Can I change my account's default region in IBM cloud - ibm-cloud

When I tried ibmcloud target --cf to deploy my app on my IBMcloud account .. I got No organisation found error...
I even tried to create a new organization but got failed.
After some debugging I got to know I have created my IBM cloud account in eu region(We have to select a location at the time of account creation) and I tried to deploy my app/creating the organization in us-south region that's why it was throwing error.
After that i changed my region in ibm console
ibmcloud api
and login again.
and app gets deployed successfully.
I searched on google but havent got anything about how to change your default user account region.
I go through the link but seems like it will change my api endpoint to a specific region not my account's default region.
Changing Bluemix Account Default region?

ibmcloud target -r REGION_NAME
ibmcloud target -r us-south


setting up Ibm-cloud organization

setting up Ibm-cloud organization
I was trying to do "ibmcloud cf push" for the simple project that I found in github but it shows me "No org targeted"! I tried to just set the organization that I can find in my account in IBM-cloud> cloud foundry orgs which is my email address so I tried to use "cf target -o ORG" but it shows "Could not get org"!
API endpoint:
Region: us-east
Account: sonia's Account (XXXX)
Resource group: Default
CF API endpoint: (API version: 2.128.0)
I solved it!!!
first I unset my region and set it to the south-us
after that, I could use those commands for setting the organization and space
ibmcloud target -o Myorg
If you want to be able to push Cloud Foundry applications in a different region, you can add a space to your org in that region. That way you are then able to target your default org in different regions.
Within the UI navigate to "Manage->Account" and then on the menu on the left select "Cloud Foundry Orgs". You will see a list of Cloud Foundry organizations. If you select an org in the next screen you can add a Cloud Foundry space to that org and choose the region where you want to create the space.
After you have done that you are able to target the CF org and CF space in the new region.
I usually use:
ibmcloud target --cf
For a friendly menu.
Make sure you login to the same region as your account. Use the login passcode from the console UI profile menu to login and choose the right location. When i did so my org was populated correctly in the CLI.

ibmcloud create action through cli

ibmcloud create action through cli is not working . Getting an exception
Unable to authenticate with Cloud Functions: Unable to obtain wsk
authentication key for Org 'xxxxx' and Space 'xxxx': Target Org
'xxxxm' and Space 'xxxx' do not have an auth key; if Space 'dev' was
recently created, try again in a couple minutes.
But I have logged in successfully using ibmcloud login command
Issue is resolved now. The account I created at IBM was lite account where the initial credentials were created with different location. But my ibmcloud login was picking another location api. Even if i could give the api enpoint manually, org and space was not matching. Since it was a Lite account, there was no permission to add another org and space. AFter sending mail to IBM, I could add my credit card details and I could create a new space and creating action worked now

Couldn't target the organization using CF CLI

I am learning to use Bluemix and was trying to access my application using the Cloud Foundry command-line interface. But after logging in using my Bluemix ID at the CF CLI, I am not able to target the organization. On the Bluemix dashboard in my browser, the organization is visible. Is there a bug?
After running cf login some organisation should have been set as the target.
Run cf target to get the current target information
Run cf orgs to get the available organisations
Run cf spaces to get the available spaces in the organisation
Run cf target -o organisation_name -s space_name to target the correct organisation and space
Each organisation can have multiple spaces. Each space can have multiple applications. With the correct organisation and space set as targets the currently deployed applications can be listed with cf apps.
Organisations can span regions but may not. Check if the organisation is present in other regions by changing the API endpoint.
US South
change the region API endpoint to the region that appears in your account

Service Account Authentication fails with gsutil for DCM CS bucket(Google-owned API Console Project)

I've done an extensive research but I can't find a solution.
How can I enable Service Account Authentication for a project that is linked with Google's private owned Bucket for Double Click Manager data? (more info on the current setup of this project here
Separate user authentication works with gsutil(navigating to browser->get token->paste back in your cmd->issue commands) but when it comes to configuring a service account I keep getting
AccessDeniedException: 403 Forbidden
What am I missing? Since the Google documentation says that this specific bucket can't be listed under Cloud Storage for that project, then the project and the service account should be linked to that bucket by default so I can't see the issue here.
During set-up you should have created a Google Group to control access to your bucket. You should add the service account email address to that group, and it will then be able to access the bucket.

gcloud installed on gce instance with service level accounts permission issues

I launched an instance with service level accounts enabled. For example it has storage-rw set. I verfied that the instance has those. Now whenever i run gsutil ls gs://my_bucket from within the instance I get the error: Failure: unauthorized_client.
gcloud auth list returns
Credentialed accounts:
- (active)
I need to use gcloud sdk from an instance because i need more components other than the gcutil and gsutil.
So my question is how can I authorize gcloud to use the account and thus the permissions only specified on the instance and not my personal user account which has full permissions to everything?
The gcloud CLI definitely handles Google Compute Engine service accounts. If you see it as "(active)" when you do $ gcloud auth list, that should be sufficient.
Two things can be going wrong here:
You are using the wrong gsutil.
When you install the Google Cloud SDK, it will create google-cloud-sdk/bin/gsutil, and THAT is the one you want to run. Do $ which gsutil to double check. If you're running google-cloud-sdk/platform/gsutil/gsutil, that's the wrong one, and it won't know about anything that gcloud can tell it.
The account doesn't have permissions to access the bucket you're trying to inspect. You'll have to ask the owner of the bucket to add it to the project that owns that bucket.
Source: Engineer for the Google Cloud SDK
See "Authenticating to Google Compute Engine" section in this doc: