Script to disable RDP - powershell

I'm trying to disable RDP using powershell.
I've tried the following code, but the values on the machine name I'm listing aren't changing.
$file = Get-Content c:\PSscripts\regchange\computers.txt
foreach ($computername in $file){
$PingStatus = Gwmi Win32_PingStatus -Filter "Address = '$computername'" | Select-Object StatusCode
If ($PingStatus.StatusCode -eq 0){
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $computername )
$regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Terminal Server" ,$true)
else {
Write-Host "$computername unreachable"
I suspect there's something wrong with the way I entered the registry path name. any help would be appreciated.

The issue must be either permissions (which I assume you have as there are no obvious error messages), refreshing issue or in Get-Content and the structure of your file.
In order for Get-Content to work in this manner, each computer on a separate line. e.g.:
Another troubleshooting step is to try adding in Write-Host $computername entries to verify that you are looping through properly.:
$file = Get-Content c:\PSscripts\regchange\computers.txt
foreach ($computername in $file){
$PingStatus = Gwmi Win32_PingStatus -Filter "Address = '$computername'" | Select-Object StatusCode
If ($PingStatus.StatusCode -eq 0){
Write-Host "$computername set"
else {
Write-Host "$computername unreachable"
You can also confirm by adding in a $regKey.GetValue after setting:
$file = Get-Content c:\PSscripts\regchange\computers.txt
foreach ($computername in $file){
$PingStatus = Gwmi Win32_PingStatus -Filter "Address = '$computername'" | Select-Object StatusCode
If ($PingStatus.StatusCode -eq 0){
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $computername )
$regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Terminal Server" ,$true)
Write-Host "$computername set to: $($regKey.GetValue("fDenyTSConnections"))"
else {
Write-Host "$computername unreachable"
Manually setting $computername = "MyComputer" and running the code, I can confirm that the code for setting the registry works... I can also confirm that remotely killing your RDP access to your remote virtual workstation also works.. and... is as terrible as it sounds ;-)

If PSRemoting is enabled, try something like this …
(This needs to be executed in a PowerShell elevated admin session.)
Get-Content -Path 'c:\PSscripts\regchange\computers.txt' |
If (Test-Connection -$PSItem -Count 1 -Quiet)
$paramblock = #{
Path = 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server'
Name = 'fDenyTSConnections'
Value = '1'
Invoke-Command –Computername $PSItem –ScriptBlock {Set-ItemProperty #paramblock}
{Write-Warning -Message "Either the host $PSItem is offline or not reachable."}


Figuring out which credentials to use when accessing workstations

I need to gather information from every workstation in my environment.
I am running a script from a machine which has rights on one Domain which makes it not require credentials in a script for about 80% of the workstations. However about 20% of the workstations are on other domains or no domain at all and require creds.
Does anyone have a clever way of handling creds like this? It seems that the local creds don't always work, not sure why. So I've resorted to trial and error. See the example.
So in this example I check using no credential, and if it doesn't return a result I try a credentials, then a different credential if need be. PS. Remoting is off and WinRM is also off on these machines.
$isApplied = "UNKNOWN"
$HotFix = $null
ForEach ($Item in $ComputerList) {
if ($null -eq $HotFix) {
$HotFix = isHotFixInstalled -ComputerName $Item -KB $KB #=> Naked
if ($null -eq $HotFix) {
$HotFix = isHotFixInstalled -ComputerName $Item -KB $KB -Credential $Cred1
if ($null -eq $HotFix) {
$HotFix = isHotFixInstalled -ComputerName $Item -KB $KB -Credential $Cred2
if ($null -eq $HotFix) {
$HotFix = isHotFixInstalled -ComputerName $Item -KB $KB -Credential $Cred3
if ($true -eq $HotFix) {
$isApplied = "APPLIED"
if ($false -eq $HotFix) {
$isApplied = "NOT_APPLIED"
If you don't want to run the command on each computer blindly, you can first query each domain to see if the computer is member of one of them. Lastly, if computer is not found in any domain, run the command for workgroup computer.
Something like this:
$isApplied = "UNKNOWN"
$HotFix = $null
$Domain1 = ""
$Domain2 = ""
$Domain3 = ""
$FailedComputers = #() # See purpose below
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Optional: Don't display error message when Get-ADComputer doesn't find the computer (set globally for the script)
ForEach ($Item in $ComputerList) {
$HotFix = $null # reset value before processing each computer
if(Get-ADComputer -Identity $Item -Server $Domain1) {
$HotFix = isHotFixInstalled -ComputerName $Item -KB $KB -Credential $Cred1
} elseif(Get-ADComputer -Identity $Item -Server $Domain2) {
$HotFix = isHotFixInstalled -ComputerName $Item -KB $KB -Credential $Cred2
} elseif(Get-ADComputer -Identity $Item -Server $Domain3) {
$HotFix = isHotFixInstalled -ComputerName $Item -KB $KB -Credential $Cred3
} else {
$HotFix = isHotFixInstalled -ComputerName $Item -KB $KB #=> Naked (for Workgroup Computers I suppose)
# BREAK below will only exit the foreach loop and stop processing computers, really the desired behavior?
#if ($true -eq $HotFix) {
# $isApplied = "APPLIED"
# break
#if ($false -eq $HotFix) {
# $isApplied = "NOT_APPLIED"
# break
# Instead, you can report failed computers by using a variable ($FailedComputers) and store the list in
if ($HotFix -eq $null) {
$FailedComputers += $Item
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' # Optional: If changed before the loop execution, reset to default value
Write-Host "Hotfix Failed for the following computers"

