Katalon UI recorder fails to run for date and radio buttons - date

I'm new to Katalon Studio.
I did UI web (chrome) recording for my application which has 14 entries.
When i run the test it lauches the browser and continues until it fails at the date selection object.
I deleted the date object and ran again but then it failed at a radio button.
I am using Katalon Suite version 6.1.5
Also, please suggest if I can use another tool for automated testing that simply runs this test without the need of workarounds for date or radio buttons ?

You should detect elements by xpath or set correct xpath (You can get xpath of object with your browser.) for recorded elements under Object Repository. Please check this article: https://docs.katalon.com/katalon-studio/tutorials/detect_elements_xpath.html#issue-in-identifying-nested-elements
You can use these identifiers to identify object in calendar.


Not able to handle special characters for mobile app element locator using robot framework and appium

I am trying to test a mobile app using robot framework, appium and eclipse as IDE. My app login has to be clicked using the elements class and content-desc but when I copy the content-desc I notice a special character (Log In) which doesn't get saved in eclipse.
Please help me to find the x path using login or even without it.
PFA the screenshot of the elements at https://i.stack.imgur.com/XE3pg.png
In my case, special character was coming due to the icon associated with the text.
For Appium, it's better to use accessibility ids for finding the elements.
Hope this helps :)

Trouble using PDF417-phonegap plugin for my Barcode Scanning Application

I am trying to create an application that reads information from a Driving license and gives the result based on that. I am using Ionic framework for my app and have integrated the PDF417- phonegap plugin by MicroBlink with my app.
I followed all the instructions given at:
The app is now successfully reading information from barcode and displaying it in an alert box on my screen. But I cannot find where the alert box is being generated from.
I need to know where the scan result is stored so that I can process the information further.
Can someone please help me with this?
as first, I would suggest using original MicroBlink repository instead of forked one. Using original repository guarantees having latest features and updates.
Next, here you have an example how scan is performed from javascript and how data is returned in JS callback. The example implementation raises alert with returned data.

Testing with dual UI's

I have a browser based test program for testing a browser based application. This means that I need to record sequences that alternately manipulate the test program and then the application to check that it reacts correctly, so that I can perform automated testing.
How should I do this with SAHI?
I cannot see a way of recording two separate URL's concurrently. I have tried combining the two UI's using frames, and iframes, but I couldn't get SAHI to record in the frame/iframe.
I could modify the test program so that I can call it from scripts called by SAHI, but that rather defeats the object of having an automation tool...
Any suggestions?
1) Record the actions on the first web page using Sahi (script1)
2) Record the actions on the second web page (script2)
3) In script1, do this
// do steps for UI 1 as recorded in script1
_call(window.open("second url", "newWindow")); // open the second window
_selectWindow("newWindow"); // target the following steps on newWindow
// copy steps from script2 here
_selectWindow(); // return to base window
// perform further base window steps
// Use _selectWindow("newWindow") and _selectWindow() to switch between windows.
Hope this helps.

setting options while installing or after installing App

I want to set the language for one time once the user downloaded the app and started using it, for only first time. but not all the time he use the app. How can i do that?
like how we get select language options , while installing Microsoft products, etc
is this possible ?
you can control that when you application apears. Did you know about property lists?
You could use it. Or maybe you can create a file with Core data with name Configs. You need to check if field is blank and case yes, open a viewControllerChangeLanguange.After select save the data and start your application. Remember, everytime you start you will check your file. Case exists, set current language.Case not, invoke an interface to user select a language. All the controller could be made by just a file config.

Web browser hangs upon Drag And Drop Keyword for robot framework

I am currently using Robot Framework to automate my test cases. In one of the test cases I have, I need to drag and drop a certain element. Upon using the SeleniumLibrary keyword Drag And Drop, my browser just hangs. Has anyone encountered this same error? Is there a work around I can use?
I am using Robot Framework 2.7 and running my tests on IE8 and FF9.
Here is sample code:
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 5s Element Should Be Visible
Drag And Drop //ul[#id='unused_workgroup_ul']//li[#class='workgroup']//span//span[text()='Test'] target=//td[#class='policy_td']//ul[#class='workgroup_list']
I had the same problem today. You should define element by locator using xpath, and later use it as the target. For example, part of your code could look like:
Assign Id To Element xpath=//td[#class='policy_td']//ul[#class='workgroup_list'] ID
Drag And Drop //ul[#id='unused_workgroup_ul']//li[#class='workgroup']//span//span[text()='Test'] target=ID