How to extract surface vertices coordinate in fimplicit3 function? - matlab

Is it possible to extract the coordinate of surface vertices in the fimplicit3 function in Matlab?

Couldn't found how to do with fimplicit3, but it easier to extract vertices and faces from a surface using isosurface function.
One can follow this tutorial: Implicit curves and surfaces sith Isosurface


3D polar graph using cartesian data in matlab

I want to have a 3D polar plot in Matlab. I have a set of cartesian coordinates at points in space and also have corresponding data to plot.
For example, I have 200 numbers of Cartesian (x,y,z) points and 200 numbers of scalar data to be plotted. I tried using patternCustom in Matlab (by converting the cartesian coordinates to spherical polar ones). But it did not help.
The code I used like-
first I save the cartesian coordinates in a column then converting each point to spherical polar by
Can anyone please help me? thanks

How to compute projections of 3D meshes in matlab

I'm trying to compute 2d projections of a 3d mesh from different views using matlab.
The solution I m using now, is to plot the 3d mesh, rotate it, and make a screenshot.
I would like to know if there is any matlab internal functions or any other solution that allow me, given a set of vertices and triangles, to compute the projections without having to plot the 3D mesh
You can use the view command to rotate the axes and change the viewpoint. The azimuth and elevation are given in degrees (ref. documentation for more info). Here's a small example:
%#projection on the X-Z plane
%#projection on the Y-Z plane
%#projection on the X-Y plane
This is what it looks like:
Projections on different 2D planes

How to draw the normals at many points in a surface?

X,Y and Z are the matrices contain the coordinates of points in the surface.
Xnormal,Ynormal and Znormal are the matrices contain the normals at these points.
How can I draw all these normals at their position?
Look at this Mathworks documentation for the quiver3 command.

How do I draw 2D Map with plot() in MATLAB

I am trying to create a 2D map of some place. I get a 181x1 vector of laser sensor readings from a robot. All the values in this vector corresponds to a distance from that single angle like 1°,2°..180°. The problem here is I need to create a map by plotting these distances as dots with plot() or a similar function to it.
there is a function for plotting in polar coordinates. try
>> polar( (0:180)/180*pi, distanceVector)
You can convert your angle-distance coordinates to Cartesian X and Y with POL2CART function.
[X,Y] = pol2cart((1:180)/180*pi, distanceVector);
Then you can use PLOT.
plot(theVector, '.')
if you need to plot as dots instead of lines. If the dot is too small, try to plot as circles.
plot(theVector, 'o')
See for detail.

how to plot 3d graph (network) matlab?

I want to plot a 3d graph in matlab
By graph I mean in the sense of nodes and edges. I have an adjacency matrix as well as a coordinate matrix for every node. Eventually I would hope to colour these nodes and edges
The gplot function is only 2d. The scatter3 function does not allow for edges.
Any ideas?
plot3 allows you to plot points and edges in 3D.
It's now possible (MATLAB R2016b) to plot a node-link graph in 3d, using the graph class. Example:
g = graph(bucky);
plot(g, 'Layout', 'subspace3');
plot3 does not plot graphs, in the sense of nodes and links. I recommend to you igraph, but it scapes of matlab.