PowerShell get output in CSV format

I am seeking help to get output in csv format. I have written powershell code and would want to tweak the output to get in csv format as shown in below pic.
$servers = Get-Content 'C:\Temp\listofservers.txt'
foreach ($server in $servers)
if (((Get-Service -ComputerName $server -ServiceName 'DHCPServer' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Status) -eq 'Running')
if ((((Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ComputerName $server | Get-DhcpServerv4Lease -ComputerName $server) | Measure-Object).Count) -ge 1)
Write-Host "DHCP present on $server and in use"
Write-Host "DHCP present on $server and not in use"
Write-Host("DHCP is not present on $server")
#Certificate authority
if (((Get-Service -ComputerName $server -ServiceName 'CertSvc' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Status) -eq 'Running')
Write-Host "Certificate Authority is present on $server"
Write-Host "Certificate Authority is not present on $server"
Send all outputs to a custom object then export them:
$servers = get-content "C:\Temp\listofservers.txt"
$ExportPath = 'c:\temp\results.csv'
$Servers | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Checking $_"
# DHCP status
# Use Try....Catch to trap the errors - it's more robust than
# If...Then and prevents a wall of red text if something goes wrong
Try {
$DHCPStatus = Get-Service -ComputerName $_ -Name 'DHCPServer' -ErrorAction Stop
If ($DHCPStatus.Status -eq "Running") {
Try {
If ((((Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ComputerName $_ -ErrorAction Stop | Get-DhcpServerv4Lease -ComputerName $_ -ErrorAction Stop) | Measure-Object).Count) -ge 1) {
$DHCPResult = "DHCP present on, in use"
Else {
$DHCPResult = "DHCP present, not in use"
Catch {
$DHCPResult = "DHCP present - error obtaining details: $_"
Catch {
$DHCPResult = "DHCP is not present"
#Certificate authority
Try {
If (((Get-Service -ComputerName $_ -ServiceName 'CertSvc' -ErrorAction Stop).Status) -eq "Running") {
$CAResult = "Certificate Authority is present"
Catch {
$CAResult = "Certificate Authority is not present"
[pscustomobject]#{ComputerName = $_;DHCP = $DHCPResult;CA=$CAResult}
} | Export-Csv -Path $ExportPath -NoTypeInformation
Use a hashtable to build your object, adding key/values for each property along the way. Then convert the hashtable to a [PSCustomObject] and output it capturing in a variable ($results). Finally, export it to csv using Export-Csv
$servers = Get-Content 'C:\Temp\listofservers.txt'
$results = foreach ($server in $servers) {
# Create hashtable to build object and add ComputerName property
$output = [ordered]#{ComputerName = $server }
if (((Get-Service -ComputerName $server -ServiceName 'DHCPServer' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Status) -eq 'Running') {
if ((((Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ComputerName $server |
Get-DhcpServerv4Lease -ComputerName $server) |
Measure-Object).Count) -ge 1) {
# add Dhcp property if present, in use
$output.Add('Dhcp', 'Present, in use')
else {
# add Dhcp property if present, not in use
$output.Add('Dhcp', 'Present, not in use')
else {
# add Dhcp property if not present
$output.Add('Dhcp', 'Not present')
#Certificate authority
if (((Get-Service -ComputerName $server -ServiceName 'CertSvc' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Status) -eq 'Running') {
# add CA property if present
$output.Add('CA', 'Present')
else {
# add CA property if not present
$output.Add('CA', 'Not present')
# Convert hashtable to pscustomobject and output it
# output results to screen
# export results to csv file
$results | Export-Csv -Path c:\temp\server_dhcp_ca_check.csv -NoTypeInformation

