AZCopy Copy results in 404 blob does not exist - command-line

When running AZCopy command copy to get 2 pictures from a blob container/ folder, it results in a 404 blog not found. Error does not occur if I specify the filename (it downloads the folder structure with the file in it).
Tested 3 different versions of it the code but can not get a recursive version to work.
Example of not working
azcopy copy "*?SASKey" "C:\Users\MyFolder\Pictures"
azcopy copy "" "C:\Users\MyFolder\Pictures"
Example of working
azcopy copy "" "C:\Users\MyFolder\Pictures"
My goal is to download all files in the blob container/folder and not the structure itself.
SAS URI w/Folder:*?st=2019-06-03T17%3A09%3A34Z&se=2020-06-04T17%3A09%3A00Z&sp=rwl&sv=2018-03-28&sr=c&sig=3HyCaMQ1JCkb4Yof%2BOWExx8amHtPTmZHpEZbZPX8Iqs%3D


Azure Data Factory - What is the fastest way to copy a lot of files from OnPrem to blob storage when they are deeply nested

I must get to two different excel files that are nested within 360 parent directories XXXX with a \ME (Month End directory) then a year directory, and finally a yyyymm directory.
Example: Z500\ME\2022\202205\Z500_contributions_202205.xls.
I tried with the copy data activity and killed it after it was still spinning on the listing source step. I thought about the lookup and metadata activities and those have limits of 5000 rows. Any thoughts on what would be the fastest way to do this?
Code for creating the filelist. I'll clean the results up in Excel
dir L:*.xls /s /b > "C:\Foo.txt"
Right now I am creating a list of files with the DOS dir command and hoping that if I have a filelist with the copy activity that it will runs faster if it doesn't have to go through the "list sources" step and interrogate the filesystem.
Thoughts on a ADF option?
If you are facing issues with copy activity, instead you can try azcopy which also can be used for copying from OnPrem to Blob storage.
You can try the below code:
azcopy copy "local path/*" "https://<storage account
name><container name><path to blob" --recursive=true --include-pattern "*.xlsx"
Please go through this Microsoft documentation to know how to use azcopy.
The above script copies all the excel files from nested folders recursively. But it also copies the folders to the blob storage as well.
After copying to blob storage, you can use the Start-AzureStorageBlobCopy in the Powershell to list out all the excel files in the nested folders to a single folder.
Start-AzureStorageBlobCopy -SrcFile $sourcefile -DestCloudBlob “Destination path”
Please refer this SO thread to list out the files in the blob recursively.
If you are creating list of files in OnPrem then you can use either azcopy or copy activity as your wish.
Please check these screenshots of azcopy for your reference:
Here I am using azcopy with SAS. You can use it in both ways with SAS and with Active Directory as mentioned in the documentation above.
Excel file in Blob storage:

Copy-PnPFile returns 401

I am traying to copy files betwen SP Document Librarys, with PnP PowerShell command "Copy-PnPFile",
but I get "Copy-PnPFile : The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized"
In the script before this comand I am reading, items, creating folder and it works, only Copy-PnPFile dont work.
Copy-PnPFile -SourceUrl $Item["FileRef"] -TargetUrl $TargetFileUrl
Make sure $Item["FileRef"] is a relative path. Of course $TargetFileUrl should also be a relative path.
Microsoft Official:
Copy-PnPFile:Copies a file or folder to a different location. This location can be within the same document library, same site, same site collection or even to another site collection on the same tenant. Currently there is a 200MB file size limit for the file or folder to be copied. Notice that if copying between sites or to a subsite you cannot specify a target filename, only a folder name.
Here is a nice article for your reference:
SharePoint Online: Copy File Between Document Libraries using
My mistake.
In source and target relative path forgot to include "SiteCollectionURL".

AzCopy ignore if source file is older

Is there an option to handle the next situation:
I have a pipeline and Copy Files task implemented in it, it is used to upload some static html file from git to blob. Everything works perfect. But sometimes I need this file to be changed in the blob storage (using hosted application tools). So, the question is: can I "detect" if my git file is older than target blob file and ignore this file for the copy task to leave it untouched. My initial idea was to use Azure file copy and use an "Optional Arguments" textbox. However, I couldn't find required option in the documentation. Does it allow such things? Or should this case be handled some other way?
I think you're looking for the isSourceNewer value for the --overwrite option.
--overwrite string Overwrite the conflicting files and blobs at the destination if this flag is set to true. (default true) Possible values include true, false, prompt, and ifSourceNewer.
More info: azcopy copy - Options
Agree with ickvdbosch. The isSourceNewer value for the --overwrite option could meet your requirements.
error: couldn't parse "ifSourceNewer" into a "OverwriteOption"
Based on my test, I could reproduce this issue in Azure file copy task.
It seems that the isSourceNewer value couldn't be set to Overwrite option in Azure File copy task.
Workaround: you could use PowerShell task to run the azcopy script to upload the files with --overwrite=ifSourceNewer
For example:
azcopy copy "filepath" "BlobURLwithSASToken" --overwrite=ifSourceNewer --recursive
For more detailed info, you could refer to this doc.
For the issue about the Azure File copy task, I suggest that you could submit a feedback ticket in the following link: Report task issues.

