an updatable view (vwItem) being accessed via a linked server ([sql\dev].)
When I update the view with a static data, the underlying table gets updated.
UPDATE ci SET CertifiedNumber = '44444'
FROM [sql\dev].contact.dbo.vwItem ci WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE ci.CertifiedBatchID IN ( 5829 )
But when I try to pass a dynamic value,
declare #lo_vch_CertifiedNumber varchar(50) =
SET CertifiedNumber = #lo_vch_CertifiedNumber + '44444'
FROM [sql\dev].contact.dbo.vwItem ci
WHERE ci.CertifiedBatchID IN ( 5829 )
it fails, with following error message
The statement has been terminated. Msg 16932, Level 16, State 1,
Line 1 The cursor has a FOR UPDATE list and the requested column
to be updated is not in this list.
I don't even use a cursor but the error mentions a cursor..
Here is the definition of "vwItem".
CREATE view [dbo].vwItem
with schemabinding
select CertifiedItemID = cast(CertifiedItemID as varchar),
CertifiedNumber, [Service], Weight, Price, CertifiedBatchID
from dbo.tblItem (nolock)
Why does the error occur and what does it mean?
Got around the problem by implementing a sproc that updates vwItem instead of using updatable view