Powershell output logging when using a text file to gather server names

Have a bit of an issue whereby would like to figure out the best way to handle success or failures. Have a powershell query which checks the dcom port range, if it is within the specified value output to a success file, if not a failure file. The issue is, it seems to be outputting the entire serverlist.txt for a success and need to know a way to break this down so it only appends a server (either success/failure) to it, not all at once.
Here is the powershell script contents:
powershell -executionpolicy bypass .\DCOMPortRange.ps1
Where DCOMPortRange.ps1 contains
$computername = Get-Content -Path "C:\Folderpath\serverlist.txt"
$val = (Get-ItemProperty "hklm:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\Internet") | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Ports
if($val -eq "50000-50500")
Write-Output "$computername" | out-file C:\folderpath\Success.log -append
} Else {
Write-Output "$computername" | out-file C:\folderpath\Failure.log -append
The issue is the error path lets say is a success it appends the entire server list.
Please advise?
This is how I would do it. This does require that you do have PSremoting enabled on the servers
$computername = Get-Content -Path "C:\Folderpath\serverlist.txt"
ForEach ($server in $computername) {
$val = Invoke-Command -Computername $server -ScriptBlock {(Get-ItemProperty "hklm:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\Internet") | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Ports}
if ($val -ge 50000 -and $val -le 50500) {
Write-Output "$server" | out-file C:\folderpath\Success.log -append
Else {
Write-Output "$server" | out-file C:\folderpath\Failure.log -append
Edit: A change to the if statement
$remotecomputername = #("PC1","PC2","RealServerName")
ForEach ($computer in $remotecomputername) {
Invoke-Command -Computername $computer -ScriptBlock { $val = (Get-
ItemProperty "hklm:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\Internet") | Select-Object -
ExpandProperty Ports} }
if($val -eq "50000-50500") {
write-host $computer DCOM Port in Range
} else {
write-host $computer DCOM Port not in range

DHCP reservation removal script

At my office (about 7000 computers) every PC has an IPv4 reservation for security measures.
If a computer is replaced the reservation needs to be cleaned, but there are multiple scopes that it could be in.
I've created a script which searches for the MAC address you provide, through every scope but also generates an error at every scope where that MAC address is not found.
The removing of the IP reservation works but what I want the script to do is the following:
First it should search the list of scopes for the correct scope which the computer is in, then it should execute the code in which it actually removes the reservation.
Also, I tried giving a text output for when the MAC adress is not found in any scope at all, but that doesn't seem to work either.
Here's my code:
Write-Host "remove mac-address"
$Mac = Read-Host "Mac-Adres"
$ScopeList = Get-Content sometxtfilewithscopes.txt
foreach($Scope in $Scopelist)
Remove-DhcpServerv4reservation -ComputerName #ipofdhcpserver# -ClientId $Mac -ScopeId $scope -erroraction SilentlyContinue -PassThru -Confirm -OutVariable NotFound | Out-Null
if ($NotFound -eq $false ) {
Write-Host "MAC-address not found!"
Try something like this (this is what I use for something similar):
$mac = Read-Host "Enter MAC Address"
if ($mac -eq $null) { Write-Error "No MAC Address Supplied" -ErrorAction Stop }
$ServerName = ""
$ScopeList = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ComputerName $ServerName
ForEach ($dhcpScope in $ScopeList) {
Get-DhcpServerv4Reservation -ScopeId $dhcpScope.ScopeId -ComputerName $ServerName | `
Where {($_.ClientID -replace "-","").ToUpper() -eq $mac.ToUpper()} | `
ForEach {
Try {
Remove-DhcpServerv4Reservation -ClientId $_.ClientID -ScopeId $dhcpScope.ScopeId -Server $ServerName -WhatIf
} catch {
Write-Warning ("Error Removing From Scope" + $dhcpScope.ScopeId)
Just let PowerShell do all the heavy lifting for you:
$mac = Read-Host 'Enter MAC address'
$server = 'yourdhcpserver'
$reservation = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -Computer $server |
Get-DhcpServerv4Reservation -Computer $server |
Where-Object { $_.ClientId -eq $mac }
if ($reservation) {
$reservation | Remove-DhcpServerv4Reservation -Computer $server
} else {
"$mac not found."
The above assumes that the entered MAC address has the form ##-##-##-##-##-##. If you want to allow colons as well (##:##:##:##:##:##) you need to replace the colons with hyphens before using the address in the Where-Object filter:
$mac = $mac -replace ':', '-'

