Whether i can hit non public URL from Dialog flow through web hook? - dialogflow-es-fulfillment

I want to use Dialogflow for my enterprise usage. So want to know whether Dialog flow will be able to hit Non public URLs?

Since Dialogflow is a service hosted by Google, fulfillment requests specified by Webhook URLs must be able to be reached by Dialogflow for them to be invoked. In addition, the webhook endpoints must expose themselves using SSL/TLS and must be associated with a non-self-signed certificate. When a request is made from Dialogflow, dialogflow can provide authentication credentials to ensure that it is indeed Dialogflow that is making the request.
One pattern for your usage is to expose the Webhooks to the Internet and only allow connections from the Google IP address range and also require authentication (known only to Dialogflow). This would go a long way in preventing malicious access to your Webhook.
An alternative would be to define your Webhook as a GCP hosted endpoint and then you would own the routing back to your internal system from there. That could use a variety of technologies beyond HTTP including Pub/Sub. For example, when Dialogflow invokes the Webhook, a GCP application could be called that posts a message to PubSub. Your Enterprise application could be a subscriber and be notified that it has work to do. It does work and responds with a new message which is received by your GCP hosted Webhook that then returns the response to Dialogflow. As such, there is no surface area for an attacker to try and penetrate.



I'm working with a service that will forward data to a URL of your choosing via HTTP POST requests.
Is there a simple way to publish to a Pubsub topic with a POST? The service I'm using (Hologram.io's Advanced Webhook Builder) can't store any files, so I can't upload a Google Cloud service account JSON key file.
You have 2 challenges in your use cases:
You need to customize the webhook to comply with the PubSub format. Some webhoock are enough customizable for that but it's not the case of all. If you can't customize the webhook call as PubSub expect, you need to use an intermediary layer (Cloud Functions or Cloud Run for example)
Directly to PubSub or with an intermediary layer, the situation is the same: the requester (the webhook) needs to be authenticated and authorized to access to the Google Cloud service.
One of the bad, and possible, practice, is to set allUsers authorized to access your resources. Here an example with a PubSub topic
Don't do that. Even if you increase "your" process security by defining a schema (and thus to reject all the messages that aren't compliant with this schema), letting a resource publicly, and without authentication, accessible on the wild internet is criminal!
In the webhook context (I had this case previously in my company) I recommend you to use a static authentication (a long lived authentication header; not a short lived (1h) as a Google OAuth2 token); an API Key for example. It's not perfect, because in case of API Key leak, the bad actors will be able to use this breach for a long time (rotate as soon as you can your API Keys!), but it's safer than nothing!
I wrote a pretty old article on this use case (with ESPv2 and Cloud Run), but the principle, and the configuration, is almost the same on API Gateway, a Google Cloud manage services. In the article, I create a proxy for Cloud Run, Cloud Functions and App Engine, but you can do the same thing with PubSub by setting the correct target URL.

Pub/Sub Authentication concept for decentral publisher

Context: We are hosting an online shop that needs to track customer behaviour. To achieve this tracking we have integrated several tracking events based on the customer journey in our shop. Based on the GDPR requirements in Europe we are forced to send the tracking events to infrastructure that is controlled by us as a company. Sending data via the Google Analytics Tag Manager directly to Google Servers is forbidden by the GDPR law. Sidenote: To simplify this question, I intentionally leave out all stuff regards user consent management.
Problem statement: We have the need that each client sends every tracking event directly from the browser to a Pub/Sub endpoint. Now, my question is how a best practise for a proper security would look like.
Current proposal: The Pub/Sub endpoint doesn't require an authentication --> AllUsers have been granted Pub/Sub Publisher permission. In addition I've created an API-KEY that is restricted to
the Pub/Sub API only
to specific HTTP referrers (basically the domain our webshop operates)
Are there other strategies that could be applied? Is the current proposal a valid (aka secure) way to go?
Giving pub/sub publisher access to allUsers are not recommended. Create service account and give publisher access to that and send messages using that service account.

Creating an AWS API connected to Integromat

Using the AWS API Gateway, I would like to build an API, which can only handle a POST request, receives an url (i.e. https://something.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/apidomain?url=google.com), forwards the url to an integromat webhook and logs a "success"-json to the user.
Any advice on how to start without building complicated Lambda functions?

503service unavailable in Salesforce

My goal is to create a REST API Integration from Salesforce to SAP application.
SUCCESS Through Chrome APP
1. All I need to do is retrieve values from sap application through the REST API. When I tried to use the Chrome APP 'Advanced Rest Client' and have passed the appropriate URL and Content with POST method I was able to retrieve the values from local server database.
For EG : If I pass request 92126 then I was able to get response  'SAN DIEGO' which is correct.
Here is the link (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/advanced-rest-client/hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo?hl=en-US) for Advanced REST Client.
PROBLEM from Salesforce :
I had created a remotesite setting 
When I created this REST class in SAlesforce and tried invoking the End Point then it's throwing this error.
System.HttpResponse[Status=Service Unavailable, StatusCode=503]
As the web api url which is provided to us is in local sql server i.e hosted in private, as we know in Salesforce for making callouts the URLs must be in public. But the URL is in private only for the security reasons not hosted in public. We should achieve it, any way is there to achieve it? What change should be done in Salesforce or server to communicate to each other, and allows to make the callout?
It is most likely that you endpoint does not allow access from outside some ip range which you indicated by saying it's not public. Salesforce is a SaaS application hosted outside the domain that your service is on. In order for Salesforce to access that endpoint resource you need to whitelist Salesforce IP ranges, which can be found here.
Whitelisting allows Salesforce to access the resource. The only caveat is that because Salesforce is multi-tenant it means that any instance of Salesforce on the range that you whitelist would have access to your endpoint. If this is not ok, you might want to add some sort of header or sign the request to the call to that identifies your Salesforce instance uniquely from any other instance to validate that the call originated from your Salesforce org.
(I am linking to the article instead of pasting the IP ranges here because these may change in the future).

Retrieve Google Smart Home events in Dialogflow fulfillment service

I am trying to forward Google Smart Home events to my Dialogflow fulfillment service. I am creating 3 intents with no input or output contexts set, no training phases and with the following events:
See also https://imgur.com/a/4eN9S.
Is that correct? I can't find confirmation in the docs, so that's why I am asking it here.
The reason why I asked about connecting Google Smart Home with my Dialogflow endpoint is that I already have that endpoint in place. I hoped I could do something similar as in https://stackoverflow.com/a/49119822/9038652, where I bound a Dialogflow intent to the actions_intent_OPTION event.
There isn't a reason to use Dialogflow to do smart home fulfillment, and it's actually not possible.
Dialogflow is great for taking unstructured user utterances and making sense of them. However, with smart home, Google handles all of the NLU and parsing. You, as the integration, will just receive a JSON request and will be expected to provide a JSON response.
So you will skip using Dialogflow and instead just build your webhook to parse the intents and give a valid response.
Dialogflow's service does not have a way to take in an intent name and expose a single endpoint URL that can be called by the Google Assistant. It also does not have integration with an OAuth server to do the account linking step.