cloudformation package uploading hash instead of zip

I have a serverless api I'm trying to upload to cloudformation and am having some issues. According to the docs here,
For example, if your AWS Lambda function source code is in the /home/user/code/lambdafunction/ folder, specify CodeUri: /home/user/code/lambdafunction for the AWS::Serverless::Function resource. The command returns a template and replaces the local path with the S3 location: CodeUri: s3://mybucket/
I'm using a relative path (I've tried an absolute path as well), so I have CodeUri: ./ instead of /user/libs/code/functionDirectory/. When I package the files, it looks like a hash is being uploaded to S3, but it's not a zip (when I try and download it, my computer doesn't recognize the file type)
Is this expected? I was expecting a .zip file to be upload. Am I completely missing something here?
Thanks for any help.
Yes, it is expected. When you use CodeUri the files are archived and stored in S3, it can be extracted with unzip command or any other utility.
> file 009aebc05d33e5dddf9b9570e7ee45af
009aebc05d33e5dddf9b9570e7ee45af: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
> unzip 009aebc05d33e5dddf9b9570e7ee45af
Archive: 009aebc05d33e5dddf9b9570e7ee45af
replace AWSSDK.SQS.dll? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename:

AzCopy from HDInsight cluster failing in PowerShell script

I have a PowerShell script that creates some output using hive on HDinsight. The output is placed in a local blob, and then I copy it to a local machine using AzCopy. I do this a lot to get various pieces of data that I need, often calling that script multiple times. The problem is that at some point the AzCopy errors out with the message "The condition specified using HTTP conditional headers(s) is not met.", but this after numerous successful iterations.
I have am not sure what this means, and a fiddler transcript did not help much either. I tried deleting the file and repeating the AzCopy and the error persisted, so it might have something to do with the AzCopy http session. Can anyone enlighten me?
PS C:\hive> AzCopy /Y /Source: /Dest:c:\hive\extracts\data\ /SourceKey:attEwHZ9AGq7pzzTYwRvjWwcmwLvFqnkxIvJcTblYnZAs1GSsCCtvbBKz9T/TTtwDSVMDuU3DenBbmOYqPIMhQ== /Pattern:hivehost/stdout
AzCopy : [2015/05/10 15:08:44][ERROR] hivehost/stdout: The remote server returned an error: (412) The condition specified using HTTP conditional header(s)
is not met..
At line:1 char:1
+ AzCopy /Y /Source: /Dest: ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: ([2015/05/10 15:...s) is not met..:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
The condition specified using HTTP conditional header(s) is not met.
In order to ensure the data integrity during the whole downloading process, AzCopy passes ETag of source blob into HTTP header "If-Match" while reading data from source blob. Thus HTTP status code 412 (Precondition Failed) "The condition specified using HTTP conditional headers(s) is not met." just means that your blobs were being changed while AzCopy was downloading them.
Please avoid changing source blobs while downloading them. If your have to change source blobs simultaneously, you can give a try to the following workaround:
Firstly take a snapshot of a source blob, and then download the blob with AzCopy (/Snapshot option specified), so that AzCopy will try to download the source blob and all of its snapshots. Although downloading of the source blob may fail with 412 (Precondition Fail), downloading of the snapshot can succeed. File name of the downloaded snapshot is: {blob name without extension} ({snapshot timestamp}).{extension}.
For the further information of AzCopy and the option /Snapshot, please refer to Getting Started with the AzCopy Command-Line Utility.
Some Updates:
Did you terminate AzCopy and then resume it with the same command line? If so, you need to make sure the source blob wasn't changed after the previous execution of AzCopy because AzCopy has to ensure the source blob remains unchanged during the period between AzCopy downloaded it for the first time and the source blob is downloaded successfully. In order to check whether resuming occurs, you can check whether the output of AzCopy contains "Incomplete operation with same command line detected at the journal directory {Dir Path}, AzCopy will start to resume.".
Because /Y is specified in your command line, the resuming prompt will be always answered "Yes". To avoid resuming behavior, you can clean up the default journal folder "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Azure\AzCopy" before executing AzCopy, or specify /Z: to configure an unique journal folder for each execution.