Powershell 2.0 - Memory Leaking

So here's the scope of what I'm trying to do:
Get remote computer information for Windows computers in multiple sites and write the information found to the .Description property of each computer object in Active Directory. If the script can't connect to the remote machine, log that information into a text file and don't make any changes to the computer object that can't be connected to.
In order to time how long the script is taking to run, I have a second script that measures the execution time.
I have this setup as a scheduled task to run the second script (which calls the first) that is executed via a batch file on a Windows 7 Pro virtual machine.
My problem is I believe the script may be running into memory problems based on the information I see in my log. Any help on possible diagnosing the root cause would be appreciated to the extreme. Without further adieu, here's my code for both scripts as well as a sample of the strange log output.
Main Script (script 1):
set-location \\myscriptcomputer\c$\somefolder\PSScripts
enter code here`function Measure-Latest {
BEGIN { $latestlogon = $null }
if (($_ -ne $null) -and (($latestlogon -eq $null) -or ($_ -gt $latestlogon))) {
$latestlogon = $_
END { $latestlogon }
Function CreateLog {
#Create a log file
$global:path = "C:\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions"
$global:LogTime = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss"
$global:LogName = 'CompDescriptions'
$global:LogFile = 'C:\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions\'+$LogName+$LogTime+'.txt'
Write-Host "Creating log file" -foregroundcolor yellow
#Do Nothing
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path C:\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions
cd C:\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions
echo "WriteComputerDescriptions Script Log" >> $global:logfile
Function WriteDescription {
Write-Host "Gathering Computer information..." -foregroundcolor yellow
$UserWorkstations = get-qadcomputer -sizelimit 0 -includeallproperties -searchroot
$IPv4Regex = "^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$"
foreach ($computerobject in $UserWorkstations) {
$computerIP = $NULL
$computerIP2 = $NULL
$computerIP3 = $NULL
$computerserial = $NULL
$computerserial2 = $NULL
$findlastuser = $NULL
$findlastuser2 = $NULL
$lastlogontime = $NULL
$findlastuserFname = $NULL
$findlastuserFname2 = $NULL
$findlastuserLname = $NULL
$findlastuserLname2 = $NULL
$fullname = $NULL
$userlogon = $NULL
$computerName = $
$oldcomputerdescription = $computerobject.description
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Testing connection to $computerName ..."
$testConnection = test-connection -computername $computerName -count 2 -quiet
Write-Host "Connection is $testconnection"
if ($testConnection -eq $True) {
$Connect = $testConnection
#get IP address(es)
try {
$computerIP = get-wmiobject -class win32_networkadapterconfiguration -filter IPEnabled=TRUE -computername $computerName
$computerIP2 = $computerIP.ipaddress[0]
$computerIP3 = $computerIP.ipaddress[1]
Write-Host = $computerIP2
if ($computerIP3 -match $IPv4Regex){
Write-Host = $computerIP3
catch [system.exception]{
$connect = $False
Write-Host "Could not connect to $computerName. No IP collected."
#get computer serial
try {
$computerSerial = gwmi win32_bios -computername $computerName | select serialnumber
$computerserial2 = $computerSerial.serialnumber.tostring()
catch [system.exception]{
Write-Host "Could not get serial for $computerName."
$computerSerial = "Unavailable"
$computerSerial2 = "Unavailable"
#get username of currently logged in user
try {
$findlastUser = gwmi win32_computersystem -computer $computerName | select username
$findlastuser2 = ($findlastUser.username).replace("mydomain\","")
catch [system.exception]{
Write-Host "Could not get username of logged in user on $computerName"
$findlastUser = "Unavailable"
$findlastUser2 = "Unavailable"
#get last logon time of user
try {
if($findlastuser2 -ne $NULL -and $findlastuser2 -notlike "Unavailable") {
#ignore domain controllers in a datacenter due to connectivity stuff
$lastlogontime = get-qadcomputer -computerrole domaincontroller | where { $ -notmatch "-COLO"} | foreach {(get-qaduser -service $ -samaccountname $findlastuser2).LastLogon } | Measure-Latest
catch {
if ($lastlogontime -eq $NULL -and $findlastuser2 -eq $NULL){
Write-Host "Could not find a last logon time"
Write-Host "No username available to query"
$lastlogontime = "Unavailable"
if ($lastlogontime -eq $NULL -and $findlastuser2 -ne $NULL){
Write-Host "Could not find a last logon time for user $findlastuser"
$lastlogontime = "Unavailable"
#search AD for the user identified, select first name
try {
$findlastuserFname = get-qaduser $findlastuser2 | select firstname
$findlastuserFname2 = $findlastuserFname.firstname.tostring()
catch [system.exception]{
if ($findlastuserFname2 -eq $NULL) {
Write-Host "No first name for user found"
#search AD for the user identified, select last name
try {
$findlastuserLname = get-qaduser $findlastuser2 | select lastname
$findlastuserLname2 = $findlastuserLname.lastname
catch [system.exception] {
if ($findlastuserLname2 -eq $NULL) {
Write-Host "No last name for user found"
#join the first and last names together if both properties are available
if ($findlastuserFname2 -ne $NULL -and $findlastuserLname2 -ne $NULL){
$fullname = "$findlastuserFname2" + " $findlastuserLname2"
elseif ($findlastuserFname2 -eq $NULL -and $findlastuserLname -ne $NULL){
$fullname = $findlastuserLname2
elseif ($findlastuserFname2 -ne $NULL -and $findlastuserLname -eq $NULL){
$fullname = $findlastuserFname2
else {
$fullname = "Unavailable"
#Set the description data format
#With only 1 IPv4 Address
if ($computerIP3 -notmatch $IPv4Regex -or $computerIP3 -eq $NULL){
$newcomputerdescription = "$fullname | $computerIP2 | $computerSerial2 | $lastlogontime"
#With 2 IPv4 Addresses
if ($computerIP3 -match $IPv4Regex) {
$newcomputerdescription = "$fullname | $computerIP2, $computerIP3 | $computerSerial2 | $lastlogontime"
#If the description data is the same, leave it as it is
if ($newcomputerdescription -eq $oldcomputerdescription){
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Information for $computerName has not" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "changed. No edits were made on this object." -foregroundcolor yellow
if ($newcomputerdescription -ne $oldcomputerdescription -and $Connect -eq $TRUE) {
set-qadcomputer -identity $computerName -Description $newcomputerdescription
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "Computer description updated for object $computerName" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "New host information:"
Write-Host "$newcomputerdescription"
else {
Write-Host "Could not connect to computer $computerName"
Write-Host "No changes made to description for $computerName"
$noconnecterror = "Could not connect to computer $computerName"
$noconnecterror | Out-File $global:logfile -Append -Force
Write-Host "Processing complete!"
CreateLog -erroraction silentlycontinue
WriteDescription -erroraction silentlycontinue
start-sleep -s 3
Second Script:
set-location \\myscriptcomputer\c$\somefolder\PSScripts
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -erroraction SilentlyContinue
$timeoutput = Measure-Command {\\myscriptcomputer\c$\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions.ps1}
cd \\myscriptcomputer\c$\Somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions
$scriptlog = get-childitem | sort creationtime | select -last 1
$logname = $
Add-Content c:\somefolder\PSScripts\WriteComputerDescriptions\$logname "`nExecution Time: $timeoutput"
Write-Host "Script complete!"
Start-sleep -s 3
In the results in my environments Active Directory, this works effectively for several hundred objects, but here's a sample of what I see in my log file:
Could not connect to computer computer391
Could not connect to computer computer392
Could not connect to computer computer393
Could not connect to computer computer394
The very last line with the garbled text is what made me think there's a memory-related issue perhaps. If I run my scripts against a container/OU with a much smaller amount of computers, the last line in my log is a time, which is what I would normally expect.
If any seasoned Powershell pros could offer some advice here, I'd really appreciate the help.
I don't know why my comments are not getting added. Anyways, let me just post it here.
In order to track the free memory, you just look at its the performance counter.
Here is the powershell command:
Get-Counter -Counter "\Memory\Available MBytes"